Since enchantment came up as a topic, I took a brief look through the spell lists.
Well, one of the most obvious is Blessed Weapon so you can shoot ghosts and stuff, but other than that.
Also, while doing this, came up with another Multi-Wind enchant idea: Deathsight from Amethyst Magic, plus either Telescope from the tool-less enchanting petty magics Mathilde knows, or Lens on the Sky from Celestial Magic.
Relatively Simple - Magic 2 required to learn, Magic 3 to cast reliably. (CN up to 9):
Law of Logic: Careful thought gives a significant bonus to a single task, performed either by the caster or someone else. Long casting time.
Fiendishly Complex - Magic 5 required to learn, Magic 7 to cast reliably. (CN 20+):
Enchant Item: For an hour, the item this is cast upon is supernaturally better at performing its intended purpose. Can be conceptual, such as a circlet making someone better at diplomacy. Long casting time.
"Enchant Item" is an oldie that has been mentioned before. It's basically "gun be better gun for an hour" in spell form. 'course, it's Fiendishly Complex, so. On the other hand, Law of Logic is relatively simple; good for sniping, if you take your time with it. There's also Trial and Error but... it guides the actions of others near you, so probably a spell that requires too much thought and guidance to work easily. Also, possibly requires dipping into the person's brainymeats, and that's bad when the person is a non-Gold wizard, so.
Relatively Simple - Magic 2 required to learn, Magic 3 to cast reliably. (CN up to 9):
Deathsight: See spirits for an hour
Add this to the scope and you can see spirits. Admittedly, this is probably something you don't need to put on a gun, this is literally something you can put on something else. Also very situational, so.
Actually, if anything, I'd put the Deathsight on some kind of spectacles or goggles instead of on a gun. Maybe a second Multi-Wind Enchant idea? Deathsight + Telescope/Lens on the Sky.
Relatively Simple - Magic 2 required to learn, Magic 3 to cast reliably. (CN up to 9):
Omen: Semi-reliable hint about whether a thing will go well or badly if done in the next few hours.
Polish, Clean and Gleam: Makes a transparent or reflective item spotlessly clean on touch. Apprentices are not allowed to use this for chores.
First Portent of Amul: Re-roll one die on your next turn.
Lens on the Sky: Creates magical telescope-lens.
Rerolls! Who doesn't like rerolls? I didn't include all the "This gives a reroll or..." spells in the Celestial Wizard spell list though.
That said, a magic lens might be neat, too. Of course...
Tool-Free Enchantment:
Mathilde has learned a suite of petty magics that stand in for all the various tools of enchantment, but they can come in handy in a number of other ways.
Telescope: Lenses normally used to focus and amplify lights can also be used as a telescope.
We already have a Telescope spell in Ulgu. Actually, depending on how stunted his "Stunted Magic: Is capable of casting Petty and Lesser spells." trait is, maybe he'd be able of learning this himself. I mean, the tool-free enchantment
is listed as 'a suite of
petty magics' so...
Of course, if you wanted other stuff from Ulgu too, there's other things you can put on the
bullets, too. All of this stuff is a bit questionable as far as core 'do we need this?' questions go though. Pretty much the only thing I'd actually use other than Illusion to make a silent gun, is the Telescope petty magic above.
But, again, this is basically "Stretch Goals", stuff on the level of "Maybe this might be cool or interesting?"
Tool-Free Enchantment: You have learned a suite of specialized petty magics that allow you to replicate all the necessary parts of an enchantment workshop.
K / Sleep: Compels someone you touch to fall unconscious for up to half a minute.
A bullet that makes somebody fall asleep.
K / Silence: Makes someone unable to speak for a few seconds at short range. Interrupts spellcasting.
- Does not eliminate all sounds, only makes someone unable to vocalize.
A bullet that makes somebody incapable of talking.
P / Cloak Activity: Allows you to perform an action while appearing to perform something entirely different for up to half a minute.
- The illusion is only visual, and anyone you're directly affecting while concealed by this spell has a chance to see through it.
Back to the gun rather than the bullets. Cloak Activity could let you aim a gun without people noticing you're doing that. Situationally neat though.
K / Mockery of Death: Causes someone you touch to act and appear dead for several days, or until you end it. They retain all their senses, including sight if their eyes are open, and will still need to breathe and drink.
Ah, now this is potentially interesting actually!
This is a fake-death bullet. (Which may turn into a "
real death" bullet if your shot was too good.) Shoot somebody, and make them appear to be dead to anybody checking on them! A neat trick and situationally very neat. Other than that though... yeah.