Of Gifts Given and Received
Thirty-First Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
Looking over the reports from the realms of air and earth you are glad to see both the void-touched jade from Hardhome and the summoned efreeti wish slaves had reached their intended destinations. Hopefully the jade is not destroyed by the cryomancers, though you have little care for the fate of the efreeti in the hands of the Peerless Empire. Too powerful and untrustworthy to be subjects and having committed no crimes that would warrant sacrifice they would have done little more than clutter some shelf filled with binding bottles and perhaps started some barely believable rumor.
Lost 20 lbs of Void-touched Jade
Of greater import to the future are the temples to Zathir being opened in the Opaline Vault, Vialesk and Armun Kelisk, the latter in the same place the temple of the Winged-Serpent stood of old while the priesthood of Yss have carried the influence of their god of the waters to both Vialesk and Marja. Granted the costs of said expansions are not necessarily something to look forward to. The priests of Yss only needed doors opened and paths smoothed, but the faith of Zathir is yet in its infancy and unable to contribute any meaningful sum for the task. Still, the strength of both will aid you in places gold alone can do nothing so you count them marks well spent.
Lost 120,000 IM
Closer to home a certain ship has made its way into port in the Deep carrying cargo even they knew nothing of, every dragon bone in the Red Keep shrunk and sealed in lead. Part of you wonders if some hapless Golden Shield will happen upon the counterfeited bones and guess what must have gone on, but you have no doubt Bloodraven will have arranged it so that 'Varys' cannot be implicated.
Gained Valyrian Dragon Bones
Alas, not all news can be as good. "Still nothing on the Faceless?" you pause looking around those present. There are inquisitors here, Garin first among them, but also members of the Orphne Fey who had not yet taken on the mantle of inquisitor and one of the servants of the Many-Faced God who had agreed to abide by the rules of your realm.
"Nothing from cross-checking for suspicious murders," Garain confirms. "We've helped the lawmen in finding some murderers they were not aware even existed, but nothing that would imply the..." he glances towards the assassin a touch uneasily, "
skill of those we are looking for."
"They will seek out a temple before they begin to serve the Will of He of Many Faces in earnest," the hollow-voiced woman says. "Death is patent."
"Luckily, so am I," you interject. "Keep looking."
And so will I, you think but do not say. Master Liu had not had any luck this month, but perhaps the new year will bring you closer to your quarry.
Finally, as the hour nears midnight, you meet with Crimson Lotus again to see what resources you may be able to provide his campaign against the Court of Stars. At first the proud fey lord scoffs at 'the petty products of mortal alchemy', insisting that only the greatest of artifacts can aid him, then you direct him to the House of Mirrors and explain what it is. His eyes light up like sparks of flame in midwinter. You make a mental note to assign an inquisitor to be his liaison, one endowed with considerable patience.
What research action do you wish to see next?
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OOC: I know the vote said 'all background actions and research', but there is a limit to how much I can cram in one update without making it utterly disjointed.