Mathilde stands at a pivotal point in history, with a lever in her hand. It is not an exaggeration to say that the fate of the Karaz Ankor will be shaped, for better or worse, by what happens at Karak Eight Peaks. The question we must ask ourselves is simple: 'Do we want Mathilde to make the most of that lever, and work to ensure the greatest possible future for our new home, or are we content with a meager push and willing to let the dice far where they may?'. I know that I will not be satisfied unless Mathilde makes the most of the opportunity presented to aid Belegar, the Karaz Ankor, her god, and the Grey Order. It is for this reason that I am voting that Mathilde take the most important role offered to her, the post of Steward.
To finish the reconquest of his home King Belegar is going to need weapons to kill the Greenskins and Skaven, men to wield those weapons, supplies to keep those men in the field, and gold to pay for all of it. It is a simple fact that the strength of an army is built off the back of an economy. So, what is the strongest basis for an economy in K8P? Agriculture? No. The Orks have seen to the ruination of the local ecosystem. It will take time and a great deal of effort to restore it to a productive state. Mining? Not yet. Karagril is still in enemy hands and the depths are enemy territory. The traditional artisanal economy? There is nobody to buy the goods, not in any great number, not when we are starting from scratch. Finally, we come to trade. We have been told time and time again that Karak Eight Peaks is perfectly positioned to make a fortune from its position. The best part is that we can hit the ground running and start bringing in gold right away. There can be no argument that the greatest basis for a strong economy in K8P is trading, and we are the only advisor with trade as our focus.
Karak Eight Peaks is also an experiment, with significant populations of multiple races looking to make a long term home in a dwarven Karak. What better way to ensure that the experiment is successful than overseeing the human component? Being able to shape the culture and attitudes of the inhabitants' will greatly smooth the way for future cooperative ventures. It also provides the opportunity for us to redeem Ranald the Protector in a way that would be difficult within the empire. Finally, the connections we can establish and the information network we can build will provide the Grey Order with information more valuable than gold, a great way for us to prove our worth as a potential Lord Magister.
If we were playing as King Belegar, for which position would you select Mathilde for? Steward, where she can make the most of your strengths and keep a lid on potential internal conflict or Court Wizard, a position that can be filled by a Runesmith or the Prince of Zhufbar?
We will always be the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks, but this is a chance to be something even greater. It is a chance to tie Mathilde's experience in Stirland and K8P together and harness our unique outlook to make the most of our abilities. We can be the right person, in the right place, at the right time. Do not let this chance pass us by.
[X] Steward
[X] Stay single. Marry for love.