And that's fair, there's obviously some things you wouldn't want to involve your spouse in, like being the designated hatchet men. But in terms of adventurousness, about being able to talk about all the wonders and possibilities that have been afforded to them because of their non-traditional lifestyle? To put it this way, I don't think we want to share those ugly slit throats that make up so much of Mathilde's job, but sharing in the beauty and future those slit throats create? I think that would be good for her.
Like Anton's awesome, but do we ever see him witnessing the awesome scope of Barak Varr with us? Of seeing the eight peaks that we fought for? Of seeing the wonders and achievements the Dwarfs made and lost, and feeling a flicker of their urge to reclaim them? To grasp that increasingly distance feeling of accomplishment and pride at what you've made for yourselves? In a spouse, I'd want someone who understands what we've done and why we do what we do beyond an intellectual level. Anton is great, but his sort of boyish innocence is one of his biggest features and a big part of his current issue, and that doesn't beget that sort of understanding.