He had grown complacent.
That is what Lex thought as he watched Metropolis burning from the security room of LexCorp. His city was burning.
His city.
All because some man with delusions of grandeur in a far-away country hadn't bothered to do his due diligence before starting a shadow war. And all because Lex had not taken the threat particularly seriously. He should have known better.
After all of the books on military strategy he had pored over, all the biographies he read about great military strategists, and his own weapons designs, he should have internalized: a war of pure defense did not work. The results of his own attempt at making a Maginot Line in Metropolis laid bare: killed security guards, burning buildings, and the screams of civilians. Mercy, at least, was attempting to minimize the losses to all.
After the worst had died down, he thanked Mercy for all her work. She'd discovered that the entire attack on the city was but an attempt to put Lex's defenses on the backfoot in an attempt to assassinate him. Another reminder of the ruthlessness of the enemy.
And, Lex sat at his desk and saw the messages awaiting him. Communications from all over- Lois Lane was demanding information on Ra's Al Ghul so that she could let her readers know what was going on. Leave it to a reporter to try to get more readers in the middle of an attack. But...she could have her uses. Something to think about.
According to the television new President was set to make a public speech at the White House regarding the largest terrorist attack on United States soil. Lex knew that the government was going to get involved in this no-longer shadow war. No President could allow such a blatant attack on US soil from a foreign element.
But, mostly, Lex planned. Possibilities and plans arose and were debated in his mind as he considered the best course to take with what he had on hand. Because, right now, he could not end the war with Ra's Al Ghul even had there been a peace offering. Lex had been publicly attacked. If he were to endure it without taking his own pound of flesh, no one would fear him. While Lex demanded respect and desired adoration, he needed fear. It was what prevented possible enemies from striking out in the first place.
Lex needed to make a statement in action- in blood. Perhaps not publicly. But, before this war was over, these League of Assassins needed to be shown that poking at Lex Luthor wasn't poking at a bear- it was poking at the Red Button.
And so, he began to plan. And so, it began.