No I was thinking about having her the Mage of the Inquisition team, not competing solo. And she isn't shy per se, just painfully aware that she is a up-jumped peasant / up-jumped gutter orphan. Beating people to a pulp for the amusement of the masses is peachy, but interacting with royalty has her a bit queasy since she has no idea how to act courtly or something.

On that note, is Argo taken by some team?

He's on the team with Bronn and Valaena, normally I'd put them in with Soft Strider but she would be a second mage.
As an IC note since no one brought it up the devils are not under mind blank. You can scry to see if they will panic.
But, with that clasp, that vulnerability to scrying on their side would be on purpose.
Or the clasp belongs to another player. Trying to spy on the devils, perhaps?
Last edited:
@Crake, I think you are over-complicating things here. We should have a short stroll through his brain-pan to figure out what he knows and then work from there.

It bears remembering that his handlers are likely looking in on this meeting right now and seeing Erren just fine, while Viserys is invisible through Mindblank. It's the same as when we Scryed the Imp talking with Varys.
Which actually might give us an opening to find out if he's complicit, by observing how much he's repeating any information we give him, if he's complicit and know about mind blank, then he's likely to try to repeat back, anything we say that seem important as a question, so his handler can get the info right away.

Like if we tell him about any military plans, then he might try to question us about them, by essentially repeating what we said back and asking for clarification.
Guys, remember that whatever we do, we probably have the true names of these devils and thus can simply snatch them from afar
Hmmm. Surprise Viserys Targaryen on Highgarden where the Court of Stars are playing is a convoluted plot I'd rather leave off for now.

I'm thinking, this is a scry and die tactic... from the devils to attack us while we're alone. The Keep is not warded from Teleportation, remember?

[X] Be ready with a Bloodwished AMF
-[X] Call our the Florent for bringing a devil-tainted artifact.
-[X] If he is complicit, trounce him and the devils porting in.
-[X] If not, dispel the cloak clasp causing the subtle but unstable enchantment to unravel and reveal the divination focus in full
@Azel Here's my take on standardized special weapon payloads for the Wyverns, along with the final write-up for the Beetle Bombs.

@DragonParadox I changed the numbers a bit from what I sent you last night. Lowered the saving throw DCs to make damage somewhat more avoidable, but increased the area of effect on some of them. Please let me know if anything needs to be adjusted?


Beetle Bomb
Each of these dog-sized beetle-like Constructs has a specialized abdominal cargo compartment able to hold up to two cubic feet of material weighing up to 100 pounds. This cargo usually consists of an explosive device which the Beetle Bomb delivers to its target via a single-use Teleport effect. They typically cling tightly to recessed slots located under the wings of Wyvern Anti-Gravity Fighters, but can also be deployed from their bomb bays or stationary facilities with the proper fire control mechanisms needed to arm the Beetle Bombs and activate their Teleportation ability.
Neutral Small Construct
20, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+1 Size, +9 Natural)
HP: 31 (2d10+20)
Speed: 5ft., Fly: 20(Poor)
Initiative: +0
Saves: Fort -, Ref 0, Will 0
Immune: Construct Traits
Defensive Abilities: DR 10/Adamantine
Offensive Capabilities: None
Senses: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft
Statistics: Str 10, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Special Abilities:
  • Hardy(Ex): The Construct uses magically Hardened steel in all aspects of its construction and is deliberately crafted to be simple, with few moving parts and thicker than normal armor. It benefits from an additional 10 Hit Points, +5 Natural Armor, and Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine.
  • Teleportation(Su): This is a single-use Teleport effect at 9th caster level tied directly to the animating force of the Construct. After being triggered, the Construct remains functional for up to one minute before becoming non-magical. If recovered, it can be enchanted once more to return it to service with a 25% discount on the enchanting cost.
  • Visual Link(Su): The Construct has no will of its own, and thus cannot pick out a target to deliver its deadly payload. In order to acquire a target, the Construct must be keyed to the enchanted fire control mechanisms of a Wyvern-class Anti-Gravity Fighter or similar system. When a Wyvern pilot desires to send a Beetle Bomb Construct to attack a target they can see, they must spend a Standard Action to mentally designate the target and provide the prompt necessary to activate its Teleportation ability. During this process, the pilot can designate exactly how close the Construct appears to its target.
  • Payload Delivery(Ex): Upon being Teleported to its destination, if the distance between its target and the Construct is within the envelope chosen by the pilot, it detonates its payload immediately. If for some reason the Construct appears outside of this range, but within 200 feet, it will attempt to reach the target via flight, otherwise it will use the time remaining before it deactivates to reach solid ground so that it can be retrieved for later use.
  • Material Cost: 100 pounds of steel, 200 IM in reagents, and a gem worth at least 50 IM.
  • Enchanting Requirements: Craft Construct, Detect Magic, Circle Dance, Lesser Geas, Teleport; Enchanting Cost: 250 IM.
  • Explosive: Consisting of a large amount of Alchemical explosives surrounded by thousands of tiny Hardened Adamantine flechettes, with a steel case designed to fragment into razor sharp shrapnel, each of these devices inflicts tremendous damage.
    • Damage: 20d6 points of Piercing and Bludgeoning damage in a 40 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 5d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 40 and 80 feet from the blast, 1d6 Piercing damage (DC 12 Reflex save to avoid damage) in an area between 80 and 120 feet from the blast.
    • Material Requirements: Ten 2-pound of Alchemical Explosive Packs, one pound of Hardened Adamantine, four pounds of steel
  • Alchemist's Fire: This bomb contains several gallons of Alchemist's Fire within a sturdy ceramic shell. A single Explosive Pack is suspended within the substance to help burst the ceramic casing and to spread the flaming concoction evenly upon detonation.
    • Damage: 8d6 Fire damage to everything in a 60 foot radius. A DC 20 Reflex save halves the damage and prevents targets from catching fire. If ignited, targets suffer 1d6 Fire damage per round for at least three rounds unless extinguished. A target can use a Full Round Action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking additional damage, which requires a separate DC 15 Reflex saving throw. Clothing, wooden structures (which automatically catch on fire), and other objects which are ignited may continue to burn long after the Alchemist's Fire is depleted.
    • Material Requirements: 80 pounds of Alchemist's Fire, one 2-pound Explosive Pack
  • Liquid Ice: This bomb contains several gallons of Liquid Ice within a sturdy ceramic shell. A single Explosive Pack is suspended within the substance to help burst the ceramic casing and to spread the syrupy liquid evenly.
    • Damage: 6d6 Cold damage to everything in a 35 foot radius. A DC 20 Reflex save halves the damage.
    • Material Requirements: 80 pounds of Liquid Ice, one 2-pound Explosive Pack
  • Alchemist's Fire: Depending on distance from the epicenter, creatures and objects may take additional damage from burning Alchemist's Fire or be ignited and continue to burn, suffering 1d6 Fire damage per round for at least three rounds unless extinguished. A target can use a Full Round Action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking additional damage, which requires a separate DC 15 Reflex saving throw. Clothing, wooden structures (which automatically catch on fire), and other objects which are ignited may continue to burn long after the Alchemist's Fire is depleted.
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds): 4d6 Fire damage to everything within 5 feet of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 5 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #2 (20 pounds): 6d6 Fire damage to everything within 10 feet of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 10 and 40 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #3 (40 pounds): 8d6 Fire damage to everything within 15 feet of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 15 and 50 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #4 (80 pounds): 10d6 Fire damage to everything within 20 feet of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 15 and 50 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
  • Liquid Ice:
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds): 2d6 Cold damage to everything within 5 feet of the target space. Everything within the area between 5 and 20 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
    • Bomb #2 (20 pounds): 4d6 Cold damage to everything within 10 feet of the target space. Everything within the area between 10 and 25 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
    • Bomb #3 (40 pounds): 6d6 Cold damage to everything within 15 feet of the target space. Everything within the area between 15 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
    • Bomb #4 (80 pounds): 8d6 Cold damage to everything within 20 feet of the target space. Everything within the area between 20 and 35 feet of the target space must make a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
  • Explosive:
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds): 8d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 2d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 10 and 20 feet from the blast.
      • Material Requirements: Four 2-pound of Explosive Packs, one pound steel casing, one pound of steel shot
    • Bomb #2 (25 pounds): 20d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 40 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 5d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 40 and 80 feet from the blast, 1d6 Piercing damage (DC 12 Reflex save to avoid damage) in an area between 80 and 120 feet from the blast.
      • Material Requirements: Ten 2-pound of Alchemical Explosive Packs, one pound of Hardened Adamantine, four pounds of steel
  • Sultan's Tribute - Launcher Munition / Bomblet (5 pounds): A sphere of glazed deep red clay interspersed with burnt-brown particles of Brown Mold, surrounding an enchanted metal core and embossed with a thumb-sized portrait of a Dragon. When pressed, the Dragon grins and the core is activated.
    • Effect: When activated the core produces a Heat Metal effect causing the Brown Mold to grow until the duration has run it's course with a one round grace period for the user, doubling round by round thereafter from 5ft to an 80ft spread.
      • When used by a Wyvern Anti-Gravity Fighter, whether fired from its Launchers or dropped from the bomb bay, the vessel's enchanted fire control system is able to activate the Sultan's Tribute remotely as they are deployed.
    • Brown Mold: Brown mold feeds on warmth, drawing heat from anything around it. It normally comes in patches 5 feet in diameter, and the temperature is always cold in a 30-foot radius around it. Living creatures within 5 feet of it take 3d6 points of Nonlethal Cold damage. Fire brought within 5 feet of Brown Mold causes the mold to instantly double in size. Cold damage, such as from a Cone of Cold, instantly destroys it.
Hmmm. Surprise Viserys Targaryen on Highgarden where the Court of Stars are playing is a convoluted plot I'd rather leave off for now.

I'm thinking, this is a scry and die tactic... from the devils to attack us while we're alone. The Keep is not warded from Teleportation, remember?

[X] Be ready with a Bloodwished AMF
-[X] Call our the Florent for bringing a devil-tainted artifact.
-[X] If he is complicit, trounce him and the devils porting in.
-[X] If not, dispel the cloak clasp causing the subtle but unstable enchantment to unravel and reveal the divination focus in full
This is a valid concern, @Azel. We should at least specify that Richard is present, maybe Waymar or Dany, too.

Though we are rarely completely alone since Varys the Pseudodragon Ninja Assassin has our back.