Limited Concessions and Promotion Wins, the latter by only a few votes. Don't fret though, there are plenty of other candidates for the position of Imperial Steward.
Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Jan 21, 2019 at 12:19 PM, finished with 94 posts and 55 votes.
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Oh great, at some point we're going to have to deal with the Archduke's spoiled grandson or something and be completely screwed by the fact that his massive territory splits the empire in half.
You say that like the other option wouldn't be a stranger's grandson or something.

Yeah, because the other option isn't. The vote just says we would find someone else to manage the territory, not that we would give them a hereditary noble title. Wingbardy could be administered by viceroy; it's sure to be a headache in the future now.
I was just thinking of how to write the next update. Would you guys prefer a "Council of Griffonstone Part 2", or would you prefer the results summed up in a "Rumor Mill?"
Continuing on in a part 2 would likely give us more of a personal feeling to whatever news it is, rumor mill will be more impersonal.

So it depends on how you want your players to take whatever the news is.
Omake: Bloodied King (Semi-Canon)
((ok, before I start on this, hello everyone literally my first post on SV. Basically felt like trying a omake on this story, sooo... well honestly I took a look at the rules and so on and since questor already tallied the votes, lemme try a omake here))
((also I am not sure I am allowed to make a Omake about the King either so... welp, I can always delete it too.))
You are Garrick Golden-Feather and you are a bit... annoyed. Not much, admitedly, but maybe you shoudn't have taken that beer before you started. Regardless, you just heard the Doge and his completely-rightful-totally-selfless compromise. So, you take a small look around you, particularly at the escort behind Doge. Keeping eye contact with him, you move your dominant claw towards your sword (which you never thought it was worthy of giving a name), and slowly, non-threatheningly, move it in front of you, scabbard and all.

Doge tenses up marginally at that, though your deliberate slowness keeps everyone claws at bay, including Konrad Hardbeak's, which looks passively at the situation unfolding. You slowly put your claws on both hilt and scabbard, and unsheathes your sword carefully, with measured movements. Its pretty obvious this is a show, not very different than a sales pitch, you remember with irony.

Your clawtips pass slowly across the scribing on the sword core: "Order above Chaos" (yes, pretty fitting message for a post-Discordian Era, among other things). The blade is pristine, well kept, never used past cerimonial circunstances, but well oiled. You pretty sure if you didn't keep it maintaned yourself your wife would want your hide (a surprise attack to motivate you to remember, most likely). Still, you turn your gaze, away from Doge, moving your eyes towards the scribbing as you start to speak:

"I think you are misunderstanding me, esteemed Feathersians." You keep your tone deceptively soft, yet your body language, while not showing bloodlust nor readiness for combat, doesn't show weakness. Your wife didn't want you only fit, she helped you to be combat-able to HER standarts (you are very sure you not there yet, but you not shaming yourself, either)
Doge tilts his head slightly at that, looking at you. He has the good sense of going with the flow, both out of respect, and out of reciprocity. "I am sorry, Your Highness, I do think it is a very agreeable deal for our people. Our people thrive under the free spirit of trade, and to take it out of them would diminish them" He says in his colored tone. Before Montefeathertro decides to stop holding that snort, though, you continue:

"I did best Brochard in a battle of armies, but I am not a Warrior King like him. I met my fight with honor, and by luck of fate and strengh of my people, I succeeded."

You keep caressing the inscription on your sword, carefully. Its edge never saw the flesh of your enemies, but it was this very sword that was pulled and pointed towards your enemy, the one that guided your people into combat. It is the most bloodied sword of your forces, for all the other swords, spears, ballista bolts came under its command. Even the mighty hit that decaptiated your rival King is on this blade.

"I do not have his ambition, nor do I hunger to unify all of us under one military rule. I was a merchant, I am now a King. And my highest priority has always been to make my people thrive, to bring progress to our lands, to make we, all of us, free from the shadow of Discord."

Doge takes this moment, subtly given to him, to start talking again: "Yes, your Highness, you is a most noble King, and we the Feathersians will be happy to abide by this spir..."

you cut him off with a screech sound coming from your sword. Your talon is not strong enough to cut metal, but to make a sound is all you need. This be just another cerimonial use of your sword, a strike without flesh-rending that rends all the same.

"Here is my counterdeal to you. I will accept the tax reductions in order to alleviate the Feathersian Council needs, while in return expecting your good will towards the entire land of Griffonia. But I will hold complete authority over what comes in, or comes out, of your lands. If you do not agree to those terms, then we will each go on our own ways, friends but with our own people to manage. Your people that are singing, as much as mine is, to be unified for the first time since Discord."

You take a small moment at that, then you look up at Doge, wearing the same determination you had when you ordered your people to fight for you, to bleed for you, when you anointed your sword.

"I will use my resources to do the same thing I have been doing all this time: to improve my Empire, to improve upon its people, to bring prosperity to ALL of us. Specially those not on this table." you do know, thanks to the usual politicking and information network any merchant has, that your efforts to level the prosperity among your new lands are no news to anyone in Feathersia. "My people will prosper, more than yours, simply because I am more willing than you to use my coffers for this cause. This will raise your people discontentment in not being under my rule, and in order to keep the pressure down, you will be forced to improve upon your lands, more than you would like. Then we will meet again, in a table like this one, and negotiate again, with you in a worse position than before."

"..." Doge looks at you, his experience in deals more than enough to keep him from showing his emotions on this matter. After a moment and a look at Griffelda, that gives a curt nod, and Monterfeathertro, thats trying his best to not laugh his rump off, he looks back at you, the very image of a merchant offering a great deal for all involved, and says "Those terms are very amenable, Your Highness. We are pleased to have such a... Prosperous King guiding us."

Edit: typo correcting and making the formatting more palatable.
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Part 2 please, though the omake helped and was a good emphasis that we were a merchant before now. We know a bad financial deal when we see one, we know what trade policy and taxation can do. We were probably just about the worst background for the cities to try to negotiate with in terms of sneaking economic concessions by.
((ok, before I start on this, hello everyone literally my first post on SV. Basically felt like trying a omake on this story, sooo... well honestly I took a look at the rules and so on and since questor already tallied the votes, lemme try a omake here))
((also I am not sure I am allowed to make a Omake about the King either so... welp, I can always delete it too.))
You are Garrick Golden-Feather and you are a bit... annoyed. Not much, admitedly, but maybe you shoudn't have taken that beer before you started. Regardless, you just heard the Doge and his completely-rightful-totally-selfless compromise. So, you take a small look around you, particularly at the escort behind Doge. Keeping eye contact with him, you move your dominant claw towards your sword (which you never thought it was worthy of giving a name), and slowly, non-threatheningly, move it in front of you, scabbard and all.

Doge tenses up marginally at that, though your deliberate slowness keeps everyone claws at bay, including Konrad Hardbeak's, which looks passively at the situation unfolding. You slowly put your claws on both hilt and scabbard, and unsheathes your sword carefully, with measured movements. Its pretty obvious this is a show, not very different than a sales pitch, you remember with irony.

Your clawtips pass slowly across the scribing on the sword core: "Order above Chaos" (yes, pretty fitting message for a post-Discordian Era, among other things). The blade is pristine, well kept, never used past cerimonial circunstances, but well oiled. You pretty sure if you didn't keep it maintaned yourself your wife would want your hide (a surprise attack to motivate you to remember, most likely). Still, you turn your gaze, away from Doge, moving your eyes towards the scribbing as you start to speak:

"I think you are misunderstanding me, esteemed Feathersians." You keep your tone deceptively soft, yet your body language, while not showing bloodlust nor readiness for combat, doesn't show weakness. Your wife didn't want you only fit, she helped you to be combat-able to HER standarts (you are very sure you not there yet, but you not shaming yourself, either)
Doge tilts his head slightly at that, looking at you. He has the good sense of going with the flow, both out of respect, and out of reciprocity. "I am sorry, Your Highness, I do think it is a very agreeable deal for our people. Our people thrive under the free spirit of trade, and to take it out of them would diminish them" He says in his colored tone. Before Montefeathertro decides to stop holding that snort, though, you continue:

"I did best Brochard in a battle of armies, but I am not a Warrior King like him. I met my fight with honor, and by luck of fate and strengh of my people, I succeeded."

You keep caressing the inscription on your sword, carefully. Its edge never saw the flesh of your enemies, but it was this very sword that was pulled and pointed towards your enemy, the one that guided your people into combat. It is the most bloodied sword of your forces, for all the other swords, spears, ballista bolts came under its command. Even the mighty hit that decaptiated your rival King is on this blade.

"I do not have his ambition, nor do I hunger to unify all of us under one military rule. I was a merchant, I am now a King. And my highest priority has always been to make my people thrive, to bring progress to our lands, to make we, all of us, free from the shadow of Discord."

Doge takes this moment, subtly given to him, to start talking again: "Yes, your Highness, you is a most noble King, and we the Feathersians will be happy to abide by this spir..."

you cut him off with a screech sound coming from your sword. Your talon is not strong enough to cut metal, but to make a sound is all you need. This be just another cerimonial use of your sword, a strike without flesh-rending that rends all the same.

"Here is my counterdeal to you. I will accept the tax reductions in order to alleviate the Feathersian Council needs, while in return expecting your good will towards the entire land of Griffonia. But I will hold complete authority over what comes in, or comes out, of your lands. If you do not agree to those terms, then we will each go on our own ways, friends but with our own people to manage. Your people that are singing, as much as mine is, to be unified for the first time since Discord."

You take a small moment at that, then you look up at Doge, wearing the same determination you had when you ordered your people to fight for you, to bleed for you, when you anointed your sword.

"I will use my resources to do the same thing I have been doing all this time: to improve my Empire, to improve upon its people, to bring prosperity to ALL of us. Specially those not on this table." you do know, thanks to the usual politicking and information network any merchant has, that your efforts to level the prosperity among your new lands are no news to anyone in Feathersia. "My people will prosper, more than yours, simply because I am more willing than you to use my coffers for this cause. This will raise your people discontentment in not being under my rule, and in order to keep the pressure down, you will be forced to improve upon your lands, more than you would like. Then we will meet again, in a table like this one, and negotiate again, with you in a worse position than before."

"..." Doge looks at you, his experience in deals more than enough to keep him from showing his emotions on this matter. After a moment and a look at Griffelda, that gives a curt nod, and Monterfeathertro, thats trying his best to not laugh his rump off, he looks back at you, the very image of a merchant offering a great deal for all involved, and says "Those terms are very amenable, Your Highness. We are pleased to have such a... Prosperous King guiding us."

Edit: typo correcting and making the formatting more palatable.
Amazing work! You wrote this better than I ever could! +15 to a roll of your choice in an upcoming turn!
Going to write an omake about a Discorded Griffon that turned into a mini-Discord of sorts before he was either de-powered (if the power is linked to an item) or killed by griffon adventurers.

Turn 7 Rumor Mill
Imperial Archduke Talonuelli: At the urging of his subjects and in gratitude for the assistance provided in the defense of their lands, Duke Garibaldi Talonuelli has sworn fealty to King Garrick Golden-Feather. Either as a reward or as part of some complicated political maneuver, King Golden-Feather has bestowed the noble title of Grand Duke upon Talonuelli, and has decreed that he shall continue to administrate the territory that he and his family have ruled over for generations. The inhabitants of Wingbardy are ecstatic, both at their inclusion into the reborn Empire, and at the elevated status of their beloved Duke. +300 Tax Income

Feathersians Integrate!: After secret talks in the historic settlement of Griffonstone, the rulers of the Feathersian League have agreed to pledge their fealty to King Golden-Feather, bringing all of the former lands of the ancient Empire under a singular ruler. As part of the deal, King Golden-Feather has agreed to subject the formerly independent cities to significantly reduced taxes. While this has ruffled some feathers, the general public reaction to the news is positive, as Griffons everywhere celebrate the unification of all the lands of the former Empire. +300 Tax Income

Long Live the Emperor!: After countless years of fractured infighting, after nearly a decade of reconstruction, after generations of simply struggling to survive in the shadow of Discord, Griffons across the Empire celebrate the official Reforging of the Empire of Gryphus. King Garrick Golden-Feather, Inheritor of the Ancient Imperial House of Gryphus, is officially Crowned Emperor Golden-Feather in a nationwide festival as Griffons celebrate the official end of the era of Discord and the beginning of what many feel is a new golden age for their people. Their Diamond Dog neighbors, easily excitable at the best of times, show no hesitation to join in with the festivities. After all, it's their Empire too. New Title: Emperor of Gryphus
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to significantly reduced taxes.

So, assuming the Featherisians were as rich as our original bit of Empire, then this new bit pays about 1/6 of the taxes.

Tax reduction will be lesser if the Feathersians are notably poorer, or greater if they aren't.

That should cause considerable dissent.
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