If the Offer they can't refuse option or limited concessions option is taken, Diplomacy rolls will be made.
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather
Age: 34
Titles: King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the House of Gryphus
Description: At first glance, you seem like a pretty average example of the Griffon race. Head of an eagle, body of a winged lion, standing perhaps a hair taller than most other quadrupedal species. It's not until one looks closer that they see the things that distinguish you from a crowd. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. But you're no peacock, only known for your good looks; your talons are razor sharp, and though you are not as strong as your wife, you are still an apex predator, and your musculature reflects that. Your wife's workout regimen has also improved your physique, cords of taut muscle now visible across your body.
Martial: 9+2+1+1=13
Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18
Stewardship: 13+2=15
Learning: 16+2=18
Intrigue: 11+2=13
- Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
- Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
- Trait-Toned: Working out with your wife has done good things for your body. +1 Martial
- Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
- Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.
- Dragon Egg: an egg recovered from a dead dragon's nest. It's still warm, and could still hatch.
Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather
Opinion of You: 8/10
Age: 32
Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11
Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)
Son: Gawain Golden-Feather
Age: 2
Status: Infant-No Stats
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)
Treasury Reserves: 2640
Net Income: 2490
Yearly Income: 2900
-Tax Revenue: 1825
-Farming Income: 525
-Mining Income: 450
-Trade Income: 100
Yearly Expenditures: 410
-Army Upkeep: 310
-Navy Upkeep: 100
Royal Army: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 200 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Royal Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.
Royal Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)
Royal Army Numbers: 15,500
-7500 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.
-3750 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.
-3750 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.
-500 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.
-5 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.
Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.
The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
300 Squires
600 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia
Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.
20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)
Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.
Nobility Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the King).
General Public Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the King).
Roll Bonuses
Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls
Diplomatic Relations
Wingbardy: 9/10 (Steadfast Allies)
Feathersian League: 7/10 (Trusted Business Partners)
Persons of Interest
???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.
Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest Feathersian noble alive, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.
I personally like free trade and this will help our coinpurse in the long run as they make more mony over time.
If they enslave people and we want to force them to stop we could do it even with this limitation with the argument that griffins have a right to their freedom and either convincing them that griffen are not covered under trade goods or enforcing it anyway.And when they decide to enslave various non-griffons or sell indentured griffons to foreign nations?
Or bring in drugs of varying potency and safety to satisfy demands for narcotics?
Or if they ignore our attempt to embargo a enemy country?
There's good reasons we don't want them to be able to just ignore our bans on things.
I cannot remember who said it but diplomacy is all about making an agreement that no one is happy with which is what Limited Concessions are