If he does it's obvious what we do....go to space, find his planet, get Satsuma back, and blow the fuck out of everything he loves!

(JK, but seriously we will find a way to space if Regent fucks us)
Yeeup. I'd say that the tech we currently have is well on the way to making space travel a hell of a lot more viable. Between advanced materials, Kausen energy storage and anti gravity tech making breaking out of the atmosphere much easier we shouldn't have too much trouble making spacecraft. Hell we'll probably end up making the Pegasus a spaceship at some point. All we really need to reach Regent's homeworld is Quantum Gate tech and we'll probably be able to take that from the Kausen pirates once we raid their base and steal all their shit.
What about "Red Baron"?
Just to piss off the Westphalians.
I like the previous proposal of naming the Pilum Core Unit 'Valkyrie', except it'd better match the Beowulf naming scheme if we're more specific.

List of Valkyrie Names

I'm partial to Herja - "Devastate", and Kára - "The wild, stormy one" since Satsuma's going to be piloting it.
"Before you come to a decision," you say, "It specifically asked to 'empower' a champion of some kind." Pushing past the incredulous looks the assorted brass are giving you, you continue, "It claims it found a compatible candidate within the base while it was bringing itself online, and wants permission to empower that person. I don't know who that is yet, as it hasn't revealed that information. I just know that when it tries to go home, it's made it clear that it wants the champion to go with it."
This is highly anomalous, but it sounds like:
-Said empowerment is irreversible, or the candidate is sufficiently unique that it is unlikely to replace said candidate even back home.
-It expects some form of armed resistance back home.
-It is willing to give a LOT for this cooperation
-It either expects or can enforce the agreement of the candidate

Given the name, the Regency is only in place until the Prince or Princess ascends the Throne. So I can think of a few possibilities:
-The candidate is the long lost royal heir.
-The candidate will be overwritten with a stored royal heir
-The candidate is intended to be the soulmate analogue of the royal heir

Still, we aren't going to get anything at all out of it if we don't meet the basics. And the cost organizationally, is damned cheap, a sole low rank and relatively replaceable individual for a tech carry.
Turn Ten, Year Two: Winding Down?
As much as I wanted to add fluff to the investment levels for this update, this is already a bit much as is, and I have to get moving. I'm still fairly happy with how this turned out, but I'm sure someone will point out an error I missed. :p Hope you enjoy!

1332, 1 October, A.D. 2071
Commandant's Office

"Does it ever strike you that we make lives difficult for everyone by just existing?" Ignatov asks from his end of the table.

You snort in amusement as you sign off on another piece of correspondence. The earlier meeting had winded down, but Ignatov had decided to stick around and just talk. "Every day since last year," you agree. You set the memorandum onto the scanner, and a moment later a perfect recreation - with your almighty signature - appears on the holographic display before being whisked away to its destination. "I have no idea how people are going to react to the girls."

"If they were just Lana, I'd agree," Ignatov chuckles. "But I imagine AI will remain a military-restricted function for some years to come. Better that we have the structure and controls in place before they become a part of daily life in the Union." He sighs as a thought comes up. "I imagine we will be dealing with our own criminal AIs soon enough when mass integration takes place."

You nod. No matter how well-meaning any technology is, something is going to sour it in some way. And there will be AIs that don't receive the right environment to grow in like the girls - and your new potential pilot - received. "We'll just do what we can," you mutter. Setting aside the paperwork, you say, "Thankfully I think they're backing off on installing someone to watch over us. Apparently General Peters is enough to make everyone else back off."

"I can't imagine why," Ignatov mutters. "At any rate, I expect the Super Robot to be complete soon enough."

"'Complete' is a bit of a stretch," you comment. At Ignatov's inquiring look, you explain, "We're just bringing it up to code. I'm going to put Wilde and Henry to work on making it even better after this."

RESOURCE POINT INCOME: 18 RP + 3 RP (Landing Pad) + 2 RP (Gattai Payoff, 2 Turns after this remaining) - 2 RP (Integration, Cored Armor) = 21 RP Total

Special Actions

Super Robot 1.0 - This will be finished this turn.

[] Rolling Out - Galbinus has informed you in a meeting that the Free Brothers have begun their raids again. However, this time it's not exclusively on securing energy sources (though unsurprisingly there's still a lot of that going on). It seems that the Free Brothers were temporarily thrown off by the Legion's relocation to the Enclave, and appear to be actively looking for it. Galbinus wants to head them off and divert their attention away from both the Enclave and the DFRI grounds.

He brings up that your forces are much more familiar with this area than his are. Even though Cavalier and Tracker could probably figure it out pretty quickly if they had to, he's requesting for you to detach some of your own forces to help with the effort. The Free Brothers apparently make use of a lot of 'Drone' Kausen. Just a step above mass produced grunts with enough sentience to be autonomous and not much else, but Tyrannous makes use of a lot of them. Whoever you could spare would be able to help at least blunt their advantage of numbers, and he's willing to let your forces grab as much fallen loot as there remains.

Sasaki: I do not see a reason why we could not at least detach the Third Reconnaissance or the First Experimental Wing. We should be able to get some data on the Free Brothers' capabilities, and maybe secure some additional samples for Dr. Brand.

Do you support? Choose one.

[] Respectfully decline, but at least make sure all area scans and records are at his disposal. You would rather ensure the security of the area until the Beowulf is finished with its refit.

[] Detach some forces - You can see the logic behind at least seconding some of your available forces to Galbinus' diversionary attacks. That said, if you do this, you're only going to give him one formation to ensure the base is at least decently protected. Galbinus is understanding of this, and is grateful for the assistance anyhow.
--[] Third Reconnaissance
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Loot (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

--[] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Greater chance for Loot (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

--[] First Experimental Support Wing
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Minimal chance for Loot (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] "Sneaky Gits" - Anna cheerfully asks you for some resources out of the blue. When you ask what for, she answers, "For a one-time chance to sneak in where we shouldn't." In short: she was able to get some top-cover from her superiors to sneak into an area of interest and see what the hell's going on.

You'd think the Intelligence Services would already have done this by now, but you're not sure if this is because she's still mad about breaking her 'winning streak' or the Intelligence Services really don't have anything on the suggested areas. But as she said, this is a one-time opportunity. And there are some areas you'd really like some more information on.

You may choose one. This option will not be here next turn.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Information on one of the following (2d6, Threshold Unknown)

[] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.

Anna isn't so sure, and she'd like to check. Just to confirm maliciousness or incompetency.

[] The Yukimura Institute - As forthcoming as Dr. Yukimura was, there's still a lot of areas he didn't talk about. Understandable, but not exactly helpful. Anna still has suspicions they have some kind of way to detect Kaiju appearances even if it's not exactly perfect (explaining all the property damage before Mercury V can plod on over there). Whether they do or not, or whatever else you can glean out of a quick sneak in, she'd like to see.

[] Mander Security Solutions - There's still a lot you don't know about the Valiant. Who is the pilot? Why did the Westphalians have this strange tendency to target Valiant specifically (at least, before they started focusing on you)? Is there something else about Super Magnetism that Dr. Dinym didn't talk about?

Inquiring minds (really, mainly Anna) want to know!

[] It's All a Political Game - There's no more avoiding it. Your work and your organization are now much more public. Subsequently, that means your name specifically is out there now too. And other movers and shakers in the EUDF are curious.

You're avoiding General Armistead as much as you possibly can (not too hard admittedly; he seems to be doing the same with you for the moment). But all the same, BG Peters has quietly informed you that you are now expected to at least make periodic appearances in other commands. And said appearances are going to hold weight; it means that you're interested in supporting some kind of effort. And she would very much like you to start soon. Maybe not this month, but soon.

If nothing else, this means you could probably wrangle something from the people you visit in the bargain. You'd have to set aside some resources to cover for your visit (good old 'temporary assignment' fees). But if you do, who do you 'grace' with your presence? Pick one.

[] The First Response Corps - This one you're not going to have to invest too much effort into. Colonel Franklin Kim still holds you and yours in high regard, and is perfectly willing to speak to his own superiors on your behalf. He's still perfectly interested in any further designs (existing or new) that you're willing to send him, but he understands if your attention is somewhat split. But having your designs be at the forefront of rescue operations, while not exactly glamorous, still sends a positive message to a wider audience.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn (due to already good relations)
Chance for strengthened ties with the FRC (2d6, Threshold of 4-6)
Chance for additional flow of information from the FRC

[] Maritime Expeditionary Corps - Colonel Henri Bernard of the Marine Corps arm of the Naval Defense Force expressed interest in further application of the V-33. As clunky as the design can be at times, apparently the Marine Corps pilots have grown somewhat attached to it. Colonel Bernard was wondering if you you'd be willing to make an appearance and to discuss further refinement of the V-33's design (particularly maintenance; as simple as it seems on paper, the mechanics have less than kind words for it). You'll probably need to bring Wilde and Henry to this one, and enough of their equipment and tools to really dig into what the Marine pilots are doing.

The main appeal behind this? Well, you'd certainly like more information from the main conventional arm that has to deal with the Kaiju the most frequently...

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turn
Chance for strengthened ties with the Naval Defense Force (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Chance for greater information from the Naval Defense Force on kaiju activity

[] Ground Defense Force - The Bulwark and the Buckler are the venerable mainstays of the EUGDF. And they've quite frankly had a terrible year and a half thanks to the ridiculous opposition the EUGDF has to contend with. However, you took both designs and then made them into something better. And by now, it's already drawn the eye of a certain General Li Jun, 433rd EUGDF Armored Division.

He very bluntly asked if you'd be interested in bringing some samples of the Phalanx and the Centurion over to the Wiesbaden Training Complex for a demonstration. He is apparently at his wit's end with the performance (or lack thereof) of the Bulwark and the Buckler against the Westphalians in particular.

Probably would be prudent to bring Wilde, Henry, and some samples onboard the Pegasus for this one.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for strengthened ties with the Ground Defense Force (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Chance for additional flow of information from the Ground Defense Force (particularly on Westphalian movements)

[] Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn (don't worry, they know where you live)
Chance for strengthened ties with the Intelligence Services (2d6, Threshold of ???...this is good, right?)
Chance for additional flow of information from the Intelligence Services

Defense Force Actions

Diana's Creativity: You may reduce the Success Threshold of any one Defense Force Action by -1.

Lowers threshold of One Defense Force Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Defense Force Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.

Pilot Training – Having the nature of your work slightly out of the bag has its drawbacks, but it does come with unexpected perks. For one thing, your organization has somehow become the subject matter experts of all things Mecha. While that's true, Commanders throughout the EUDF have the impression that your pilots explicitly know what they're doing a hell of a lot better than theirs do.

…which, fair enough, is also valid. Though BG Peters is reportedly getting a headache over her peers pestering her about admitting their top candidates, you just tune out her complaints. You know your boss well enough by now to know she's having what you in the business call 'good problems to have.'

While in the meantime you can look to your own pilots to train up and draw from your own talent pool for new ones, this does provide you and Sasaki with new options.

You may choose one, plus the specific project listed.
[] Pilot Training - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Pilot Training - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP (1-2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

So the wider EUDF wants to send their best pilots over here? You'd be happy to have them, and Sasaki has an idea for this.

She's presented plans for the construction of a small complex adjoining the campus right along the Proving Grounds and where the basic services are located. This academy, as Sasaki puts it, would be a test case: admit small groups of pilots now, run them through as rigorous a training program as herself and Callaghan can come up with, and see how it comes out.

The cream of the crop will be identified for poaching (or selective recruitment; depends on how polite you want to be about it), and those who don't meet your standards return home to their units, where they'll probably be the best in their area.

[] Now Accepting Internships...
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns

Security Net – Before you went public, the campus was as secure as you could possibly make it, especially after the Warlord decided to try his hand at being some sort of tactical genius or something. You'd taken a lot of steps to ensure that didn't happen again, and you had a fortress on your hands.

Now? You're playing on an entirely different level. Sasaki has identified even further areas that you can improve on to really make sure that no one messes with you. Different levels of investment are going to lead to different improvements (or none at all depending on how that goes), but at this point you can't be too paranoid if they really are out to get you.

And now that you're identified as having a Super Robot, and having your own sweet customized ride, you are going to be expected to 'show the flag' as it were. Time to start investing in how to do that.

You may choose one, plus the specific project listed.
[] Security Net - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Security Net - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Security Net - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

This is going to be a longer term project. While your Super Robot takes time to complete, you need to start being much more aware of what's going on in the world. The periodic reports from Anna and her crew are nice, but now you're going to be expected to be aware of what's going on everywhere; who's threatening where, what needs a response from a Super Robot, and so forth.

You have an aerodrome complex, you have a Command Center, and you have an enhanced Radar facility that has the potential to tap into the wider Defense Force Network. Let's see what you can do to really expand your presence.

[] Reaction Force
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Unlocks New Actions. Will Reveal Hot Spots around the world that may benefit from your attention.

Engineering Actions

Stubborn Lana. Rolling a 1 on any dice will prompt a Re-Roll of that particular dice.

Cored Armor - Though the Pilum is proven to be capable as an armor pack, after some debate with the Engineers they're in agreement that it could serve just as well as a Core Unit. It's not going to be cheap, but they guarantee it could be an outright terror out in the field. They just need approval and resources to do it.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Will convert Combine Unit Pilum to Core Unit Pilum; stats will be revealed on conclusion.

Integration - It's time to bring your new AI pilot to life, but there was some disagreement over how to bring him online. After some discussion on it, it was agreed to upload the AI directly into a Beowulf-class chassis and simply let it mingle with everyone. No weapons or anything built into it, but you're going to need to set aside some resources to ensure the integration goes smoothly.

After all, this is a new citizen of the Union and a new member of the family. It's important to make him feel welcome and safe.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 2 Turns
Will roll for personality traits

Variable Configuration – There is a lot of ground to cover here. Wilde and Henry have created all sorts of new designs, but they haven't exactly been tested properly yet. Before properly handing them over to the test pilots, they want to run some additional tests, and they certainly would like to see if they can come up with something new.

Despite the increased attention from the wider EUDF, Wilde has the smuggest grin on his face. "I am totally gonna tell the ol' commander 'I toldja so,' if I ever see her again," he insists. Henry is stoic as usual, but you get the impression he's in full agreement. With much more official backing, the two are ready to work on bigger projects as much as just refine what you already have.

They already have one specific project outlined they'd like your input on.

You may choose one, plus the specific project listed.

[] Variable Configuration - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Variable Configuration - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Variable Configuration - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Supercomputer AI – Dr. Ignatov informs you that there's still plenty of work to be done in this field. This isn't just related to the AI personalities, he insists; his original mandate of simply creating smaller-scale Supercomputers is still something that could be achieved, though you could be forgiven for forgetting about that.

Katarina points out that work could be done to improve herself and her sisters' performance, and get ready for eventual new inclusions in terms of AI personalities. "No rest for the wicked!" she says cheerfully.

Easy for her to say when she doesn't have to deal with mortal exhaustion! Goodness, you need more coffee just thinking about it.

You may choose one, plus the specific project listed below.
[] Supercomputer AI - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Supercomputer AI - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Supercomputer AI - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Experimental Projects – K-Class Materials, Anti-Gravity Treatments, Kausen Armor Plating – there's a lot coming out of the pipeline from the Science Department, and only so much time and resources available to test it all! Wilde, Henry, Ignatov and Lana are ready to stress test the math from the Science Department in order to see if they can make something a bit more practical out of it than the expensive prototypes you do have.

Lana is at pains to point out that it's going to be expensive no matter WHAT you do with it. But at least you'll add a guarantee that "the stupid thing just won't explode in your face and then make us grumpy about fixing everything."

Wilde protested the accusation of being 'grumpy,' leading to a new round of bickering between the two.

QM NOTE: I will allow you to add a preference towards which bit of science you want to lean towards as a preference, but that's no guarantee that the results will come out that way.
[] Experimental Projects - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Experimental Projects - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Experimental Projects - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Science Actions

Calm - Ivanna's help enables you to re-roll one failed Science Action Test this turn.

Lowers threshold of One Science Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Science Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.

For all the advancements that Sam Carlson has made in Extra Sensory Perception Theory, for all the breakthroughs, and for all the marvels that are the Man Machine Interfaces…he is not convinced it stops there.

He's confident that there's yet more to discover. And he wants your support to dig further into it. After all, even though humanity as a whole is so early in its development, there's no reason why you can't map out what is possible down the road.

Or, in his words, "we could also give natural development a helpful nudge off the ol' diving board."

You may choose one.
[] ESP Theory - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] ESP Theory - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Kaiju Biotechnology – Compared to ESP Theory, Kaiju Biotechnology is not as well developed a field. Sam wants to look further into it. While the obvious applications of K-Class Materials and the K-Suit have already advanced the development of the Super Robot tremendously, he wants to know what else it can do.

He has a few particularly crazy ideas (you in fact said so straight to his face; he took it in stride and laughed about it, and you both carried on) but he wants to do some additional SCIENCE before then.

You may choose one.

[] Kaiju Biotechnology - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Kaiju Biotechnology - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Kaiju Biotechnology - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Xenotechnology Research - For the most part, you have the basics of everything the Legion has given to you figured out thanks to Max's efforts. Understanding, however, does not imply mastery. What we have are basically toddler's versions of technologies that the Legion takes for granted (even if we somehow outdid them with Configuration).

Still, there's work to be done. Max has gotten over her rage over the fact that the artifact she uncovered was in fact the Regent (mostly; she really doesn't like it when someone pulls a surprise on her for a change). She's ready to start refining what we do have.

You may choose one.

[] Xenotechnology - Light Investment
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Xenotechnology - Medium Investment
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 2-4 Turns
Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

[] Xenotechnology - Heavy Investment
Cost: 4 RP
Duration: 3-5 Turns
Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Last edited:
[X] Plan Only The Best Training in the World
-[X] Rolling Out - Galbinus has informed you in a meeting that the Free Brothers have begun their raids again. However, this time it's not exclusively on securing energy sources (though unsurprisingly there's still a lot of that going on). It seems that the Free Brothers were temporarily thrown off by the Legion's relocation to the Enclave, and appear to be actively looking for it. Galbinus wants to head them off and divert their attention away from both the Enclave and the DFRI grounds.
--[X] Detach some forces - You can see the logic behind at least seconding some of your available forces to Galbinus' diversionary attacks. That said, if you do this, you're only going to give him one formation to ensure the base is at least decently protected. Galbinus is understanding of this, and is grateful for the assistance anyhow.
--[X] Third Reconnaissance
-[X] "Sneaky Gits" - Anna cheerfully asks you for some resources out of the blue. When you ask what for, she answers, "For a one-time chance to sneak in where we shouldn't." In short: she was able to get some top-cover from her superiors to sneak into an area of interest and see what the hell's going on.
--[X] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.
--[X] Katarina's Support
-[X] It's All a Political Game - There's no more avoiding it. Your work and your organization are now much more public. Subsequently, that means your name specifically is out there now too. And other movers and shakers in the EUDF are curious.
--[X] Intelligence Services - For better or for worse, you have ties to the spy branch of the Earth Union. You haven't heard anything openly about the Shade or the Steed's performance, so you'll assume that's a good thing. But it might not be a bad idea to visit them and check up on how they're doing. Either they'll want a performance review (something you'd think they'd appreciate), or they'll want something new. Either way, better to keep them happy before they come visit you for something.
-[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment
--[X] Diana's Creativity
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] Now Accepting Internships...
-[X] ESP Theory - Heavy Investment
-[X] Xenotechnology - Light Investment
--[X] Well Rested

Air force sounds fishy, we want to poke. Hard.
As for diplomacy, I want to butter up the spooks. Always good to have them in favor of your continued existence.
Internship + heavy Pilot training to get our pilots up to spec before they deploy and incidentally produce a top line training program.
Also going to shuffle the well rested states around for maximum bonuses.
ESP Theory for a Heavy to get something better than just better response times.
Xenotech gets Light and makes it up with the Well Rested to overcome the disadvantage.
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For diplomacy, can we please instead go for the Ground forces? They're the ones with insight into the Westphalian threat, we've recently come under Attack from said threat, and giving them pointers on how to turn there tanks into legitimate threats seems like the best idea to me.
--[] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Greater chance for Loot (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)

We must do this one.

[] The Third Air Defense Force - With the revelations from before, you now start to wonder just what the hell's going on with the local Air Defense Force formations. Was this just some quirk that human resources didn't pick up on? Or is there something else at work? You don't want to assume the worst just yet; you've met plenty of people who were just incompetent and not actively malicious before.

Anna isn't so sure, and she'd like to check. Just to confirm maliciousness or incompetency.

[] The Yukimura Institute - As forthcoming as Dr. Yukimura was, there's still a lot of areas he didn't talk about. Understandable, but not exactly helpful. Anna still has suspicions they have some kind of way to detect Kaiju appearances even if it's not exactly perfect (explaining all the property damage before Mercury V can plod on over there). Whether they do or not, or whatever else you can glean out of a quick sneak in, she'd like to see.

One of these two is a must, especially the first one.

] Ground Defense Force - The Bulwark and the Buckler are the venerable mainstays of the EUGDF. And they've quite frankly had a terrible year and a half thanks to the ridiculous opposition the EUGDF has to contend with. However, you took both designs and then made them into something better. And by now, it's already drawn the eye of a certain General Li Jun, 433rd EUGDF Armored Division.

Followed by this one.

[] Now Accepting Internships...
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns

And this one. Perhaps create an arcade game that's actually a test simulator in disguise as well.

[] Reaction Force
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)

Lastly this one is a must, if possible.
Bandit is going to be in for a big surprise the next time he goes up against The Beowulf won't he?
Ooc why choose the intelligence service?
As mentioned in my reasoning, intelligence service is how we get some prioritization when it comes to counterintelligence and all that.
We can butter up basically any other department with actions, smiting the foes of humanity directly pleases a number of these departments. But nothing much works on intel, while we badly need them to tell us which of our allied organizations are infiltrated by the enemy.
As mentioned in my reasoning, intelligence service is how we get some prioritization when it comes to counterintelligence and all that.
We can butter up basically any other department with actions, smiting the foes of humanity directly pleases a number of these departments. But nothing much works on intel, while we badly need them to tell us which of our allied organizations are infiltrated by the enemy.

That's working on the assumption that intelligence itself isn't compromised though.

But I see the angle you're coming from.
You know what? Here's my own plan.

[x] Plan Politics and SCIENCE!
-[x] Rolling Out
--[x] Ninth Armored Reconnaissance: 3 RP
-[x] "Sneaky Gits"
--[x] The Third Air Defense Force: 3 RP
-[x] It's All a Political Game
--[x] Ground Defense Force: 3 RP
-[x] Now Accepting Internships...: 4 RP
--[x] Well-Rested bonus
-[x] Reaction Force: 4 RP
-[x] Xenotechnology - Heavy Investment: 4 RP
--[x] Ivana's bonus
--[x] Well Rested bonus


Basically taking care of all unique actions (beginning with the greater chance of phat loot, focusing on the not-traitor for once and the ground-pounders to make them effective against the West-guys), starting that totally-not test simulator for future child pilots, establishing a reaction force (preferably with a wacky codename), as well as the most exotic branch of SCIENCE! Hopefully the math is okay.
[X] Plan: Action and Reaction
-[X] Rolling Out
--[X] Detach some forces - Ninth Armored Reconnaissance (3 RP)
-[X] "Sneaky Gits" - The Third Air Defense Force (3 RP)
-[X] It's All a Political Game - Intelligence Services (2 RP)
-[X] Pilot Training - Heavy Investment (4 RP)
--[X] Diana's Creativity
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] Pilot Training - Now Accepting Internships... (4 RP)
-[X] Security Net - Reaction Force (4 RP)

Leftover RP: 1

Just the basics, I wanna get all of our current actions out of the way before focusing heavily on research. Planning on investing in some Variable Configuration next turn to get the Beowulf triple config made. Intel is always important and it's a good chance to get some new pilots and train them at the same time.
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[X] Plan Only The Best Training in the World

Voting for this because it digs at that mystery box that is ESP, seeing as the biggest thing we've gotten out of it is Callaghan.