The best way to integrate the AI pilots with the human pilots is to create an AI pilot and see afterwards how we can combine them, all the theorizing in the world isn't equal to actual live experience.

The real problem is that they are going to be literal child soldiers, and I am extremely leery of taking that step (Although putting AI pilots in search and rescue vehicles for a while and allowing them to acclimate to their bodies and possibly go to help save people before being thrown into the battlefield is a way to solve this).
@Pred1059 is correct for Fact Hunt.

Voting will stay up for a bit more. I am unlikely to be able to get to rolls or writing for awhile today.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 5, 2018 at 5:50 AM, finished with 48 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Rolling Thunder Science!
    -[X] Upgraded Radar Tower (3 RP)
    -[X] Test Fire! (1 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Support
    -[X] K-Circuitry (1 RP)
    -[X] Enemy Wreckage (2 RP)
    -[X] The Shield Wall (1 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna Reroll on Anti Gravity
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (2 RP)
    -[X] Kaus Armor Plating (1 RP)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    [X]Plan: Sleeping Giants
    -[X] The Yukimura Institute 1 RP
    -[X] Upgraded Radar Tower 2 RP
    -[X] Test Fire! (1 RP)
    --[X] Diana's Support
    -[X] K-Circuitry (1 RP)
    -[X] The Shield Wall (1 RP)
    -[X] MMI Supplemental Development 2 RP
    -[X] Ivanna Reroll on Anti Gravity
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (2 RP)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Kaus Armor Plating (1 RP)
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The best way to integrate the AI pilots with the human pilots is to create an AI pilot and see afterwards how we can combine them, all the theorizing in the world isn't equal to actual live experience.

The real problem is that they are going to be literal child soldiers, and I am extremely leery of taking that step (Although putting AI pilots in search and rescue vehicles for a while and allowing them to acclimate to their bodies and possibly go to help save people before being thrown into the battlefield is a way to solve this).
What we really need to think about is whether having AI pilots is even worth it in the first place. Why spend billions of dollars on the equipment necessary to create and maintain a mobile supercomputer that can effectively pilot a robot when you can just spend a minuscule fraction of that amount to train a group of humans to do the same thing. To be honest with the limitation on our technology I'm not even sure that a AI pilot would even be able to preform to the level that humans do in the first place, especially since they won't have access to ESP.
What we really need to think about is whether having AI pilots is even worth it in the first place. Why spend billions of dollars on the equipment necessary to create and maintain a mobile supercomputer that can effectively pilot a robot when you can just spend a minuscule fraction of that amount to train a group of humans to do the same thing. To be honest with the limitation on our technology I'm not even sure that a AI pilot would even be able to preform to the level that humans do in the first place, especially since they won't have access to ESP.

Why do you think that AI pilots are inferior to human ones? In fact why do you think that AI pilots and human pilots compete over the same robot? We don't know the interaction between MMI and AIs, do they work together creating a whole greater than the sum of it's parts? We don't know anything about AI piloting because we never tried it, and until we do nothing will change.
Why do you think that AI pilots are inferior to human ones? In fact why do you think that AI pilots and human pilots compete over the same robot? We don't know the interaction between MMI and AIs, do they work together creating a whole greater than the sum of it's parts? We don't know anything about AI piloting because we never tried it, and until we do nothing will change.

I didn't say that at all, I said that we have no reason to believe that AI would be in any way advantaged over humans in this case and that creating a robot specifically for use by an AI that could match the ability of human driven robots would be extremely expensive since it would basically have to have the processing power of a supercomputer.

Also I'm pretty sure an AI wouldn't even use the MMI since it's a tool designed to interpret brain activity and translate that into computer commands, and computers don't have brains. From what I understand the MMI would be only really be used in creating the AI by basically cloning a human mind into code.

In any case I'm not saying that having AI meant to pilot robots or act as a supportive co-pilots is something that we shouldn't do, I'm just saying that as of right now since we're focused on actually building a Super Robot there are better uses for AI than as pilots and that since we can just find humans to do the same job for cheaper it's more cost-effective do that.

There's also the fact that as we advance in our ESP and Kaiju BioTech research we'll probably discover more cool things that human pilots can do as a result of that combination and if we have a purely AI driven robot then they'll be missing out on the bonuses and be more to likely fall behind.
I didn't say that at all, I said that we have no reason to believe that AI would be in any way advantaged over humans in this case and that creating a robot specifically for use by an AI that could match the ability of human driven robots would be extremely expensive since it would basically have to have the processing power of a supercomputer.

Also I'm pretty sure an AI wouldn't even use the MMI since it's a tool designed to interpret brain activity and translate that into computer commands, and computers don't have brains. From what I understand the MMI would be only really be used in creating the AI by basically cloning a human mind into code.

In any case I'm not saying that having AI meant to pilot robots or act as a supportive co-pilots is something that we shouldn't do, I'm just saying that as of right now since we're focused on actually building a Super Robot there are better uses for AI than as pilots and that since we can just find humans to do thanyway job for cheaper it's more cost-effective do that.

There's also the fact that as we advance in our ESP and Kaiju BioTech research we'll probably discover more cool things that human pilots can do as a result of that combination and if we have a purely AI driven robot then they'll be missing out on the bonuses and be more to likely fall behind.

Uhh, creating the AI pilot costs 2 RP which is roughly the same as finding a human pilot. There is also the hidden assumption that the MMI interface costs nothing or substantially less than the AI super computer (both of which are abstracted anyway)?

Like off the top of my head, having an AI pilot the combination VMU so that the would Bewoulf have more support options; and then after combining have the AI and human pilots work in tandem via the MMI is a legitimate use of the AI pilot which would better our existing options.

Like you are trying to create a dichotomy where none need to exist.
What we really need to think about is whether having AI pilots is even worth it in the first place.
Yes. This is a Super Robot show quest, I've been told that crazy, awesome, and crazy awesome only improve such things.

There's also the fact that as we advance in our ESP and Kaiju BioTech research we'll probably discover more cool things that human pilots can do as a result of that combination and if we have a purely AI driven robot then they'll be missing out on the bonuses and be more to likely fall behind.
But without developing a Pilot AI, the "Bonds and Hot Blood" and "Am I a Real Boy Girl?" subplots will be more difficult to unlock, and thus the progress of humanity will be held back. Think of the humanity!
This story lives and dies on the rule of cool. The question shouldn't be will it be worth it? It should be, wouldn't it be cool if?

Wouldn't it be cool if we had two transforming robots that combined into a super robot that was piloted by an AI, and a human with psychic abilities, and made with the parts of a Kaiju?
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Uhh, creating the AI pilot costs 2 RP which is roughly the same as finding a human pilot. There is also the hidden assumption that the MMI interface costs nothing or substantially less than the AI super computer (both of which are abstracted anyway)?

Like off the top of my head, having an AI pilot the combination VMU so that the would Bewoulf have more support options; and then after combining have the AI and human pilots work in tandem via the MMI is a legitimate use of the AI pilot which would better our existing options.

Like you are trying to create a dichotomy where none need to exist.
You know what you're right, I'm probably overthinking a bit and trying too hard to insert real world logic into fiction. As for the Rule of Cool the idea of a AI pilot just doesn't really interest me personally, but that's just an opinion and it seems like most people disagree.

I think the appeal behind AI pilots also stems from the Yuusha series. The idea of an AI mecha and a human pilot working together can be seen in series like Might Gaine and GaoGaiGar (albeit somewhat differently).

Edit: and rule of cool does reign supreme here.
You know what you're right, I'm probably overthinking a bit and trying too hard to insert real world logic into fiction. As for the Rule of Cool the idea of a AI pilot just doesn't really interest me personally, but that's just an opinion and it seems like most people disagree.
Hey, man, if it's any comfort, I know how you feel. The idea of a mecha, combining from smaller mecha, doesn't really fill me with enthusiasm, but I'm willing to accept that there's going to be enough cool things to entertain me, anyway.

I think the appeal behind AI pilots also stems from the Yuusha series. The idea of an AI mecha and a human pilot working together can be seen in series like Might Gaine and GaoGaiGar (albeit somewhat differently).
Personally, I'm thinking more of Jarvis and stuff.
Also true. But that series is where I draw a lot of inspiration from for this Quest, so there you go.

I will likely call the vote and begin rolls this afternoon but it's a lead for @Alectai's plan so far.
I'd say we're looking at anywhere from three to six months before the next attack hits,

Possibly, we could have around 2-3 turns then, but if that's the case we better plan forward and not spend every point from now on, keeping some in reserve.
Also, I insist that the Pilum should have a reroll to maximize results... But then again it's a multi-turn project, so that can be done after the first attempt, right?

. When we manage to reach the level of something like Mercury then we can develop AI or VI specifically for being Mech support tools.

True, but even for regular bots AI are useful to have.

The real problem is that they are going to be literal child soldiers,

Lol no, that argument doesn't work for AIs. First, they're not human, in all senses of the word. Second, our other indentured AIs are months old and are treated like adults. Third, an AI can survive a mech destruction way more easily than a squishy human does.
Fourth, AIs may or may not require rest, cannot get sick, don't require a fee, don't ever strike and have better response times than squishy meatbags.
Fifth, they can more easily multitask.

And so on.

PSychic powers may give organic pilots an edge at the moment, but I wouldn't underestimate super-computer AIs.
To be honest, I only thought of "AI Pilots" because we were lacking in pilots, and I wanted to have AI helpers for getting new pilots up to speed.

Well, 2 new (effective) pilot candidates have appeared, so the need for this lessened.
But the appeal of Support AI lessening the load on their Human counterparts is nice.
[X]Plan: Sleeping Giants

Lets get at least ONE AI pilot so we don't wind up with their tech tree far far behind when we finally get around to it.
Tallying again.

Fairly close. I'll give it a little longer to see if anyone changes their minds.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 5, 2018 at 11:11 AM, finished with 66 posts and 22 votes.
@Basarin curious while I understand that space tech has taken a pause for the most part in Union due to tons of internal issues is there anyway to jump start that again? Maybe at the very least convince Union to set up satellites that, with the help of our Legion friends, can more easily detect the comings and goings of the Free Brothers?

On another note would love to make a space capable mech at some point.
As an FYI I wouldn't think too hard about those aspects of the AI. I'll touch on some aspects of them, but you are not going to face any societal questions about their existence, and they are not going to form a political movement or anything.

That isn't the quest's focus.
That's a contradiction, though.

Nope. Human rights are not for AIs, and less so in shonen. They should be too busy fighting the bad guys.

As an FYI I wouldn't think too hard about those aspects of the AI. I'll touch on some aspects of them, but you are not going to face any societal questions about their existence, and they are not going to form a political movement or anything.
That isn't the quest's focus.


Not yet. Let's see how long they last without a salary.

Okay. We can pay them with bitcoins, if that works. :V

curious while I understand that space tech has taken a pause for the most part in Union due to tons of internal issues is there anyway to jump start that again?

I bet the real reason...

On another note would love to make a space capable mech at some point.

Yep. Called it.
A transforming satellite-mecha, when?
Moreover, with that combination we can perform the mandatory Colony Strike AND have the mecha wipe out the survivors.

As for the two current plans, they're quite close, to the point they have few differences.
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