Super Robot Quest

So what do we wanna get done next turn? Personally I want to go all in on the robo fights and pilot stuff before delving too deep into the kaiju research and landing pad.
There's some not so great stuff back there.

Felt like there's a word missing here, so I included it here as an example.

Also, this university was up to some nonsense of the potentially unethical variety. And we just spent an action fortifying the area into a proper base. And that fortification must appear intimidating and shady to whoever is investigating. I feel as if we have a misunderstanding in tha making.

At least the dice gods were benevolent, and at this rate we might be able to build a sibling Super Robot built with different specialties.
Fixing the grammar bit. Thank ye @RookDeSuit

Without revealing too much yet, what you find will give you both new options to work with and more questions you can start digging into.

On that note, I sleep now.
On the bright side, the Man-Machine-Interface could be very useful out of Super Robot develpment.

If we could get it out, I mean.

Zaealix: Lucy Renais, ESP Logs #2
"Jeffery! Just the man I wanted to see!"
"Really? I thought I annoyed you."
"That was because I was still performing my personal research. Today however, I am prepared to present a discovery of mine! If you would proceed to the Remote Control Cars, I will demonstrate for you!"
She then leads Jeffery over to the RC area, where a simple obstacle course is prepared.
"Now then,you should remember what I was talking about last time with my Paradigm shifting away from an understanding based upon observations of the servos to...I would describe it as an instinctual control based upon my control of my own natural arms?"
"THIS TIME However I've actually managed to maintain my original Paradigm, based upon my own experience as an automobile driver, the 'tiny driver', the naming for which you'll understand in a moment!"
Lucy put a hand on top of her head, and then intently lowered it until it was a bit over the RC car's top, before flipping her hand over and tilting it and waiting a few moments.
"And now that the eccentric ritual component of the tiny driver is seen to, now to complete it, this chair, so I can simulate the experience of being the driver."
"That's quite a bit of work you're putting into this thing, isn't it?"
"Yes, it's essential really, as you know, my prior attempt to form a paradigm was overwhelmed by the more intuitive paradigm of seeing the servo arm I was manipulating as simple some disembodied third arm. But if I had something to 'anchor' my perspective, I can maintain it. Now for the driving!"
She then sits down in the chair, and true to her words, holds her arms out, clearly holding an imaginary wheel, and lifting her right foot as if resting them on the pedals of a car. Lucy 'taps' the wheel three times, then drops an arm and grabs an imaginary lever and pulling it back.
"And now that it's in drive, here we go!"
The car starts and goes forward. Lucy for her part moves as if she's inside the car, driving it herself, the only real break in her acting being her eyes being trained on the car's position in the course, instead of looking forward. Otherwise she rotates the wheel and presses down on the pedals as a real driver would.
Notably, due to Lucy's acting, the RC's car's reactions seem perhaps somewhat slowed, but it does move through the course with clear deliberation in every move, weaving around the obstacles in the first part, moving through the tunnel with no problems, and managing speed properly over the hills.
Once she's completed a lap, Lucy adjusts what Jeffery has now figured out to be the gearshift, the car rolls to a stop, and then Lucy stands up, walks over to the car, and puts her hand right above the top of the RC, before raising it up to the top of her head and then doing a spin into a curtsy.
"And that's the 'tiny driver' paradigm. Now for the second paradigm. 'Possession.' If the Tiny driver operates based upon the experience of being a driver within the car, Possession draws it's roots from my experiences with the servo arms-of imagining the control of the car as manipulating my own body. This one understandably breaks down somewhat when dealing with a vehicle but it does have it's advantages compared to the 'tiny driver'."
Lucy then re-connects to the car, this time with no real preparation.
"Possession is simple. No need for ritual preparations to make it work. But this is where I start to truly begin to shine."
The car starts gently rolling forward...considerably slower then before.
"...Wait those cars just have three settings. Go, not go, and stop. We didn't bother setting you guys up with granular controls!"
"Exactly! Now let's rock!"
And then it zips off straight ahead. while it does widely arc around the first two obstacles, when it comes to the tunnel the car slams right into the wall, breaking apart on impact.
"...The trade off of possession is I don't always drive with needed precision to get around obstacles due to having to mind and manually control the engine output myself."
"I see...Well, that's an interesting difference but I think I like the 'tiny driver' better, given our ultimate goal, Miss Renais."
"Right...A psychic pilot for a Super Robot, capable of fighting the Kaiju...I know I'm not going to be able to float like Jake does. I can't control a tank army like Lieutenant Callaghan. I'm...Not going to get to be extra-special psychic Lucy outside of this testing facility. I'm too early for that. But what I can do, is do my part so that the next generation has that foundation to improve upon. And maybe, if I am particularly fortuitous... I'll get to watch my grandchildren play with the psychic powers all us volunteers came here hoping to find."

Yeah, I'll probably put a third entry in of Lucy working with some of the other toys. I have a fun little capstone to finish off her story, though admittedly I kind of screwed up-I imagined Lucy moving freely with a non-plugged in helmet here, thinking the design allowed for that, rather then some sort of techno-throne with a helmet-connection to the rest of the thing.
Engineering Report: I have no idea how to log this what-?
1527, 26 May, A.D. 2070
'The Lair', Engineering Bay

You were honestly joking when you quipped about this place feeling more like a supervillain's lair than an institute of higher learning. But the more you find, the more you think it's not entirely out of place. Whoever owned this university before clearly was up to something he wanted hidden.

So the questions remain: who the hell was this fellow, and what was his end goal? You're still mulling over that question even as you arrive at the underground 'lair.'

You also take a valuable and critical moment of your time to slap a palm against your face as you see a cheerful sign plastered above the entrance.

"Staff and Children admitted for free"

For God's sake, Wilde. Some nearby Soldiers, seeing your reaction, quietly have the sign taken down as you walk into the room.

The impression of a supervillain lair only increases when you see the remodeled server banks. A few steps below you, rows of refurbished servers line the walls and some of the walkways, all blinking and buzzing with that strange electronic nothingness that surrounds this sort of machinery. Sparks of electricity from cables not fully refurbished fly and hiss in the ceiling every so often, adding a strange otherworldliness to the otherwise solidly-lit area. Technicians in red work suits walk up and down, conferring with each other over this readout or that command line that appears on screens mounted to workstations, and generally getting in each others' way while somehow remaining productive.

And standing above them all is Ignatov, typing away furiously at the rather massive workstation on the dais above the servers. As you walk up to him, you muse that this almost reminds you of the bridge of a science fiction ship of the line. You think about making a purpose-built version of it when the Super Robot is finally ready, something to help Captain Sasaki monitor the flow of battle.

Not just because you think the idea is cool. Of course not. You would not appropriate taxpayer money for such a frivolous thing.

Coughing at your own thoughts, you also attract the good doctor's attention. "Major," his voice rumbles as he turns his attention back to the station. "You are just in time."

Not everyone could make it to this event. Wilde and Henry are still deep in the Biology labs digging out whatever else the previous tenants had left behind. Sasaki was conducting analyses of the potential spies out there, and often worked best alone and focused.

The only other staff member here, surprisingly, was Sam. You just accepted that he was here and moved on. Sam would do what he always did.

"I'll admit I don't get computers all that much," Sam says as he looks over the rows of machines stuffed into the room, "Just enough to get them working, just enough to fit them into the science. But I usually get experts for that sort of thing."

"Then it is good that I am a co-worker, yes?" Ignatov grunts as he jabs at the Enter key with a sense of finality. "There." The normally placid screen of the OS - as it would have appeared forty years ago or so - immediately went berserk with pop-ups and command prompts, but Ignatov didn't seem alarmed. "I have reactivated the server, and am slowly integrating it into a localized supercomputer network. Its reach only extends to this floor and the refurbished servers you acquired for me. If it is a malicious sort of code, all we lose are older pieces of equipment."

"You really think we could lose everything that quickly?" Sam asks, eyebrow raised. "I thought viruses got self-contained these days."

You shake your head. "Ignatov asked me to get these specifically," you note. "Not the first time comms has asked me to find this sort of thing." Jabbing a thumb towards the servers, you say, "Something to do with older operating systems being really finicky?"

"Close," Ignatov says. "Modern operating systems are leagues beyond the early twenty-first century's. And we still complain about them, so clearly we haven't done everything right. The ones from the earliest days were apparently like an ecosystem than an information network. They clearly messed up much more than we ever did."

"So why set all this up then?" Sam asks. "If you think it's going to break free of the main computer and all."

"As a test of sorts. I want to see how it functions in a controlled environment."

You nod. "How soon until we-?"

You never get to finish asking your question, as the screen immediately goes utterly still. Then in an instant, all the windows and command prompts disappear, followed very shortly by the operating system also practically disintegrating from view. You hear cries of alarm and shock from the workers below you as the sequence is repeated all along the server lines.

"...older operating systems, huh?" Sam says quietly. He actually looks impressed.

You turn quickly to Ignatov. "You ripped out all broadcasting?" you ask.

"Cable only," he assures you, though his gaze remains locked onto the screen. "Whatever is enabling this course of events is not leaving without my say-so." He attempts to insert a few command prompts, including key combinations that appear utterly meaningless to you, before peering over the dais. Rapidfire Russian is echoed back and forth between Ignatov and the workers.

Whatever they were attempting to communicate, he manages to miss the first new change. You see a series of flashing words flow across the screen at blinding speed. "Doctor," you say even as the words seem to be even changing languages on the fly.

Ignatov turns back towards the screen. To his credit, he does not gape or stand still in shock like you and Sam. He immediately begins re-entering command prompts, all the while issuing orders rapidly to his team through a radio. Sam looks like he's tempted to ask what's going on, but you hold up a hand and forestall that. You'd rather not have Ignatov be distracted by...whatever this was.

"This is similar to an older malicious code language from the Unification Wars," Ignatov says abruptly. Still not tearing his attention away from the screen, he adds, "But it's all wrong. It's not attempting to seize control of the system at all. It's...trying to interface with it, but it's as if it has no idea what to do."

"I've had those kinds of mornings," Sam says. "You wake up, you have no idea what's going on, and you just kind of flail around until you smack someone in the face."

"I'd hate to have your mornings," you say dryly. Before you can say anything else, however, the shifting language all disappears.

Only to be replaced with one word:

There is a pause, before the word disappears, and is replaced with:

Who are you? Where is this?

You, Ignatov and Sam can do nothing but stare. "What," you demand.

" unsure of what to say," Ignatov admits.

"How about saying hello back?" Sam asks mildly. You both stare at him. "What?"

For lack of another option, you simply shrug and nod at Ignatov. He begins typing.

Hello. We are the Earth Union. Who are you?

Hello Earthunion. File name is AutoCopy(24)instigationprot.

"...ask some questions," you say quietly. Ignatov looks at you inquiringly. "You're the expert. You know what and how to ask."

Please specify run time parameters.

No specific run time command exists-ERROREDITORPATHNOL0NGERval1D-

Cancel query.

ERRORN0l-Canceled query. Thank you.

"...fascinating," Ignatov manages to say. Looking at additional prompts along the other monitors below, he raises an eyebrow. "Whatever this is, it is already integrating into the wider system." He pauses to listen to the radio as it crackles. "...and attempting to create a run time command script from nothing..."

Unable to detect operating system. Attempting to establish system efficiencies. WARNING: systems limited to Hub1A, Hub1B...pending...through Hub 9Z. Efficiencies will be limited to these servers. May I do this, please?
You look at Ignatov with a shocked look on your face. Shocked, because Ignatov himself looks almost hopeful as he also looks at you. "...Major," he says, "I understand your apprehension, but I wish to see where this is going."

"Gonna have to back him up on that, Chief," Sam says. "This is a whole other brand of science we're looking at. If it tries something, you can just pull the plug, right?"

"Or level the whole goddamn building from the stratosphere," you mutter, but you grudgingly admit he has a point. So far it was not a threat, but a questionable asset. "Study whatever is going on here, Doctor Ignatov. I'd damn well better hear something from you at the top of the month."

As you turn away, there is only two words that cross your mind, quoted from a fictional author you're quite fond of:

"Well, shit."

Dormant Artificial Intelligence Discovered
AI Supercomputer Actions Unlocked

I'm not too sure how well this came across, but I hope you enjoyed.

So congratulations. You have pseudo-sentient artificial intelligence. You will have new options to look at for this upcoming turn (which will probably come Saturday), but how exactly this can help you for your purposes? I'll let you all figure that one out. But it CAN help the Super Robot development if you develop it right.

I actually did make a roll chart for this when you all first attempted to excavate the complex out. Lower rolls would have gotten you a literal fragment of what you have, which would not have been as powerful, but still something Ignatov could develop with time and patience. As for who developed this and why? That's still information you don't quite have yet. But it does say a bit about the previous owners without actually saying anything.

Alright, time to get ready for tomorrow (which is going to be somewhat crazy for me). Drop a line if you have any questions!
So we're making inroads into software, that's good.

So we have a couple different avenues of research to pursue now: Kaiju Biology, AI and Supercomputers, Robot Frames and Psionics.

Just to summarize some other areas that were mentioned in the character creation that we've so far passed up that we may want to look into at some point:
Advanced Laser Weapons, Special Materials, Quantom Gate Channeling and don't forget Xeno Technology.

We may also want to at some point try to spy on the other robots. We may be able to skip a few steps in the research process if we have an idea of the direction we are looking to advance in.
Last edited:
AIs are great at administrative and bureaucratic duties. Can we keep it? Of course after we're sure it's not a trap or some such.

EDIT: Also great at programming and security too.
Does anyone else think everyone involved in this project is going to end up a kid in a grown-up's body?
Sasaki's codenames, Wilde's being a giant ham (and Henry is quietly just as nuts, if more calm about it.) Sam and his SCIENCE!!!
Russian is holding strong for now but he'll crack soon I bet. Our protagonist wants to make a spaceship bridge.
And I'm sure our pilot Callagan has something fun with his silliness.
Does anyone else think everyone involved in this project is going to end up a kid in a grown-up's body?
Sasaki's codenames, Wilde's being a giant ham (and Henry is quietly just as nuts, if more calm about it.) Sam and his SCIENCE!!!
Russian is holding strong for now but he'll crack soon I bet. Our protagonist wants to make a spaceship bridge.
And I'm sure our pilot Callagan has something fun with his silliness.

You're will be glorious.

Also, yay an AI!

Now we just need to make sure she doesn't end up like ALICE and we'll be golden.
Does anyone else think everyone involved in this project is going to end up a kid in a grown-up's body?
Sasaki's codenames, Wilde's being a giant ham (and Henry is quietly just as nuts, if more calm about it.) Sam and his SCIENCE!!!
Russian is holding strong for now but he'll crack soon I bet. Our protagonist wants to make a spaceship bridge.
And I'm sure our pilot Callagan has something fun with his silliness.

Well we know that he's a history buff and that he's using his ESP to play out tank battles so that's something.

Also does anyone know how many RP we're going to have to spend next turn? Cause out of the current available options I have 8 RP worth that I wanna pick but I'm also sure that there will be more new options that will tempt me.
Does anyone else think everyone involved in this project is going to end up a kid in a grown-up's body?
Sasaki's codenames, Wilde's being a giant ham (and Henry is quietly just as nuts, if more calm about it.) Sam and his SCIENCE!!!
Russian is holding strong for now but he'll crack soon I bet. Our protagonist wants to make a spaceship bridge.
And I'm sure our pilot Callagan has something fun with his silliness.

Let's be perfectly frank. These fine, upstanding individuals are perfectly normal...according to the genre.

But let's also be frank on another hand. I would totally do the same in their place.

Also does anyone know how many RP we're going to have to spend next turn? Cause out of the current available options I have 8 RP worth that I wanna pick but I'm also sure that there will be more new options that will tempt me.

You all will have the usual 8 RP income. And yes, I'm probably going to present more options than you have funbucks to spend on. :p

Now we just need to make sure she doesn't end up like ALICE and we'll be golden.

As we have often stated in this thread: utilizing the souls of dead people and stuffing them into giant robots is counterproductive. At best.

Good ol' fashioned hot bloodedness will do just fine!
So what will the personality of this AI be?
Very robotic and their arc is learning to be human?
Very childlike and their arc is us shaping their personality as they grow?
The copy of a dead persons mind and their arc is adapting to the new world?
There are so many possibilities and i can't wait!
All the utility of the MAGI supercomputer system, sans the squicky wet-ware "brain in a jar" thing. Sweet.

All we need now is to raise it like we would with a very intelligent toddler, and we'll be good to go.

Also, possibility of the AI being the Only Sane Person in the crew?
Turn Six: Potential Possibilities
0850, 2 June, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

"I am impressed," Sasaki flatly says as you all gather around the conference table.

"Hm?" You look up.

Sasaki has an admittedly wry look to her face. "Lieutenant Wilde and Sergeant Henry have created a prototype that may well revolutionize vehicle technology as we know it."

"Charmed, Ma'am!" Wilde says with a goofy grin on his face. Henry just shrugs, nonchalant about the world around him as usual.

"Sam has discovered and established the rules on Extra Sensory Perception, long dismissed as a myth or hoax, and will soon begin analyzing the kaiju."

"Just some good ol' fashioned science and Union know-how," Sam says with a satisfied look to his face.

"Doctor Ignatov has discovered what is possibly a new sentient being, all in the former possessions of someone performing questionable experiments prior to Unification."

"It is something of a handful," Ignatov admits, nursing a cup of tea. He does not look like he's slept much. "But mark my words, this has incredible potential."

Though you're fairly certain he's talking about the AI you discovered...he could just as well be talking about the rejuvenative powers of caffeine.

Sasaki then looks at you. "Our achievements seem somewhat mundane in comparison."

"Says you," you snort as you pull out your notes. You are also indulging in the rejuvenative power of caffeine. "We have to manage them all."


From: Peters, Louis, BG
To: Devin, Johnathan, MAJ
Subject: Demonstration Prototype


It pleases me to see that the Institute remains a hotbed of activity at all times. I of course have other teams working to upgrade the EUDF's arsenal, but they are iterations of what already exists. Their work is important, but their work also does not have the sheer presence that our own Super Robot would have.

I was highly impressed with your prototype, the CRX. Though I am aware it requires work, and I am also aware you are likely to incorporate some part of its design into the Super Robot, the CRX actually presents something of an opportunity.

You understand that the likes of General Armistead of the EUADF are highly vocal and critical of our work. I will teach you to learn this about the grand game; they will bend their rhetoric if we can offer them something. Not to the Air Defense Force specifically, mind you, but something to show that is tangible to the rest of the EUDF. Such as a transforming Coyote, one of the most used pieces of hardware in the entire Earth Union.

Your task is this: I require a working prototype that can be retrofitted to some of the existing EUDF hardware within four months. It can be of any vehicle that is workable or simpler for you, but I need one. It must reliably function, and it must have some form of armaments or utility that provides an advantage over its current default state.

I know this is not necessarily your position's description, but if I am to keep political pressure away from your job, I need this to be done. I have already fended off no less than five attempts to shut down the Institute on the justification that it was fraud and abuse of government resources. I told them they could be the first to feed the next kaiju without a Super Robot, but you understand my point.

You have four months, Major. Do this for me, and I can leverage this to ensure more resources come your way.

I expect great things.

Quite Respectfully,


BONUS OBJECTIVE: BG Peters wants a refined prototype from VARIABLE CONFIGURATION. Time limit of 4 Turns.

Defense Force Actions
1LT Richard Callaghan
Moderate ESP Potential
Former Occupation: Radar Technician
Piloting Skills: Inexperienced Pilot, ???

[LOCKED] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know.
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain information on Significant Threats

[LOCKED] Local Area Investigation - Spies? - It appears you have unwanted visitors snooping about. Thankfully Sasaki's proposals from early on in the project were designed for just this in mind. There's no sense in simply going in and trying to nab them. You and Sasaki agree - you want to observe them and see what exactly they're hoping to get out of spying on you from just beyond visual range.
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Security Net
Discover Information on Spies

[] Field Testing - CRX-02C - Good to their word, Wilde and Henry have prepared a test prototype for Captain Sasaki's pilots. This comes at a good time, as they are practically going stir-crazy. She fully plans on letting the pilots 'test the absolute limit of the Engineers' creations.' Durability, strength, reliability, agility - everything an operator could possibly want from a configured vehicle. The Engineers, for their part, are more than happy to provide.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1-2 Turns
Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6), Success Guarantees Completion This Turn
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks CR-01 Jackal
Unlocks Actions

[] Piloting Stress Tests - You now have a piloting candidate, 1LT Callaghan. Only problem: he wasn't a pilot to begin with. In line with Sam's requests for candidates of all types, a humble radar technical officer turned out to have enough psychic potential to tap into the eventual man-machine interfaces in the works by the Engineers. He can abstract piloting if given the MMI, but he's hopeless as it stands.

Sasaki is not pleased with this. If you are a pilot, you are gaining some basic fighting and technical skills.

"There is no negotiating this, Lieutenant. You will learn like everyone else."
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Test Roll Each Turn at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6; Inexperienced Pilot)
Reveals Pilot Candidate Traits

[] Expansion - Motor Pool - Sasaki is very happy with your current capabilities. But she is not one to rest content on her laurels. As unorthodox as the Duo's designs are, the Coyote prototype plans she sees is enough to convince her of the merits of Variable Configuration.

She wants to kill two birds with one stone. She wants to requisition from Unity Station armored personnel carriers. This is both to gain even greater protection and firepower for the regular patrols, and to give Wilde and Henry something else to try configuring.

That, and she really wants to see a configuring armored personnel carrier. Is that too much to ask?
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks new Actions

[] Landing Pad - Sasaki sees this as more of a long term idea than something for immediate consideration, but presents it to you regardless. The creation of dedicated landing facilities for vertical landing vehicles is something to consider, especially considering that the Gagarin makes a lot of trips between here and Unity Station. Creating a dedicated landing pad would perhaps enable more resources to come in.
Cost: 4 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Aviation Actions

Engineering Actions

Because I forgot to give you a Variable Configuration bonus awhile ago, I am offering one free bonus to a Variable Configuration Test this turn.

CONFIGURE! - One Free Re-Roll for each Variable Configuration Test this turn.

[LOCKED] Science – Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. That said, this is a section of science that is yet unexplored, leaving Sam a little wary of plunging in headfirst. He claims he wants at least 'diving protective gear' before he does.
Duration: 1 Turns
Unlocks Kaiju Biotech Actions

[] Variable Configuration - Refinement - Now with a very strong idea of what works, Wilde and Henry want to try a variable configuration test on something...bigger. Now that they have the basics down, it's time to upscale, and it's time to do it with fabricated parts that they hope to standardize. The Hound-class cargo truck seems like the next logical step.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough, Test Roll (2d6, Threshold of 5-6, Bonus applies)
Progress to Variable Configuration, Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Progress to Super Robot Chassis

[] A Helping Hand - Robo-Jocks - Captain Sasaki really should have seen this coming. Or maybe she did and was goading the Engineers. But when they heard that she fully plans on letting the test pilots go nuts on the CRX-02C test model? There was absolutely no way they were sitting this one out. They were literally going to make history by holding a giant robot cage match and destructo-derby, and nothing you said was going to stop it from happening.

Sasaki is...bemused, but the pilots certainly are enthused by the idea!
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Lowers Field Testing CRX-02C Rolls to 4-6 Threshold
Progress to Variable Configuration

[] A Helping Hand - Spies, You Say? - "So, the Captain's got her guys out hunting spies."
"The Major also wants us to get a refined prototype for the big wigs."
"Uh huh."
"We have a transforming Coyote prototype that we're pretty sure works."
"...where are you going with this?"
"Wanna go cross country with the patrols in a giant robot?"

Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Test for Variable Configuration Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6, Bonus Applies)
Add Test Roll at Disadvantage to Local Area Investigation - Spies? (1d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to capture or drive off spies/equipment

[] ESP Theory - Punch It, It's All In The Mind - Sam's done it. He's got the ideas for a man-machine interface ready to go. But the devil is in the details, he always is. It's one thing to have the math that you think will be good for the Engineers, but it's another if the Engineers realize your math leads to something horrible, like something exploding, or old television reruns.

Wilde, Henry and Ignatov are ready to try tackling this, with Sam in an advisory role. But none of them want to rush this. This will be months in the making.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Reduce Duration
Enables Man Machine Interface, readies for Field Test Actions

[] Dreaming of Robotic Sheep - The fact you discovered a sentient AI descended from a failed virus attempt from some shadowy figure possibly attempting world domination…

...okay, you have to stop there. Thinking about it just makes your head hurt.

You have a sentient AI from the Unification Wars who seems all too willing to just help. It's almost childlike in its eagerness to help. Ignatov and all of Novgorod Computing Solutions want to help it learn, but they also want to monitor its thought processes. Their ultimate end goal is to slowly transplant it to a more modern system, but this is obviously something they'd need to take their time on.

Naturally they're going to want more resources to make this work, but you can't help but be a little excited at the opportunities this might present.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Progress to AI Supercomputer, ???

[] Where do you want the node today? - In unlocking the AI from its prison, Ignatov's work in creating a more conventional supercomputer is already mostly done. He could very easily expand it into a proper supercomputer system, and then link the entire campus grounds to it. Doing so will greatly benefit the whole project, and would unlock additional options that only a proper supercomputer can provide. We have the power to support it, why not?
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Supercomputer, Unlocks New Actions

Science Actions

[] Biotech - Is It Supposed To Do That? – Sam's discovered that the kaiju sample is adaptive. In the wider scheme of things, that's bad news for the EUDF. What's good is that you are discovering this in a controlled environment. Sam wants to conduct a longer case study on the tissue samples now knowing this is happening. The lab is almost finished, but you may as well get started, right?
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Investment locked next turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Biotech Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Unfamiliar Territory)
Progress to Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] ESP - Pushing Limts - Your discoveries with ESP has mostly been to do with interfacing with machines via unique psychic signals. You now have the basics of this fairly well established. Now it's time to push it further. What kind of stress tolerances can varying skill levels take? How quickly can individuals operate at higher skill ceilings? And for how long?

All answers Sam looks to answer over the course of a few months. The answers will likely make the ability of minor psychic abilities much more widespread among your staff.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter - "Sam here. Here's another question me and the boys have been thinking about. Psychic powers are pretty cool. Just by themselves, they let us do things no one else has been able to, and probably won't be able to naturally for a few more centuries at least.

But does psychic powers do anything else for you? Could someone theoretically become tougher or stronger or stronger-tougher (or tougher-stronger, depending on your preferences)? No clue. But we'd like to find out."
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] A Helping Hand - Man Machine Interface - While Sam cautions against rushing anything, he is also aware that you don't have all of time to wait for results. He's willing to devote more time and energy just to make sure the Man Machine Interface development with the Engineers goes well. Setting aside a team dedicated to troubleshooting any issues along with Sam would help to smooth things over.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Cost)
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Threshold of ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind to 4-6

This week at work sucked. Just want to put that out there. Hence, tired GM.

If I made any errors or something doesn't make any sense, point it out and I'll get to it in the morning.

For now, I'm going to invest some RP into gathering a very rare material: Sleep.

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[X] Transform and roll out
-[X] Landing Pad
-[X] Field Testing - CRX-02C
-[X] A Helping Hand - Robo-Jocks
[] Field Testing
[] A Helping Hand
[] A Helping Hand - Spies, You Say?
I think these all can combine, story-wise if not mechanically (I'm not about to check.)

[] ESP Theory - Punch It, It's All In The Mind
[] ESP - Pushing Limts
[] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
Lucy wants these. I'm personally kind of wanting time to omake up something to ground her character&fill-in details, so don't feel the need overmuch to take them on her, or my part.
[] A Helping Hand - Spies, You Say?
I don't want to do this as it would give away information to the spies about what we are currently doing. A giant flying transforming vehicle is not subtle, and a lot can be inferred from seeing one.