How did you like Kotor?
They didn't use Starkiller Base on Coruscant, they fired it at the Hosnian System, which was the capital at the time, because the New Republic changed where the capital was every now and then.Someone get the distance between Starkiller Base and, Coruscant? Did they blow up Coruscant? What the fuck were the script writers thinking?
Also, since Publicola brought up those games, I may or may not have done the greatest heresy in a KOTOR game by complete accident:
(I legit have no idea how this happened.)
There was this one book where the bad guy followed something called "The Dark", which is apparently the dark side but worse or something. (Never mentioned again.) and in that book, it's mentioned that a hyperdrive projects a shield that protects the ship it's on while it's in hyperspace, and if anything from our space enters hyperspace without that shield then it instantly disintegrates.Maybe I'm wrong, and if your hyperdrive breaks you are lost forever in another dimension?
Well, the most common weapon is almost certainly the DL-44 or the DL-18. As for ships, any type of Starfighter could probably do for an individual, while a group would probably use something larger, like a ship from YT-series, like the YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon) or YT-1760( which, in my opinion, is the best looking of the bunch. At least, of the ones produced at the time. YT-1930 looks nicer, but it's a later model.)A quick question about the timeline and this quests position in universe: Where can I find some info on the gear and ships used in universe around the time all of this is happening? I may or may not be writing something, but I've got some problems finding info on how bounty hunters and pirates would be armed around this time. Also, what kind of ship would someone use if they were trying to look like bounty hunters?
This also comes up in Han Solo at Stars' End, where Han kills a guy by throwing him into hyperspace, where real world things just kinda stop existing as coherent objects without protection.There was this one book where the bad guy followed something called "The Dark", which is apparently the dark side but worse or something. (Never mentioned again.) and in that book, it's mentioned that a hyperdrive projects a shield that protects the ship it's on while it's in hyperspace, and if anything from our space enters hyperspace without that shield then it instantly disintegrates.