- Location
- Who knows?
[X] Diomedon
Whoo! Lore, children, Maps and mother? Blood raven really is greatest uncle
Whoo! Lore, children, Maps and mother? Blood raven really is greatest uncle
Still disagreeing here.I now feel completely justified in extending the Q&A. We almost certainly couldn't have justified keeping Rhaella here for too long while we pestered Bloodraven for lore.
He's to distant to hit that. It's only relevant for pretty close relatives.
[X] Goldfish
We're talking about Viserys killing Bloodraven, and then raising him to get around his oath to the watch. I consider it kinslaying, since they are of the same house, but Artemis thinks the connection is too far to count.
Ah... that, Bloodraven is not of the same House since he is a bastard.
But Aegon IV legitimized his bastards. That's why the Blackfyre rebellion was possible (among other factors).
Not sure if that counts in the eyes of the Gods though.But Aegon IV legitimized his bastards. That's why the Blackfyre rebellion was possible (among other factors).
She'll propably get used to him faster than to Bloodraven.As always, I cherish to know what will happen when she gets to meet Xor.
There has to be a logical cutoff point, else everyone would be considered kin. Even among the nobility, you wouldn't have to go back too many generations before nearly everyone is kin in some way.
@DragonParadox Two generations? Three? I can't imagine it going back further than that before they stop caring.
My working model of it was "Recognized member of your house" and "Close Relative." If you are my distant cousin, with a different name, you're not my kin. If you're my distant cousin, but you share my name, you're my kin because we both recognize it by the fact we're of the same house. If you are my brother who was abducted at birth, you are my kin regardless of my knowledge of it, because we are that closely related.
It looks like Bloodraven gets around it by denying himself as a member of House Targaryen, and the weird semi-family thing that bastardry is.
So just to check, you guys are fine with waiting for morning?
Also are you making any changes to Dany's spell load-out?
It's in the plan. Another Endure Elements swapping in place of Blessed Aim for Rhaella and a Greater Stone Shape instead of Revivify in case we need to fort up for the night before reaching Castle Black. We're going to want to include Rhaella in tomorrow's round of Persistomancy, too.
Is there any point in including some CotFs in tomorrow's round of persistomancy then, just in case? I've got the feeling that at least those 2 we got to know personally are PCs.We're going to want to include Rhaella in tomorrow's round of Persistomancy, too.