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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


Taylor Hebert awakens as a lone Mage in world of superheroes.
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Congratulations SV, you are Taylor's power! Or, more accurately, Taylor's power is to receive letters from you. One letter per day, that is. Of at most 100 words. But don't fret, you'll be able to buy upgrades to her power! Like more letters! And more words! Awesome, isn't it? No, you can't give her other abilities. Her power is letters, duh. But surely, with all your knowledge of the setting and future events, you can guide her safely to rescue her world! Right?
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Aka, Trigger, the roguelite. This is a second attempt at a time loop quest I started a few years back. Hopefully I'm better at planning this time round. Thanks to Lux and Ardent for letting me ramble about it to you guys for far too long. Crossposted on SB
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Time loop, precognition. The difference is hardly recognizable from the outside. Knowing what will happen, several attempts to achieve a better result than the first time. Is the underlying mechanism really important? We will see.
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A strange dream, whispered worries and a deal struck. Such fleeting, forgotten things can change the world, if they allow things beyond understanding the foothold they need into a world on the brink of destruction. The balance of the Earth is teetering on the edge of a knife, and not by the hands of Mankind. The age of Parahumans is coming to a close, and a new era dawns.
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Taylor Hebert's weird, confusing adventure through time, space, and theater.
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In one world, Taylor is left adrift, with no support, no friends, and barely any family. She triggers, becoming the villain known as Skitter, the hero known as Weaver, and the God-Slayer known as Khepri. This is not that world. The Oroku Community Center is there for the downtrodden and the broken, the hopeless and the lost, acting as a beacon of light in the darkness of these horrible times. Perhaps there is something here that give Taylor the connections and the friendships that she needs...
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(Taylor quest, alt power) We're looking into a quest where the main first objective is figuring out what your powers are. To that end, we're keeping quiet on what the crossover is until you guys figure it out. Once you know what the nature of your power, objectives going forward will depend on what you did getting there. Also - this is our first quest (far from our first story or first time GMing though) so we are not quite au fait with the voting tools just yet.
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A chain should be tight or it should be loose. Well, tinker fugues mean chains might have something left to be desired.
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Taylor dies alone in the cold and comes back as the Thunder of God.
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Save eight Incarnations of Earth from both themselves and the myriad alien and extradimensional threats that would seek to turn them into yet more prized jewels in their crowns of Empire. In this bold and ambitious crossover featuring Metroid, Transformers, Worm, Warhammer 40k, Godzilla, and City of Heroes and more; follow a young Samus and Sylux as they seek to save omniverse from catastrophe, explore the mysteries of why these worlds are so prized and make all sorts of new friends. A...
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Taylor Hebert prepares to be a superhero, assisted by Taylor Hebert, Taylor Hebert, Taylor Hebert, Taylor Hebert, and Taylor Hebert. They're not physically present, but they're there in spirit (and shard). Updates daily-ish.
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Taylor becomes a Moekuri Summoner.
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Drive Taylor to sanity or insanity as she experiments with her ability to alter reality like a digital program.
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Post Gold Morning, Contessa shoots Kephri, but through the miracle of Bonesaw and Panacea, restores Taylor back to health for a purpose. She sends her to the Dresdenverse, a punishment and yet a chance for redemption. Will she become the hope for humanity? Or a monster once again?
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Taylor with the power to create seals that have special effects
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Let's do a thing for snacks kicks, and see where it takes us.. Original snippet posted in Doing...
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A phenomenon known as The Nexus has occurred on earth Bet. I wonder what Scion would make of this one....?
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Welcome to my first quest on SV! The premise and rules are rather simple. You are playing as...
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Do you know that feeling when you know you are doing something very wrong, but can't stop...
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Death is something that a lot of people avoid thinking about, especially when it's the idea of...
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The demon proceeded, immaterial, through the corridors of a mortal building, its claws tapping...
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The beat of the bass, the drop of the drums, the vital vocals; Taylor heard them all and nodded...
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It’s Thanksgiving. Not that you have a lot to be thankful for. Your dad is still moping in your...
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When Scion was preparing the Administrator shard for the cycle, he destroyed most of its...
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"Have you noticed Hebert has been acting weird after she came back?" "She came back?" Emma...
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Alright, second quest, hopefully with shorter replies, a better upgrade schedule and various...
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So this is my first quest and first fic so constructive critism and suggestions are welcome...
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Masks So, I decided to stop lurking. First Worm fanfiction, critique and suggestions...
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December 24, 2010 What does it mean, really, to be ‘unforgivable?’ Unpardonable, or...
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