The Obsidian Rose: A Taylor Hebert Mage Quest

Aside: Anyone know if there is a guide on formatting the dice results?

I think you can just attempt to roll the dice multiple times. I'll check after posting this and see.

EDIT: Nope, I have no clue. You could use a free dice roller, some have ways to keep dice rolls so others can view them. Or, you could just tell us what the roll is. Most QMs I've seen use dice just say, "Hey, you rolled a 5, plus your 6 modifier, which means you pass." There's some nifty way to underline the text so when you mouse over it other text appears above it I've seen some people use to not the rolls without interrupting the flow of text, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Actually, I just did. Here's an example

[ABBR="Dice Roll goes here"]Here's an example[/ABBR]

As for the vote, I agree, fixing the shrine is likely the better choice, instead of pitting our new abilities vs a living thing.

[X] Matter: focus on the shrine itself, envisioning the twisted and broken structure being restored to its former state. In your mind's eye, the cracks mend, the stones re-align, and the corruption that has seeped into the walls is driven out. As the shrine is repaired, the area around it is cleansed, its power restored to something pure and sacred.
thewhiteraven22 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Attempt 1 Total: 13
3 3 6 6 4 4
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I suspect that restoring the shrine is more likely to work; exorcising the abomination's souls will probably be contested. If possible I would prefer first doing Matter then Death in order to hopefully debuff the abomination enough to save the monks but I don't think Taylor has that time or can manage two simultaneous spells at this point.

That said, the Death option sounds like it builds on Taylor's empathy towards the dead which is good in my opinion. A lot of Mages see ghosts as more akin to resources than people and developing a counter-view early ought to help avoid the temptation to enslave the dead. Still wondering if Annette's ghost is floating around somewhere.

Any other thoughts?

It is a tough one. Thinking more heroically, now and future, Matter may be the way to go. Fixing buildings after a fight, etc. I do understand and think that repairing the shrine is a great goal. It sounds very beneficial for a number or reasons but ultimately I would choose...

[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.

Mostly because I think it will end up being the more interesting path.
Aside: Anyone know if there is a guide on formatting the dice results?
Personally, I just roll physical dice and then write them down in the text document before I can forget them. (Or re-rolling them until I get a similar result if I do forget, that's happened like twice) Any way you want to present it is valid, though I'd suggest sticking them in the actual threadmarked post somewhere.
Actually, I just did. Here's an example
That's actually pretty nifty. I'll have to do some debating on whether the neat functionality is worth mixing up existing presentation styles.
On to the vote itself.
In an abstract sense the results are equivalent. Monster gone, shrine better; just a difference in priority thereof.

On the other hand, fixing the shrine doesn't guarantee the monster will be gone, just that it's a cleansed and peaceful space the souls might have trouble staying monstrous in. I feel like Taylor would probably go with the gut reaction of "Monster, deal with the threat." and default to the Death option.

Plus, as noted previously, it seems like the more interesting option going forward. Presumably better control over Death aspects in particular, what feels like a more metaphysical tool kit as opposed to the material one, and a more direct mindset rather than a general 'fix everything, even if it might not fix everything' vibe I get from the Matter option.

[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.

Taylor is called the Queen of Escalation for a reason. That's the only reason I can think of why the dice roll went that way. Failed the Persuasion check even with a boost but passed the Brawl check despite being a skinny 15 year old girl going up against three grown ass goons.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.

The Arcana of Death at the Initiate level is more useful for Taylor than Matter.
For example, with the help of death, Taylor will be able to manipulate shadows and lighting, talk to ghosts and let them more easily influence the world, understand what the creature died of, look at other people's souls.
While in matter, the only forces useful for cape business are the ability to understand the tool and use it perfectly, attract objects and control mechanical devices from afar.

It's a funny fact, but considering that Taylor has the Space arcane and Death, she will make a very good detective. He will be able to both find the killer by talking with prirak and find the missing keys by observing sympathetic connections.
I think you can just attempt to roll the dice multiple times. I'll check after posting this and see.
You roll a first set of dice as usual. Then you should have a button to roll additional dice where you can pick a new reason and number of sides.

edit: Ah, it's not the one for additional dice, but the same one again. The one that says "Throw dice".
Nando threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Readon1 Total: 2
2 2
Nando threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Readon2 Total: 6
6 6
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[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Matter: focus on the shrine itself, envisioning the twisted and broken structure being restored to its former state. In your mind's eye, the cracks mend, the stones re-align, and the corruption that has seeped into the walls is driven out. As the shrine is repaired, the area around it is cleansed, its power restored to something pure and sacred.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
Primer on Arcana New
I used to collect information on mage the awakening for the quest so I have some structured information on arcana and Practices. Maybe it will help someone to better understand this system of rules and better understand what a particular arcana can do.

In Mage: the Awakening, mastery of the 10 Arcana are subdivided among 5 "tiers" of mastery. Mechanically speaking, having a certain dot rating in an Arcana permits the Mage character access to certain Practices related to that Arcana. The more dots a Mage character has on a given Arcana, the more the Mage is able to do with it.

This list of Practices highlights the inherent flexibility of Mages. Rather than having a set ability per dot like in most other powers available to the supernaturals of the Chronicles of Darkness even just a single dot opens the door to a host of interesting and useful effects.

The following list provides a rough backbone to the next series of articles discussing each of the Arcana in turn, and the kind of spells that a Mage can come up with given each dot rating. Take note that when a "phenomena" is mentioned, it refers to any number of specific effects that could potentially fall under the purview of a given Arcana. For example, Forces could control phenomena such as fire, sound, light and other kinds of forces.
1 Dot: Initiate (●)
• Compelling spells
nudge a preferred but possible outcomeinto reality. A coin toss can be made to come up tails (Fate),a bored worker can be made to take that coffee break now(Mind), or a spirit can be forced to avoid its bane (Spirit).Making the coin hover and spin in midair, making theworker walk into her boss's office and quit, or making thespirit ignore its favorite prey are beyond the bounds of aCompelling spell.
• Knowing spells deliver knowledge about something directly to the mage (or to another target). A mage can divine thecause of a corpse's death (Death), sense whether someonehas a powerful destiny (Fate), or unerringly know whichway is north (Space). This knowledge is a direct awarenessof Supernal truth; the mage doesn't have to interpret evidence based on her senses or try to divine the truth outof cryptic riddles.
• Unveiling spells expose hidden things to the mage's senses.She might gain the ability to hear radio waves (Forces), peeracross the Gauntlet or perceive things in Twilight (Spirit),or see the flow of Mana across the landscape (Prime).
  • Knowing: This practice involves acquiring specific, factual information directly into the mage's mind, bypassing sensory perception. It enables the discernment of hidden truths, like the health of a soul or the presence of conscious thoughts, offering insights that are not readily available through normal observation. Knowing spells provide direct knowledge to the caster, such as the history of an object or the true name of a spirit, without needing interpretation.
  • Compelling: At the most subtle end of the magical spectrum, Compelling allows mages to gently influence phenomena, nudging them in minor ways without altering their fundamental nature. This practice is often used to create small, natural-looking effects that can be explained away by skeptics, making it a cornerstone for covert magic. It's about encouraging a desired outcome within existing possibilities, like making a flame burn slightly brighter or influencing a breeze to carry a scent.
  • Unveiling: Unveiling spells enhance the mage's sensory perception, allowing them to see, hear, or otherwise detect phenomena hidden from normal senses. This practice extends Mage Sight, revealing the magical or mystical aspects of the world, like auras or the presence of supernatural entities. It's the magical equivalent of revealing what's hidden in plain sight, often serving as the first step in understanding and interacting with the unseen.
2 Dots: Apprentice (●●)
• Ruling spells
grant fuller control over phenomena than amere Compelling spell. Water can be made to flow uphillor into unnatural shapes (Matter), animals (or even humanbeings) can be commanded (Life or Mind), or time can bemomentarily made to accelerate or slow down (Time). ARuling spell can't fundamentally alter its target's abilities:Water can be directed, but not turned solid or gaseous.Time can be altered, but not overwritten. An animal canbe commanded, but not made stronger or fiercer.
• Shielding spells, sometimes called Warding spells, offerprotection against phenomena under the Arcanum'spurview. A Shielding spell might protect against a ghost'sNumina (Death), make the mage immune to fire (Forces)or disease (Life), or allow her to survive in a caustic atmosphere (Matter). Mages protect themselves from generalharm through the power of their Arcana with the MageArmor Attainment rather than Shielding spells.
• Veiling spells are twofold: Firstly, they can conceal thingsunder the Arcanum's purview from detection: A targetcan be made to lose all sense of time (Time), a fire's heatand light can be hidden from view (Forces), or a buildingmade all but impossible to notice (Matter). Secondly, theycan conceal a target from concrete phenomena under theArcanum's purview: a mage can render herself invisible toghosts (Death), or ward a powerful Locus from detection byspirits (Spirit), or walk unnoticed through a crowd (Life orMind), or past a camera (Forces). Short of archmastery, it'simpossible to Veil something against an abstract conceptor force: a mage can't Veil herself against death or hidefrom time, for example.
  • Ruling: This practice grants mages the ability to manipulate and control their chosen phenomena, shaping and directing it with a greater degree of finesse than Compelling. Ruling can involve altering physical properties, influencing emotions, or bending the elements to the caster's will, but always within the bounds of what's naturally possible. It's about asserting a mage's will over the world, making it conform to their desires without breaking the laws of nature.
  • Veiling: Veiling involves concealing things from detection, whether by hiding a mage's magical activities from the uninitiated or making an object invisible. This practice is essential for maintaining secrecy and avoiding unwanted attention, allowing mages to operate under the radar of both mundane and supernatural observers. It's a practice of deception and illusion, crafting layers of obscurity to shield the truth.
  • Shielding: Shielding spells offer protection by creating magical barriers or defenses against specific types of harm. This practice can guard against both physical and supernatural threats, making it a key tool for mages expecting conflict. Shielding can also extend to protecting others, places, or objects, weaving a protective layer around what the mage values.
3 Dots: Disciple (●●●)
Fraying spells degrade things, weakening them andenhancing their flaws. Fraying spells can weaken targetsunder the Arcanum's purview: damping a fire (Forces),sapping Strength (Life), or eroding the barrier betweenworlds (Death, Spirit, or others, depending on the worldsin question). They can also directly attack targets using theenergies of the Arcanum: inflicting damage via the chillof the grave (Death), psychic overload (Mind), or a blastof electricity (Forces). Damage inflicted by a direct-attackFraying spell is always bashing.
Perfecting spells are the opposite of Fraying spells in manyways: they bolster, strengthen, and improve rather thanweakening and eroding. A Perfecting spell might repairdamage to an object or a person (Matter or Life), allowa machine to function perfectly with no wear and tear(Matter), or make a modest destiny into an earth-shakingone (Fate).
Weaving spells can alter nearly any property of a targetwithout transforming it into something completely different. Solid steel can be transmuted to liquid (Matter),a sword can be enchanted to damage beings in Twilight(Death or Spirit), or a few seconds of time can be rewritten(Time).
  • Weaving: Weaving spells allow for complex manipulations of matter, energy, and even space-time, altering functions or combining disparate elements into new forms. This practice is about intricate changes that go beyond mere influence or protection, reshaping the world in creative ways. Mages at this level can blend, bend, and weave the threads of reality to craft outcomes that showcase their deepening understanding of the Arcana.
  • Fraying: At this level, mages learn to apply their power more aggressively, causing harm or degrading the integrity of their targets. Fraying can weaken structures, fray the edges of reality, or inflict bashing damage on foes. It's about unraveling the fabric of what exists, gently pulling apart the threads that hold phenomena together, whether material or ethereal.
  • Perfecting: This practice focuses on improving or repairing the qualities of the target, enhancing physical attributes, mending objects, or purifying substances. Perfecting can make the good better and the broken whole, offering a counterpoint to the destructive tendencies of Fraying. It's the magical expression of refinement, elevating the mundane to the exceptional.
4 Dots: Adept (●●●●)
• Patterning spells
allow a mage to completely transform atarget into something else that falls under the Arcanum's purview. A memory can be replaced wholesale (Mind), the magecan turn herself (or a target) into an animal (Life), or she canteleport by "rewriting" her own location (Space). A spell thattransforms the target into something that falls within the Purview of another Arcanum, like transforming into a living pillarof fire (Life and Forces), requires a mage to know the Practiceof Patterning for the destination Arcanum.
• Unraveling spells can significantly impair or damage phe-nomena under the Arcanum's purview, or directly inflict severedamage using the forces of an Arcanum. A raging storm mightbecome a calm summer's day (Forces), or solid iron reduced todust (Matter); even spells can be torn asunder (Prime). Magescan hurl fire (Forces) at their enemies, or cause aneurysms andheart attacks with a glance (Mind or Life). Damage inflictedby a direct Unraveling attack is lethal, but can be upgraded toaggravated by spending a point of Mana and one Reach.
  • Patterning: With Patterning, mages have the authority to fundamentally alter the essence of their chosen phenomena, transmuting elements, changing weather patterns, or reshaping memories. This practice represents a high level of control, allowing for the transformation of reality according to the mage's vision. It's about redefining the parameters of existence, pushing the limits of what's possible within the Fallen World.
  • Unraveling: Mages can cause significant injury or destruction, not just harming but potentially crippling or devastating their target. This practice is about precise and controlled removal or deterioration of the target's foundational aspects, whether physical, spiritual, or magical.
5 Dots: Master (●●●●●)
• Making spells
allow for the creation of whole new phe-nomena ex nihilo. The mage can conjure gamma rays(Forces), birth new spirits (Spirit), or create a doorway tothe Underworld (Death). Time can be dilated by creatingmore seconds, hours, or even days (Time).
• Unmaking spells annihilate subjects under the Arcanum'spurview entirely. Life can be snuffed like a candle (Life),two locations can be forced into each other by destroying the distance between them (Space), even Hallows andVerges can be wiped from the Earth (Prime). Unmakingspells are beyond inflicting direct damage with attacks; asuccessful Unmaking destroys the target altogether.
  • Making: The pinnacle of magical prowess, Making enables the creation of something from nothing, summoning objects, beings, or phenomena into existence. This practice embodies the near-godlike power to introduce entirely new elements into the world, defying the natural order. It's the ultimate expression of a mage's will, asserting their ability to add to the Tapestry of reality.
  • Unmaking: The destructive counterpart to Making, Unmaking spells have the terrifying capability to completely erase objects, beings, or phenomena from existence. This practice is the essence of annihilation, leaving no trace of what was removed. It represents a profound mastery over death and entropy, wielded with a responsibility proportional to its power.

Many Roads
Astute players will likely figure out a multitude ofways to accomplish similar effects with differentArcana, sometimes at different dot levels. This isokay. Just because a Fate ••• spell can do athing doesn't mean a Forces • spell that does asimilar thing is "broken" or should be disallowed.Take for example influencing the outcome of acoin toss. A simple Compelling of Fate can eas-ily tip the odds toward either heads or tails, butit's theoretically possible to use a Forces Frayingspell to alter the kinetic energy imparted to thecoin, causing it to spin slower, or use a MatterWeaving spell to change the coin's center ofmass. Both are perhaps more complicated thanthe Fate approach, but they're valid within thepurview of their respective Arcana. Similarly, aMind Weaving spell could force a target to feellove, while a Life Ruling spell could cause the tar- get's brain to release dopamine and other hormones that create a similar effect

Ruling Arcana
  • Initiate (●): Initiates gain the ability to perceive death's impact, discern how and when someone died, sculpt ectoplasm, examine soul health, alter shadows for concealment, and communicate with the deceased.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can share their deathly perceptions, manipulate shadows independently, create ectoplasm, suppress auras, decay objects (excluding creatures), interact with Twilight, summon ghosts, create soul jars, and nullify the impact of attacks.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can command ghosts or raise zombies, heal ghostly corpus, create Twilight gateways, transfer protective spells, mystically destroy or weaken objects, create shadows ex nihilo, feign death, convert dying souls to Mana, and sever Sleeper souls from their bodies.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can drain strength from enemies, bind the dead to haunt specific locations, necrotize living tissue, create revenants, suppress others' life signs, transition into Twilight directly, bind souls into the soulless, or permanently erase auras.
  • Master (●●●●●): The fifth level of mastery gives a Master of Death the power to tap the souls of the perfectly healthy for Mana, to summon ghosts from the Underworld in order to gain their knowledge, or to bolster the power of ghosts already in the world. They may also steal years of life from Sleepers, destroy Mana whether it lies within an artefact, as tass, or even within a mage, and sunder any magic.

Death • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Shape and thicken shadows.
    • Control and shape ectoplasm.
  • Knowing
    • Sense the presence of ghosts and ectoplasm in the vicinity.
    • Sense the presence of cadavers in the vicinity.
    • Sense if something is decaying, low in vitality, being drained of life or dying in the vicinity.
    • Observe a soul's health, including injuries to and marks upon it.
    • Determine the presence of derangements by the marks on their soul.
    • Determine if a mage's soul carries the marks that indicate he has made a soul stone.
    • Determine the "soul stitching" that indicate that a soul had been detached and reattached to a body.
    • Sense whether an object contains a soul (a Soul Jar).
    • Determine a corpse's cause of death.
    • Understand and speak with ghosts.
    • Perceive Twilight and everything within.
    • See Spirits in Twilight as indistinct shapes, unless Spirit • is added to the casting. With Spirit •, can see Spirits in Twilight as clearly as ghosts.
    • Cannot perceive mental projections in Twilight unless adds Mind • to the casting.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight (Grim Sight). Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of the Death Arcanum.
    • Sense if a person has killed, has witnessed death, or has simply suffered loss or bereavement.
    • Sense if an object has death associated with it, e.g. whether a knife or a gun has actually caused a death.
    • Sense if a place is the scene of a death.
    • Sense if a person, creature, object or location is the site of a ghost's anchor.
    • +1 bonus to sensing and scrutinizing vampire powers.

Death •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Animate shadows. Cause shadows to fl ow from place to place.
    • Cause an object to decay by lowering its Durability permanently.
    • Create ectoplasm from any bodily orifice or from any bodily orifice of a corpse. Generated ectoplasm can be used to grant a ghost a temporary body in which to materialize.
    • Issue a call to ghosts, or summon a specific ghost, to appear before the caster, if it is within its power to do so (cannot travel outside maximum distance from its Anchor).
    • Create a soul jar for ghosts, souls or Spirits.
    • Physically interact with ghosts and the ghostly reflections of objects in Twilight. Pull ghostly objects out of Twilight.
    • Interact with Spirits in Twilight (with Spirit •).
    • Interact with mental projections in Twilight (with Mind •).
  • Veiling
    • Conceal or alter the marks of death on a corpse.
    • Conceal or suppress one's own, or another's, aura to protect it from scrutiny.
  • Shielding
    • Protect self by using forces of decay to leach the vigor and vitality from incoming attacks, making them weaker. Equivalent of armor points. Does not protect against initiating grapple attacks. Does protect against attempts to overpower once grappled.
  • Knowing
    • Analyze the phenomena revealed by • Knowing.
    • Grant • Knowing upon others.
  • Unveiling
    • Confer Death • Mage Sight upon others (Grant The Grim Sight).
    • More in-depth scrutiny.

Death ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Create a gateway into Twilight through which mage can enter.
    • Turn a destroyed object into an ephemeral object in Twilight (must destroy object first).
    • Sculpt and shape ephemera.
    • Create shadows from nothing, and make them semi-solid. Shadows have Strength and Durability, can lift or push, but have no Structure (so cannot be damaged).
    • Animate corpses (zombies).
  • Fraying
    • Destroy an ephemeral object with decay (inflicts aggravated damage).
    • Destroy a material object with decay (inflicts aggravated damage).
    • Replenish Willpower from someone who is dying (suffering from aggravated wounds). Touch range.
    • Burn out a dying person's Pattern (suffering from aggravated wounds) for Mana. Touch range.
    • Sever a soul from a Sleeper. Touch range.
  • Perfecting
    • Sculpt and shape ephemera.
    • Strengthen an ephemeral object's Durability, equipment bonus or the protection of ephemeral armor.
    • Heal a ghost's Corpus.
  • Ruling
    • Control and compel ghosts.
    • Create a soul jar with greater Duration (potentially with an Indefinite Duration) than at Death ••.
  • Shielding
    • Bestow effects of Death •• Shielding upon others.
    • Create a personal ward against ghostly powers, Numina, vampiric Disciplines, Devotions and rituals.
  • Veiling
    • Suppress one's own life temporarily (caster becomes a corpse for a time)

Death •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Force a recently dead Sleeper's ghost to cling to a physical anchor, or a dying Sleeper' soul to turn into a ghost and haunt a physical anchor immediately the Sleeper dies.
    • Create a Revenant immediately a Sleeper dies (Sleeper must remain inside own body).
    • Bind a soul to a soulless person (includes restoring a soul stolen by Death spells).
    • Cause someone's fl esh to rot (lethal damage). Touch range.
    • Shift into Twilight without needing to pass through a gateway.
  • Unravelling
    • Enervate an enemy, sapping his strength. Touch range.
    • Permanently destroy own aura (new aura forms by the end of a week)
  • Veiling
    • Suppress others' life, turning them into temporary corpses. Touch range.

Death ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Quicken a ghost, raising mindless shades to a semblance of sentience and their former personality.
    • Summon a ghost from the Underworld.
  • Unmaking
    • Destroy Mana.
    • Dispel any spell, "killing" it.
    • Siphon years from a victim's lifespan to add to the caster's lifespan, prolonging their life at the expense of others.
  • Veiling
    • Suppress others' life, turning them into temporary corpses. Sensory range.
  • Fraying
    • Devour a dying person (aggravated damage) for Willpower or burn out their Pattern for Mana. Sensory range.
    • Sever a soul from a Sleeper. Sensory range.
    • Sever an Awakened soul. Touch range.
    • Create shadows from nothing.
  • Unravelling
    • Enervate an enemy, sapping his strength. Sensory range.
    • Devour a healthy soul for Willpower or burn out their Pattern for Mana. Touch range.
    • Devour a ghost for Willpower or burn out their Corpus for Mana. Touch range.
    • Cause someone's flesh to rot (aggravated damage - requires Mana). Touch range.
The Arcanum of Death empowers mages with abilities related to perceiving, manipulating, and commanding death and its manifestations. Initiates can perceive the impact and details of death, communicate with the deceased, and manipulate ectoplasm and shadows. As they advance, they gain the power to bestow perceptions of death, summon and control ghosts, manipulate souls, and drain vigor from attacks. Further mastery allows them to command ghosts, raise zombies, manipulate objects mystically, rot living flesh, and permanently destroy auras.

  • Initiate (●): Initiates can perceive dense resonances, understand complex machinery, detect specific substances, identify the structure and density of objects, alter an item's conductivity, and locate hidden compartments and passages.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can share their perception of dense resonance, enhance an object's balance and weight, modify the transparency of materials, control the composition and shape of liquids, and utilize surrounding matter for defensive purposes such as dousing flames, softening projectiles, or absorbing impacts.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can extend their defensive uses of matter to others, manipulate solid matter's composition (excluding rare or precious materials), improve or degrade substance durability, repair objects, make weapons more lethal, and combine disparate device parts into functioning machinery.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts gain the ability to reshape solids, create valuable materials from common ones, control gases by changing their density or type, transmute matter between solid and liquid states regardless of their usual relationships, enhance or reduce the efficiency of mechanical objects, and completely annihilate mundane matter, leaving no trace.
  • Master (●●●●●): At the fifth level of mastery, a Master of Matter may change the size of an object, making it larger or smaller as he pleases. Their ability to transform substances grows yet again, allowing them to transform objects between states of solid, liquid, or gas. Their faculty with objects increases to the point where they can cause them to constantly repair themselves, and they can create objects out of nothing. Their power over destruction also increase to the point where they can unravel even magically charged objects such as enhanced or imbued items, thaumium, or even Artefacts.

Matter Note: Common and Rare Materials, and Simple vs Complex

  • "Simple liquids" are liquids composed of one substance. Wine and milk are included, even though chemically they
are mixtures.
  • "Multiple liquids" mean more than one liquid mixed together, e.g. watered - down beer, blackcurrant juice mixed
with vodka etc.
  • "Common solids" include: steel, brass, bronze, tin, aluminium, titanium, lead etc., soil, plastic, paper, stone, glass,
ivory, clay, porcelain, obsidian or wood (wood to wood includes, e.g. oak to mahogany, ebony to teak). Th is could also include processed drugs, such as cocaine, cannabis resin and heroin.
  • "Complex objects" mean machinery, clockwork and electronic items, items with moving parts (doors, windows,
boxes) and anything composed of more than one substance, e.g. a gunmetal pistol with a walnut handle and steeljacketed copper tipped lead rounds.
  • "Rare materials" include: precious gems (diamonds, rubies, sapphires, topaz etc.) and radioactive materials (uranium,
iodine radioisotope etc).

Matter • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Alter the conductivity of objects, up or down, even to making objects non-conductive. Concrete can become conductive like copper: electrical wire can become as conductive as stone.
  • Knowing
    • Analyze the function of complex objects with moving parts (e.g. to see how a puzzle works, or to see what makes a clockwork).
    • Detect the presence of a given substance (gold, copper, a type of plastic, cocaine, heroin, diamonds, rubies).
    • Determine the physical composition of an object. Weight, density, chemical composition, conductivity, the purity of a stash, etc. Can be used to sense if cocaine has been cut, or if a diamond is a lab-grown stone, as compared to a mined one (and, if the caster is familiar with diamonds, which mine).
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Dark Matter. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of Matter.
    • Sense if an object is subject to a Matter spell of any kind: and if so, what sort.
    • Discern dense, sluggish, thick or ponderous Resonances.
    • Find secret compartments within seemingly solid matter. Detect concealed traps or hidden switches.

Matter •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Improve the balance and heft of a simple item, improving its function. Th e object grants the 9 Again rule to attempts to use it.
    • Control and shape:
      • Liquids. Touch range. Includes water droplets in fog, mist and rain. Covert. Yes, honestly.
    • Transmutation:
      • Simple liquid to simple liquid. Touch range. Includes water droplets in rain, mist and fog.
    • Alter an object's light conductivity. Opaque objects can be made translucent or transparent: windows can be blacked out; steel panes can be made into windows. Caster could choose only to make one surface transparent, if he wishes (steel panes on the outside, clear windows on the inside).
  • Veiling
    • Make a substance appear to be another substance. Make water look like wine, or gold look like lead.
    • Veil a simple substance, e.g. cocaine, diamonds, from Scrutiny.
    • Conceal a hidden switch, trap or concealed compartment from scrutiny.
    • Make an identifiable object look like a different object of its type by removing or altering characteristics.
    • Alter the appearance of a fake artwork to look like the real thing, or alter the appearance of a real artwork to look like a fake.
  • Shielding
    • Ambient matter surrounding the mage alters its characteristics to protect the caster. Air hardens or becomes non conductive to electricity; water vapour quenches flame; a laser's progress through the air is impeded because the air became opaque between it and the caster; bullets soften, blunting their impact. Protects against physical attacks. Does not protect against being grappled. Does not protect against being attempts to overcome a grappled mage.
  • Unveiling
    • Bestow Matter • Mage Sight upon others (Dark Matter)

Matter ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Transpose components of one machine to another machine (e.g. creating a hybrid of a machine gun and a shotgun to create a device which can shoot shotgun rounds in bursts or autofire).
    • Soften solid matter, allowing one to sculpt steel or stone like clay. When the spell ends, the substance does not return to its original shape. Durability and Structure are unchanged.
    • Turn an object into a mass of swarming vermin. Requires Life •••.
  • Fraying
    • Degrade an object's Durability.
  • Perfecting
    • Reinforce an object's Durability.
    • Repair objects seamlessly, repairing damage to Structure.
  • Ruling
    • Control and shape:
      • Simple liquids. Sensory range.
      • Multiple liquids. Touch range.
    • Transmutation:
      • Simple liquid to simple liquid. Sensory range.
      • Multiple liquids to simple liquids. Touch range.
      • Multiple liquids to multiple liquids. Touch range.
      • Simple common solid to simple common solid. Touch range.
    • Bestow the armour piercing quality upon an object or multiple bullets (armour piercing factor 1).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Matter Shielding •• protection upon others.

Matter •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Control and Shape:
      • Multiple liquids. Sensory range.
      • Simple liquids with Sympathetic magic. Space ••.
      • Air and gases. Prevent a gas or smoke from filling selected areas.
      • Rate of dispersion of gases, such as anaesthetic gas being poured into a room, mustard gas or nerve gas.
      • Move a mass of air or gas around. Increase the strength of a wind.
      • Alter air or gaseous pressure up or down, even to vacuum.
    • Transmutation:
      • Simple liquid to simple liquid with Sympathetic magic. Space ••.
      • Multiple liquids to simple or multiple liquids. Sensory range.
      • Common solid substance to simple liquid substance.
      • Simple common solid to simple common solid. Sensory range.
      • Complex or rare solid to simple common solid. Touch range.
      • Object made of one matter into different kind of object made of same matter.
      • Part of an object (e.g. turning the hammer of a gun into glass). Touch range.
      • Gas to gas.
  • Unravelling
    • Destroy inert mundane objects, damaging Structure (ignore Durability). An object so destroyed ceases to be.
  • Ruling
    • Bestow the armour piercing quality upon an object or multiple bullets (armour piercing factor 2).
  • Weaving
    • Improve or degrade a mechanical object's efficiency, affecting its ability to function. Equipment bonuses, including vehicle handling, can be altered up to +5 or down to -5. Vehicles' acceleration can be improved up to +25 mph or down to -25 mph; the maximum speed can be increased up to +50 mph or down by -50 mph. Touch range.

Matter ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Alter an object's Size, making it larger or smaller.
    • Forge Thaumium, an extraordinary metal. Requires Prime •••.
    • Create objects, even complex objects, out of nothing.
    • Forge rare materials such as gold, even some kinds of extraordinary materials such as uranium, out of nothing, or transmute any available substance, solid, liquid or gas, into them.
  • Unmaking
    • Destroy objects made out of magical substances, including Atlantean Artifacts, etc., damaging their Structure (ignore Durability). An object so destroyed ceases to be.
  • Ruling
    • Bestow the armour piercing quality upon an object or multiple bullets (armour piercing factor 3).
  • Weaving
    • Improve or degrade a mechanical object's efficiency, affecting its ability to function. Sensory range.
  • Patterning
    • Transmutation:
      • Simple liquid to simple liquid or multiple liquid.
      • Complex liquid to complex liquid or simple liquid.
      • Liquid (simple or multiple) to solid (simple or complex).
      • Liquid (simple or multiple) to gas.
      • Solid (simple or complex) to liquid (simple or complex).
      • Solid (simple or complex) to gas.
      • Gas to liquid (simple or multiple), or solid (simple or complex).
      • Common substance to rare substance.
      • Rare substance to common substance.
The Arcanum of Matter empowers mages with abilities related to perceiving, manipulating, and transforming physical substances and structures. Initiates can perceive material composition, discern structures, and detect hidden compartments. Advancing through mastery levels allows mages to manipulate object properties, control liquid composition and shape, extend protective shields, manipulate solid materials, repair objects, and transmute substances between states. At higher levels, adepts gain mastery over altering forms of matter, creating precious substances, controlling gases, transmuting between states of matter, manipulating mechanical efficiency, and dissolving mundane matter completely.

Available Arcana
  • Initiate (●): Forces Initiates can enhance their sensory perception to detect energy and minor influences on heat, light, and sound, adjusting their flow but not their intensity. They can intercept and understand electronic and data signals.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices of Forces can share their sensory enhancements, manipulate the intensity of heat, light, and sound, control existing fire and electricity, render objects invisible, alter the impact of physical forces, broadcast through radio signals, and create protective energy shields against physical and energy-based attacks.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples gain the ability to generate heat, light, and sound from nothing, modify electricity and fire more significantly, shield others, become invisible, summon lightning, manipulate objects remotely, redirect kinetic energy, and influence magnetism and radiation.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can create and control fire and electricity from nothing, alter weather non-destructively, modify speeds and achieve limited flight through levitation, exert telekinesis on living beings, manipulate friction, extend invisibility to others, and transform energy types.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters have comprehensive control, enabling them to grant levitation and speed to others, create severe weather phenomena, induce earthquakes, manipulate gravity, generate electromagnetic pulses, create or nullify magnetism and radiation, fly, and produce true sunlight with deadly effects on vampires.

Forces • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Guide the direction and fl ow of existing light.
    • Split existing light into a spectrum as if through a prism.
    • Focus existing light into a beam or a pinpoint.
    • Disperse direct lighting, forming a local chiaroscuro effect.
    • Draw diff use local lighting into a beam, like a reading light.
    • Guide the direction and fl ow of existing radiated heat.
    • Extract heat from one area, sending it into another area.
    • Focus the heat onto a small spot, or diff use it over an area.
    • Guide the direction and fl ow of existing sound.
    • Keep one's own sounds from travelling too far from oneself: e.g. a zone of privacy.
    • Redirect sounds of a conversation from a distance to oneself to overhear what is being said.
  • Knowing
    • Listen in on free-floating radio transmissions, e.g. mobile communications, radio broadcast TV signals, the images on non-Tempest protected TV screens and monitors. Making sense of it all requires Wits + Science, possibly Mind magic.
  • Unveiling
    • Expand perceptions, find one's way in the dark in conditions of very little light. Supplement night sight with ability to perceive radiated heat, and to "see" the presence of obstacles in the dark through a form of echolocation.
    • Hear sounds beyond the human hearing range.
    • Mage Sight Read Matrices. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of Forces.
    • Perceive energy and magical resonance.
    • Detect the presence of all of the Universe's energies in the area, including magnetic fields, gravity and nuclear radiation.

Forces •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Brighten or darken an area by altering ambient light intensity. Can't create light from nothing.
    • Amplify or diminish the volume of sounds in an area. Can't create sound from nothing.
    • Increase or decrease ambient temperature in an area. Can't create heat from nothing.
    • Cause electricity to arc at someone. Aimed. Can't amplify or diminish electricity. Can't create electricity from nothing.
    • Limited control over magnetism. Can't amplify or diminish magnetism. Can't create magnetic fields from nothing.
    • Control the direction or flow of fire, causing it to jump in the direction the caster desires, or dance around. Can't amplify or diminish fi re, or create fi re from nothing.
    • Focus the kinetic impact of a blow to a pinpoint, turning bashing damage into lethal damage.
    • Hijack an extant radio signal, superimposing his own signal onto the frequency.
  • Veiling
    • Render an object invisible to light, including cameras.
    • Render an object inaudible.
    • Render an object invisible to heat sensors.
  • Shielding
  • Deflect incoming physical attacks by dispersing the energies of those attacks along invisible contours surrounding the caster.
    • Protection against kinetic blows, bullets, lasers, flame attacks, electrical arcs, lightning and nuclear radiation.
    • Grants additional protection against knockdown.
    • Does not protect against attempts to grapple the caster. Does not protect against attempts to overcome a grappled caster.
  • Knowing
    • Analyze the phenomena revealed by Forces • Knowing.
    • Grant Forces • Knowing upon others.
  • Unveiling
    • Grant Forces • Mage Sight upon others (Read Matrices)
    • More in-depth Scrutiny.

Forces ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Create an invisible, semi-autonomous servant to lift, fetch and carry. Mind • allows the mage to "multitask" control of the servant; Mind ••••• grants the servant a measure of autonomy. Space •• permits the servant to operate outside of sensory range.
    • Call lightning from a pre-existing storm. Aimed.
    • Diminish or cut off electrical power, or alter its fl ow/direction. Cannot create electricity from nothing at this point.
    • Make a fire or chemical reaction more intense, or diminish its intensity. Can reduce the intensity of a fire enough to extinguish it altogether.
    • Speed up or slow down a chemical reaction, or reverse it.
    • Create light from nothing.
    • Extinguish an existing light.
    • Create sounds from nothing.
    • Destroy sounds (including make oneself inaudible).
    • Record sounds onto points of Mana (may require Prime to convert those points of Mana into Tass for storage and replay).
    • Lift and operate objects remotely via telekinesis. Duration of Concentration. Requires Space •• to operate beyond sensory range.
    • Control the direction of motion of a fast projectile, e.g. a bullet, possibly turning it back upon an assailant.
  • Fraying
    • Create a ball of telekinetic force which is aimed at the target.
  • Perfecting
    • Strip extraneous signals from a free-floating transmission, e.g. a signal jammer.
    • Turn an ordinary light source into a source of laser light.
  • Veiling
    • Make oneself invisible (Concentration duration).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Forces Shielding •• protection upon others.
    • Protect an object from being mechanically tampered with, e.g. to provide a computer with EMP shielding.

Forces •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Mage Celerity: mage gets a burst of kinetic energy.
    • Increase an object's (but not a living creature's) velocity, speeding it up tremendously. Objects include trucks, bullets, falling objects.
    • Alter weather patterns: can generate any non-adverse weather conditions (thunderstorms, but not tornadoes or hurricanes).
    • Transform into fire (does lethal damage to people and items touched). Requires Life ••••. If caster wants all objects carried and worn by her to transform into fire as well, requires Matter ••••.
    • Levitate oneself off the ground and travel slowly in any desired direction. Concentration Duration.
    • Transform one type of energy into another. Forces which can be so transformed are: Sound, heat, light, electricity, magnetism, combustion.
  • Unravelling
    • Create a bolt of electricity to fry someone (lethal damage). Aimed.
    • Diminish an object's (but not a living creature's) velocity, slowing it down tremendously. Objects include trucks, bullets, falling objects.
  • Veiling
    • Make another person invisible (Concentration duration).
  • Weaving
    • Lift people telekinetically, or hold them in place. Duration of Concentration. Requires Space •• to operate beyond sensory range.
    • Lift and operate objects remotely via telekinesis. Default Duration of 1 scene. Requires Space •• to operate beyond sensory range.
    • Extinguish a fire or halt a chemical reaction.
  • Fraying
    • Converts the force of friction into a source of lethal damage. Th e very wind itself becomes a deadly weapon, inflicting lethal friction burns on its victims.

Forces ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Create an adverse weather phenomenon, e.g. a tornado, a hurricane, a tsunami etc.
    • Bestow levitation on willing subjects (target must concentrate).
    • Create sunlight.
    • Redirect the force of gravity.
    • Increase the pull of gravity.
    • Take off and fl y (no longer requires concentration).
    • Completely control an object's velocity, including speeding them up beyond their control.
    • Completely control part of an object's velocity, e.g. one wheel of a truck, including speeding them up beyond their control.
    • Completely control a person's velocity, including speeding them up beyond their control.
  • Unmaking
    • Create an earthquake by manipulating the balance of force and pressure beneath the ground.
    • Create an EMP that destroys localized power and electrical devices.
    • Extinguish a source of nuclear radiation.
    • Flood an area with nuclear radiation.
    • Nullify the pull of gravity.
    • Completely control an object's velocity, including slowing them down beyond their control, or stopping them dead in midair.
    • Completely control part of an object's velocity, e.g. one wheel of a truck, including slowing them down beyond their control, or stopping them dead in midair.
    • Completely control a person's velocity, including slowing them down beyond their control, or stopping them dead in midair.
    • Stop bullets in midair.
  • Veiling
    • Make oneself invisible (does not require concentration).
  • Weaving
    • Lift people telekinetically, or hold them in place. Default Duration of 1 scene. No concentration required beyond concentration required to move objects around. Mage can drop concentration at will, even leaving subjects hanging in midair. Requires Space •• to operate beyond sensory range.
  • Patterning
    • Transform into fire as for •••• Patterning above (does aggravated damage to people and items touched - requires 1 Mana, as well as the prerequisites for the Rank •••• spell above).
    • Bestow Mage Celerity upon others.
    • Transform one type of energy into another. Forces which can be so transformed now include kinetic energy, gravity and radiation.
  • Unravelling
    • Create a bolt of electricity to fry someone (aggravated damage). Aimed. Requires 1 Mana
The Arcanum of Forces grants mages the ability to perceive, manipulate, and control various forms of energy and natural forces. Practitioners can alter their sensory perceptions to detect and interact with light, sound, electricity, and more, even allowing them to see in complete darkness or pick up electronic signals. As they progress, they gain the ability to influence the intensity of these energies, create protective shields of force, and render objects invisible. Advanced mastery enables the creation of energy from nothing, control over weather patterns, levitation, and manipulation of electromagnetic forces. Masters of Forces can summon destructive weather, control gravity, and generate sunlight, embodying the power to wield the raw forces of nature with precision and creativity.

  • Initiate (●): Prime Initiates excel in seeing resonance and analyzing enchantments or illusions, with their skill determining their ability to see through illusions. They have a basic capacity to dispel magic, provided they understand the magic they aim to dispel, and can record their spells in a grimoire for personal or shared use.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can extend their resonance detection to others, counter spells across any Arcanum, and create protective spells against magical attacks (not physical harm). They can disguise their magical aura, engage in ritualized magical duels, hide from other mages' perceptions while working magic, and operate magical items without meeting their usual activation requirements.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can share their magical protections and aura alterations with others, harness Mana directly from magical sources or enchanted objects, and dispel magic with precision, affecting some targets while sparing others. They enhance soul resilience against theft, infuse items with spells, craft equipment that interacts with otherworldly entities, share Mana, tap into ley lines for power, expose individuals to magical truths, and use Supernal energy as a weapon.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can dispel any magic effortlessly, manage the activity of magical power sources, share their magical perception with non-mages safely, draw Mana from spirits or mundane objects, offering a broader and more powerful manipulation of magical energies and perceptions.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters shape magical energy into sentient forms, instill compelling obsessions, siphon Mana from other mages, create or disable power sources at will, and establish zones where magic is nullified, demonstrating profound control over Prime and its applications.

Prime • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Dispel existing magic of any Arcanum (caster has to know each Arcanum being used).
    • Inscribe Rotes into a Grimoire (caster loses Rotes, has to relearn them: but can read and activate them from within the Grimoire).
  • Knowing
    • Scrutinize an enchanted item, and (with exceptional success) identify its nature and powers, including any curses on it, etc.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Supernal Vision. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • See through Prime-based illusions.

Prime •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Activate a contingent Artifact or imbued item.
    • Squaring the Circle: Create a mystical space where two mages can fight the Duel Arcane.
  • Veiling
    • Transform one's own Aura.
    • Hide oneself from other mages' magic senses when scrutinizing their spells.
  • Shielding
    • Counterspell Prime: counteract any spell as it is being cast, Covert or Vulgar (must first detect it with Mage Sight). Do not need to identify any of the Arcana used. A Counterspell not using the Prime Arcanum (see "Counterspell", p. 123, Mage: the Awakening) requires knowledge of at least Rank • in one component of the spell being used; further, it can only counteract Vulgar magic.
    • Magic Shield (protect against magic directly cast at the mage, not aimed at the mage).
  • Unveiling
    • Sense Th e Th reads: Sense when a mage is scrutinizing one of your spells or items. Space ••.
    • Primal Flow (Grant Supernal Vision to others).

Prime ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Draw Mana from a Hallow without needing to perform an Oblation. Touch range.
    • Draw Mana from Tass or an enchanted item. Touch range.
    • Convert Mana into Tass.
    • Enchant a weapon, allowing it to strike at Twilight or Shadow creatures.
    • Enchant armour to protect against Twilight or Shadow creatures.
    • Create an imbued magic item.
    • Imbue a living creature with Mana. Touch range.
    • Tap ley lines at a node where they cross for perpetually - replenishing energy.
    • Create an inanimate Phantasm - an illusion, albeit a solid one.
  • Fraying
    • Smite the foe: manifest celestial fire (direct Prime attack). Aimed.
    • Selectively dispell an existing spell to exclude selected subjects only, letting the spell carry on to affect others.
    • Dissolve Tass back into the Tapestry.
  • Perfecting
    • Perhaps cleanse a magic item of dark Resonance, replacing it with a healthier Resonance.
    • Higher levels might be able to cleanse Tainted Hallows, or even work on Wounds (Prime ••••• or Prime ••••••).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Magic Shield upon others.
  • Veiling
    • Weave a barrier around a soul, preventing it from being stolen or severed (Should be Shielding, but what the hell ...).
    • Alter the Resonance of an area, or even disperse it altogether.
    • Alter another's Aura, as the Prime •• Effect.

Prime •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Awaken a dormant Hallow.
    • For a brief time, endow a Sleeper with Mage Sight. They can affect Paradoxes, but no longer affect magic with Disbelief whilst this spell is operating.
    • Create a solid illusion which the mage must concentrate to move around like a puppet.
    • Create a sturdy phantasm, and even functional illusionary weapons and armour.
  • Unravelling
    • Pull Essence from a spirit, ghost or Locus and convert it to personal Mana.
    • Pull Mana from an object, damaging its Structure (each point of Structure damage = 1 Mana, max 1 Mana per 3 Size of object. Caster can replenish oen Mana only once per 24 hours: Mana gained from successive castings has to be funnelled into other objects).
    • Dispel any sort of magic. Don't need to know any Arcana being used.
    • Suppress an active Hallow.
  • Weaving
    • Draw Mana from a Hallow, Tass or an enchanted item. Sensory range.
    • Imbue a living creature with Mana. Sensory range.

Prime ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Create a highly detailed, solid, animated phantasm (if used to mimic a person, has that person's Social and Mental Attributes), but requires caster concentration to animate it.
    • Create a temporary Hallow.
    • Create a tulpa (an independent thought form). (Mind •••••).
  • Unmaking
    • Expel Mana from an area, creating a magical "dead zone."
  • Weaving
    • Draw Mana from a Hallow, Tass or an enchanted item with Synpathetic magic (Space ••).
  • Unravelling
    • Siphon Mana from an unwilling mage (their Mana goes into caster's Mana pool). Sensory range.
The Arcanum of Prime focuses on the fundamental essence of magic itself, allowing mages to perceive, manipulate, and control the raw energy that underpins all magical phenomena. Practitioners can see the intricate weavings of magic, dispel enchantments, and protect against or counteract other spells. As they advance, they gain the ability to directly manipulate Mana, the lifeblood of magic, channeling it for various purposes, enhancing magical items, and even wielding magic as a weapon. Masters of Prime can create or annihilate magical energies, influence the very fabric of magical reality, and imbue or strip magical properties with ease.

  • Initiate (●): Initiates can perceive spatial warps and connections, gain enhanced spatial awareness for improved accuracy and detection beyond sight, achieve 360-degree vision, and track objects or entities with their attention, identifying sympathetic connections.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can remotely observe locations (scrying) and potentially interact through these observations, share their spatial perceptions with others, hide their sympathetic connections, use existing spatial doorways, deflect attacks through localized space warping, and create wards against space-related magic.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can extend their spatial defenses to others, create portals for travel, exclude specific objects from wards, scry multiple locations simultaneously, manipulate sympathetic connections, and perform distant close-quarter attacks by warping space.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can teleport instantaneously, create specific keys for portal access, manifest in multiple places (with only one form being interactive), immobilize targets with spatial bindings, and create extradimensional spaces for refuge or storage.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters of Space gain the power to warp dimensional axes to create areas of impossible dimensions; a hallway can be made to stretch out for miles, though its in a building only thirty or forty meters across, or every exit in the building is made to lead back to its foyer. One can create a pocket of sub-space which technically exists within the real universe but can only be reached by taking specific and very strict routes and paths. One may warp space to allow two locales to exist within the same area of space without interacting with each other, or one can force them to interact, usually in a violent manner as their Patterns interfere with each other and push themselves apart.

Space • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Zero Compelling Space spells listed in the book!
    • Perhaps close an open Portal (or open a portal that's held shut but not yet dispelled?).
  • Knowing
    • Analyse sympathetic connections between people, places and things.
    • Flawlessly track an item in caster's immediate surroundings.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Spatial Awareness. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Perceive in a full 360º arc about oneself.
    • Detect spatial disturbances (Portals, wormholes etc).
    • Sense whether space has been distorted, altered, pinched off .
    • Sense if a given point is the start point or terminus of a teleport.
    • Sense the presence, and boundaries, of Bans and Wards.
    • Spatial Map: Eliminate environmental penalties in a combat. Ignore blindness penalties.

Space •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Apport an item either to a scryed location or from it.
    • Step through an already opened portal to its destination: scrying first is recommended.
    • Allow a spell to be cast at Sympathetic range.
    • Create a Ward to bar the use of other Space spells, from scrying on.
  • Veiling
    • Conceal sympathetic connections the mage has to a single other person, place or thing.
  • Shielding
    • Create minor tweaks in localized space time, or gain an uncanny sense of opponents' vectors of attack with enough time to respond accordingly.
    • Protects against attempts to grapple the mage, but not to overpower or damage a grappled mage.
  • Knowing
    • Flawlessly track an item anywhere.
  • Unveiling
    • Grant Mage Sight to another.
    • Scry a remote location.
    • More in-depth scrutiny.

Space ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Create a Ban, blocking a specified thing from entering a protected area. A Ban can be cast on an existing Ward, above, to forbid a specific person or people, item or items, from entering it. Examples: Ban vs Possession (+ Mind •••••); Ban against nuclear radiation (+ Forces •••••); Ban against Fire (+ Forces ••). One can have Bans against people ( Life ), metal objects ( Matter ), ghosts ( Death ) or spirits ( Spirit ).
    • Create a new sympathetic connection, or reinforce a weak one.
    • Create a Portal to another location without crossing the intervening space. Scry first.
    • Punch, kick or strike a foe from a distance.
  • Fraying
    • Destroy a sympathetic connection.
  • Perfecting (Not listed in the book)
    • Repair a severed sympathetic connection?
    • Reopen a closed Portal?
  • Unveiling
    • Scry multiple locations simultaneously (Th is is listed as Fraying. I am listing it here as Unveiling instead).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Shielding •• (Untouchable) protection upon others.

Space •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Co-location to a number of different locations. Requires Mind ••• to act in those locations simultaneously. Transitory Duration.
    • Create a pocket Realm pinched off from the Tapestry (requires other Arcana such as Matter •••• or Life ••••• to make the space inhabitable).
    • Place items into (and take them out of) mage's own Pocket Realm.
    • Set conditions to trigger an existing Portal the mage creates, e.g. "redheads," "anyone carrying a gold amulet" etc.
    • Wrap Space around an opponent, trapping them. With Spirit ••, can trap Twilight spirits: with Death ••, can trap ghosts in Twilight. With Spirit •••, can snare beings in the Shadow Realm. Transitory Duration.
    • Teleportation (do not need to open a Portal first). Can use this to break snares (above).
  • Unravelling
Not listed in book
    • Perhaps destroy a Portal?
    • Counter a spell being cast at sympathetic range by making it harder to form a sympathetic connection?

Space ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Physically cause multiple objects to "stack" in the same co-location.
    • Hide a location, e.g. a Sanctum, behind folds, knots and twists of Space.
    • Mutate and twist the dimensions of locations and spatial axes.
    • Advanced co-location. Requires Life •••• or Life ••••• (to create distinct clones), and optionally Matter ••••• (to duplicate equipment as well - 1 Mana per duplicated item) and / or Mind • or Mind ••• to allow multitasking
    • Throw a victim into a maddening fun house of mirrors (involves Forces •••, Mind •••• and Time •••• to create the effect). Also requires Space Unmaking Practice.
    • Expand or shrink Space. To shrink base life requires Life ••: median life, Life •••: human beings, Life ••••: objects, Matter ••.
  • Unmaking
    • See "fun house" effect, above.
    • Destroy the space between people, objects and things, causing them to physically co-locate and interact in the same space simultaneously ... and messily (Worlds Collide).
  • Patterning
    • Co-location to a number of different locations. Requires Mind ••• to act in those locations simultaneously. Prolonged Duration.
    • Wrap Space around an opponent, trapping them as Space •••• above. Prolonged Duration
The Space Arcanum grants mages control over spatial dimensions, enabling them to perceive and manipulate the connections between locations, objects, and even dimensions. Early abilities include detecting spatial distortions and creating links or boundaries. As mastery deepens, mages can teleport, observe distant places, shield spaces from magical intrusions, and even create portals for travel. Advanced mastery allows for altering spatial relations, making objects or themselves invisible, and crafting spaces outside conventional reality.

Temporarily unavailable Arcana

  • Initiate (●): At this level, a Fate Initiate can perceive the weave of destiny, detecting significant connections or destinies with Mage Sight. They can slightly influence luck to avoid minor mishaps and make subtle alterations to fate, impacting events in minor but non-damaging ways.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can impose minor curses or boost their luck in critical moments. They can share their perception of fate, create protective luck to deflect harm, excel in social situations through exceptional luck, and manipulate fate to make plausible events occur. They learn to swear magical oaths, enhancing mental fortitude but risking misfortune if breached. They also learn to extend the duration of spells under certain conditions, uniquely applying to living beings in some cases.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can extend their protective luck and blessings of fortune to others and modify the terms of oaths without completely changing them. They can imbue objects with luck, conceal destinies from other Fate users, or alter the perceived nature of a destiny. They are capable of achieving feats that seem incredibly lucky.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts experience heightened luck and can release souls bound by supernatural forces. They can sanctify or annul oaths for themselves or others, offering protection from supernatural control or unwanted oaths. They become "Unfettered," with a special awareness of and defense against magical effects targeting their destiny.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters of Fate can lay Geasae upon others, an unbreakable oath with dire consequences for any who would seek to escape or avoid it. They may also break such compulsions, freeing them or another from service. The mage may create a Doom, a magical object, creature, happenstance, place, or time that gives bad luck to a specific person when that person interacts with it, or may create a Godsend, an article of similar nature that grants protection to them or another when it's near. The mage may bestow incredible bad luck on another person, causing them to fail at everything they try whilst under the power of the spell. The mage can radically alter the fate of another person, changing the course of their life in a severe way, create random happenings of bizarre and unusual things, opening the minds of Sleepers to the impossible for a little while and reducing their ability to generate Paradox.
    The mage also gains an increased hardiness against supernatural attempts to control his actions or bind him in oaths. A mage with this level of proficiency with the intricacies of Fate has a sixth sense for powers intended to usurp control of his own destiny. The mage can reflexively repel deleterious magics that will or could harm his fate. He can resist falling under the sway of a geas, for example, or shrug off psychic control.
    The mage can reflexively cast an instant countermagic protection under the following circumstances:

    • His soul is being tampered with or attacked
    • He is being forcibly bound into a geas
    • Ill fate (a doomful item, as described under Fate 5) is directed at him
    • A supernatural compulsion to do something he does not wish to do is directed at him
    [*]The mage needs only the Fate Arcanum to counter the attack. He doesn't need to know all the Arcana involved in the attacking spell. Unfettered countermagic can be made against even covert spells. This applies to all supernatural powers of this type, not merely Awakened magic.

Fate • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Off set probabilities of deleterious factors (mitigating dice pool penalties, for example).
    • Compel a small, immediate turn of good fortune that is not life altering.
    • Evade or attract good or ill fortune in self or others.
    • Trigger a conditionally prepared spell, fulfilling the conditions required to activate it?
  • Knowing
    • Reveal themes and interconnections between people, places and things (read sympathetic connections between subjects).
    • Spot an oathbreaker.
    • Read a Destiny.
    • Read and analyze whether multiple destinies are connected, e.g. if a certain knife is destined to kill a certain person.
    • Sense if a Destiny has been tampered with.
    • Detect supernatural mind control.
    • Detect spiritual possession.
    • Lock onto an object or creature with enough precision to off set combat ranged penalty factors such as target range, target size, environmental factors such as wind or rain, specified target or positional penalties such as target being prone. Requires Space •, plus Life • to lock onto a living creature or Matter • to lock onto an object. Cannot be combined with Space • "Spatial Map" effect.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Sybils Sight. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of the Fate Arcanum.
    • Detect momentous events, determined by the Storyteller.

Fate •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Exceptional luck. Gain the 9 Again quality in a number of skill rolls. Does not affect chance die results. Costs 1 Mana.
    • Evil Eye. Remove dice from a victim's dice pool for the next few rolls he makes. Sensory range.
    • Conditional trigger. Can set up another spell to activate (or deactivate) on fulfillment of a certain condition.
    • Be at the right place at the right time.
    • Smooth out the normal function of a mechanism.
    • Make small manipulations of destiny.
    • Make a simple oath sworn by self binding. Self-sworn oaths cannot be cancelled until Fate ••••. They must be dispelled.
    • Exempt specific individuals or groups of people from the effects of an area effect spell.
  • Veiling
    • Make one's own Destiny unclear and hard to read.
    • Alter appearance of personal Destiny to magical scrutiny, to make it look as if that Destiny was something else.
    • Alter apparent Destiny to make it look as if it has been tampered with.
    • Conceal marks of tampering with one's Destiny.
    • Bestow a false Destiny reading on oneself.
    • Conceal any personal sympathetic connections with things, e.g. to conceal sympathetic connections with a soul stone.
    • Alter personal aura to appear as if one were labouring under a curse, an oath or had good luck cast upon them.
    • Alter personal aura to appear as if one were under the direct or indirect influence of mind control or spirit possession.
  • Shielding
    • Fate deflects incoming attacks (equivalent of armour points). Protects against attempts to grapple the caster. Does not protect against attempts to overpower a grappled caster.
  • Knowing
    • Analyze the phenomena revealed by • Knowing.
    • Grant • Knowing upon others.
  • Unveiling
    • Grant Fate • Mage Sight upon others (Granting the Sybil's Sight).
    • More in-depth Scrutiny.

Fate ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Alter the terms and conditions of an oath sworn with Fate.
    • Grant 8 Again on a number of personal dice pools. No effect on chance dice.
    • Grant the 9 Again dice pool blessing on others. No effect on chance dice.
  • Fraying
    • Bestow bad luck upon an object (imposing dice pool penalties upon it when it is used).
  • Perfecting
    • Bestow luck upon an object (granting it equipment bonuses).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Shielding •• protection upon others.
    • Protect a given Destiny (including a Destiny Merit) from tampering.
    • Conceal a Destiny from being scrutinized at all (Veiling).
    • Protect an oath from being tampered with.
  • Veiling
    • Alter appearance of another's Destiny to magical scrutiny, to make it look as if that Destiny was something else.
    • Alter another's apparent Destiny to make it look as if it has been tampered with.
    • Conceal marks of tampering with another's Destiny.
    • Bestow a false Destiny reading on a person, animal, place or object.
    • Conceal another's sympathetic connections.
    • Make someone, creature, place or thing appear as if one were labouring under a curse, an oath or had good luck cast upon them.
    • Make someone, creature, place or thing appear as if one were under the direct or indirect influence of mind control or spirit possession.

Fate •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Witness and sanctify oaths sworn by others.
    • Freely manipulate an oath one has sworn.
    • Sever an oath completely.
  • Unravelling
    • Free a stolen soul from its prison within a Soul Jar.
    • Momentarily sever the bonds between a mage and her familiar.
    • Release a spirit from a fetish.
    • Cut the bond between a ghost and its anchor, a spirit from a fetter or mooring.
  • Ruling
    • Ensure an object ends up where the caster wants it to end up, through manipulations of chance and happenstance. Requires Space ••.
  • Perfecting
    • Caster's luck becomes almost certain (gains Rote Action on a number of dice pools). Does affect chance dice.

Fate ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Forge a Destiny upon oneself or another.
    • Declare a living being, a place, an object, a condition, a circumstance, a behaviour or an action a Godsend, protecting a person fulfilling the terms of the Godsend (e.g. "The Gods protect those who behave virtuously," etc).
    • Create a geas. With Indefinite Duration and the sacrifice of a Willpower dot, the geas can be made generational.
    • Create a swarm of Fortean phenomena, e.g. a rain of frogs, every telephone in the area ringing at the same time, hail falling from a clear sky, Oregon Crud etc.) Within the area, Sleeper witnesses do not exacerbate Paradoxes caused by vulgar spells, nor do they bring about Disbelief.
  • Unmaking
    • The Great Curse: whatever the victim does (any number of dice rolls) is doomed to fail.
    • Turn someone or something into something else's doom. For example, forging a doom upon a serial killer's knife such that it is the knife which brings about the killer's arrest and conviction, or placing a doom upon a race car such that it will win the next race, but subsequently crash and kill its driver.
  • Patterning
    • Freely dispel or rearrange the conditions of another mage's geas
The Arcanum of Fate enables mages to manipulate the forces of chance, luck, and destiny. Practitioners can influence outcomes in their favor, protect themselves with serendipitous luck, and impose beneficial or harmful conditions on others through magical oaths and curses. With advanced mastery, they can profoundly alter the course of destinies, bending the fabric of fate to their will.

  • Initiates (●): Time Initiates can perceive temporal resonances on objects, accurately tell time, detect any alterations to the natural flow of time, and gain insights into immediate past, present, or near future events. They develop an enhanced sense of timing, enabling precise actions for optimal outcomes.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can share their temporal perceptions, discern simple binary outcomes, and acquire detailed insights into straightforward actions. They can review their own or an object's past with clarity and protect themselves from temporal divinations or physical attacks by manipulating time's speed. Apprentices can also prepare spells with specific triggers for delayed activation, enhancing stealth and efficiency.
  • Disciples (●●●): Disciples can extend their temporal protections to others and acquire specific future insights beyond simple binary outcomes. They can significantly increase their speed by manipulating their place in the flow of time and have the ability to redo an action immediately, enhancing their effectiveness and correcting mistakes.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can predict near-future events with extreme accuracy and delve into the further future to not only foresee events but also learn how to influence or prevent them. They can 'stutter' themselves or others forward in time, appearing moments ahead, and manipulate the flow of time around individuals or within areas, affecting the speed of actions and events relative to the external world.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters of Time are granted the ability to catapult objects into another time, to avoid capture by enemies or make them available when their intended recipient is prepared to wield them. One can temporarily cease the time flow around a person, freezing them in the middle of whatever they were doing (even if they were falling to the ground) until the spell ends. One's powers can warp local time, creating pockets of unusual temporality in which time moves slower or faster than it does on the outside. Finally, the mage can rewrite their personal history, changing the events of one's past (though only temporarily) to give oneself a completely different set of capabilities (though the history of their soul cannot be changed; all magical traits remain the same).

Time • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
(Nothing listed in the book)
    • Let a small event occur at just the right (or wrong) time, e.g. ensure that a falling plant pot just misses a person walking below, or that a person happens to bump into his future soulmate at a street corner at just the right time - or that a payphone call at a bus stop ends just as the bus heaves into view?
    • Trigger a prepared spell, fulfilling the conditions required to activate it?
  • Knowing
    • Scrutinize an ongoing event and determine whether it will benefit or hinder caster in future.
    • Sense the perfect moment to perform one mundane action (bonus to the next Skill roll made).
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Temporal Eddies. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Sense Resonance by the way it affects the timestream.
    • Sense perfect time, anywhere.
    • Sense temporal disturbances (e.g. use of Time Arcanum, people suffering from "lost" time etc).

Time •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
(no specific examples given in the book)
    • Prepared Spells (+ other Arcana). ("I cast Exploding Runes this morn" - BOOM)
    • Temporal Sympathy: mage can use sympathetic links between objects separated by time.
  • Veiling
    • Protect self against being scryed upon with Time senses.
  • Shielding
    • Protect oneself from physical harm with slight Time warps and eddies.
  • Unveiling
    • Bestow Temporal Eddies upon others (Temporal Flow).
    • See the future in general terms (simple answers).
    • Postcognition: Perceive an event in the past with clarity (optional Space ••). Concentration.
  • Knowing
    • Scry ahead in time to check the result of an ongoing event with a simple outcome (coin toss, dice throw, red wire or green wire etc).
    • Scry the outcome of a current personal action, and reroll it if necessary. Instant casting.

Time ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Personal acceleration (Temporal Mage Celerity).
    • Rewind a turn of Time, allowing the mage to do that same turn differently.
    • Temporal Ban (selectively warding mage or object from certain temporal effects)?
  • Fraying
(Nothing listed in book)
    • Burn out a process by shortening its duration (mundane things only, like fires)?
  • Perfecting
    • Restore the Duration of a spell targeted by adverse temporal spells?
  • Knowing
    • Scry the outcome of a current personal action, and reroll it if necessary. Reflexive casting.
  • Unveiling
    • See the future with greater detail.
    • Postcognition: view 1 minute per success (optional Space ••).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Temporal Dodge's protection upon others.
    • Protect a spell's Duration from being terminated prematurely?

Time •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Slow down time around an individual.
    • Gain prescriptive advice on how to alter the future (e.g. "Tell her to diet!")
    • Cause people or things to stutter forward in time (a few turns).
    • Extend the Duration of a Transitory spell to Prolonged?
  • Unravelling
(Not listed in the book)
    • Bring the Duration of a spell forwards to the present, immediately causing its untimely end?
  • Unveiling
    • Predict the immediate future with absolute clarity (Listed as Patterning).
    • Postcognition: view 10 minutes per success (optional Space ••).
  • Weaving
    • Accelerate others (Temporal Mage Celerity).
    • Create a personal temporal pocket.

Time ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Push an area into a Temporal Pocket (Faerie Glade).
    • Shunt objects far into the future (years or decades).
    • Amend personal history temporarily (Skills, Attributes, but not Path or Gnosis).
  • Unmaking
    • The Unmaking complement of History Sculpting above.
    • Suspend a person in time.
  • Weaving
    • Give a Prolonged spell an Indefinite Duration (not life forms, unless a condition included)?
The Arcanum of Time allows mages to perceive and manipulate the flow of time itself. Practitioners can detect alterations in time's natural progression, foresee imminent events to discern their potential impact, and manipulate their timing to act with unparalleled precision. As their mastery grows, they can share their temporal insights with others, shield themselves or allies by altering time's flow around them, and even cast spells set to activate under specific conditions. Advanced practitioners can foresee future events with significant accuracy, manipulate the speed of actions for themselves or others, and take steps backward in time to change outcomes.

  • Initiate (●): Initiates can perceive, communicate with, and understand spirits, assess the strength of the Gauntlet, detect spirit possessions, and slightly enhance the usage of material objects by interacting with their spirits.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can share their perception of the Gauntlet with others, glimpse into the Shadow Realm, summon and interact with lesser spirits, create soul jars, physically interact with spirits and spirit objects, alter the Gauntlet's strength near a Hallow, and shield against physical or ephemeral attacks.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can forge pacts with spirits, directly affect a spirit's Corpus, perform exorcisms, command spirits, summon spirits of any power level, shield against spiritual powers and werewolf gifts, create pathways through the Gauntlet, awaken object spirits for interaction with Twilight beings, and reattach severed souls.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can store and channel spiritual Essence, bind familiars to others, create fetishes by trapping spirits in objects for their power, control access to spirit roads, bind spirits in Twilight, or cause possessions, demonstrating advanced control and utility within the spirit realm.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters can influence the Gauntlet without a Hallow, alter or create spirits, materialize spirits into the physical world, establish a safe haven in the Shadow Realm, and create a spirit court to gain influence and power among spirits, showing profound mastery over spirit interactions and the Gauntlet.

Spirit • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Partially awaken a slumbering spirit within a tool or object for one scene, giving a single equipment bonus to a dice roll in that scene.
  • Knowing
    • See, hear and talk with spirits in Twilight.
    • Sense the unseen presence of Twilight spirits in hiding.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Second Sight. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Determine the strength of the local Gauntlet.
    • Detect the presence of a possessing entity within a terrestrial being.
    • Perceive the Twilight.

Spirit •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Physically interact with spirits and spirit objects in Twilight. Death •• to affect ghosts and ghostly objects; Mind •• to affect bodiless psychic projections.
    • Call a nearby spirit to attend the caster.
    • Fortify or weaken the Gauntlet at a Hallow.
    • Create a Soul Jar.
  • Veiling
(Not listed in the book)
    • Perhaps conceal the caster from the scrutiny of spirits?
    • Conceal the nature of a soul jar, Fetter or Fetish, making it look like an ordinary object.
    • Make soul jars, Fetters or fetishes invisible to spirits?
  • Shielding
    • Protect oneself against physical attacks and attacks from spirits.
    • Does not protect against grapple attacks. Does not protect against overcoming a grappled mage.
  • Unveiling
    • Grant Second Sight upon others.
    • Peer across the Gauntlet into the Shadow (or from the Shadow into the material).

Spirit ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Exorcise a possessing spirit or drive it from its Fetter.
    • Forge a pact with a spirit familiar (requires Familiar Merit).
    • Summon a spirit from the Shadow Realm.
    • Reach across the Gauntlet to touch, be touched by, or strike a spirit in the Shadow.
    • In the Shadow, reach across to the physical world and interact with physical items.
    • Strike people in the physical world from the Shadow.
    • Restore a soul to its rightful body. Space ••+ to retrieve the soul from a remote location.
    • Rouse the spirit within an object.
    • Spirit road (cross the Gauntlet into the Shadow):
      • Transitory Duration. Extended casting. No control over access until Spirit ••••.
  • Fraying
  • Perfecting
  • Ruling
    • Control a spirit.
    • Create a Soul Jar with a longer Duration, potentially Indefinite.
  • Shielding
    • Create a personal ward against spirit powers, Numina, werewolf Gifts and Rites.
    • Bestow Shielding •• protection upon others.

Spirit •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Bind a spirit to a location or object in the material world.
    • Bind a spirit guardian to protect a physical object, location or person.
    • Create a fetish.
    • Create a Medicine Bag to store Essence.
    • Convert Mana into Essence, Essence into Mana (Prime ••••).
    • Channel Essence:
      • From a Locus.
      • Spirit to spirit.
      • To or from a Medicine Bag or other object that can contain Essence.
      • From a Locus, Medicine Bag or other Essence container to a spirit.
    • Forge a familiar pact between a Familiar and another mage.
    • Compel a spirit to possess a terrestrial being.
    • Control access to a spirit road caster creates.
    • Cross the Gauntlet without needing a spirit road.
  • Unravelling
(Not listed in the book)
    • Destroy a fetish spiritually, freeing the spirit and leaving the object intact?
    • Sever the link between a spirit and a Fetter?
    • Damage the Corpus of a spirit across the Gauntlet in the Shadow?
    • Destroy a Medicine Bag's ability to contain Essence?
  • Perfecting
  • Weaving
    • Spirit road:
      • Prolonged Duration. Extended casting

Spirit ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Control the strength of the local Gauntlet without a Hallow.
    • Reduce Gauntlet strength to 0, creating a Verge.
    • Cause a spirit to physically materialize in the material world.
    • Fundamentally create a spirit out of ephemera.
    • Forge a soul out of ephemera.
    • Add to and alter a spirit's Attributes, Corpus, Influences, Numina and Rank.
    • Create a gruesome, dark animated servant made of living shadows (Death •••).
    • Create an entire spirit Court of her own.
    • Create a temporary Sanctum in the Shadow Realm.
  • Unmaking
    • Shape and alter a spirit, removing Attributes, Corpus, Influences, Numina and Rank.
  • Weaving
    • Spirit road:
      • Advanced prolongation. Instant casting.
  • Patterning
    • Bind spirit (advanced prolongation).
    • Bind spirit guardian (advanced prolongation).
The Arcanum of Spirit allows mages to interact with, understand, and influence the spirit world and its inhabitants. At the initial stages, practitioners can perceive spirits, communicate with them, and sense the Gauntlet's strength, the barrier between the physical world and the Shadow Realm. As they advance, they can summon spirits, create objects to contain souls, and traverse or manipulate the Gauntlet, enhancing their interaction with the spirit realm. Higher mastery enables mages to forge pacts with spirits, command them, and even create spiritual pathways. At the peak of their power, they can alter the local strength of the Gauntlet, create spirits from nothing, or form a spirit court, establishing themselves as a figure of authority in the Shadow Realm.

  • Initiate (●): Initiates can detect life forces, analyze creatures to determine species, age, and gender, sense specific life forms nearby, diagnose wounds or diseases, and purge harmful substances from their own bodies.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can heal personal or non-human wounds, expel toxins and diseases from others, control their physiological functions, influence base life forms (like insects and plants), enhance their own resistance to harm, and share their life-detecting abilities with others.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples can fortify, heal, and cleanse diseases in others, exert control over median life forms (including most animals), adopt physical traits from these life forms, and alter their appearance or that of others within the realm of base or median life forms.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts gain advanced control over life, manipulating bodily functions in humans and animals, transforming base life forms into median ones, creating diseases, directly attacking life force, and transforming themselves into any creature, with caution against losing oneself to instinctual behaviors.
  • Master (●●●●●): Masters can create life from Mana, transform animals into humans or other creatures with the potential for breeding true, exert limited control over human actions, change forms without mental conflict, and regenerate lost body parts for themselves or others.

Life • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Purge drugs and poisons from one's body.
  • Knowing
    • Discern the age, sex and species of a nearby creature, even human.
    • Discern enough information about the characteristics of a given life form that one can recognize it later.
    • Sense the presence of life forms all around the caster. Can tune out types of life form, e.g. ignoring the signals of airborne bacteria or trees, or selecting "humans" or "roe deer." Can be used to tune in to the locations of recognized life patterns, as long as they remain alive.
    • Sense the general state of health of a life pattern, identifying drugs, poisons, diseases or injuries.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Pulse of the Living World. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of Life.
    • Sense whether life forms in the area are under the influence of Life magic, or of any supernatural power which is altering their Life Pattern.
    • Determine if a drug, poison, injury or disease is of supernatural origin, or has been directly caused by a supernatural being. Damage caused by a supernatural creature's powers or attacks counts, but not if that supernatural creature had simply shot the victim with a pistol.

Life •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Perfect body control. Mage can slow down or stop own heart, reduce breathing rate without risking oxygen starvation, speed up own reflexes (Initiative boost), greatly speed up healing times for bashing damage and slow down own metabolism so the mage can do without food for longer.
    • Control base life forms.
    • Control smallish swarms of insects, e.g. bees, wasps.
    • Healing:
      • Wounds of base and median life. Touch range.
      • Heal bashing or lethal damage (self).
      • Cure sickness or disease (self).
    • Transfer feature:
      • Base life to base life. Touch range.
    • Transformations:
      • Base life to base life. Touch range.
      • Large plant into swarm of insects. Touch range.
      • One plant into another.
  • Veiling
    • Mask wounds and signs of injury in base and median life forms, making them appear healthy, or making it appear as if they are suffering from some other cause of ailment.
    • Mask one's own injuries or signs of ill health.
    • Mask the presence of identifying moles, birthmarks and scars.
    • Make one life form appear to be another life form, e.g. making a red rose look like a black rose, make a tangle of briars look like a comfortable hummock of grass or make deadly nightshade berries appear to be tasty blackberries.
    • Mask a base life form's scent from predators.
    • Mask own scent, or alter scent to appear like an unappetizing creature to predators.
    • Send out disruptive pheromonal signals to confuse a swarming mass of insects. e.g. ants, bees.
    • Make one's trace DNA evidence at a crime scene unreadable.
  • Shielding
    • Life Pattern is strengthened, made denser, to ward off physical attacks. Body develops a natural armour. Doesn't affect attempts to grapple a mage. Does not protect against attempts to overpower a grappled mage.
  • Compelling
    • Purge drugs and poisons from others' bodies. Touch range.
  • Knowing
    • Sense the presence of specific life forms beyond sensory range using Space ••. Sense the proximity of local life forms over a wider area than at Knowing •.
  • Unveiling
Grant Life • Mage Sight upon others (Pulse of the Living World).

Life ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Control median life forms.
    • Transfer feature:
      • Base life or median life to median life. Touch range.
      • Base or median life to self.
    • Transformations:
      • Base life to base life. Sensory range.
      • Median life to median life. Touch range.
      • Base life to common solid, e.g. wood. Touch range. Matter
    • Alter one's appearance slightly: eye colour, skin colour and texture, hair colour and length. Height, weight, the length of toes, fingers, can be altered slightly.
  • Fraying
    • Reduce one physical characteristic to appear weak and infirm.
    • Reduce one physical characteristic of a base or median life form.
  • Perfecting
    • Healing:
      • Wounds of base and median life. Sensory range.
      • Bashing and lethal in humans. Touch range.
      • Cure sickness in others. Touch range.
      • Aggravated damage (self: always vulgar. Costs 1 Mana ).
    • Honing:
      • One personal physical characteristic.
      • One physical characteristic of a base or median life form.
  • Compelling
    • Purge drugs and poisons from others' bodies. Sensory range.
  • Ruling
    • Control median life forms.
    • Control larger swarms of insects.
  • Veiling
    • Appear to be somebody else. Alterations can be as radical as you wish: gender, size, skin, hair, eye colour, identifying features.
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Life •• Shielding protection upon others.

Life •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Exert gross motor control over a base or median life form, wielding it like a puppet.
    • Physically transform one's own appearance to resemble another person. Alterations can be as radical as you wish: gender, size, skin, hair, eye colour, identifying features.
    • Transformation:
      • Shapechange self into another life form. Danger of losing one's identity to the animal. Clothes and gear don't transform unless Matter •••• or Matter ••••• are used to shift clothing and gear accordingly.
      • Base life form to median life form.
  • Unravelling
    • Degradation:
      • One Physical Characteristics of a human. Touch range.
      • Two Physical Characteristics of a base or median life form.
    • Cause a contagious sickness or disease.
    • Directly attack a person's or creature's life force (lethal damage).
  • Ruling
    • Cure sickness or disease within others. Sensory range.
  • Perfecting
    • Honing:
      • One physical characteristic in another. Touch range.
      • Two personal physical characteristics.
      • Two physical characteristics of a base or median life form.
    • Healing:
      • Aggravated in humans (aggravated). Touch range. Vulgar. 1 Mana.
      • Bashing and lethal in humans (bashing and lethal). Sensory range.
  • Weaving
    • Control humans by their instincts.
    • Transfer features:
      • base or median life form into a median life form. Sensory range.
      • base or median life to another human. Touch range.
    • Transformations:
      • Median life form to median life. Sensory range.
    • Alter another's appearance slightly, as above. Touch range.

Life ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Transformations:
      • Shapechange without risk of being "lost" in the new form.
      • Shapechange into fantastic life forms.
      • Human to base or median life form. Human retains identity.
      • Human to base or median life form. Human risks losing identity.
    • Create a new life, up to human in complexity. Th is host body is effectively mindless. Requires other magics to give it a mind and a soul.
    • Shape and warp living matter, granting it fantastic characteristics out of legend (e.g. turn a horse into a dragon) or inventing new characteristics never found in nature. Sensory range.
    • Make the effects of a spell which transfers features from one animal to another a hereditary change.
    • Temporarily regrow lost organs or limbs through a form of regeneration.
  • Unmaking
    • Bestow a deleterious hereditary change on a creature, such as a weak immune system or colour blindness.
  • Weaving
    • Alter another's appearance slightly, as above. Sensory range.
    • Alter another's appearance more radically, as above. Touch range.
    • Feature transfer:
      • Base or median life form to another human. Sensory range.
  • Perfecting
    • Raise one personal physical characteristic in another. Sensory range.
    • Heal injuries in humans (aggravated). Sensory range. Vulgar.
  • Patterning
    • Transformation:
      • Base or median life form to human. Human still has identity of creature.
    • Exert gross bodily control over a human being, wielding his or her body like a meat puppet.
  • Unravelling
    • Degradation:
      • One Physical Characteristic of a human. Sensory range.
      • Two Physical Characteristics of a human. Touch range.
    • Directly attack a person's or creature's life force (aggravated damage).
The Arcanum of Life grants mages the profound ability to sense, heal, manipulate, and even create life. Starting with detecting life forces and distinguishing characteristics of living entities, practitioners can purge toxins from their bodies. As their mastery grows, they can heal injuries, control biological functions, and influence the growth and behavior of lesser life forms. Advanced practitioners can modify physical attributes, assume characteristics or entire forms of other beings, and control diseases. At the highest levels, they possess the capability to create new life forms from Mana, transform species, and regenerate lost body parts, showcasing their dominion over the very essence of life.

  • Initiate (●): Initiates can read auras to discern emotional states, detect extraordinary mental powers like telepathy or ESP, identify the presence of minds or mental projections, and split their focus to maintain dual lines of thought simultaneously.
  • Apprentice (●●): Apprentices can manipulate their own aura, erect mental barriers against mind influence, alter others' perceptions to affect visibility or avoid attacks, erase specific memories to evade detection, control simple animal minds, create emotions in others, send mental messages, and share their perceptions of unusual mental abilities.
  • Disciple (●●●): Disciples gain the ability to control actions of more complex creatures (excluding mammals, cetaceans, and cephalopods), communicate mentally in any language, manage their sleep and dreams, modify their Mental or Social Attributes, appear as someone else, multitask mentally, cause physical harm through mental overload, interact with Astral Space, and start practicing Goetic magic for personal vice overcoming.
  • Adept (●●●●): Adepts can enhance or diminish others' Mental or Social Attributes, exert greater control over minds (including advanced ones), deeply access and manipulate memories, induce hallucinations, enter dreams, project their mind into Twilight, restrict Astral Space access, and directly engage with others' Oneiroi from the physical realm.
  • Master (●●●●●): A Master of Mind receives the power to completely dominate the mind of another, without regard for their survival instincts or morals. One may possess a target, acting through that person's body or completely reprogram another being's mind. One may psychically project one's mind directly into the Shadow Realm, without needing to pass through the Gauntlet or create an abode where one's mind will be safe from harm. The mage's powers allow one to network minds together, allowing many people to telepathically communicate at once, or even create other consciousnesses, though they don't last forever. One may imprison other people within Astral Space for a short time or link multiple Oneiroi together, allowing easy travel between them.

Mind • (Initiate)

  • Compelling
    • Perform two separate non-physical Extended action knowledge tasks at the same time.
  • Knowing
    • Sense the presence of consciousness around the caster.
  • Unveiling
    • Mage Sight Third Eye. Sense magic. Scrutinize magic.
    • Gain sensory perception of phenomena within the purview of Mind.
    • Read living auras, and discern the emotional states of those whose auras are read.
    • Detect the presence of mental projections in Twilight.
    • Sense when others nearby are using, or under the infl uence of, extraordinary abilities such as telepathy, mind control, psychometry or ESP.
    • Read, identify and analyse Resonances.

Mind •• (Apprentice)

  • Ruling
    • Manipulate a simple mind (base life form up to the level of reptiles, insects, or fish).
    • Project emotions subliminally into others' minds.
    • First Impressions: Boost the first Social Attribute roll made at an encounter.
    • Limited telepathic projection (a few words).
  • Veiling
    • Alter one's own aura, making it harder to read, or sometimes even to identify.
    • Become a forgettable non-entity, unobtrusive, forgotten and quickly dismissed.
    • Hide away a personal memory from scrutiny ("Th ere is a hole in your mind").
  • Shielding
    • Protect one's mind from being sensed, read, probed, assaulted or controlled by psychic forces.
    • Protect one's body with a combination of misconceptions, minor hallucinations and psychic projections.
  • Unveiling
    • Grants Mind • Mage Sight upon others.

Mind ••• (Disciple)

  • Weaving
    • Telepathy: mental communication; thoughts, emotions, images (transitory Duration).
    • Read a subject's conscious mind (thoughts).
    • Cloud people's minds, making them see(, hear, smell, feel) you as someone else.
    • Perform three separate non-physical Extended action knowledge tasks at the same time.
    • Regulate one's sleep cycle (how long or how little one sleeps) and control one's dreams.
    • Understand, translate and communicate in any language. Extremely useful.
  • Fraying
    • Crude psychic assault that inflicts bashing psychosomatic damage. Even harms vampires.
  • Perfecting
    • Raise a single Mental or Social Attribute. Self only.
  • Veiling
    • Alter another's aura as you can alter your own.
  • Ruling
    • Manipulate a more complex mind (non-primate mammals, birds, large fi sh, but not primates, cetaceans or cephalopods, squid, cuttlefish or octopi).
  • Shielding
    • Bestow Shielding •• protections upon others.

Mind •••• (Adept)

  • Patterning
    • Control other's memory. Add to, modify or delete memories.
    • Enter the dreams of a sleeping individual. (Use other Mind spells to alter that dream).
    • Create false sensory input - a sensory hallucination.
    • Read a subject's unconscious mind (hidden motivations, memories). Prolonged Duration vs Sleepers; Transitory Duration vs mages and other supernaturals.
    • Psychic projection into Twilight.
    • Exert telepathic control over humans and just about any mundane creature.
  • Unravelling
    • Lower a single Mental or Social Attribute of another.
    • Powerful psychic assault (lethal damage).
  • Weaving
    • Telepathy (prolonged Duration).
  • Perfecting
    • Raise one's own Mental or Social Attributes in any combination.
    • Raise a single Mental or Social Attribute of another.
  • Patterning
    • Read a subject's unconscious mind. Prolonged Duration vs mages and other supernaturals.

Mind ••••• (Master)

  • Making
    • Establish a telepathic communication network
    • Possess another's body;
    • Dominate the mind of a human being (including issuing suicidal commands).
    • Completely reprogram a person's mind from the memories up. Prolonged Duration against mages and supernaturals: Lasting (though dispellable) vs Sleepers.
    • Create a consciousness from nothing (Prolonged Duration).
    • Psychically project past Twilight into the Shadow.
    • Sculpt a Twilight sanctuary in which a psychic consciousness is safe.
  • Unmaking
    • Nothing listed in book
  • Weaving
    • Telepathy (advanced prolonged Duration factors).
  • Unravelling
    • Lower two Mental or Social Attributes of another. Touch range.
    • Lower one Mental or Social Attribute of another. Sensory range.
    • Powerful psychic assault (aggravated damage - requires 1 Mana). "Such a neuron-frying assault exceeds any known threshold of headache pain." So yes, that's gotta hurt.
The Arcanum of Mind endows mages with profound capabilities to perceive, influence, and manipulate the mental and emotional realms. Initiates can discern auras and detect mental activities, including telepathy and the presence of minds. As they advance, they gain the ability to alter perceptions, including their own aura, protect their minds from external influences, and influence the emotions and memories of others. More skilled practitioners can control actions, speak any language, manipulate dreams, and enhance mental or social attributes. They also gain the ability to cause physical harm by overloading neurons and explore the Astral Realms in depth. At higher mastery levels, adepts can directly manipulate the thoughts, memories, and consciousness of others, project their minds, and enter or seal off Astral spaces.
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Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Nightlord256 on Aug 20, 2024 at 10:14 PM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.
    [X] Matter: focus on the shrine itself, envisioning the twisted and broken structure being restored to its former state. In your mind's eye, the cracks mend, the stones re-align, and the corruption that has seeped into the walls is driven out. As the shrine is repaired, the area around it is cleansed, its power restored to something pure and sacred.
New Dawn 1.5 New
[X] Death: You picture the abomination before you, but instead of seeing a monster, you see the tormented spirits of the monks, trapped in their own agony. You focus on purifying their souls, laying them to rest with a wave of gentle, soothing energy. The ectoplasm dissipates, the twisted forms unravel, and their spirits find peace as they are finally released from their torment.

Jagged sharp pain radiates through your chest with every breath. You force yourself to your feet and face the abomination. Its twisted, agonized form a mockery of life. A cruel facsimile of the monks who once lived in this place. Their pain, their sorrow, their suffering—it all bleeds into the air, thick and suffocating.

But in the depths of those tortured eyes, you see something else. Not just rage, not just agony—but a desperate plea for release. They are trapped in a torment they can't escape. And something inside you, something deep and instinctual, knows that you can help them.

You close your eyes, the image of the abomination burned into your mind. You focus past its monstrous appearance and reach to the spirits within. You picture them as they once were—peaceful, devoted monks, dedicated to their faith, now lost in a nightmare they didn't deserve.

A calm, soothing energy wells up within you—something gentler, more compassionate. You focus on that energy, letting it flow through you, filling the room with a soft, warm light that chases away the shadows. You can feel the abomination's pain, its sorrow, as if it's your own, and you channel that understanding into your spell.

"Rest now," you whisper, the words are more for yourself than the creature.

As the light spreads outward, you feel something shift deep within you. This isn't just raw power—this is something more profound, more delicate. You're touching something far more fundamental, something that feels ancient and pure. A tapestry of their experiences, emotions, and memories, woven together with a thread of something eternal and immutable. As you reach out to their trapped souls within the abomination, you can sense the depth of their existence, the weight of the lives they once lived.

You're kneeling in the temple's garden, the scent of jasmine filling the air as the sun sets behind the skyline. The peaceful rustle of leaves in the wind, the gentle sound of water trickling from a nearby fountain.

The sensation is unlike anything you've ever felt. The waves of their existence washing over you, filling you with warmth and light. There's a beauty to it, a purity that takes your breath away.

You feel the warmth of the earth beneath your hands as you tend to the plants, the quiet satisfaction of knowing you're part of something greater.

You can feel their emotions, their hopes, their dreams, all laid bare before you, as though you've been given a glimpse into the very core of their being.

You're standing in the temple's main hall, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls as you chant softly, your voice joining with others in a harmonious prayer. The sense of unity, of purpose, fills you with a deep, abiding peace.

For a moment, you lose yourself in the wonder of it. The souls are like stars, each one unique, yet part of a greater constellation that forms the essence of who they were. The connection is so intimate, so profound, that it feels almost sacred.

You're running now, your heart pounding in your chest, as the temple walls shake from the force of an explosion. The scent of jasmine is replaced by the acrid stench of smoke and burning wood. Panic surges through you as a leering demonic mask appears in-front of you. The demon dissolves into ash, trapping you in a nightmare of fire and chaos.

You feel the searing heat, the pain as the flames lick at your skin, the desperate cries of your brothers as they too are consumed by the inferno. Your vision blurs, and the last thing you see is space twisting violently as the shrine shatters.

The memory fades, but the emotions linger, echoing within you. The beauty and peace of their lives along with the stark horror of their deaths, and you feel a deep sadness settle in your chest. But there's also a resolve—a determination to carry these lives with you so that they are not forgotten.

You open your eyes just in time to see the abomination's form begin to fade, the tortured spirits no longer bound to their corrupted shell. Their faces, once contorted in agony, now appear peaceful, almost serene, as they dissolve into the light.

The room falls silent.

The monks have found peace, their spirits laid to rest by your hand.

Your ribs ache, your body exhausted from the effort. Yet despite the pain, there's a warmth in your chest, a small spark of something that feels like hope. You did this. You used your power to help, to heal, and that's something no one can take away from you.

As the last remnants of the abomination fade, your eyes drift upward to the tesseract hovering above the shrine. A twisted, fractured thing, it pulses with a dark, malevolent energy that seems to taint the very air around it. You can feel its presence even more acutely now, a constant, oppressive weight bearing down on you.

This… thing must be dealt with. Whatever it is, whatever it's doing to this place, it's wrong—deeply, fundamentally wrong. The souls of the monks might have found peace, but as long as this wound remains, the corruption will only spread. You can sense it, like a festering infection at the heart of the shrine, and you know that if you don't act, everything you've just accomplished could be undone.

You take a tentative step closer, your breath hitching as you feel the tesseract's foul energy brush against your senses. It's like stepping into a cloud of putrid, oily smoke, the stench of decay and rot clinging to you, making your skin crawl. You can feel its baleful presence lingering, trying to seep into your very essence. The more you focus on it, the more repulsed you feel, as though you're standing on the edge of an abyss that threatens to pull you in and swallow you whole.

You gather your will, steeling yourself against the revulsion that churns in your gut. This thing—this wound in the fabric of reality—has to be stopped. You reach deep within yourself, drawing on the strength that's carried you this far, and press down upon the malignant energy of the tesseract. It resists you, pushing back with a force that nearly takes your breath away, but you hold firm, refusing to let it overwhelm you.

As you stand there, locked in a silent struggle with the tesseract's foul energy, you…


[] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.

[] Space: Reality has been twisted, fractured by the tesseract's corrupting influence. You focus on mending the tear, ensuring that what is broken is made whole once more. The corrupting energy will be banished, sealed away beyond the boundaries of reality, where it can no longer taint the world.

A/N: Thanks for the comments/feedback everyone.

@H2F2, that is a fantastic breakdown of the arcana, much more detailed than what I was writing. Let me see if I can add that post to Information. While you will have access to all of the abilities described here, some training will be required to figure them out. I will post more details when we are out of this intro arc.

@Phoenix853456! , Perfected metals do exist but will take quite a bit of practice/research to figure out from first principles.[/RIGHT]
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A tesseract is a shape, so to fix it we need to use space magic.

[X] Space: Reality has been twisted, fractured by the tesseract's corrupting influence. You focus on mending the tear, ensuring that what is broken is made whole once more. The corrupting energy will be banished, sealed away beyond the boundaries of reality, where it can no longer taint the world.
The arcana of death would probably be the most practical choice. As far as I remember magicians are usually more profitable to use their ruling arcana (in our case matter and death). Since in the first place no minor arcana should be higher than the ruling arcana and it seems that you can create improvisation (invented on the fly) spells without using mana, but I'm not sure about that.

[X] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.
[X] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.
[X] Space: Reality has been twisted, fractured by the tesseract's corrupting influence. You focus on mending the tear, ensuring that what is broken is made whole once more. The corrupting energy will be banished, sealed away beyond the boundaries of reality, where it can no longer taint the world.

The arcana of death would probably be the most practical choice. As far as I remember magicians are usually more profitable to use their ruling arcana (in our case matter and death). Since in the first place no minor arcana should be higher than the ruling arcana and it seems that you can create improvisation (invented on the fly) spells without using mana, but I'm not sure about that.

[X] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.
Maybe I am missing something (I am admittedly not versed in WoD mechanics), but why do you call Matter our ruling arcana when we only ever used Space and Death? You also put Matter into 'Current Arcana' in your primer post despite us never using it.
Maybe I am missing something (I am admittedly not versed in WoD mechanics), but why do you call Matter our ruling arcana when we only ever used Space and Death? You also put Matter into 'Current Arcana' in your primer post despite us never using it.
In the cofd (Chronicles of Darkness) system, awakened magicians are divided into 5 paths and, depending on this path, they receive two ruling arcana and one Inferior Arcanum.

Here is the distribution by paths.
Path NameRuling ArcanaInferior Arcanum

Since Taylor belongs to Moros, her ruling arcana is Death and Matter.

As for Current Arcana, this is my mistake of inattentive copying, there should have been Ruling Arcana.

I also think I will soon complete Primer on Arcana by adding a section on all the other arcana.
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[X] Space: Reality has been twisted, fractured by the tesseract's corrupting influence. You focus on mending the tear, ensuring that what is broken is made whole once more. The corrupting energy will be banished, sealed away beyond the boundaries of reality, where it can no longer taint the world.
Well, it hasn't let us down yet. I say we double down.

[X] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.
[X] Death: Decay, corruption, even this vile distortion—all of it will fade away in time, and you will hasten that inevitable end. You focus on bringing the tesseract to its final rest, its putrid influence dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the peace of an ending fulfilled.