The Khala (Worm/Starcraft altpower)

[x] Immediately go to your house. It's almost morning, and your dad will get worried.
-[x] Connect your dad to the Khala.

[x] Telekinesis
[x] Immediately go to your house. It's almost morning, and your dad will get worried.
-[x] Connect your dad to the Khala.

[x] Telekinesis
[x] Immediately go to your house. It's almost morning, and your dad will get worried.
-[x] Connect your dad to the Khala.
Through Danny, there comes a chance for a Khala unified Dockworkers Association! Fourth Gang for the win!

[x] Telepathy
Because it seems cool.
Sorry, this thread won't continue and I don't want to keep you all hanging. I just lost interest. Also I got an infraction for something I offered to remove if anyone said it was against the rules which really makes me mad so I'm quitting the site.