ThunderStruck (Worm/NGE Quest)

[X] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[X] Why not blame the Trio next for you know murdering me? Or the Protectorate and the PRT for keeping their psycho in check we can play the blame game the whole day.
[x] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[x] I'm not responsible for his actions, he is. I'm...only able to control me.
[X] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[X] Why not blame the Trio next for you know murdering me? Or the Protectorate and the PRT for keeping their psycho in check we can play the blame game the whole day.
[x] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[X] Why not blame the Trio next for you know murdering me? Or the Protectorate and the PRT for keeping their psycho in check we can play the blame game the whole day.
-[X] I'm not responsible for his actions, he is. I'm...only able to control me.
(Order is important.)
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!
[X] Write In: I'll take responsibility for my part in it. But I'll be fucked if I take more than my share. I made a mistake, but that blood is on Lung's hands. He went out and murdered people, not me, and I am not responsible for his choices! This is basic fucking moral agency! And I'm not going to hurt her but I will not let that stupid bitch treat me like that either! Now back off, shut up, and put me back in the real world!
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!
I think you're already in the real world? Unless that boulder is something Kawaru just thought up really hard.
...if we blow up a rock in Kawaru's mindscape with our laser eyes, does that give him a headache or something?
We know Tay and Kawaru are in realspace via GM input.
Would Taylor know that, in this high stress, emotionally charged situation, or would she assume he pulled something similar to what happened before?
Taylor is imperfect, and not really rational right at this occasion.
and I trust @iolande to roll with it as a QM.
I get what the angel is saying. All of our actions have an effect on the world around us in ways you couldn't imagine. It is why the saying is "God works in mysterious ways." Because even the actions you see as little can lead up to a big effect. Taylor can't go around doing things like that and expect no consequences. But Amy could have conveyed that in a way that doesn't invalidate it by acting like a complete prick.
. But Amy could have conveyed that in a way that doesn't invalidate it by acting like a complete prick.

Could she have, though? By that I mean Amy is probably already a piece of work and a disaster waiting to happen. :p

[] Write In: I'll take responsibility for my part in it. But I'll be fucked if I take more than my share. I made a mistake, but that blood is on Lung's hands. He went out and murdered people, not me, and I am not responsible for his choices! This is basic fucking moral agency! And I'm not going to hurt her but I will not let that stupid bitch treat me like that either! Now back off, shut up, and put me back in the real world!

Besides them being in the real world...this seems hypoccritical since Taylor is now shouting at Kaworu.

[X] I understand, I think. I gotta be more careful.

The only right option here.

Best to keep it simple, but I might switch to the longer write in that takes some responsibility if it looks like just blaming Lung is going to win.

[X] I understand, I think. I gotta be more careful.
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!

Going with this since i really don't want the option that refuses to acknowledge that action has consequences. Again yes it was on Lung for the actions he directly took and we had no hand in that but we did fuck up by blowing up the school and not thinking of the potential consequences.

I'd really rather not be like canon Taylor where in numerous instances she ends up doing stupid shit, not thinking through the consequences and then refusing to acknowledge the issues with her actions. I'd also like for us to avoid having Taylor throwing a tantrum anytime anyone calls her out on certain things. Yes Amy was a bitch about it but Kaworu wasn't and he does make a really good point about needing to think through the consequences of our actions.
[jk] Freak is funny coming from you, Amy

I see what you're saying Bovine but I'm not sure this was the situation or example to try and make the moral argument. I'm also not okay with just accepting this and moving on. It leaves out pieces of what she said like not searching for Danny, and has Taylor being the only one who has to watch herself or always take shit from people. 2 years of abuse has already ingrained that habit in her and I don't want to reinforce it more. Make others take responsibility, not just Taylor.

This wasn't "being called out on certain things". This was targeted cruelty aimed at someone who just triggered, is still recovering, and is still in the middle of a crisis situation. Taylor was already doing the responsible thing in staying back, not interfering with the search, training to get better control over her powers.
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[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!
X] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[X] Why not blame the Trio next for you know murdering me? Or the Protectorate and the PRT for keeping their psycho in check we can play the blame game the whole day.
So, a lot of the replies sound like their aimed at Amy, which makes sense in the heat of the moment, but we are currently talking with Kaworu, who took us away from a possible murder.
It's kinda hilarious how deeply Kaworu fucked up.

He didn't let Taylor to calm down after Amy's attack (and it was an attack, a stream of vitriol from a miserable girl angry that the perceived reason of her misery does not look equally miserable) and he started his spiel by agreeing with Amy, that yes, Taylor is a disgusting inhuman being directly responsible for everything bad that happens around her, and she must accept it. Or at least that's how Taylor, still rattled after Amy's attack, could interpret it.
While Amy does have a point, the fact that she could've worded it better is proof that she is using a valid reason to hurt Taylor - especially since Taylor is using her training time to also have fun with Vicky. Amy's response is something that I see as gaslighting (probably something she might've experienced from Carol) or an argument in bad faith.

Kaworu made a good move in removing Taylor from the situation, but he could've waited for her to calm down first before explaining Amy's point. He could've also acknowledged that Amy was also out of line. She had one good point; that's it. The rest was just her trying to "win" the argument.
I'm fairly certain that more time has passed then is displayed between the teleporting away from a potential murder and their talk; brevity of comic space and all that, there can only be so much space allotted to Taylor crying and lasering boulders.
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] I'm not responsible for his actions, he is. I'm...only able to control me.
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] I'm not responsible for his actions, he is. I'm...only able to control me.
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!
I get what Kaworu is trying to say, but he is stupid to be saying it after Amy and there is absofuckinglutely the other side to the argument that trying to put responsibility on a victim for shit they didn't actually do is disgusting behavior.

Now, if a school security guard died, that she'd be responsible for, but she's not God, taking too much moral responsibility is as fucked up as not taking enough. And right there I'd say is way the hell too much.

[x] Fuck you it was Lung's fault.
-[X] Why not blame the Trio next for you know murdering me? Or the Protectorate and the PRT for keeping their psycho in check we can play the blame game the whole day.
-[X] I'm not responsible for his actions, he is. I'm...only able to control me.
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Is it really so hard for some people to accept any criticism whatsoever? I mean it seemed pretty damn obvious what the intention was behind Kaworu's words. especially considering the exact lines 'everything you matters because you matter', which people seem to convincingly forget. Especially the warning that Taylor can literally cause the end of the world if she can't accept responsibility for her actions. It's just that people tend to have a really bad habit of over reacting to people criticizing them even when they do fuck up.

For example have people considered that a lot of people lost their jobs because of Taylor blowing up the school? And don't give me that 'everyone' knew nonsense because I freaking doubt that that was the case since a lot of people would realistically not know who Taylor else or even spent much time around her. Even canon Taylor was pretty biased about her own experiences and tended to try to justify every single action she took no matter how bad they were and had issues accepting criticism.

Honestly I'm tired of people constantly playing the victim card with Taylor in near every fan story or quest every time someone criticizes her. Yes victims and people with issues deserve sympathy for their plight but it does not justify them acting like complete assholes to other people, especially when someone is genuinely trying to help them. Just look at Amy, both in this quest and in canon Ward.

Like for all the terrible things have happened to Taylor people tend to miss the fact that other characters went through their own shit that was just as bad as Taylor.
2.8 Kaworu's Life Choices
[X] Yes, I get it! I get that I-I... I got people killed. That's the exact reason why I'm training now. To prevent myself from using the big guns in the future or turning to goop!
-[X] But fuck!! I died, got brought back to life with so much bullshit power it's scary, had my dad get kidnapped by villains while he was with the PRT...!!! I'M TRYING and she doesn't need to tell me something I ALREADY KNOW!

What do you do?

[ ] Pry Vicky off of Kaworu using your superior strength.

[ ] Help Amy up and get her to calm her sister down.

[ ] Go inside the house for cookies and consider it a night well done.

[ ] Write In.