All Things Devoured (Worm/DeadSpace)

For what little it's worth: I totally meant this. I'd rather see Assault dead than winning the next "Spend time with someone?" vote.
I think you're missing what's going on here: Spending time with someone is not conductive to them continuing to be the person they think they are.

Either he'll end up as food, or he'll end up warped into some unholy abomination.

After all, we already know that Taylor likes keeping her friends close.
I'm starting to develop the dread assumption that if we "spend time with someone" enough, and they grow to accept us and we moderate our behaviour for their sake, it will not be a good thing.
We're going to need an epiphany. Or at least try to imagine how the Wards are feeling towards us. We can certainly become 'amicable' in their eyes, but Taylor would still feel isolated because she isn't allowed to be herself. Taylor really needs to have a heart-to-heart (not literal you necromorphs) about what she feels when they shred her or run away screaming, and try her damned best to understand what the Wards see when she is herself.

There will be no simple solution, not happy ending. So stop looking for one and accept a situation where Taylor and the Wards can at least talk over a shared activity or hobby.
Problem is, it also requires them to reach otu and, ya know, STOP TRYING TO HURT US.
Find a source of biomass. Soon.
[X]Tell the PRT your hunger is getting bad and request more meat NOW
Spend time with someone?

[X] Assault
Can't change the subject:
Should I do something about this?
[X]Better consume it, just to be safe.
Find a source of biomass. Soon.
[X]Nobody cares about Uber and Leet, right? Go eat them.
Spend time with someone?

[X] Gallant
He's probably enough of a moron do-gooder to put an effort into pretending not to be disgusted by your presence while you spend time with him.
Can't change the subject:
Should I do something about this?
[X]Better consume it, just to be safe.
I'm Hungry.
[X]Find a source of biomass. Soon. I heard there's an overabundance of Nazis in the area. I'm sure no one's gonna notice a few missing.
Spend time with someone?
[X]Who? It's time to visit your BEST FRIEND Emma.
Can't change the subject:
[X] Truth
Should I do something about this?
[X] Give it to Armsmaster as a present. "I found some of myself growing in my basement, want it?"

This sounds like an interesting course of action to me.

EDIT:Ah, just saw Unwelcome made a tally last page, alas. Ah well.
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[X]Come back here, meat

After a few moments of consideration, I opted to start cracking my ribs open and prepare the hollow cavity of my chest for company. Not that I expected the plastic tote of proteins to have much in the way of conversation, but maybe this was just the logical endpoint of reading Alice Through the Looking Glass as a child and forever holding a secret affection for tea parties. Whatever dressing I might apply to it, leaving this thing to grow unsupervised sounds like the start of a bad idea. I know how I tend to react when something small and living and not-fast-enough crosses paths with me, it seems safe to assume a disconnected part of me might do the same if it encountered something large and living and middle-aged, like Dad. Once my ribs have enough flexible connective tissues between them to move, I start scooping the meatslime up and into my gullet.

Then I have to freeze in place and devote all of my attention to processing what is occurring. Because this?

This is amazing.

I don't tend to feel a whole lot, since I died. Emotions are kind of like a more vague form of breathing, in that I can do the motions but it's kind of a chore and it doesn't tend to get me anything. Anything I feel is dulled, and the best I generally manage is fleeting, bitter amusement. Physical sensation is only slightly better, since eating is satisfying and rapid shifting of my body makes enough chemical reactions to produce heat. But this is more than just satisfying, or even tasty. This flesh is my flesh, but it's also not. It's grown, evolved. Even if it's just from stray crickets and mice, this flesh has had experiences of its own. And now, I can reunite with it.

It makes me feel happy.

I don't have a heartbeat or tears, so I extrude several fleshy tendrils from my back and let them wriggle around in the air in excitement. This is so much better than anything else, and I can't decide if I'm trying to savor the experience or rush to consume it all at once.


I want more!

I want to divide and grow and recombine, I want to feel so h a p p y

By the time I finish off the tote of flesh I'm almost dancing in place, letting my ribs undulate in time with my lashing tendrils, and I find myself making a high-pitched, wet keening noise in my throat. I quiet down and take the time to reconfigure my tendrils into something closer to tongues, and carefully scrub the inside and outside of the tote, to make sure not a single cell of me is left behind. I hadn't forgotten why I'd come down here to retrieve it in the first place. I did however start to wonder where I could refill it and leave it to develop that won't result in avoidable, tragic, admittedly delicious consequences.

[Grand Theft Person unlocked]
(Hunger sated)

* * *

[X] Spend time with Assault

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Topic: Deadpan

In: Boards ► Locations ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Protectorate ► Wards

(Original Poster) (Verified PRT Agent)

Posted on April 22, 2011:
This thread is for discussion of the Protectorate ENE Ward, 'Deadpan.'

Deadpan identifies as female, she/her.

Deadpan's official ratings are listed as:

Brute 4
Changer 3

(Showing Page 14 of 15)

Bagrat (The Guy In The Know)

Replied on May 30, 2011:
Looks like there was an encounter between a Protectorate patrol and ABB forces today, around 2:30 PM. Assault, Battry, and Deadpan were present. Notable because this is the first time the newest Ward has been spotted out and about since her debut (video of that can be found here <link>)

PRT is only counting it as a success, which leaves a lot to the imagination, so post your links if you've got 'em!

Edit: Some shaky cellphone videos <here>, <here>, and <here>

► SuzieQ

Replied on May 30, 2011:
Hard to say anything, really. Deadpan just stands there

► Josh1989

Replied on May 30, 2011:
Does it matter? It's always fun to watch Battery punch a dude or two

► Funhouse

Replied on May 30, 2011:

Check out that video, right around 0:23, see the manhole cover near Deadpan shake? She slipped into it without being very visible, so cool

Edit: damnit, not first

► MigrantHero

Replied on May 30, 2011:
Huh. Looking at it, both #Funhouse and #SuzieQ are correct. The manhole shakes, and then she stands there, waaaay too still. A decoy?

► MarrianeOhMarriane

Replied on May 30, 2011:
Oh ye of little faith, check <this> out! I caught thw whole thing from the building across the street.

Deadpan goes still around 0:15, the screams start around 0:52

If she got into that drug den through the manhole/sewers I don't want to imagine what the ABB encountered

► Weeaboo21

Replied on May 30, 2011:
So she's Hanako of the Toilet now?

► Lethal Mayhem

Replied on May 30, 2011:
#Weeaboo hardly, I don't even know the reference and I think it's wrong

the vids posted so far show the start of the raid, but <here>'s picture of the aftermath

For those too tl;dw

4:35 Assault tries to call to Deadpan
4:58 he shakes 'her' shoulder and the costume collapses, there's just a skeleton
5:04 some fresh screams from the property next to the drug den

Turns out next door was the office and money changers

They were not prepared for the whirlwind of eyes, teeth, and fingernails

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 12, 13, 14, 15

* * *

"Regent," Lisa said, as she nervously licked her chapped lips. "Alec, you don't want to do this."

"Yeah? I'm sure you know best, don't you, Tattletale?" Regent's skin was pale and clammy, save for a flush on his cheeks from a fever. His dark curls were matted to his forehead in sweat. By comparison, grue looked calm and composed, even while holding a gun to the underside of his jaw. But of course, that was only because Regent wasn't letting him move. Even then, small twitches betrayed his lack of control on the other Undersider. Regent tipped his head back and laughed. "Well, you're wrong! For once you're wrong, Tats! You don't know anything!"

His voice cracked as he repeated, "You don't know anything."

Tattletale's brain was racing, her eyes not far behind as she took in as many details as possible. There had to be something she could use here, some secret or quirk or weakness that could prevent a murder-suicide. The Undersider's lair was as it always was, perhaps with fewer cans stacked in a pyramid. Grue's control over his body had been robbed in his sleep

(Would have needed at least three hours to assume control. Dark bags under Regent's eyes-- has not been sleeping, at least four days)

and Regent was swaying slightly on his feet. His once-immaculate poofy shirt had slipped down, exposing the dark shadow of a small bite mark, sitting on his collarbone. Red veins of infection spread out from it in an unnatural spiral.

(Recent weight loss, has not been eating. Wound acquired during PRT breakout has not scabbed over but proceeded directly to scarring. Infected. Not a product of natural pathogens. Symptoms include insomnia, paranoia, aggression...)

"You don't get it. I don't get it. Nobody gets it. There's something so wrong and right and I can't tell which," Regent sucked in a ragged breath. Grue twitched a bit more, which did not escape Tattletale's sight. Regent's control was slipping as he got more upset. If she unbalanced him enough, would Grue be able to break free? It was a horrible calculation. It was worse that she felt she could make it.

"All that time being Daddy's plaything, the moment anything hard comes by you dive right back into being played with," Tattletale hissed. "You didn't even run away, did you? You were let go, because you weren't useful enough to stay."

Regent stared at her for a moment, then gave her a brokenly sardonic half-smile. "You think I care about them, or what they think? We'll be together again whether I like it or not. I don't think you--"

Heavy footsteps on the stairs, and the sound of panting breaths. The door opened, drawing all eyes to Bitch as she returned from walking her dogs. The blunt-faced woman caught sight of the gun and her eyes widened. Regent held out one arm with his fingers poised like a gun. Grue mirrored his actions, and pulled the trigger.

He missed.

Bitch yelled, then whistled and pointed at the pair of them and let go of her dogs' leashes. "Hurt!"

The trio of dogs surged forwards. Brutus, the rottweiler, leaped at Regent while the other two dived at Grue and latched onto his leg and arm, the leather of his costume providing little protection from their jaws. Regent had even less, and he screamed when the dog began to ravage him with fang and tooth. Still in thrall, Grue turned his pistol towards Brutus, and


Regent's head opened outward and sprayed red and gray across the wall. Tattletale's breath heaved, and her hands shook around the handgun she'd pulled from the back of her belt. A thin trail of smoke rose from the barrel.

Once Bitch had called off her dogs and Grue had shaken off the residual numbness from Regent's control, the remaining three Undersiders stood in a semicircle around Regent's remains. Tattletale kept staring at the red and black spiral that adorned Regent's shoulder, and didn't look up until Grue finally asked:

"...what do we do with the body?"

Grace someone with your presence?
[ ]Write-in

Set out some meat to grow?
[ ]No, not now
[ ]Yes (Where?)
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
Grace someone with your presence?
[X] Hang out in the Wards Commons. Aegis still expects an effort.

Set out some meat to grow?
[X]Yes. Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...

I am far too excited by the Regent being sort of infected thing. Just a shame that he wasn't able to grow into it. Or it grow into him. Whatever.
Also: Updates! Today is now made. Good to see you again, @UnwelcomeStorm
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[X] Battery

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
well... that happened.
i refer to both regent, and the fact that SHE DIDN'T ABANDON THIS QUEST YAY!!!
i was starting to fear that you would abandon this one to focus more on other stories.
anyway, voting.
[X]Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.
(edited to choose vote, seemed like a good idea)
[X]Yes (boat graveyard)
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[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
i was starting to fear that you would abandon this one to focus more on other stories.
She's just been dealing with real life things in general. It is good to see her updating again.
And ugh. Everyone pushing for play nice with the PRT when they haven't been playing nice back. Especially not with how annoying the lab guys are.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[X]Yes (Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...)
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.

Also I am so happy this is back.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[X]Yes (Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...)
[X] Triumph

[X]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[X] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.