All Things Devoured (Worm/DeadSpace)

Not voting until there has been more conversation/debate over informing the PRT.
I'll make my stance on it clear. I personally don't like it. Taylor's a necromorph already, and the next best thing to a living Marker.
In the first place, letting the PRT experiment with the best ways to kill Taylor while showing off all the myriad ways that she could be (and is) a threat seems like a terrible plan. Besides, Taylor clearly doesn't much like the PRT labs.
In the second place, I want to push for Taylor to start spreading out a little more. Can't exactly build up to the promised doomsday if she doesn't start spreading somewhere.
[X] Battery

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
Man, I wish I didn't want to make this a hero playthrough, or else I would be so excited to try and infect someone. Just to see what happens.


[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
Grace someone with your presence?

Friendly reminder, but Taylor can't spend time with Emma, as Emma is busy being MIA.
More specifically, if you don't recall, Taylor kind of sort of maybe ate her a little bit, during a weird half-asleep fugue she had a few updates back. So technically, I guess, they always spend time together again?
Man, I wish I didn't want to make this a hero playthrough, or else I would be so excited to try and infect someone. Just to see what happens.
Pretty sure, IIRC, the word of god is that this quest doesn't have a happy ending. Taylor's slipping and will eventually go full monster. Escalation is inevitable. (See what happened to Emma, and Regent.)
The reason I pushed for playing nice and laying low is because I've been excited to see when it all comes apart.
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[X] Hang out in the Wards Commons. Aegis still expects an effort.
The least we can do!

[X]Yes. Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...
Grace someone with your presence?
[X] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

Set out some meat to grow?
[X]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[X] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.

Glad to see the horrifying walking abomination of dead meat making its return!
I believe being an eldrich abomination has never been more satisfying and wonderful.

[X] Hang out in the Wards Commons. Aegis still expects an effort.
The least we can do!
[X]Yes. Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...

The fight makes me wonder if the dogs have caught some of the infection.

I've always felt like in dead space the researchers are the first to be infected and turned into cultists. Tho considering Taylor doesn't like being confined in a lab and doing testing I'm not willing to vote that direction.

Edit: Wow, this is amazing!
[X] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it

[X] Yes. A tiny sample in a tictac box in your room, the better to keep an eye on it, and eat at your discression, if course.
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[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[X]Yes (Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...)
[X] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.
[X]Yes (Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...)
[X] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it

[X] Yes. A tiny sample in a tictac box in your room, the better to keep an eye on it, and eat at your discression, if course.

(I am so going to regret that vote...)
[X] Hang out in the Wards Commons. Aegis still expects an effort.
The least we can do!

[X]Yes. Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...
The issue with not telling anyone is we've put all this effort into being a hero, even though we're not really suited for it.

Has opinion shifted so much over the hiatus that people want to just...ignore all that?
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[X] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it

[X] Yes. A tiny sample in a tictac box in your room, the better to keep an eye on it, and eat at your discression, if course.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
[X] The wards, better make nice so you can eat someone when they least expect it make friends

[X] Yes, but find a place where no one would go first, even if it take a while, doing it in the Boat Graveyard feels like you'd be asking for trouble. No sense in showing your teammates your cards you yourself haven't seen yet and you have a feeling whatever happens form this won't fly anyway.
[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[X]Yes (Down in the Boat Graveyard. Noone goes there...)

The Conditional just seems like a bad option in that it gives the PRT more information on our weaknesses.
[X] Hang out in the Wards Commons. Aegis still expects an effort.

[X]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[X] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.

The Conditional just seems like a bad option in that it gives the PRT more information on our weaknesses.

When you're shooting for entertainment, and enjoy watching the PRT go further and further off the deep end, rather than trying to optimize Spacebattles Competence trademark than it makes perfect sense.
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[x] Wards Commons. Do your homework there, see if anyone is willing to distract you from it.

[x]Yes (Conditional: Request a formal testing chamber from Director Piggot. Note that biomass shed from you in significant amounts will make an effort to run off and do...something, and you're curious what. The room will need to be: Airtight, sterile, well-monitored, have a HEAVY decontamination airlock, and require some pretty toasty M/S protocols for anyone who, for whatever reason, wants to go in our out. A way to send material into the room without actually exposing anyone outside of it would also be neat.)
-[x] Note: You don't expect this today or tomorrow or next week, you are just curious about how bad it'd be if it did happen and want some kind of protocol in place for if/when it does.
Friendly reminder, but Taylor can't spend time with Emma, as Emma is busy being MIA.
More specifically, if you don't recall, Taylor kind of sort of maybe ate her a little bit, during a weird half-asleep fugue she had a few updates back. So technically, I guess, they always spend time together again?

yes, but as was dicussed after that update back in juli, just because we are reunited With Our old friend, doesnt mean we cant spend some time together.
it wasnt the winning option then, and i doubt it will win this time either. but i will try again anyway.
When you're shooting for entertainment, and enjoy watching the PRT go further and further off the deep end, rather than trying to optimize Spacebattles Efficiency trademark than it makes perfect sense.
There's entertainment and then there's kindly suggesting to someone the best caliber of bullets to use to splatter your brains all over the wall. Letting the PRT try snd work out a 'silver bullet' to try and kill us not something I particularly care for. They have far more resources than Isaac after all to utilize.
Grace someone with your presence?
The world will feel both saved yet fearful with Nilbog gone.

Set out some meat to grow?
[ ]No, not now
[X]Yes (Where?)
Elisburg nobody will know so no repercussions.