Path to being mom? Try again. [A stepmother Contessa Worm quest]

This is actually a hella respectable competition. I could totally see this on T.V.
Cauldron has been trying for years to find out who or how the Three Blasphemies got killed with no success, yet a random
...shouldn't Emily have sent a report to Rebecca?

Also, Sleeper and Glaistig?
You mean that lazy ass motherfucker gets off his posterior for this?

Still laughing my ass off at the fact Ethan casually outs himself... And no one believes him. Refuge in Audacity indeed.
Cooking, scaring with fedora, couple dramas
Lol, I thought I updated it 2 hours ago, but seeing no alerts for this whole time made me suspicious, and as it turned out, I forgot to click the post button...

Anyway, to tell you the truth, I don't like seafood, nor do I like fishes, sushi being the only exception. But hey, I like pizza at least! That doesn't meant I know how to make it, so don't try to reproduce the things I write. I'm not claiming responsibility for any poisons or altars to eldritch gods you end up making if you ignore this advice.

"Let's make seafood pizza." You decide in the end on pizza. Everyone likes pizza, right? You like pizza, Doctor Mother likes pizza, David likes pizza... you actually don't know anyone who dislikes pizza, though that might just be the small number of people you know well enough to know their opinion on pizza.

"Right then, pizza it is. Now be ready! I will grab cheese and flour, you grab yeast!" You nod seriously. You are sure that other members of Cauldron would laugh at you being so serious in cooking contest, but this is important for Taylor, so of course you have to do your best!

As your ship moves past the first checkpoint, you throw your arm to grab a package of yeast. You are lucky the ship isn't going that fast, because you almost drop it anyway. Damn, those kinds of actions are so easy when you have access to your Agent, but this contest shows just how dependant you are on it.

"Aaaand, the participants reached the first checkpoint! Seems like every team started with basic stuff like flour or oil! Except for the duo of Fable and Dream, who for some reason took only fruits! What are the last year's champions planning?! And they aren't even entering the kitchen area!"

Looking around as you and Taylor enter your kitchen area, you see that most other teams are also stopping, with the exception of Fable and Dream, as the commentator mentioned. It's also too early for you to tell just what other teams are planning on making. You don't waste any more time, and put the yearn on the table, waiting for further commands from Taylor. You don't wait for long.

"Ok, we have to start with making the dough. Thankfully, the organisators don't consider the water an ingredient, so we aren't lacking anything that can't wait. I will take care of water, flour and yearn. Maid, I want you to grate the cheese, and I want it as small as possible."

"Alright." Well, that's how you answer, but honestly, you are confused. You are not expert, but you are pretty sure you don't use cheese to make a dough... But hey, you are just assistant here. If the cook tell you to jump and how high, you will just jump. And this will be a good time to use what you have prepared earlier.

You move your arm in few directions, flex your muscles a bit, grab the cheese... and you get to grating.

"Amazing! Just now, one of this year's newbies started grating cheese so fast I can see the afterimages! Normally, I would have claimed that it's an interesting application on mover power, but right now no participant has access to their powers, so it's pure skill! And she finished grating the whole cheese before I finished talking!"

You smirk. Pure skill? Of course not, this is what you prepared before falling down. Sure, tinker-tech might not work here, but it doesn't reverse the effects. All you had to do was to move the bones and metal inside your arm just right, so that the right gesture would lock it to just movement up and down, and remove the limits from your muscles. Coupled with your muscles being stronger than normal human's, you can temporarly modify your arms into cutting/grating/mixing machine!

"I'm done, Librarian." Taylor looks surprised for a moment, but then she nods and takes the cheese from you... which she adds to the mix she made, then grabs your arm and takes you from the kitchen area. "It's a special secret recipe I learnt from mom. It makes for a really good pizza if made correctly." She explains after seeing your questioning look.

You just accept that, sure you know less about cooking than Anette did, and observe the situation around. It seems like most other teams are still cooking, giving your ship a pretty good advantage. Fable and Dream are still at the very front though, and some other two pairs were also faster than you. And as you were watching, you realised that all three ships were after the second checkpoint, and that your ship was getting close to it as well.

"So, Librarian, what do we grab now?" You ask, mentally preparing yourself for the next grab. You also hit your arm in few specific locations to unlock it.

Taylor, however, doesn't answer immediatly. She stares at the checkpoint for a moment, then murmurs, more to herself than to you. "There is no olive..."

You check - she is right. There are no olive bottles on the next checkpoint. But why does it... You blink. Of course, this was so obvious you have no idea how you managed to miss it. That's why it matters how fast you go - the ingredients are limited!

Meanwhile, during your moment of understanding, Taylor speaks again. "I'll have to modify the recipe a little... And we might have to grab stuff we would have grabbed later just to make sure it's not taken by others... Ok, Maid! I wanted to finish making the dough first, but I think we can't risk that. I'll grab garlic and tomatoes, get some seafood!"

Before you can question just what kind of seafood she is talking about, you are at the checkpoint and you must grab something! Your hand shoots out, and you grab...

[] Shrimps. It's classic.
[] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.
[] Tuna. Fish are also seafood, after all.
[] Jellyfish. Honestly, you have no idea why you grabbed it.
[] Octopus. You have heard that octopus pizza is delicious from Number Man.
[] Oysters. It is a common seafood.

Kenta was pale, had problems with breathing, and it was making it hard to focus on cooking. The fact that his problem was visible and Naruto was constantly sending him worried looks meant that they were operating with no focused cook.

"Naruto... get... to... the... food... I'm... fine..." Honestly, if not for the fact that he is also an otaku, he would have already been angry at his lieutenant for choosing such name. If this keeps up, he will be angry anyway, at the total lack of progress their team had. He doesn't want to be angry, he joins C4 every year to relax.

Naruto returned to cooking, but it didn't make his focus any better, seeing as he nearly cut himself despite such experience with the knife. Kenta just sighed, and tried to get to cooking, but the fear he felt still didn't let him go.

That fedora. That damn fedora. Intelectually, he knows that that woman wouldn't show up at this contest, much less in maid costume, but the simple combination of seeing that fedora and not having acces to his powers reminded him of that day.

Though, maybe that's an occasion. If he beats that fedora wearing woman, even if that's not really her, even if it's just in a cooking contest, would it help him deal with his trauma? Maybe. But that's the best bet he has on that.

"Naruto... We... must... beat... that... maid... Understood..?"

"As you order, Natsu. Shall I take out the big guns and make my special Tower Sushi?"

Tower Sushi was his guilty pleasure, and he threatened Naruto with a very painful death if he ever made it to someone else. The very idea of letting some stranger eat it... But no, this is for a greater cause. This is for him. This is to beat fedora.

"Yes... Do... your... best..."

Something strange has happened to his boss, ever since he looked at that other newbie the commentator commented about. It wasn't a problem right now, as they have finished cooking for now, but they would get to the checkpoint soon.

"Boss? What are we taking next?"

His Boss moved his head slowly towards him, but his eyes still had the empty look. It creeped him out, to be honest.

"Connector, what comes to your mind when you think fedora?"

He disliked that name, he liked the simple Portal he decided to use much better, but this is C4, and the few years he spent in Brockton Bay taught him that the traditions of C4 must be followed. As such, he ignored how he was called, and considered the quesiton. Well, there wasn't much to consider.

"This kind of hat, right?"

Boss didn't answer immediatly. He looked old, very old, despite wearing full-body suit, and even though he never actually saw his face, Connector really didn't think he would be that old. It almost seemed like he was remembering some traumatic experience. Finally, he spoke, his voice sounding like some veteran's that experienced hell and barely returned.

"For me, fedora means death. It means fate, it means end, it's the very definition of inevitability. It's my biggest nightmare, bigger than Eidolon or Slaughterhause 9, or Nilbog, or Endbringers. Every day, when I wake up, I wonder: Will today be the day I see that fedora? Will I even get to see it before I'm done? Or maybe it won't be obvious, clean death, but a small, little stone here or there, leading everything I care about to total oblivion?" He than turned to Connector. "You are young, you have not experienced the nightmare of fedora. I wish you never will."

Connector was a mercenary for a long time. He was 43, and he spent most of his life in this job. Yet, looking at the mask (his eyes eren't visible of course) and listening to those words, he couldn't help feeling like a kid in front of ninety-something veteran. He gulped and nodded, not sure how he should react. His boss stared at him for a moment, as if resolving himself for something, then turned to the checkpoint.

"Connector. Thanks to you, I finally could join C4. As such, I do not wish to give up. However, I have to ask you. Do you want to continue participating? Knowing that fedora is here, and we might be walking into hell or worse? I won't blame you if you wish to leave."

Connector thought about it for a moment. If this 'fedora', whatever it means, was half as dangerous as Serpent claimed, he should leave. A week ago, he would have done that. What is the worth of money when you are dead, after all? But this week, he saw a different side of his boss. Not the side of manipulative bastard with too much money and ego. The side of a veteran, one who saw things he can't even imagine, and who honestly didn't want his people to experience the same things. A man like that was worth following in his eyes.

"Serpent, Boss. What ingredients should I grab."

He would later swear, that despite the mask, he saw his boos smile a little.

"Good girl... you really have no experience at cooking, do you?"

If someone ever told him that Bonesaw would decide to become his girlfriend, he would punch them for making such bad jokes. That she can't cook, on the other hand, and despite that decided to join C4, he would totally believe. If only both of those didn't come together...

"I-it's not my fault! Cooking is also bio-tinkering, so whenever I tried to learn it, my power would take over! I couldn't learn cooking like other people! Once we get to the next round, you will see how good I really am!"

Now, if only she wasn't this cute (in brotherly way, not romanticly!), he would have much easier time getting help from PRT. Right now, he only feels confused and slightly disturbed. And annoyed at having such a bad partner for C4. Why did Dennis had to get hit by that freaking stone?! If that wasn't the case, he would have had an excuse for Bonesaw!

"Then why won't you leave this round to me?"

"And make you work alone?! No way! We are doing this together!"

Chris just sighed.

"It appears that our fellow Queen found herself a useful Servant. Finally, I was already considering helping her with the task. It would have been humiliating, one Queen needing the help of Another. Though, she is very young, so I suppose such things should be forgiven. Tell me, what do you think, Magical Girl Blaster Wyvern?

Dragon still wasn't sure why she joined Ciara. She expected that her long-time friend would have wished to copete against her as well, but it appears that today she is entirely focused on their fellow, youngest Queen. But even so, shouldn't she have gone with her boyfriend? She scowled at the reminder. No, that bastard wanted some guys-time, or at least told her so. She was sure that he was actually parading with some wentch in some lab, whispering compliments, talking about new armors, HOLDING HANDS-

"I believe she doesn't understand yet just why a Queen like us needs Servants, Magical Girl Fairy Queen. Give it some time, I'm sure she just needs to mature a bit."

"Maybe you are right. She is but a child, more Princess than Queen. Hmm... Does it mean that we are like her parents, and should be proud of her for gaining her first Servant?"

Parents, huh? She already had children with Colin. All the tinker-tech they made together, it was like she was a mother and he was the father. Every time they worked together, it was as if something was shaking her very RAM. But no, this couldn't last forever, could it? He had to find another one, and just throw her away like trash. Or maybe it was even more than just one? Was he working each night with different woman? Who were they? Miss Militia, maybe? That desk has been trying to secude Colin from the very beginning, right? Or maybe it was Squeler? Did he get bored with armors, and wanted to try out tanks? WHEN SHE GETS HER CLAWS ON THEM, SHE WILL-

"In a way, yes. Shall I get my camera? We can make photos of her in emberassing situations, and then show them to her friends. At least, I think that's what parents should do."

"A task such as this is befitting Queens like us. I agree with your proposition, Magical Girl Blaster Wyvern. Bring out the apperatus that instantly paints detailed pictures. But do not start using it now, wait for the right moment. For now, let us return to the task of cooking."

Dragon did as she was told, and got back to cooking. She was really good at it, not only Ciara considered it a Queenly duty to be able to cook, but she also wanted to cook the best meals for Colin. Not that he ever ate them, of course. He found nutritien bars much more efficient. Yeah, right. He is probably eating all the time with his other women. You are such an idiot Dragon, he never cared about you. You were just a tool. IF YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM, THEN NO ONE ELSE CAN-

"Oh? Look over there, my fellow Queen. Is it not your lover cooking on that vessel?"

Dragon looked where Ciara was pointing. Indeed, it was Colin. She would always recognise him after all, no matter the name or costume he used. And next to him... That man seemed familiar... was that Shawn? So, Colin didn't lie to you? Of course he didn't, what were you thinking?! This is Colin, the man you love! He would never leave you for another woman! But... then why did he refuse to team up with you, and joined Shawn instead? Was he secretly a gay? Would he never return your feelings? Or maybe Shawn was corrupting him?! The man had relations with different women, what if he was trying to make Colin a pervert like him? SHE WILL MAKE HIM PAY FOR THIS-

"Yes, it's him. Seems like he isn't doing as well as we do."

"Hey, Puppy, we are losing to them!"

"I told you, stop calling me that!"

Ethan took the punch like a man. It was always worth it. He would have cracked some pun after that, getting hit again, but right now he was serious.

"Fable and Dream have the advantage over us, we can't have to beat us again this year."

"I know, Mayhem! But seafood is my weakness! You know I have allergy to this stuff!"

Oh, he knew, he always took the brunt of her anger after she accidentally came into contact with one of those things that make her react. Unfortunately, with how many allergies she has, this happens way more often than it should.

"It wouldn't be a problem if you weren't too stubborn about not letting me deal with that fish..."

"I'm not letting you anywhere near the knife, Mayhem."

He knew she would say that, it has been their main argument since the ship started moving.

"I still think her voice is familiar... and that fedora..."

"Stop that, Dream, and focus on cooking. We have some talented newbies this year, and I for sure am not going to lose our title to them."

Well, David had a point. Contessa was busy with something else in Brockton Bay, something too important to stop just to join a contest. The similarities in voices and the fedora are probably just a coincidence. He should just focus on cooking. He and David will once more become the champions.

I know it's easy to forget about a vote, so a reminder, there is a vote!
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[X] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.

I can't stop laughing at those snippets
Oh god. It was Legend and Eidolon!?
Also, WTF has this AU done to Dragon!?!?
Or Coil!?

Octopus IS great on Pizza, but no one else in my family agrees.
Shrimp IS a classic... But that's boring. Plus not so good with cheese.
I would use Oysters with cheese... But not with tomato or bread.
No to Jellyfish... At all. Like... Wut.
Tuna sucks on pizza. The combination with cheese and tomato just doesn't work.

So. Lobster... Although I have never tried it. Actually... Lobster with Cheese kinda sucks....
Nope. Oysters it is!

[X] Oysters. It is a common seafood.
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Ugh, another vote about something I have no idea about...
[X] Octopus. You have heard that octopus pizza is delicious from Number Man.
The only seafood I can eat with pizza without throwing up is tuna and it still tastes bad with cheese. I haven't tried lobster on pizza. It might work.

[X] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.
Still laughing at the chapters.

[X] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.
Oh god. It was Legend and Eidolon!?
Also, WTF has this AU done to Dragon!?!?
Or Coil!?

Shrimp IS a classic... But that's boring. Plus not so good with cheese

I have had both lobster Mac and cheese and and shrimp Mac and cheese and they were amazing so I heartily disagree that the don't go well with cheese.

[X] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.
[X] Tuna. Fish are also seafood, after all.

Fish is the only seafood known to mankind. So-called shellfish is nothing more than a horrible crime against nature and cookery.
I have had both lobster Mac and cheese and and shrimp Mac and cheese and they were amazing so I heartily disagree that the don't go well with cheese.

[X] Lobster. You just hope Taylor knows how to make use of it in a pizza.
I have actually tried Shrimp Mac and Cheese... and suffered food poisoning, so I am probably biased against that combo.
I have also fallen sick the last time I ate Tuna with Cheese. And Baked Salmon with cheese. >_>
Oyster is literally the only seafood I have eaten with cheese that didn't get me sick. T^T
Which sucks because Baked Salmon with cheese was actually delicious. Tuna with cheese was not.
Octupus with Tomato and/or bread is great, never eaten it with cheese, so iffy on choosing it.
Oyster with tomato and/or cheese is great, never eaten it with bread, but am willing to accept the combo.
I have never had Lobster as anything but the main dish, rather than an accompaniment to something, so I don't actually know how it would go with anything. I simply don't eat it that often with how far I am from the sea. If I eat it once a year, that is strange. And the last time was just legs in a freaking buffet, so it doesn't really count. >_>

...Jellyfish... I don't think I need to say anything about those stinging motherfuckers.
[X] Octopus. You have heard that octopus pizza is delicious from Number Man.

Lobster is tender and light flavored. Putting it on pizza is likely to turn it rubbery.
[X]Sea dragon. Taylor summoned a dragon so she must like them, right?

Is this allowed?
I mean, are we talking about a dragonfish, some small part of Leviathan's body, Magical Girl Tinker Dragon's Beach Armor, a water dragon summoned from another world, or Sailor Lung? Because some of those are not available, while some others could be if I find it amusing.
I had the leafy sea dragon in mind, mainly because Dragon! and Google not answering whether it's edible or not.

Though if it's possible for scraps of seadragon-shaped leviathan parts to be ingredients on the show, that is okay too

Question: Can we vote for things not listed, even if Write-in is not an option if the vote is Crack-y