An Era Dawns (Worm/Kaiju)

For all we know it can potentially grow to the point of seeing computational vectors. Math Vision! Or some other kind of visual analysis.
I'm... not entirely sure that's how it's going to work, and I think that hyping up the Membranes into everything-vision is selling them a little strong.

Like, I'm a slut for the scales, and even I realise that whilst it's potent in tandem with another defense to get past the 'still can get hurt, if still harder to kill' thing, I'm not expecting it to be a case of 'Literally cannot Die due to organs being invincible'. I just think we'd be ungodly hard to put down.
We might want Major-tier mutations more.
Pretty much this. I still think it's debatable, since again, Skin and Scales very effectively cover for each others weaknesses, and the sheer durability that might offer might be worth only having the one Major mutation. But what I expect is 2 Majors, and I whilst part of me is still hoping for one that bolsters defence somewhat, It's not a guarantee.

Which again - want to punch Leviathan in the face and live to tell the tale. How can we truly be Better Lung if we can't even do that?!
Through the Sewers you go...
[X][Avataric] Rumbling Chest
[X][Hair] Don't.
[X][Camera] Half full
Thursday, December 23rd, 2010
The shower knob squeaks angrily as you turn the water off, your other hand making sure that you keep your hair out of your face. This… Yes, taking a shower was the right decision. Sure, taking a bath would have lasted longer, but the unrelenting pressure of the hot water coming out of the showerhead was much better for kneading your muscle groups one by one. Slowly forcing each group to relax and unclench. Little by little, all of your aches subside, your cramps fade away, and the points of painful pressure recede. Stepping out of the shower, you are finally relaxed.

Rejuvenated even. Free of the struggles and the pain.

But more than any of that, the most important development is the fact that you are finally warm. The icy freezing horror that made up all of your yesterday has been beaten back. Admittedly, there is a little part of you that almost worries about it seeping back in, but as you quickly get dressed, you note the fact that even here in the bathroom the cold hasn't pushed back.

Though… Now that you are thinking about it, you are completely and totally parched. You idly lick your lips before leaning over and wiping one hand across the glass. Today is the first day of winter break, there's no reason for you to-


Every thought in your head goes quiet for a moment as you stare at the figure in the mirror.
Progress | DC 2 == 1d10 = 2
Depression | DC 7 = 4
Diplomacy Stat Increase Chance | DC 30,60,90,100 == 1d100 = 4
[No Stat increase]


You stare at the figure in the mirror, the one both so achingly familiar, and yet impossibly foreign.

And then you scream. The moment that you open your mouth, out comes this long, keening wail of a sound. What the fuck happened to your hair? Who? How? What? Why?

All the different words and thoughts are crashing against each other on the inside of your head, faster than you can think to think, and more than you know what to do with. All you can do is listen to the chaos in your head as you stare blankly at the mirror, trying to understand what is happening.

"TAYLOR!" From down below, you can hear Dad bellow out, fear thick in his voice as heavy footsteps thunder up the stairs. With a surprisingly loud BANG Dad slams the door open, followed almost immediately by a crunch as the drywall cracks when the door hits the wall. All of this is just too much, and you are still frozen in confusion and shock - both over your hair and the fact that suddenly Dad is right there in the bathroom with you.

As you blink, you realize that you've got a tight, white-knuckled grip on the long locks of bone white hair that runs down from your temple. You don't remember moving, and that isn't important compared to the questions still bouncing around your head.

What happened to your hair?

Who did this to you?


"Dad…" Your word creaks like the steps outside the house, you barely manage even that much given how you are freaking out. A little part of your brain chides you, it's just hair afterall. But your hair is one of the few things that you have left of Mom. There's her old book of recipes, and your hair.

The memories of the old lullabies have faded with age, and Emma destroyed Mom's flute.

Everything else has been taken from you, and now something is happening to your hair. Something is attacking that last solid link that connects you with your Mom. Right now, it is just a single streak of white that runs through your hair, but what does this change even mean? "My hair…" You moan out, still struggling to make your thoughts make sense. Then, you feel Dad's arms wrap around you, the warmth of his presence scattering what little bit of sense you managed to pull together.

And with a moment of strength, Dad lifts you up off your feet, holding you in the air in a way that he hasn't done for years.

Most of that is just because neither you or Dad are the most tactile of people. Of course, that isn't to say that you don't give him a one-armed hug as you head out the door on days when you are feeling better, or that he won't come by and give you a hug, settling his head on top of yours when you are doing homework at the kitchen table. This just isn't a hug like that. Not by a long shot.

Dad holds you tight, and a little part of you whispers that maybe this isn't so bad. Mom was the really tactile one of the family, and in a way you've missed this.

"Taylor… Oh, Taylor. Thank god." Dad's words are a jumble just like your thoughts, "You're okay."

That… Look at you. Look at your hair! Does this look okay to him?

Somehow, a long lock of your hair has been changed, bleached white from the roots all the way to the tips. There are a great many things that is, confusing and terrifying to name just two. Okay, however, is not on that list.

"Dad…" You whisper this time, trying to slow everything down. Too much is happening, all too quickly. "What the hell…?"

Those were the wrong words to say right then and there. You realize that the moment that Dad freezes up. Slowly, almost mechanically he puts you back down. You weren't meaning him. Your words lacked context.

Then, he starts to pull away, and you can see a grimace of sad pain on his face, clear as the sunright. "Oh…" He mutters out, not looking at you. "I… Sorr-"


Not like this. You don't give him the chance to apologize, you don't give him the chance to pull back. Lurching forwards, you grab hold of his arms and pull them back around you. "No. Not that. Not the hug." You mutter out into his shoulder. "Hug good." With a wry chuckle, Dad nods.

The two of you stand there for another few moments, before he pulls back again, taking a moment to look at you. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I… I don't know. Look at my hair, dad. What the hell happened to my hair?"

Dad is quiet for a long moment, staring at the white streak, eyes slowly tracing it with an odd look on his face, and you wonder if he even gets why you are so upset. "I… I don't know." He admits. "All I know is that when I heard you scream…" Dad shudders, shaking his head. "It sounded… Bah. It doesn't matter. That's not important. What is important is that something strange is happening to you, and your hair, but you don't seem to be hurt. So we can figure out all the rest of this as we go. But… Taylor…" Dad frowns, pulling back and bringing the back of his hand over to your forehead. "I know that it's the first day of your vacation, but maybe you should just stick around the house, okay?" He says quietly. "You're burning up."

You tilt your head, a little confused as you try and figure out what he means. You don't feel like you've got a fever. "I mean, I just got out of the shower." You say with a bit of a nervous chuckle. "Turned the water as high up as I could stand it."

Dad gives you a less than believing look. He continues to look at you for a long moment - Long enough that you start feeling a little nervous. "...If you're sure." He says slowly. "You're old enough to make these kinds of decisions for yourself, but if you aren't feeling good, then you should probably stay home. If you aren't feeling well, I could take you to the hospital."

"No, no." You try not to say it too quickly, but seriously, you don't feel that bad, or even that hot when you touch your own hand against your forehead. "I'm fine, Dad. Really."

With an amused huff, Dad nods "Fine. If you change your mind, remember that I'll be at the Union till late this afternoon. You can call me, and I'll put whatever I'm doing to the side. I promise."

There is something oddly bitter in Dad's voice there, and you want to try and understand it, but with a groan, Dad takes a step back. "Anyways… I've got to make sure that breakfast doesn't burn. You're sure that you're okay?" He asks one more time. After you give him one last nod, he sighs again, and heads back down stairs.

For a moment you continue to stand there in the bathroom… contemplating the idea of actually checking your temperature.

But if you did that, and if you really do have a fever… Then you'd end up getting the better of yourself, deciding to stay home and do what is smart. Breakfast is a rather quick matter, with the only important thing that happens being that Dad makes you promise to call him if anything changes. Once he's out the door, it's time to start setting up your plans for the day. You saw that giant lizard yesterday, and you want to prove to the PRT that you aren't just making things up.

This is a serious matter, and it needs to be treated seriously, but in order to do that you are going to need proof. It isn't like the PRT would just trust the word of some random kid, right? So how in the world could you get proof?

Oh. Now there is a thought. People might be able to like, edit pictures and the like, but if you are using one of those older fashioned cameras that aren't digital, then that makes the process a whole lot harder, right?

People can't edit those. You don't think they can anyways. Mom always had a collection of disposable cameras. More cameras than you've ever seen anyone else ever have. Why she had so many disposable cameras you don't have the slightest idea, but she had them, and Dad never really was the kind of person to throw out anything that Mom had.

Most of it just ended up in the basement. A quick look through the basement proves your thoughts right. There are tons of these cameras down here. Enough that if you wanted to start doing photography as a hobby, you'd likely be able to continue taking pictures for months without having to buy a camera of your own.

Searching through the different cameras, you spot a few that have already been opened. Some have pictures taken, and some are still fresh. After a few minutes of thought, you make a decision.

Grabbing hold of one of the cameras that has only about half the film left, you wind the thing up and take a quick snapshot just to make sure that it still works. With this… You should still have plenty of shots to try and get a good picture of the lizard, but you're also going to have a chance to try and find out what Mom was always taking pictures of.

With that, the only other things that you need are a good jacket, a flashlight, and your money clip. You might not feel cold, but you aren't dumb. You have no interest in actually getting sick. The bus trip north towards the Union building is busier than it was yesterday, more teens out and about. Today is the first actual day of the holiday after all, so that makes sense.
Something Else == 1d100 = 8
[rolls over]
Adventure == 1d100 = 19
[Mr. O is not at the Docks]
Find == 1d100 = 41
[Nothing of Interest]
[You Are Not Alone]
??? = 1d100 = 60
[Mr. O is nearby…]
Lizard = 1d100 = 69
Meeting = 1d9 = 9
[Something is nearby…]
Leaning against the railing at the top of the flood wall, you look down to the beach below. Unfortunately, it seems that your target isn't out and about again. The giant lizard is nowhere to be found.

Thinking about it for a moment, you have to admit that it does make sense. After all, if that lizard was out here on the beach most of the time, then other people would have spotted it by now, and it would have been all over the news.

What that means, unfortunately, is that your mission now has just gotten a whole lot harder. If you want to have a chance of actually finding this lizard, then the only thing that you can do is head back through the hole in the flood wall.

One of the kids said that it connects into the sewers, so that is going to stink…

For a long moment you hesitate. Do you really want to head down into the sewers, all on your own for the chance of finding a giant lizard in order to prove to the government that it really exists?

When you ask yourself that question, it almost feels crazy. Like there has to be a better way to do all of this.


No. If you start to think like that, then you're going to end up talking yourself out of this whole hunt. You want to do this, and something tells you that turning around and hiding from all of this would just mean that you start acting the same way that you have for months now.

That makes you stand up straight, blinking in confusion. What exactly does the way that you've been acting up until now have to do with any of this?

Sure, you can't say that you are the happiest with the way that your life has turned since entering high school, but that doesn't have anything to do with trying to find this lizard. These thoughts are useless. Taking a breath, you head down the stairs, stepping across the sand. Step by step by step, you move closer and closer to the massive crack in the flood wall, one hand shading your eyes in an attempt to make it easier to see into the dank depths ahead. The air here stinks, a sharp, bitter stench that coats the back of your throat, making you hack and cough. Stumbling back and away from the hole for a moment, you drop down to your knees, wheezing even as your stomach churns and burns, seizing up for a moment as it tries to spill your breakfast across the sands.

That… That is the worst thing that you have ever smelled, a stench so terrible that it is nearly impossible to try and put into real words. Moment by moment you sit rest there on the sands, breathing slowly to try and get control of yourself again. Then throwing yourself back up to your feet, you shake your head.

Right. Sewer. Sewers are filled with all sorts of terrible shit. Literally. How in the world did that lizard get through there?

And more importantly, how in the world are you going to do the same?

Thinking about it for a moment, you've only one idea. One idea that you don't like, but it seems to be the best idea that you have at the moment. Sliding your jacket off, you quickly roll it around its sleeves a few times, before tying the arms around your face to cover your mouth and nose.

Your jacket can't keep you warm like this, but even now you still don't feel cold. Marching towards the hole in the wall one more time, you try and hold your breath, hoping beyond hope that this cuts down the smell enough that you can keep moving.

Pulling out the light, you click it on. The dark of the hole keeps stretching out for longer than you might have expected, but eventually you can see the way that the dark stone of the walls shifts over to the same pale concrete of the floodwalls. This has to be the sewer.

There's barely any room in this horrible place. A thin strip of concrete along the walls giving enough space for workers to do their jobs, and then the actual flowing mess of shit and sick and all the other things that go down the drains. The stench is still here, but it isn't nearly as bad as it could have been. You need to keep going.

One foot in front of the other. Step by step by step, if you stop, for even just a moment you'll lose your nerve and turn back towards the entrance. Hell, you'd probably run if it comes down to that. Thankfully, you did think a little ahead this morning, and the clothing that you are wearing only mostly fits, so it was going to be going in the trash sooner rather than later anyways, and if this stench clings to the clothing the way that it tried to in your throat, then it will be so much easier to just toss the clothing.

For the moment, the best thing that you can do is take short, shallow breaths that keep the air from getting too thick in your mouth, as you keep moving further, the stench gets worse. Now it is reaching the point where it is sharp enough that your eyes are starting to sting, as if the very stench is reaching into your eyes. Thankfully, the tunnel so far has been a singular pathway. Here and there there have been a few smaller tunnels that you might be able to fit down, but the lizard most certainly wouldn't be able to fit into.

Similarly, you encounter the occasional locked door, and here and there on the walls there are pipes that move the foul liquids about, but the doors are all still intact, and the pipes are all too small for the lizard, so it couldn't have gone through there either. The worst part is that the tunnel seems to go on forever and ever, winding through the depths of the city. You've got a feeling that you might be getting closer to the inner parts of the city, as you are starting to spot ladders leading to closed manholes.

At the same time, you are starting to worry that you might have gone the wrong way or something, because that lizard was pretty big, it would probably have had to wade into the filth in order to get around the ladders, and you can't imagine any animal being willing to do that.

Then again, if your theory is right, this isn't any ordinary animal, but instead a creation of a Tinker, in which case it might not have any instincts to tell it that doing this is such a bad idea.

Of course, that brings up the question of what the heck you are doing. So you keep pushing forwards, because stopping to think about that might give you an answer that you don't like. At this point all you can do is keep pushing forwards.

So you do, but as you do, you start to hear something. The sounds are distant at first, but they are familiar. Continuing on, you start to recognize what it is that you are hearing.


But you shouldn't be able to hear people, not while down in the sewers. Are there people down here? How in the world have they not died yet?

It doesn't take long for you to find the answer, following the sounds, you find yourself making one final turn. There, about half way down the length of this stretch of tunnel, there is a massive crack along the side of the sewer. You can see light pouring through. Creeping closer, you realize that crack isn't exactly the right word. There are chunks of stone that have been thrown about both sides of the sewer, with several pieces nearly the size of your head that have fallen into the river of sewage in the middle. This isn't a natural crack, but instead something dug through the wall. And there is only one thing that you know of that should be in the sewers.

Which means that this big lizard you are following might be even more dangerous than you thought. Getting closer to the hole in the wall, you can hear better. The outside sounds busy, but not like… Boardwalk busy. This doesn't sound like tourists. This sounds like construction workers.

It might not be a good idea to come out of the sewers here, but at the same time… Can you really stand to stay here for much longer? Plus, if that thing did come out here, and if it is what dug through the wall here, then those workers might be in danger. That thought alone clenches it, because you can't sit back and do nothing when people might be in danger. Reaching the tunnel, you can't help but notice the fact that the stones are hot to the touch, which means that they would have only been dug through recently. Real recently. Shimmering through the gap, you stumble out onto another beach, and as the chill air hits your skin, you realize that the inside of the sewer was actually quite warm. Pulling your old jacket off, you throw it off to one side and take a deep breath of fresh, clean air.

Taking a look around, you recognize where you are. This isn't far from the Union either, in fact it is about the same distance from the union building as the first place you spotted the lizard, just further along the river to the north. Kneeling there in the sand, you take a few more moments to continue to just breathe, to clear out your lungs. Rising to your feet, you look around. This thing has to be here… Right?

…But there doesn't seem to be anything around. With a huff of a sigh, you check one final time, hoping against hope that the world would somehow change to make things make more sense. But it doesn't. Which means… Well, you aren't sure what it means. Though, now that you are thinking about it, the rocks were on the inside of the sewer tunnels, not the outside… Would that mean that…?

"Taylor?" The confused voice of Mr. Otaki comes from above you. "What are you… How did you… Why aren't you wearing your vest and hat?" Turning, you see the old man leaning against the railing of the flood wall, looking down at you. "This is a construction site, young lady." Otaki calls out, "And that means safety first! Get on up here, so I can get you suited up."

Your train of thought shattered, you nod and head towards the stairs. Standing at the top, you turn out towards the river for a moment, before you blink. You can see a hard point, sticking out of the water, and moving closer to the shore. "There it is!" You cry out with a grin. Grabbing your camera, you quickly start to make sure that everything is ready. The camera is wound properly, the shutter isn't blocked or anything else.

"Taylor? What are you-" Otaki starts to ask, before the giant lizard throws itself out of the water, rising nearly three feet into the air before it lands heavily on the beach. "What in the wor- This is that lizard that you told Lacey about, isn't it?!" Otaki calls out, leaning so far over the edge that you're almost worried that he's going to drop. The lizard huffs and then drops down onto its belly and rolls in the sand. The wet of the creature's skin and the wet of the sand stick together. Hurrying, you snap picture after picture as the big thing rolls in the sand again. Once it is good and covered, it rolls back up onto its feet, before breaking into another run, straight towards the hole in the flood wall.

"That…" Otaki says quietly. "It's real. Ahahaha!" The man's laugh is infectious. "It wasn't that I doubted you, Taylor." He continues. "But I might have thought you were exaggerating the size a little. I've never seen a lizard like that before, nor one that big. I've got to talk with Yun! Come on. You've got pictures, right? We need to develop them, that way we can get a better look at this, make sure that everyone knows what to look for!"

After making sure that you have a high visibility vest and a hard hat, Otaki hurries you over to his truck. A quick round of arguing with one of the other workers on the site, and Otaki settles into the driver's seat, the engines rumbling to life. "I know a place that should be able to develop those real quick." Otaki says, a grin on his face.

You've only ridden with Otaki a couple of times, and despite his short stature and how old the man is, he is amazing behind the wheel. That may have something to do with the fact that he's been working on this truck since he first moved to the Bay back around the turn of the century. The engine is quieter than any you've heard before, and it rides smooth as silk. Otaki takes you down along the river, heading closer and closer to the bay itself. As the truck crosses the bridge, you spot something. Blinking, you lean close to the window, trying to get a better look. There is something over near the scuttle.

It looks sort of like a bird, but you're way over near Downtown, for you to be able to see that thing, it would have to have a like… Fifteen or twenty foot wingspan, and you don't know anything that might be that big.

Whatever it is, it is flying around the top of the scuttle. "What in the world…?" Otaki asks, and you realize that the old man sees it just as well as you do. "A flying lizard? What is with these lizards?"

Those words send a spike of nervousness through you. If the lizard you saw was the creation of a Biotinker, then this lizard might be the same. What in the world is going on?

Then, echoing out from the water you hear a quiet sound. One that you've never heard before.
Hello, birdbrain. Going to roll over and show your belly for the first great golden gobshite to rear his ugly head, or will you stand by your rightful liege and lord this time?
And the Rodan are the first to arrive! And no Jet Jaguar in sight, hope Mr. 0 still has him.


That certainly escalated quickly.
Will it attack the DWU, and Taylor will have to blow it away? People will certainly see that. With a body though the PRT will be able to rule out biotinker.
We need to make sure that camera stays in tact, maybe get a few lizard bird pics.
Also time to measure hero response time.

Baragon is adorable. He will be our pet.

Taylor certainly is enjoying the quality of life perks of being a lizard with a nuclear reactor in it's chest in Winter.
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At least we know Taylor's hair is going to be super long as per that Evolution pic. It is a Long road till Taylor looks like that.
And just because we picked Evolution doesn't mean the other Kaiju from other Godzilla media wont appear.

Good thing we picked Nuclear Breath/Beam. We have a range attack. Even if Taytay has no idea she even has it just yet.
I guess that would be Taylor's luck that she chooses to search the sewers when her target is currently not in the sewers.
She did manage to still get several pics of it once it came ashore.

So mission accomplished. Just in the worst experience way possible.
Note to self. When you get an ominous instinct to go to the beach, listen to it.

Good thing we picked Nuclear Breath/Beam. We have a range attack. Even if Taytay has no idea she even has it just yet.
Nope. Gotta give it the time to develop. Big them of all the adaptations is that we literally need to grow into them.

Edit: Anyways, SP Rodan. size indicates it to have a 4.5 to 6 metre wingspan, so closer to one of the larger Pteranadons. Wondering if All Kaiju are going to start out babby Sized, but somehow I doubt it. I think this might be closer to a regular kaiju instead of a Titan, but we'll see how things progress.

...I wonder if going to the beach would have let us see Mini Gojira. Damn that'd have been a laugh,
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Reaching the tunnel, you can't help but notice the fact that the stones are hot to the touch, which means that they would have only been dug through recently. Real recently. Shimmering through the gap, you stumble out onto another beach, and as the chill air hits your skin, you realize that the inside of the sewer was actually quite warm. Pulling your old jacket off, you throw it off to one side and take a deep breath of fresh, clean air.

Taking a look around, you recognize where you are. This isn't far from the Union either, in fact it is about the same distance from the union building as the first place you spotted the lizard, just further along the river to the north. Kneeling there in the sand, you take a few more moments to continue to just breathe, to clear out your lungs. Rising to your feet, you look around. This thing has to be here… Right?

…But there doesn't seem to be anything around. With a huff of a sigh, you check one final time, hoping against hope that the world would somehow change to make things make more sense. But it doesn't. Which means… Well, you aren't sure what it means. Though, now that you are thinking about it, the rocks were on the inside of the sewer tunnels, not the outside… Would that mean that…?
Huh, On further inspection, looks like we might have dodged a bullet - Something else has dug into the sewer network here... something that wasn't Baragon.
Rodans are the mooks of SP Godzilla, but yeah, no Jet Jaguar! What are we going to do?
Rodans are the mooks of SP Godzilla, but yeah, no Jet Jaguar! What are we going to do?
All I can think of short term:

Somehow figure out the tendency to follow specific radio wave frequencies, then attempt to lead it towards the PRT offices. Yun Ideally should have his mini-AI, so hopefully we twig onto it, we might be able to jury rig something to get it to follow us.

Emphasis on 'might'. Even if we'd picked something like Scales or Skin, we're so early we're virtually defenceless. We're likely going to need to rely on smarts for this ons.
On the brightside it may just suffocate eventually. Singular Point Rodan need the red dust in the air to breathe.
On the brightside it may just suffocate eventually. Singular Point Rodan need the red dust in the air to breathe.
Wait was it specificlaly breathing? I thought it was a digestive system they lacked.
We're not just drawing from singular point here, so I say we assume nothing about this particular winged beasty.
This as well.

Not all SP Kaiju died that easily. Just the frst stage Rodan.
Not familiar on the little lizard guy. Is Baragon something we should be worried about?
In the original incarnation maybe. He was a villain in a Showa era movie featuring Frankenstein('s Monster)

However, the model that's used and the clip of Rie Ohta doing the pretend Roars are from the Millenium era entry GMK (short for Godzilla Mothra King-Ghidora), in which Baragon is a protective creature alongside Mothra and the only benevolent version of King G. So that, alongside it's general behaviour being more like a giant lizard puppy, makes me think that it's probably mostly harmless and most likely to only attack if provoked.
In the original incarnation maybe. He was a villain in a Showa era movie featuring Frankenstein('s Monster)

However, the model that's used and the clip of Rie Ohta doing the pretend Roars are from the Millenium era entry GMK (short for Godzilla Mothra King-Ghidora), in which Baragon is a protective creature alongside Mothra and the only benevolent version of King G. So that, alongside it's general behaviour being more like a giant lizard puppy, makes me think that it's probably mostly harmless and most likely to only attack if provoked.

Huh, that's nice to know. Guess we won't have to worry about the little guy causing any problems... well, not any problems that iinvolve him attacking someone unprovoked at least.

By the way, if this is a mixture of all continuities, can we expect that chill version of King G.?