Lullaby of Freedom
A/N: Well, guess its time for me to work on that modern follow-up @Lunaryon and everyone.

Lullaby of Freedom

Honestly, she was still kind of having a hard time processing the fact that... they were all free, genuinely free. Ever since she met Lullaby so long ago, part of her really did try to cling to that hope.

Still, the fact it actually happened, it almost felt too good to be real. Even as Miriam(?) removed the trackers from the four of them, that incessant little part of her kept trying to insist this was some dream.

"We know dreams, we can confirm this isn't one Mother." She had always made a point to keep Lullaby a secret, so the fact she no longer had to hide Lullaby from everyone made her really happy.

Just being free was wonderful, the seven of them might be an odd group sure... but they're family, "We're literally your blood", that's all she really needed. Yet... with the power she and Lullaby share, doing nothing felt... wrong...

There was Erdin, tinkering away with the Azure- 'Just because we escaped once, does not mean we should become complacent.' Honestly, it sounded nice, traveling the country instead of immediately setting roots.

Ophelia was the same as always, mostly lingering by Erdin's side. Honestly, she wasn't sure how much Ophelia actually understood of what Erdin does, she doesn't.... though, Miriam might...

From what she could tell with Circe, the slightly younger girl was putting together a proper Hero Costume. Hmm, if T.G.R.I didn't happen, Circe probably would of ended up a Cape...

Miriam was something of the 'odd one out', what with apparently being the 5th Silencer. That should of meant being the most naïve of them, yet somehow she was more knowledgeable and skilled than most adults.

"They can read brains they make contact with, Mother." There was also that, Lullaby was very insistent that 'Miriam' is actually multiple individuals.

Honestly, she doesn't really mind that, if anything it would be a plus- Lullaby getting to have a peer, and having someone who would understand her relationship with Lullaby due to having something similar?

It was all nice, really... but she still didn't know what to do herself... She didn't like the idea of hurting people, and their 'webbing' didn't conduct their powers as well as direct contact. They couldn't just web people in place, especially since the bio-energies had to specifically be drained into themselves... "It certainly would be helpful if it would just leak out."

Each of them, well she wasn't sure about Miriam, aren't 'miniature armies' in power. "Well, ordinary people wouldn't stand a chance..." Sure, there was that, but the seven of them are much more likely to face Capes than some armed militia.

There's no such thing as a Lone Cape- either they're someone who hasn't been recruited to some larger organization yet... or someone whose luck hasn't run out. "Logically, Lone Capes could probably last a while, so long as nothing challenging comes their way."

Point is, picking a fight with one Cape runs the risk of not staying that way. With that in mind, the thought of going out and fighting bad guys left her feeling nervous... why did it always have to be violence? Tinkers are a thing, so clearly powers can be used for more productive things. "It really depends on the power, Mother. Moving things at range? Useful. Causing everything nearby to wilt? Not so much."

She just... didn't like the idea that 'having powers' meant having some built-in gun that's only good for causing harm. Back when she lived at shelters, everyone did what they could to help each other- nobody else would, most of the time... "Couldn't we do that Mother? Help those no one else would?"

... Well, she understood there were suppose to be laws regulating the usage of powers, but... what was the point of pretending the seven of them don't? They can help people, that should be the most important thing about powers... "We are our own masters now, Mother- no more strings."

Glancing around their little hideout, everyone was busy with something anyways- well, Ophelia was watching Erdin at work and she couldn't spot Miriam anyway. She could linger here, sure, but... they don't really need her help. This place doesn't even seem to have much Parahuman activity, so it should be fine anyways.

Without a sound, as always, she slipped out unnoticed. She wasn't sure how she would actually introduce herself as a 'Parahuman' without being blatant about it, nor did it seem like a good idea running around as 'one'. "Perhaps we can start with one of those shelter things, Mother?"

Honestly, it does upset her somewhat to admit, but yeah... the kind of people that rely on shelters probably couldn't afford legal medical assistance without getting into serious debt. Panacea can't be everywhere... "Probably for the best, it must be awful- Eve explained that even regular medical workers suffered higher rates of depression and other mental ailments. What must it be like for a superhuman doctor?"

Oh, yeah no, that's genuinely horrifying- and doesn't Panacea live in Brockton Bay? From what she could remember, that Hookwolf guy alone is probably a shoe-in for the Slaughterhouse 9; having to deal with White Supremacists, Asian Supremacists, and Drug Dealers? There's probably some pressing medical emergency every minute there.

"In our opinion, nobody should be surprised if she ends up snapping one day." It is truly awful, but yeah... glancing around, she couldn't help stilling for a moment. She knew the seven of them were more focused on getting away from T.G.R.I and making sure they weren't being tailed, but this place felt... vaguely familiar...

"We would not know, we do not have perfect recollection of your memories." Well, she supposes it doesn't really matter, they're eventually going to leave this place and continue their journey. She just wants to do what she can before then, so hopefully she can figure out how to... convince the... local shelter...

"Mother, are you alright? ... Oh, we see." She... never imagined she'd ever be here again. What would of happened if she got to stay? No, she shouldn't think like that, for one Lullaby wouldn't exist and they're her daughter... what kind of terrible person tries to seriously consider a world where their child never existed?

"It has been years, we would not worry about running into anyone." Perhaps, logically things must of changed a lot... finally stepping into the building, outwardly not much has changed, she wasn't sure they ever renovated the place. For a moment, she could almost get lost in the memories... "S-Serena!?"

Wait, she was pretty sure nobody ever cried out her name like that... "Is that really you!?" Feeling a mental nudge from Lullaby, Serena finally turned- and stopped, eyes taking in the sight. Miss Reagan looked the same as ever, the older woman cautiously approaching her. "What happened? We tried telling the police, the PRT, anyone who would listen- but all they said was they had to 'properly investigate' if your disappearance was Parahuman-related or not, we were pretty certain they completely forgot about it. Are you okay?"

This was one of those moments she truly lamented the fact she couldn't speak normally, but before she could do much of anything Miss Reagan was already holding her in a hug. "I refused to give up on you, but there was barely anything I could do. With everything that's been happening lately, I really hoped you weren't taken by those thugs..."

Thugs? "We would certainly call T.G.R.I such, but we do not believe that's what she is referring to." The older woman sniffles, before pulling back and resting her hands on Serena's shoulders. "S-sorry, this must be so much... Honestly, I'm not fully sure what's happening, but something's awful going on. People have been disappearing, and others have been... suffering... but do the Police care? No, because nobody 'actually important' has been affected."

Miss Reagan gently shakes her head, before resuming the hug. "Sorry, sorry, you're home and that's the first good news I've received these past few months. It was difficult keeping your things intact, b-but I'm sure everyone else will be happy to see you've come back." She wished that was actually true, she could remember Miss Reagan always being so nice and friendly to the kids like herself...

But she couldn't abandon everyone, she already found her home and family... "May we speak Mother?" On one hand, she should probably say no, but on the other... she couldn't tolerate that all these people in need were being exploited, being ignored because they weren't 'important.' What kind of hero would ignore such an obvious problem?

Thus, 'she' spoke- "S... sor... ry..." Miss Reagan looked completely confused, but Lullaby kept speaking. "C-c-can we... h-help?" Still, Miss Reagan seemed confused about what was going on, before Lullaby started walking- with Miss Reagan calling out from behind. "Serena, wait!" Indeed, things didn't seem all that different from before, it didn't take every long to find the people.

Immediately, she could see the problem. "At least it does not seem Merchant related." That didn't do much to reassure her honestly, this was unacceptable regardless- as a result, she wasn't sure if it was herself or Lullaby, but regardless they made a beeline straight to the nearest person she could tossing in their sleep.

Placing a hand over the side of their face, she watched intently- she could feel Lullaby at work, and soon the person below them began to sleep peacefully. "W-what did you do?" Glancing back towards Miss Reagan, she couldn't blame Miss Reagan- what she did was not normal, at best she either developed some strange quirks or... "Is dealing with a Parahuman of unknown ability."

Yeah, ideally she would of preferred being more subtle about it, but... these people gave her a home when she needed one, they didn't deserve being treated like this. Silently gesturing towards the next sleeping person she could see, Serena did her best to plead with her eyes. Finally, Miss Reagan sighed.

"It's not like the Heroes care, what am I supposed to do? Spends months, if not years, just to collect enough money for a single visit from Panacea? These people can't wait that long..." Serena wished she could sigh too, it would of been nice if she could of done this 'legally', but Miss Reagan is right- these people can't wait that long...


A/N: Realistically, things like this already happen- a world that has superhumans? Yeah, anything that's not "Hero Lass attacks Villain Man's family jewels" is probably flying under the radar.

Seriously, far as I can tell, Worm is more "The Good Guys Don't Win" with mild "Superhuman Celebrity" elements. Might as well be some weird Lighter But Edgier version of The Boys, far as I'm concerned.

Look at Panacea, is it any surprise she ended up snapping in canon? I'm more amazed she didn't make a Vicki Conversion plague or something, a regular doctor probably would of went full Bio-Terrorist if they had even a fraction of Amy's power.

So yeah, the 1st Arc for the Freed Silencers- dealing with a city's slowly growing drug epidemic. People focus so much on Righteous Face Punching, I'd prefer something fresher than just more of that.

Also, no, Eliza/Eve is not trans and deliberately doesn't have a Preferred Name- Eliza/Eve is a woman (13-year-old girl) of many names and identities, if they're giving you a Name they specifically want you to think that's their 'Real' Name to further dissociate their various persona from each other.
A/N: Well, guess its time for me to work on that modern follow-up @Lunaryon and everyone.

Lullaby of Freedom


... Well, she understood there were suppose to be laws regulating the usage of powers, but... what was the point of pretending the seven of them don't? They can help people, that should be the most important thing about powers... "We are our own masters now, Mother- no more strings."
I have to admit, I think you managed to creepy factor of the Lullaby well
Siren's Sorrow
A/N: Behold once more, my fell powers @Lunaryon and be filled with dread. In less horrifying terms, time for the next entry in the... 'Broken Silence' arc? Oh, and Warning I guess- Miriam being a sapient mobile horror show again.

The Siren's Sorrow

Back when she was just a little girl, the world seemed like such a simple place. To her, it was perfectly normal knowing that gods and monsters, Parahumans, roamed the world doing as they pleased.

In her opinion, the age of humanity died the moment Scion first appeared- people have just been in denial of that fact. Sure, there were some serious disappointments and maniacs, but that should of made it clearer what had happened.

Many Parahumans would probably have been heralded as gods when the world was more superstitious, but today? Definitely wouldn't be called such, but they might as well be- the awe, the fear, the worship... it was practically the same.

Sure, she never found any religions devoted to them, but 'Parahuman' always had a different air to it- of being something other than human. Honestly, maybe things wouldn't be so bad if Parahumans were just embraced.

Instead, the reality was that Parahumans had two choices- obedience to some organization that won't tolerate anything less, or somehow flaunt all the rules trying to shackle them down.

More often than not, only the Villains got away with the latter- those who were genuinely heroic or wanted to just live their lives generally fell victim to the former.

She knew all kinds of horror stories, the 'Unwritten' Rules were more some gentleman's agreement that people were absolutely willing to break whenever they could get away from it.

New Wave was just the most famous instance of that. Culturally, they might as well be in a new Age of Gods, but that didn't stop others from viewing Parahumans more like particularly fancy guns.

She was fine with being a normal girl honestly, being a Parahuman seemed like it'd be awful more often than not. It really would of been nice, getting to stay a normal girl...

Being faced with almost certain death, she could remember the terror... and then, she Screamed. For a moment, she could remember just being relieved to still be alive.

It didn't take long for the yelling and finger-pointing, for it all to sink in- She's a parahuman, and everyone knows it. Being a newbie was bad enough, but outted on the first day?

If she wasn't 'recruited' to be a Ward, people might attack her mother & father to get to her. Any notion of a normal life would forever be gone, same for her parents. But... if she never went home, then things wouldn't be so bad for her parents...

In hindsight, perhaps she was overreacting, it seemed common with newer Parahumans from what she knows. Maybe, it wouldn't have been all that bad after all, she could of been a superhero!

That could of been nice... but instead she was a panicky weirdo, and those T.G.R.I goons grabbed her. So much for being a heroine, she had no interest in being a villainess.

Looking back, she was pretty sure T.G.R.I barely tolerated her- oh sure, Mutated Parahuman, huge success. But apparently literally blowing the lid off the place was problematic.

Being locked up in a box, restrained and muzzled, she never felt so miserable. Hmm, interesting, there must be something different from 'merely' feeling awful and outright Triggering...

The only company she really had were her three Chulainn guards, yet they never had much interest in speaking with her. Speaking about... urgh, she wished she could of Triggered from some of the things they said...

She honestly wasn't sure how many days it was, trapped like that, but one day she heard alarms. Intellectually, she knew what it was supposed to mean, but she couldn't really do anything about it.

Yet even as the alarms got even louder, one of the Chulainns got closer- with a smug aura and rapping on the glass blocking them, he smiled a hideous smile.

"Does the little birdie feel envious? Such a lovely melody, yet you can't sing along." One of the other Chulainns sighed, gently shoving the one mocking her.

"Seriously Frank? She's not going anywhere, so let's focus on important things." For a moment she heard a thud, before the two Chulainns turned around to reveal the third.

The man apparently collapsed, before getting up. "You alright Doug?" The one called 'Doug' nodded, before approaching the other two. "Okay guys, whatever is going on, we can not let The Siren get loose."

Frank grumbles annoyedly, yet 'Doug' focused squarely on her. Why did she have to get stuck with the wei- faster than she could really process, 'Doug' split in two and flowed into the open earholes of the other two Chulainns.

The two men tried screaming, but it didn't last long- the two collapsed to the floor and melted into raw biomatter. Soon the mass rose up, solidifying into the form of a man.

"Sorry about that, for... many things really..." The man(?) rubs his(?) right temple for a moment, before finally snapping back to attention. Wait, how was she getting out of this?

DNA Scan Confirmed. Welcome, Director. The glass door opened up, with the figure casually walking in and proceeding to just... tear her restraints off with inhuman strength.

It was a very confusing experience, but given how obviously they're both a 'parahuman' of some kind and probably could of done whatever happened to the Chulainns, she suppose that merited some trust.

Gripping at her muzzle and removing it herself, for a moment she just took a breath- that thing was so stifling, good to have it off. Now to actually question her savior.

"Who are you and why free me?" The person looked up at her, and for several seconds completely froze- no movements of any kind. Finally, they seemed like an actual person again, and spoke.

"You may call me Miriam, yes yes I know- I assure you, I'm actually female. My motives are, admittedly, somewhat selfish- all five of us escaping together and allying as a group would be much better for ensuring our long-term freedom and safety."

Freedom, huh? She could do with some of that, getting to be an actual person again sounds great really. "Okay, who we getting first?" Miriam did that thing again where her whole body pauses, before answering. "Units 01 and 03, The Azure Knight & The Chain Princess. They have most likely engaged their Chulainns already."

She wasn't all that familiar with them, but fine by her. What kind of hero would just leave others behind anyways?


A/N: I swear, genuinely so, that I legitimately meant to do a "Modern Day" omake of Circe going out in search of Serena, having some guy grab her, Screaming at him and fixating on her worries about her power.

That's writing though, you just do what feels natural. Thankfully I probably won't end up doing a similar "Backstory Omake" for Ophelia... anytime soon anyways...

I'll see what I can do later, I got another Quest I need to do an Omake for, and these things take so long to write...
The Siren's Sorrow

Back when she was just a little girl, the world seemed like such a simple place. To her, it was perfectly normal knowing that gods and monsters, Parahumans, roamed the world doing as they pleased.

In her opinion, the age of humanity died the moment Scion first appeared- people have just been in denial of that fact. Sure, there were some serious disappointments and maniacs, but that should of made it clearer what had happened.

Many Parahumans would probably have been heralded as gods when the world was more superstitious, but today? Definitely wouldn't be called such, but they might as well be- the awe, the fear, the worship... it was practically the same.

Sure, she never found any religions devoted to them, but 'Parahuman' always had a different air to it- of being something other than human. Honestly, maybe things wouldn't be so bad if Parahumans were just embraced.

I really enjoyed Siren's inner monologue about the nature of gods in the modern day.
The Siren's Shame
A/N: Well, @Lunaryon I think its time I did the actual omake about Circe post-breakout. I swear, there's only supposed to be two more installments of the "Broken Silence" arc.

The Siren's Shame

Freedom... it was one of the few things she thought about, back in that stupid cage. Wasn't even gilded, no attempt to hide how little her individuality mattered to them.

Yet... she hadn't thought all that much about what she'd actually do. If she hadn't run away when she first Triggered, maybe her & her parents could of gotten relocated with new identities.

She might of been "Open", but there wouldn't have been any definitive proof that 'Laurel Lance' and 'Dinah Drake' were the same person just because they both had black hair & similar powers.

From what she could tell, that kind of thing happens all the time- Some Cape 'disappears', and a 'New' one appears that seems incredibly similar. Even if someone was willing to defy the Unwritten Rules, they'd still need hard proof it isn't just a coincidence.

Pulling that off after what T.G.R.I did to her? Sure, reasonable doubt that 'Circe' girl is the missing 'Laurel', but she had two very distinctive traits- permanently, far as she could figure out.

Sure, having flawless hair was nice, but black fading into red? She'd either need to hide her hair outright, have it cut regularly, or invest a lot into hair-dye... actually, she probably could claim that's why her hair is like that.

Having weird hair doesn't actually prove anything, and plenty of people imitate those they look up to. Her mouth, on the other hand... well, at least people will think twice about asking her to smile.

The more one had visually going on, the more likely people were going to take notice. Perhaps... willingly or not, she probably would of been forced to act as a Cape regardless, so establishing a Cape persona would make it easier to separate Circe from The Siren.

She can just pretend to be a devoted fangirl, and even if people had suspicions basic doubt & uncertainty would serve as a shield. She could even go with a whole black fades into red theme for the outfit, so that her hair seems even more like its part of the theme.

Granted, she didn't exactly have the skills or resources necessary to put it together herself, but she could probably just ask Erdin. Well, maybe Miriam, but she wasn't sure how exactly Miriam's abilities work... that and she didn't want to wear leather made from human or Chulainn flesh...

Turning her attention to their fully suited leader, there was Ophelia standing by his side watching and... "Where's Serena?" That got Ophelia looking around, slowly getting more worked up before Erdin calmly sighs and gets up.

Watching him place a hand reassuringly on Ophelia's shoulder, he finally speaks up. "Judging by the data from my recording systems, she left a while back- most likely after the rest of us got busy. Knowing her, she probably wanted to do something too, but since there was nothing here needing her..."

Miriam wandering off, she could buy- girl didn't really even need them, and the local area didn't seem like it'd be particularly dangerous anyways. Serena, though? Girl is too nice for a 'parahuman', and she was mostly certain Serena couldn't casually discard identities like Miriam.

"What if some weirdo tries grabbing her or worse?" Immediately clawed tendrils burst from Ophelia's back, as the girl makes a menacing expression. "No one hurts my Rere..."

In response, Erdin begins rubbing Ophelia's shoulder soothingly. "Calm down, T.G.R.I already has to focus on dealing with the facility following our escape so combine that with our trackers being removed it really can't be them yet."

Seriously, it is still kind of hard processing how that girl can so easily switch between 'cheerful little puppy' and 'barely restrained murder'. That moment of confusion when being stopped, slightly easier to understand.

Honestly, she wasn't all that big on violence herself, and the five of them were all each other had anymore... and she wasn't big on the idea of losing anyone else ever again.

"Count on me boss, so long as I don't show off my pearly whites nobody is gonna take much interest in me." She couldn't really see anything with Erdin's getup blocking his face, but eventually he lets out a calm sigh.

"At least take these before running off, I'm still improving them but better than nothing." One moment, Erdin held out his free hand- and the next, Azure spiraled off his palm, before condensing into four little earphones.

Ophelia just looked on in wonder, she wasn't entirely sure why- far as she understood, Ophelia just liked to watch. She might not be a science genius, but it was still pretty obvious what she was being handed.

"We get actual communicators? How long until we're outright Capes?" Erdin grunts at that, before holding out the earphones closer to her. "Hopefully never, didn't want to be a weapon to begin with..."

Yeah, she could get that... grabbing the earphones, stuffing two into her ears and the others in her pocket, she proceeded to pull up her hood and face mask. Until the Siren makes her debut, it wasn't a good idea showing off her hair & mouth.

Walking around, nothing particularly stood out to her- just because this was the Age of Parahumans, it wasn't like every town and city were littered with them or otherwise influenced.

Sure, there was probably some PRT branch, but that was more of a requirement than an actual necessity most of the time. Unsurprisingly, most people with superpowers weren't all that interested in world domination.

To live a simple life, powers didn't really change much there- well, it is kind of strange most known paras seem a bit too fixated on fighting, but they were probably just those types of people to begin with.

Long and short of it, she wouldn't be so worried if it was anyone else- If they weren't a Thinker or Stranger, most parahumans were generally very obvious about it.

Her main worry is Serena's mutism and pacifism, that was... probably part of why T.G.R.I was able to kidnap Serena in the first place. She wasn't sure how Serena would handle some random mugger, honestly...

"Hey, you're pretty cute, interested in a job?" Breaking from her thoughts, she stared at the man- and scoffed. Obviously just some idiot recruiter, probably for some 'harmless' little host club thing.

She had no interest in obeying the whims of other people, certainly not a bunch of men who should have better things to do than stare at cute girls. Sure, they probably weren't all crazy, but inevitably there'd be someone dumb enough to think they have a connection and then she'd have to Scream...

"The pay is pretty good, well it must be- I've never seen any of the other girls just wandering around afterwards." Please, if she was desperate for pay, there were absolutely people willing to ignore Nepea-5 for illegal parahuman assistance. Though what would she even do? Shampoo commercials would be very scammy... demolition didn't sound fun though...

"Seriously, all ya gotta do is smile a little and you'd be set for life." 'Smile'? Seriously? Impulsively pulling down her face mask, the man flinched for a moment when she snarled- and then she spoke.

"Still think I should!? LOOK AT ME~" What happened next was a terrible, stupid thing she should not have done- sending the man flying with a Scream into a wall, and him looking on with complete fear before desperately running away.

... Pulling her face mask back up and walking away hastily, hopefully he'd be way too shocked and confused to do much. After everything she went through, she thought she couldn't get fazed by other people anymore.

But... T.G.R.I were literally a bunch of monsters, she didn't really care what they thought. That was just some random dude, she could of seriously hurt him so why?

Oh, right... feeling the side of her check, she was a monster too now- hiding her messed up mouth wasn't exactly subtle, it... it really is permanent isn't it?

Wait, that was the first time she Screamed since escaping, she wasn't trying very hard but... Intellectually, she knew what T.G.R.I did messed with her power, yet she hadn't actually considered how much...

That guy seemed fine, i-it couldn't be that bad right...? Granted, she nearly collapsed that facility when she was forced to become a Silencer... surely she couldn't kill people by accident...

She wasn't sure, T.G.R.I never got around to testing her abilities... this whole time, she's just been assuming it'd be fine hasn't she? So fixated on her appearance, and not once had she actually questioned her power...

Figuring that out was going to be problematic for so many reasons, but first she really should resume looking for Serena- existential crisis over power implications later.


A/N: I'm not entirely satisficed, but I'm not gonna get upset over it. "Kkut, are you saying her real name is Laurel Lance meaning she's Black Canary?" It's really more of a personal mythology gag, her original version actually did train under Black Canary and I was already under the impression "Circe" was a fake name she deliberately picked to disassociate herself from her parents.

Was it a bit weird? Yeah, sure, but I mainly wanted to establish two things- her own worries regarding her Scream, and to continue the whole plotline of there being something wrong going on in this Town/City. Some host club thing that recruits cute women who aren't found wandering again at the same time as people disappearing? Probably not important, well... depending on your definition of important.
"Seriously, all ya gotta do is smile a little and you'd be set for life." 'Smile'? Seriously? Impulsively pulling down her face mask, the man flinched for a moment when she snarled- and then she spoke.

"Still think I should!? LOOK AT ME~" What happened next was a terrible, stupid thing she should not have done- sending the man flying with a Scream into a wall, and him looking on with complete fear before desperately running away.
You definitely managed to get the depressed feeling across well
You definitely managed to get the depressed feeling across well

Well, I do suffer from poor self-esteem and struggle regularly with it, as everytime people act like I did something wrong it honestly does make me wonder- am I? I don't really think like normal people, so I frequently do things I don't find weird but others insist is super messed up. Long story short, it comes from the heart because I genuinely wonder if I am an irredeemable monster.

That said, I probably won't do any more omakes for a while, to focus on my mental health. I recently had some IRL issues, and need a break. Sorry, I know I should be better than that, but I'm really not. Writing the next omake was gonna be really fun too, of Eliza/Eve clearing out a bunch of drug dealers.
Well, I do suffer from poor self-esteem and struggle regularly with it, as everytime people act like I did something wrong it honestly does make me wonder- am I? I don't really think like normal people, so I frequently do things I don't find weird but others insist is super messed up. Long story short, it comes from the heart because I genuinely wonder if I am an irredeemable monster.

That said, I probably won't do any more omakes for a while, to focus on my mental health. I recently had some IRL issues, and need a break. Sorry, I know I should be better than that, but I'm really not. Writing the next omake was gonna be really fun too, of Eliza/Eve clearing out a bunch of drug dealers.

I know that things have happened, and it is probably for the best that we both focus on our own mental health issues right now. But if you want to continue writing Omakes, that is perfectly fine.
I know that things have happened, and it is probably for the best that we both focus on our own mental health issues right now. But if you want to continue writing Omakes, that is perfectly fine.

Well, given that Omake & Rewards hasn't been updated and Siren's Sorrow & Siren's Shame aren't tagged with anything like all the other omakes, that definitely confuses me. I also got another Quest to write for, and given how in that Quest we kind of need to focus on killing an Evil God... I can't make any promises of when I'll do another one here.
If everything goes according to plan, I should have the next update out either Saturday or Sunday. After which I may be putting this quest on a short hiatus as I try and better balance my work/school/writing life balance
A Heroine's Genesis
A/N: Okay, I'm a bit addicted to writing and this wouldn't get out of my head... @Lunaryon I promise there's only one more Silencers omake after this one- for now, anyways. Part of me just wants to immediately work on "The Kindest Master" first, but maintaining an order is important to me.

The Heroine's Genesis

There was still so much that didn't really make sense to her, she wasn't even entirely sure if she was actually Eliza or something Eve created pretending to be Eliza. Having all those memories in her head, or whatever she & Eve counted as was confusing enough really.

Nonetheless, she was willing to trust Eve- for some reason she's still not fully clear on, Eve was just... trustworthy. Rescuing the Silencers, successfully escaping, removing their trackers... it gave her something to focus on.

Erdin, Serena and Lullaby, Ophelia, Circe... she was a heroine! Well, not 'Eliza' nor even Eve, but still- names were just another kind of word, and actions mattered far more than mere words.

Sure, it was one of those things she was taught, but she hadn't realized how true that actually was... before T.G.R.I 'adopted' her for their experiments. It was disgusting, knowing how little those 'people' viewed the lives of others.

Part of her genuinely wanted to just hunt them down, but... "Though our abilities would not be entirely clear to them, T.G.R.I will at least understand that we are an organic semi-liquid substance with no discernable physical limitations capable of devouring and digesting other organic matter."

Right, T.G.R.I were monsters- not complete idiots. Even if 'unstoppable shapeshifting slime monster' was all they knew, it would be a priority of T.G.R.I to develop countermeasures based on the data available to them.

There was only so much erasing footage would do, there was still the physical evidence of sheer absence. The most logical thing to do personally was figure out her & Eve's exact abilities.

Yet, one could only do so much with mere theories & hypothesis- one could only be truly certain via live testing, after all... She wasn't sure she liked the idea of Consuming brains ever again, it wouldn't do anyone any good if she & Eve became a serial killer just by Consuming one.

"I cannot discount the possibility, the malice and amorality possessed by T.G.R.I's operatives is certainly not an ideal role model. I hope you will help me maintain my 'humanity', in that regard."

She truly wants to believe in Eve, though statements like that did concern her. They didn't even need to Consume others, so long as they didn't start killing because they could it should be fine. She didn't have nearly as much kindness and mercy for those she could prove were beyond redemption...

Being able to know such things really does a number on one's perspective- 'no mercy for the heartless' was something the two of them and Erdin agreed on, anyways.

Really, that was a major reason why she was so willing to trust Eve- her... sister(?) seemed pretty good at judging how others would react. Thus, between needing to figure themselves out and Erdin's faith in them-

Was the role of 'The Alpha Stalker', the 'mysterious punisher of crime' born. The idea of doing nothing useful wasn't very appealing, and being a 'figure of indistinct features and form' was too vague for anyone to build a concrete profile on.

Sure, such fulfilled multiple purposes- a form few could definitively identify as allied to anyone let alone the same creature each time, allowing them free reign to hunt down criminals and search without attention devoted to them...

Ultimately, though, it meant Eve and herself get to be a real heroine- she could respect the professional Heroes, but PR and plain old bureaucracy meant the Heroes couldn't do whatever they wanted.

Logically, she understood how that would make people nervous- nobody wanted Panacea to decide everyone around her were art canvases, for example.

Still, it meant the Heroes were only allowed to deal with 'obvious' Parahuman activity and so many people were more-or-less afraid of Parahumans 'stealing all the jobs.'

Which was nonsense for multiple reasons, and like any law the only people who care are the ones who shouldn't need it in the first place. Unless actual threat of death was a thing, very few Villains were going to let 'silly little laws' stop them- and even then, it clearly wouldn't dissuade everyone.

Point is, the only people being stopped were those who would never genuinely be Villains in the first place- and yet people wonder why the Heroes didn't do more.

Still, she was uncomfortable about fighting Villains- if they weren't Pure Evil, she wasn't entirely sure how the two of them would handle one. Not every Villain was some remorseless monster like the S9.

Really, Villains were just criminals with really fancy guns- it wasn't so simple as 'Criminal equals Bad Guy', from how she saw it there were three primary types: those who saw crime as the easy way to get what they wanted, who believe they have no alternative, and then the delusional psychopaths.

Well, maybe four actually- people really underestimate mental health, she wouldn't be surprised if there were Villains who were only Villains because they made a stupid mistake or struggled with personal problems.

Those types were pretty easy to prey on, she'd never truly understand evil- any reasonably intelligent person should be capable of realizing 'being bad is bad'. Being seen as a threat by others merely meant others would be unwilling to tolerate your existence...

"Eliza, I am mostly certain this 'drug den' facility is just one of multiple parts of a larger operation- since he and the others were not Unworthy of life, I am not fully certain. Nonetheless, I believe locating the central figure should not be too difficult. Should we go inform Erdin first or begin searching first?"

Seriously, the world is already a mess because of Parahumans who don't care, and there are actually people trying to run such schemes? That's evil really, only idiots believe in it.


A/N: So admittedly, I did originally intend to show Eliza's and Eve's rampage through the drug den- but then I got distracted with Eliza's musings instead, and figured it said a lot more how Eliza doesn't consider base criminals worth the effort of devoting her mental energies. That and really, what were you all expecting? Watching Eliza & Eve fight is the same as watching a shark- most things don't stand a chance.

The actually interesting moments would be versus other superhuman beings- since they're the only ones that would realistically present a challenge. Still, if I view like I can actually do something cool, I'll do the best I can. So... the next omake, of the Silencers 'officially debuting' as the Noisebreakers via beating up a wannabe crime lord and ending his criminal aspirations.

Oh, and to clarify- Erdin is the only one actually aware of Eliza & Eve moonlighting as the "Alpha Stalker", he can see the value in such but figured it was ultimately better if the others didn't know- the less aware of the "Alpha Stalker", the less clues there would be for others to figure it out. Well, that and I wasn't really sure what to write.
Stage Breaking Noise
A/N: Okay, here's the last Silencers-related omake for now @Lunaryon and everyone. I apologize for not focusing more on canon material, I honestly wasn't really sure what to do- I tried to make the Silencers at least fit the setting. Also, probably a Warning, nobody getting butchered but Eliza/Eve still being themselves.

Stage-Breaking Noise

May 20th, 1982- the day everything changed, and the world was no longer about humans. Nobody seemed to know what Scion actually is or even Paras, but both were irrelevant questions.

With powers that went beyond what any human could ever dream of, some tried to make sense of it- were all the legends about gods and beasts like Yōkai real, was it some science experiment, maybe some freak interaction of materials or just mere mutation?

People could come up with whatever theories they wanted, but only one thing really mattered- how did they make sure the freaks didn't kill them all or takeover?

The simplest answer, apparently? Obey or else. Sure, it wasn't outright dystopian, but most people weren't really okay with letting the Paras walk all over them.

Yet, that fixation on what Paras did meant something very specific to him- if it wasn't Para-related, people didn't care as much. Granted, it wasn't like normal criminals had a free license to do as they pleased, but if Crystal Lass or Lord Stabbington weren't involved?

Good luck convincing anyone it was important. People were more likely to discuss about some Para's social life than care about some completely mundane mugging.

That was the thing though, real careful balancing act- looking too amazing ran the risk of people screaming 'Cape', and that wasn't good for business. Still, that was also exploitable, whole 'boy who cried wolf' thing.

Either don't stand out, or drown everyone with enough nonsense- there were more 'important' things than a bunch of powerless normies. Personally, he'd like to say he was doing a pretty good job.

Sure, 'don't do crime' was the simplest way to keep people away, but there wasn't much room for job advancement when everyone knows fully well that Andrew can just effortlessly figure out the optimal way to handle things.

People might make a stink about 'anti-Parahuman laws', but when have laws ever mattered to all the rich fogies who care more about profit than such 'inconvenient' things?

If one wanted to succeed in this world, don't go too fast- let everyone just get used to it, and then it just becomes the norm. Plus, it was a pretty terrible place already, he's helping people really.

Who was actually going to care? Not too brutal, not too noticeable, he wanted to keep Paras far away. Once he got properly established, all those rich wackos would be lining up for his services.

It was gonna be great. "Boss, Jackie and Sammy haven't called in, w-what are we supposed to do?" Blinking, that was... certainly weird... there weren't supposed to be any Paras in the area, and he would of already known if the police here cared enough...

"Alert the boys, Freddie, probably nothing- but you know how Paras are." With a nod, Freddie was about to call into his radio- but then suddenly Freddie slammed face first into the ground, screaming while being dragged away.

Looking on with horror, the first thing he did was ready his rifle and glance around cautiously- that wasn't a police officer, but the only explanation was...

"Show yourself Para!" For a moment, nothing happened, just him staring off with the darkness- then, a distorted voice spoke. "Sure about that?" Instinctively, stupidly, he tried to fire at the source but...

Nothing, besides the sound of gunfire. Backing up cautiously and looking around wildly, he still couldn't spot anything. "Are you having trouble?" The feminine voice came from behind him, but the only sound were the bullets tearing through the wall.

This was madness, don't Paras have more interesting things to do!? They were supposed to be battle junkies or something stupid like that, he and the boys weren't any kind of challenge for a Para!

Is that it? They're just some... practice run for some newbie? Must be a pretty cocky little Para, from what he understood most weren't bulletproof!

Spotting metal claws lunging at him from the darkness, he raised his rifle and- Click click click. Felt horror for a brief moment, before the claws' wrapped around him by the chains.

Being yanked and bashing his head against the ground, for a moment he was disoriented- vaguely making out what sounded like a voice admonishing someone.

The next thing he could properly make out was a giant azure sword being pointed at him and some hi-tech knight was staring down at him. "Do you know why we're here?"

In response he spat defiantly at the Para, promptly causing the chains to tighten before the Para shouted back at someone or something. "Again, we are supposed to be Heroes."

What happened was some dejected girl saying "But he was being mean..." before the knight sighed. With that armor on, he could barely make anything out- but how old is that knight?

"Don't bother, worry about how you're going to explain to the authorities." W-what? That knight Para wasn't even looking at him, it isn't some Thinker is it?

"You must be very curious, but so am I." It was that feminine voice from before, and then he could feel something crawling in his ear. It felt so unnatural, he couldn't help screaming about it.

Vaguely, he could tell there were tapping sounds behind him, but he was more focused on the sheer wrongness of what was happening to him at that moment.

Nobody was entirely clear what was happening, only that a bunch of e-mails popped up listing the sites of various criminal operations. Each site did indeed seem to have been running criminal activity, but the most notable was what the e-mails claimed was the central one.

There were indeed various hanging men bound in chains, all of whom were surprisingly unharmed... the most strange was what appeared to the leader of the whole thing, also bound and gagged- but most importantly, there was an open laptop...

That alone was odd enough, not to mention the young men and women insisting that a Heroine saved them- some red and white figure, but she sounded more like a 53 than a regular person...

Overall, it was very odd, but what were they gonna do? Pretend like a major criminal operation wasn't just exposed? Besides, the only real clue they had to work with was a simple statement opening the e-mails: "Breaking through the noise".


A/N: I kind of just do what comes to me naturally, okay? This was something I couldn't really bring myself to put off, so apologies if it isn't all that great. I'll try to focus on more TMNT-related things next, just... sorry...
A/N: Okay, here's the last Silencers-related omake for now @Lunaryon and everyone. I apologize for not focusing more on canon material, I honestly wasn't really sure what to do- I tried to make the Silencers at least fit the setting. Also, probably a Warning, nobody getting butchered but Eliza/Eve still being themselves.

Stage-Breaking Noise
I very much enjoyed the almost dismissive view that that particular gangster had, before he ended up getting his brain eaten. But hey, thems the breaks when you break the law.
Master of Kindness
A/N: I will make this clear- @Lunaryon gave me permission to do this, aka writing an omake about the most powerful being in TMNT canon. That's right... Todd.

Master of Kindness

The world could be a dangerous place, that is an objective fact- it has always been such, in that way nothing really changed. People could say whatever they wanted, but ultimately Parahumans were still just humans.

Honestly, that was the real 'problem' with Paras- regular humans were difficult to predict at the best of times, but give someone any kind of power and they'll quickly reveal their true self.

Most people didn't really understand that- Having the ability to fly or shoot lightning were certainly impressive, yet that wasn't the only kind of power. It was pretty easy to forget, power was never about the tools one has but how said tools are actually used.

Parahumans were just more noticeable, easier to handle in the sense they did things no average human could do. Ultimately, their powers were little more than fancy guns- what mattered was what kind and how it was handled.

In that regard, he personally considered people's reaction to Parahumans a bit extreme- it was easier to regulate and manage something that's accepted, no matter who or how many rejected something there would always be someone willing to ignore that.

Who did it actually benefit, making Parahumans feel like they are inferior? Sure, there were plenty who were just monsters, but then he thinks back to one particular file- one 'Hellhound.'

She was just some child, yet she was treated as a monster until it was discovered that her 'victim' aka her foster mother was actually a terrible and abusive person. It was a fine line, determining how much one's mental problems made a difference.

That's why proper investigation is important- Parahumans aren't monsters, the vast majority had some kind of mental disorder or trauma. Is it really a shock when some traumatized child decides they're sick of being mistreated and lashes out in whatever way they can?

Ultimately, he was just a 'random investigator'- what did his opinions matter? His job was to figure out what's going on to make sure it is handled properly, not question society.

There was certainly a lot going on in New York alone, such as who the 'Mad Dogs' actually answer to- and why a bunch of humanoid turtles would call themselves that. Going by what information was available to him, they were probably just teenagers.

Much as he was very curious about them, his actual assignment brought him to Long Island- nobody had any solid idea of what was going on, only that an unknown woman would frequent pet stores and the local stray population had diminished.

On one hand, that wouldn't seem particularly strange at a first glance- most would expect something more obviously concerning, like massive purchases of technology.

But, Parahumans were unpredictable that way- rarely were two completely identical, meaning careful consideration of the known details. The two could be completely unrelated, life is inconvenient like that.

Nonetheless, far as he could determine nothing was actually taking the strays- it was more likely the local animals were just following each other or performing their own investigations.

Thus, until proven otherwise, the mysterious woman was his best lead- the main issue, besides being careful, was how to handle things if she turned out to be a Para. People put a lot of stock in the 'Unwritten Rules', but he couldn't just pretend not to know if there's a Villain.

Outwardly, nothing really seemed odd about Miss Caleb- perhaps a bit tall, but she looked like a normal woman of unclear Asian ancestry buying dog food. Honestly, most would probably stop there.

However, there didn't seem to be a Miss Caleb judging by the local census. That didn't necessarily mean she is a Parahuman- but the fact 'Miss Caleb' was legally unknown certainly proved something unusual was going on.

Sure, he could of merely failed in his research, but assumptions had no place when it came to investigation- if she was a completely ordinary woman minding her own business, he'd apologize.

Until then, he needed answers- that he could only get from seeing, not being told. Following her from a distance, nothing strange really happened. The fact she was making for the woodlands was certainly unusual.

There were places that naturally required the occasional sweep to make sure no Gang or Villain activity was going on, such locations generally had low amounts given it wasn't exactly a secret.

So it was somewhat surprising to discover a road leading to some... amusement park for dogs. Miss Caleb didn't even seem fazed by the sight, only pausing briefly as if considering something before reassuming.

It didn't take very long for various ages, mostly young dogs, to approach the woman- and then, as the small house's front door opened, out came a... humanoid capybara?

The man(?) smiled towards the woman excitedly, and walked up to her completely unafraid. "Oh, I knew they were gonna be excited- no problems Ayaka?"

Miss Caleb, Ayaka apparently, nods calmly. "Nothing concerning, how about you?" In response, the man's right hand casually flaps about in that way when someone doesn't think much of what they did.

"The usual, really, but Mrs. Wanwan finally had her puppies earlier- they are adorable." Finally the woman smiles slightly, handing the capybara man the bag of dog food she had bought.

"I'll be right there, I wanna take a moment out here with the others first." The man happily takes the bag and smiles brightly, departing with a cheerful "Okie-dokie, I'll see you then."

Watching as the mysterious man walks back to the house, this was... not at all what he was expecting. "You know, its impolite to follow someone- that's called stalking if I'm correct."

Immediately his guard was up, there was always that risk of a Parahuman being able to just know. Most people tend to focus on how strong The Butcher is, for example, yet rarely mentioned The Butcher's apparent ability to locate others.

It was hardly the only example, but it was an unavoidable factor- what mattered next was determining if Miss Caleb is friendly or not. Stepping out into clear sight, he watched as the woman turned towards him.

For a moment, their eyes locked and nothing happened- then the woman finally spoke. "You're a PRT guy right? I don't really care what you all do to me, just leave Todd out of it- he's just... such a nice person, he doesn't deserve any of that nonsense."

Well... from what he could tell, Todd does seem perfectly polite- granted, they didn't have direct interaction, but nothing of what he's seen makes him think anything particularly dangerous or harmful is going on...

"That's not really up to me, all I can really do is write a report- how my superiors choose to handle it from there is up to them." The woman sighs through her nose, before crouching down to scratch one of the dogs' heads.

"Fine, he's never even done anything wrong- just... don't pretend like he has." He can understand the worry, the delivery of information is a lot more important than people realize.

Still, he really sees no reason to be concerned- it isn't like that man is the newest Butcher... probably, weirdly calm if that was the case...


A/N: So yeah, Todd, little more than a cameo in the omake introducing him. Todd is great, who in their right mind looks at Todd and thinks he doesn't deserve everything ever? Dude's kindness is so immense, it even infects Power Copiers. Heck, Baron Draxum is completely chill about Todd despite his hatred of humans.

Todd probably could tame The Butcher and suffer zero repercussions doing so. One has to actively try to not like Todd, even then Repo Mantis failed to make Todd seem too terrifying- Donnie had to repeatedly remind himself & Mikey they had a mission, and ultimately couldn't bring themselves to leave Todd homeless.

Also, yeah, I know Rachel is busy doing stuff over in Brockton- I am perfectly aware "Miss Caleb" couldn't possibly be her. If you were legitimately uncertain, then yay me- I succeeded at something I was actually trying to do. I will admit "Ayaka Caleb" is probably not her real name, Yahoo is a terrible search browser in my opinion.

Besides that, I did consider making a reference to the "Case 53 known as Rosemaiden" but hadn't really discussed that so... also, there may or may not be some vigilante in Hell's Kitchen who dresses like a blind person. That'd be weird, not like some kid got splashed with "toxic waste" (Mutagen) and developed freakish sensory abilities as a result.