The Devil of Ghosts
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Didn't help enough, i vaguely recall the events after reading it tho.There's also a summary in the informational threadmarks. Or, y'know, up a few posts on this same page.
Didn't help enough, i vaguely recall the events after reading it tho.There's also a summary in the informational threadmarks. Or, y'know, up a few posts on this same page.
Judgement before something greater than a mere god, and perhaps madness, as is the want of both Luna and all Titans.To repeat myself from elsewhere, I'm very curious to see what may happen once Emma reaches the endpoint of her Lunar journey.
I would like to reiterate my opinion that Emma as a Lunar Mate is a terrible idea, and would only end in Taylor having an upper hand in killing her, nevermind the inevitable spiteful lack of cooperation. Plus there's hiw it would color Taylor's view of Luna. If Emma is someone who Luna chooses, it doesn't speak very well for her priorities.
No, TItans was meant to indicate the influence of Gaia, which is why Luna was referred to separately, though Luna is more...Primordial-y than any other Incarnae when it comes down to it.
To repeat myself from elsewhere, I'm very curious to see what may happen once Emma reaches the endpoint of her Lunar journey.
The first holder of Desus' Exaltation during the Primordial War turned out to be a traitorous asshole, so not exactly a new thing.
The first holder of Desus' Exaltation during the Primordial War turned out to be a traitorous asshole, so not exactly a new thing.
Canon!Emma, perhaps so. But let us see if the divergences in this setting can change her for the better (ie, let's see what Thief has planned before pre-emptively saying NOT POSSIBLE).
Luna: hold on a minute here, this doesn't seem...right. You are Emma Baynes, right?
Emma: Uh, Emma Barnes.
Luna: Stupid-ass unreliable Devas. Well, sorry about this, mistaken identity. You can go home.
Because, lets be honest here, the only exaltation Emma could remotely be suitable for is an Abyssal one, and even that's a stretch. Even the deathlords tend to choose people with some actually worthwhile qualities. Of which Emma lacks literally any.
Hey, now, annually would be an improvement over my recent output. It was biennial, after all.A good assessment of the Worm-verse in general. Very little can't be passed further up the ladder of blame if you squint a little.
Personally, having just binged this entire story, I'm entirely into seeing how Emma ends up facing the whole nonsense of Exaltation.
Also hope this continues at a more reasonable pace than 'yearly' now.
Strive for something more frequent than annually though! Twice a year would be great, even.Hey, now, annually would be an improvement over my recent output. It was biennial, after all.
She does not possess conviction, or valor, or temperance or compassion. She isn't thoughtful or cunning or perceptive. She lacks any positive quality
You're halfway there. Regarding the self, she requires they embrace change, adaptability, or the ability to fake it until you make it. Growth, in other words.I don't agree but even if you are right I think that Luna only required the person to change who they were for better or worse. They have to be willing to throw away who they were for something new.
Oh I'm very aware that Exaltation doesn't select for being a good person, and I'm not saying she's unsuitable for an exaltation because she's a bad person.
She's unsuitable because she lacks any virtue. Virtue in the classical sense, rather than modern ethical one.
She does not possess conviction, or valor, or temperance or compassion. She isn't thoughtful or cunning or perceptive. She lacks any positive quality.
Fucking Skidmark is a better candidate for a Lunar Exaltation than she is. No-one respects or values the Merchants in any capacity, but despite how loathed they are they just keep on hanging on. Skidmark is a survivor.
Skidmark has tenacity. Lung has resolve. Kaiser has charisma.
It isn't as clear in the version I posted so as not to leave the thread without updates longer, but Of Moonscapes and Monsters? The doe isn't the monster referenced in the title. Emma is.Offhand, I do not think Emma would be a good Exalted, whatever her type, but I do think she would be a fitting one. At their core, every Exalt is a person with a furious purpose or need who has been fitted with the tools to succeed, no matter the challenge or the cost.
And if there is one quality Emma possesses in spades, it is a hunger to succeed.
I agree with the valor as she did fight back in the alley but I'm not so certain about conviction. Conviction is about holding to your goals despite setbacks whether they be moral ones or suffering. She broke when the alley happened, and then broke again when she learned Taylor was Skitter and never left her room even to save her own life. That doesn't say conviction to me.Emma has a certain level of Valor, and Conviction, it's just that her convictions are horrible and short sighted.
Among other things, Conviction in Exalted covers sticking to your beliefs even when it hurts someone. The examples in the rulebooks stress holding out in the face of pain, your own and that of others. Based on her actions in canon, and her unwillingness to change her course even once Taylor was demonstrably not willing to be provoked, Emma's Conviction is definitely 3 or higher.
And? So were Havesh the Vanisher's. He was still virtuous enough to catalyze a Solar Exaltation.Emma has a certain level of Valor, and Conviction, it's just that her convictions are horrible and short sighted.
Oh, hey, look: a violation of Rule 3.A notice: Do not engage @SaltyWaffles in this thread if he chooses to post in here again. Because of literally the first tag in the thread's tag cloud, he is no longer welcome in here.
Short version: he went into a questioning and information thread re: trans folks and culture vs biology and was frankly an ass.
I don't advertise this much, but I am trans woman.
As the tag says: actions have consequences. The consequence of this is that short an earnest apology and retraction of some of the shittier stuff he said, he isn't welcome here any more.
Hadn't intended to actually explain amy of the non-work or homelessness things that kept me away for a couple years, but, well...there you go. Shorter version: if you're a trans-or-homophobe or such-adjacent? Save yourself the trouble and unfollow this thread and don't come back.
New chapter up on Friday or Saturday.