Just so you know, so you don't try to do this in the canon quest, the nanothorn's annihilation ability isn't a property of the blade (it's a property of the cloud of nanobots, or something) and as such Jack can't broadcast it. The extended edge would just be a normal edge, as per word of god.

Not that it matters, it was still a cool non-canon scene, but I figured I should say something.
Good to know. For now, it'll stand as is, an example of artistic license and an excuse to show off Driven Beyond Death's utter invulnerability.
The risk of Infernal Questing is rarely to one's body. It's usually to one's soul and humanity. As Omake 1b will amply demonstrate.
...True. I'm used to thinking of it in Creation, where it's the only way to actually get Immunity to Damage, as opposed to higher levels of soak. There are multiple ways to obtain Immunity to every other harmful effects, so adding this means you can actually let people hit you, which is such a major advantage in peer level combat it obviates most of the others.
A pity that Jack wasn't a Golden Boy in that omake... or it would have gotten silly and amusing ^_^
Omake 1a: Non-canon What-if

Part 1: Emerald Empress Burns the Board Clear

Taylor panted, waiting for the itch of the new flesh billowing from her severed arm to settle into its proper shape as her limb grew back into place. Gradually, the hissing sizzle of the acidic ichor which flowed from the wound dribbled to a stop as new skin regrew over returning muscle and sinew. Turning to face the direction of the strike which cut her arm cleanly off, she gritted her teeth. "I know you're over there, Jack! I WILL FIND YOU. SHOW YOURSELF!" As she screamed out the last sentence, emerald embers curled up from her eyes and mouth, as though the inside of her body was a roaring green furnace that had been stoked to a snarling burn. As the fires flowed up from her maw, they curled into the outline of a veridian crown, adorned with a jet eye, whose burning iris was emerald carved into the shape of a flame. On hearing the command, much to his own self-evident surprise, the tall, toned man stepped around a nearby blood-fountain, revealing his position inside the charnel house that had once been a small town's public square.

"Now this is a wonderful twist on things." He offered a mocking bow, his long jacket trailing back as he swept back to a standing position. A knife, the knife, the one she'd taken from Oni Lee on her first night as an Exalt, the one Jack Slash had used to slit her father's throat,
twirled between his fingers, spinning in a deliberate taunt while his other hand rested against his fit, well-toned abs. "I knew when I nominated you that you'd pass the others' tests with flying colors. And it's looking like you've found me, so I suppose that means you pass mine." He begins to sketch another rakish bow, freezing in place as the young woman again screamed out a command.

"SHUT UP AND DROP THE KNIFE!" Startlement twitches into a moment's anger, before his insouciant smirk returns full force, and he cuts her throat clean through, severing tendons in her legs and arms with another four sweeps of the blade he'd hidden in his waistband. The girl before him gasps and gargles through her gore-gushing throat. Jack feels a moment's irritation. He'd gone to such effort to make a perfect mirror of the scene where she'd watched her father die. He'd even intended to use the same knife for a better ironic parallel.
Ah well. Everyone's a critic, he mused as he stepped forward to whisper in the girl's ear, picking up the intended knife as he went. He kept well back from the poisonous blood/acid/ichor which had sprayed so liberally from her. Bonesaw had had a field day fixing the last time one of the Nine had been sprayed by the stuff. It was, in many ways, worse than Crawler's own acids. Leaning in, he continued to rake new wounds into her, knowing that it took shredding her body before she showed any sign of slowing. "Such a shame Daddy dearest never survived to see this. I think it would've shredded his heart harder than Siberian did after I gave her his corpse, watching what you became. Even more, watching you die. He might even have been glad, seeing the monster I made of you put down." And with that last syllable, he hacked once, twice, three times with the designated blade's extended edge, all-but decapitating the distressing damsel. Dropping the acid-etched edge behind him, he began to saunter away, Now where exactly had Bonesaw and the Siberian gotten to? The Hebert girl would've made a good protege, but he couldn't have someone who undermined his authority over the Nine. Pity, that; her abilities were almost as varied as Eidolon's.

Jack stumbled, catching himself with both hands as the ground buckled beneath him. He looked up to see fissures spreading throughout the small city, glowing with sickly green and bloody red light. Following the trail of cracks, he saw the Hebert girl's mostly-severed neck regrowing itself back into place as she'd dropped to one knee and begun to fall. Catching herself, she stood, that eye-smiting white light she radiated roaring into the ginsu-crab shape it did when she really pushed herself. That clever minx! She was holding out on me. A wicked smile slanted his pretty lips. Then again, I was doing the same. It really is a pity that last new trick means I have to kill her.

Lettering in some hieroglyphic pattern banded about her breasts, as glowing white torcs about her biceps, and about her head in a glorious and radiant crown. Her eyes glowed white and green, burning spotlights of all the hatred the world had ever seen. Drawing a spare knife he sent a slash in at her, only for it to do less than nothing. It was like trying to cut the Siberian. Scowling, he whipped his ace out of his sleeve, the weapon Mannequin had taken from Armsmaster so long ago. Extending its nanothorn edge to carve gaping slashes into the ground and buildings behind her...only to find her uncut, not so much as scratched by the matter-annihilating blade. He felt an icy edge of fear, so long since gone from his life, scrape over his spine in a cold caress.


As an aside, if we were doing Abyssal!Taylor quest, her title would totally be The Conqueror Worm.

As another aside, having met the man before, I can't help but picture Jack Slash as looking and sounding just like Aurelio Voltaire. It miiight be why I always picture him wearing fabulous shoes, too.

So, Kimberian Slayer?
So, guys, thoughts on Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue)?
We already main Compassion, so getting there would be Interesting.

And powerful as fuck.
So, guys, thoughts on Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue)?
We already main Compassion, so getting there would be Interesting.

And powerful as fuck.
I'm not sure that immediately wading into the deep end of the transhuman, large-picture mindset is going to be good for Taylor's mental health at the moment. Cosmic Transcendence of Compassion makes us care for the health of the whole more than that of any individual, which is undeniably smart, but it also comes off as extremely callus to those to whose lives we hold as insignificant.
Once Taylor hits Essence 5, she REALLY needs to get Yozi-Body Unity. Basically, it lets her ignore any form of attack available on Earth Bet short of Sting or similar effects; an attack must be capable of hitting BOTH material AND immaterial beings in order to hurt someone with any iteration of Yozi-Body Unity. The Essence 7 repurchase removes the need for air, food and sleep, grants total immunity to non-magical disease (SUCK IT BONESAW), and lets her hear prayers directed at her from anywhere in existence, along with setting up Eternal Essence.

I'm not sure that immediately wading into the deep end of the transhuman, large-picture mindset is going to be good for Taylor's mental health at the moment. Cosmic Transcendence of Compassion makes us care for the health of the whole more than that of any individual, which is undeniably smart, but it also comes off as extremely callus to those to whose lives we hold as insignificant.

There are charms to fix that...
Once Taylor hits Essence 5, she REALLY needs to get Yozi-Body Unity. Basically, it lets her ignore any form of attack available on Earth Bet short of Sting or similar effects; an attack must be capable of hitting BOTH material AND immaterial beings in order to hurt someone with any iteration of Yozi-Body Unity. The Essence 7 repurchase removes the need for air, food and sleep, grants total immunity to non-magical disease (SUCK IT BONESAW), and lets her hear prayers directed at her from anywhere in existence, along with setting up Eternal Essence.
Since there's no Essence in this world, I think Sting wouldn't count as being able to hit immaterial beings as the charm describes them. I don't think 'anything' parahuman or Shard based would.

In other words, take that charm, and you are invulnerable to just about anything in the Worm multiverse.
I compiled summaries of Revlids SWLIHN Charms. Some of them may have already been established but here goes.

Factual Determination Analysis - You have Armsmaster's Lie Detector in your head for a given scene

Incorrect Value Rejection - You are very good at telling people who aren't your boss when they are wrong

Cosmic Transcendence of Virtue - You are sufficiently passionate enough about some conceptual ideal to recover virtue channels from stunting in line with it, and those virtue channels are more effective. Suppressing your virtues viewed through the lens of this ideal requires noticable amounts of willpower.

Autogenous Doctrine Soul - Serving your ideal recovers essence

Exacting Preparation Philosphy - Your plans are more likely to survive contact with the enemy now, and time spent planning and preparing now has the same benefits as sleeping. You can't deal with conversational surpises so well anymore though.

Obsessive Enactment Precision: You devise a step by step plan to acheive a goal, and get more willpower to help you follow this plan. It can be as simple as making breakfast, or something more elaborate. If you want Isidoros charms, this seems useful.

Pattern Protection Prana : You reduce the amount an organization needs to exert to protect itself assuming I understood this correctly.

Unfaltering Management Style: You can improve the results of an organizations action with benefits that increase the more months they've gone without serious restructuring.

Invasive Exteroception Technique: Touch everything while touching nothing. This does not count for abilities that need to touch somebody.

Essence-Dissecting Touch - You sense the flows of energy when you're touching everything. Also you think people with unplanned mutations are uglier when you're touching everything.

Ruptured Cosmos Correction - Anti-Anomaly powers effect creatures of death now. You also find people experiencing any form of crippling, poison, or sickness effect uglier when you're touching everything. Natural or unnatural, benign or malignant, infirmity is ugly now. You can tell when people are drunk when they start getting uglier.

Distance-Eliminating Efficiency Translocation - Spatial Manipulation based teleportation, restricted by the inability to teleport longer distances then you could move in the same time period.

Evasive Reassembly - You disassemble yourself around an attack to dodge it then put yourself together again.

Mind-Hand Manipulation - Who needs tools when you have reality warping? Also Telekinesis given sufficient practice.

Omnidimensional Apprehension Scan - You have Shirou Emiya level structural analysis and are a walking medical scanner.

Autonomous Pattern Reconstruction - You can make people and objects repair themselves as long as they're taking it easy/not being used.

Self-Attending Fabrication - You have more important things to do then follow a blueprint to assemble things. The things should put themselves together on their own.

Remedial Acceleration Oversight - You don't need to touch people or things any more to make them heal themselves. You are now capable of accelerating the process if you focus on it.

Meticulous Blemish Removal: With each iteration you take, you can repair more things.

Procrustean Chastity Coherence: You thought you could shape me? Me? Ha ha ha you should start running now.

Apieron Isolation Alchemy: Matter Transmutation

Anti-Variance Deletion Beam - You get a laser for purging mutants and xenos and anomalies and other unsavory characters.

Principle-Negating Offensive - Your laser is armor-piercing, can transmute, and can be transformed to be a lethal weapon against things that aren't mutants and xenos and anomalies.

Utility-Engine Cabochon - You can build things out of conjured Malfean crystal.

Crystal Fire Barrier Defense - A Rho Aias you can shoot your laser through.

Reality-Scaffold Imposition - You can build things out of conjured Malfean crystal that won't dissolve if you get too far away.

Seamless Ascendancy Reticello - You get a crystal UFO.

Crystal Dominion Rapture Shintai - I'm an exotic energy flinging crystal monster now.

Binary Instruction implementation: Invisible ink that's only visible to people you choose.

Selective Address Tintinnabula - I don't want you eavesdropping on me. Good luck hearing me over all this reverberation.

Efficient Indoctrination Logograms: You can now make memetic hazards for your organization or your ideal.

History-Correcting Oversight Glyph - You can erase peoples memories with writing.

Beauty-Is-Truth Memetics - You can work social attacks into objects you make.

Instantaneous Data-Transfer Key - Hypercompressed communications.

Cerebral Probe Inquisition - Simurghing people to probe their minds.

Will-Crushing Force - Brainwashing people into worthy servants of the organizations they serve or identify with. With sufficient skill replacing people with philosophical zombies incapable of changing whatever their motiviation is.

Hollow Mind Interrogation - You can ask inanimate objects questions with telepathy. If they're relevant to an objects purpose, they talk back.

Impulse Infusion Pneumatics - What's that window? You want to open for me? Thank you.

Structure-Seizing Intrusion Program - You can ask buildings, structures, and computer networks questions.

Crystal Facet Thoughts - Make your intimacies into parallel mental processors.

Unshattered Tongue Perfection - Replace the languages somebody knows with one you know.

Xenophobic Indoctrination Dialect - Add linguistic cues so people who got their linguistic knowledge replaced by yours can recognize each other.

Capability Redefining Compartmentalization - You give people lectures that make them better at things relevant to their jobs, and worse at things irrelevant to their jobs.

Soul-Optimizing Sophonics - Natives of Malfeas and people you've lectured enough you can give virtue dots to, or the benefits of cosmic transcendance of virtue. If they've taken a cosmic virtue, you can awaken their essence by lecturing them again.

Conformity as Virtue Equation - You are very good at pushing support for a policy within an organization.

Just Following Orders - You have more essence when fighting alongside a group acting according to policy, or if you are fighting because a superior ordered you to.

Final Utimatum Shintai - You get much better at running an organization at the cost of being less able to do things on your own.

Brook No Trespass - When you're fighting for the sake of a plan generated via Obsessive Enactment Precision, you can turn the will that grants you into essence. Also something that synergizes with Isidoros.

Circumspect Site Illation - Sherlockian deduction applied to scenery.

Metascopic Targeting Reticule - You put on a lightshow that makes your next attack more damaging the more time you spend aiming it.

Odic Redistribution Osmosis - You can give people your essence. With training, you can give hierarchical superiors your willpower.

Orbital Impact Storm - Gather a field of debris with telekinesis and send it spinning.

Apotropic Vitrification pulse - AOE Transmutation of scenery into crystal that negates shaping effects and causes considerable harm to anomalies.

Target-Group Prioritization Onslaught - You can gain essence by lasering people lethally. If there are still people you can lethally harm with your laser, you lose a mote if you mode-change it.

Superior Securing Safety Stratagem - Use crystal constructs to shield people, and if they're your hierarchical superiors it's free.

Energy-Redirecting Dioptron - Your Rho Aias absorbs energy from attacks you can use to fuel your laser for a counter-attack. Especially if it was an energy-based attack.

Transcription Broadcast Avartana - Make an information containing object recite what it knows.

Societal Calcification procedure - You make a policy of an organization you interacted with harder to change.

Consensus-Securing pattern extension - A technique for persuading one organization to emulate another.

Composition of transfixing angles - You can make memetic hazards that force people to look at them and seek to grok them.

Cold Comfort Transparency - You are hard to read for your peers to read and impossible for hierarchical inferiors to read. Hierarchical superiors can still read you just fine though.

Unseen Management Method - Hiding from hierarchical inferiors, or though more challenging, hiding from hierarchical superiors.

Wineglass Litany tools - Conducting your voice through people and objects
Omake 1b: Horrific Happy Family Forever
Omake 1b: Non-canon What-if

Jack watched in horror as the burning white flames surrounding the Hebert girl roared inward, as it seared inward, stoking that hellish furnace beyond all reason, an emerald explosion scoured his sight away, taking long moments before his vision, now tinged over with crimson after-image allowed him to see the seared, scorched mess the emerald flames had made of his side. As he blinked his eyes and made a mental note to reward Bonesaw for her pain-blocking tinker-tech, he staggered his way to his feet, grabbing a blade from a pocket hidden behind his back and trying to slash into the hellish creature before him's flesh. The insectile carapace ignored his attempts to harm it. Even when he managed to cut her at one of her many limbs' joints, she just laughed as the wound sealed itself.

"HOLD STILL!" She screamed. Jack did. "DROP YOUR KNIFE." Again, he found himself unable to disobey. "RUN." And he did. He ran as if the very hounds of the Hell he didn't believe in were on his heels. And she laughed. A skittering, sadistic, wicked thing. He ran until his side caught a stitch and beyond. With a sudden blur she was ahead of him, glittering dragonfly wings leaving an audible thrum as they kept the 20 foot fiend aloft. "STOP." He did. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH." He did. He started to say something when, "STAY SILENT." Overrode his will and forced him to silence again. She sneered at him with that same caustic contempt. For the first time since he'd taken his new name, Jack felt small. Insignificant. Like an insect just waiting to be squashed. He wondered, not for the first time where Siberian had gotten to. Or Bonesaw. Surely the pair of them couldn't be too far away. Siberian was fond of the tiny tinker terror, and Bonesaw had been so carefully molded to adore him, she surely wouldn't let the Siberian simply abandon him. Would she? As if reading his mind, the insectile monstrosity with the human face laughed again. "Oh, Jack. So predictable. So trite." His face contorted, impotent rage willing his body to obey him. "You're done. The Nine are done. Manton's dead. And Riley," she emphasized Bonesaw's former name, "is hidden, safe where you will never be able to reach her or hurt her again. You're through. I only wish you were tougher, that I could make you suffer more for what you've done. But I'm not entirely without mercy. I'll give you one chance." She smirked in smug superiority. "BEG FOR YOUR LIFE."

He did. Jack Slash, terror of nations, slayer of men, living nightmare, begged until his voice was too hoarse to make any sound. He begged more than any three of his victims ever had, combined. All the while, she sliced incrementally into his flesh, and he bore it without outcry, for he didn't have permission to scream. For her part, Taylor revelled in his suffering. The miserable worm before her deserved every impulse of the pain she gave him. Reluctantly, she decided it would be worth it to do so, and she called upon full force of her past life's memories of human anatomy and torture, and set about to make Jack Slash die in the most agonizing way possible. She knew she'd lose time, that Bright Shattered Ice would have control for a time after. She didn't care. It was worth it to make Jack die as horribly as was humanly possible.


Bright Shattered Ice blinked once, twice, the muzzy haziness of reasserting herself over her new incarnation leaving her briefly disoriented. Her hand was wet. Looking down, she saw a human heart in her grasp, looking up in bemusement, she caught sight of a mortal, rakish in a way that, had her own heart not harded in instant revulsion, would have been someone she would have bedded. He was almost as handsome as her Desus had been. Almost. The ragged, gore drenched and flayed man before her shuddered a moment, before a pair concentric circles showed themselves on his forehead, dark black-purple bruising deepening, splitting open to bleed freely. That bleeding brand began to glow with a deathly black-and-silver translucense. The heart in her hands began to beat again as the glimmering moonshadowed aurora billowed out into a skeletal and sepulchral swan, spreading its dashing, deathly wings out to enfold them around the now-pallid man before her. Her hate for the mortal had caused her to try to squelch the hated one's heart with a swift squeeze, but it simply oozed into ephemeral, shadowy wisps before returning to its place in his chest.

The Primordial-killing genius felt torn in half. She loathed the mortal who'd earned this Exaltation, in a manner she was unwilling to forgive. She ached to destroy him in the most miserable way possible with every fiber of her soul. But she knew that anima banner. It belonged to the man she adored more than any being in existence. It belonged to her Desus. The one she'd thought lost to her forever. And he was here, but Jack Slash must die! But Desus was here! But the bastard deserved to die! But LILITH WAS GONE AND DESUS COULD BE HERS! HE WOULD BE HERS!

It was with a tremendous effort of will that the former Twilight Queen of Tzatli forced herself to turn away from the figure before her as her strange new charms eroded away the hate, and the memory, of the mortal who'd gained Desus' power. The pitiful wretch was ultimately insignificant. She would have given the world to be reunited with her beloved Desus, and...in a very real way, she had. Creation was no more. Hadn't existed for millenia. Turning back around with an upwelling of amorous adoration, she closed the distance between them in an instant, sobbing her relief and joy into his bare chest as she clung to him in a tight hug. "Desus, darling, you came back! You came back to me! You...well, you're not Desus per se, but I'm not the same me either, but we're together now. That's all that matters. We'll always be together now." Taking his shoulder with one hand, she forced him down to one knee, murmuring to him in a roar of viridian glory, "Marry me."

Though he knew, somehow, that he could resist her, if he wanted, The Gentleman with the Abattoir Smile didn't bother. She'd turned out more wonderfully than he could've imagined. For once, he'd found his match. His equal. He'd found his own carrot...and his own stick, all in one. He never wanted to let her go. She was great and terrible, horrific and wonderous, and for the first time in his life, he realized he was in love. They were going to play this world like a symphony of pain, conflict, death, and despair. It would exceed everything in human history. And when they were done they would find new worlds to conquer and kill. If that didn't work out, they'd simply make new worlds to serve as their playground. "I do," he said, that sleek, slasher's smile for which his title was named in full showing. As he spoke, the world itself let out wailing shrieks of woe, Existence itself expressing horror at the oath of unholy matrimony it was forced to bear witness to and sanctify.


As her nightmares receded, Taylor gradually opened her eyes, uncertain where she was this time. It took minutes for her to piece together that she'd killed...someone. The person who'd murdered her father. She'd ended him and the threat his people represented. The thought felt odd. Had she really ever believed that? That someone could truly be a threat to her? One of the maws along her back opened in a drooling, fang-studded giggle at the mere thought of any of this world's pitiful ants being capable of hurting her. Stretching a moment she felt her skin rub against bare, lukewarm flesh. Oh dear, had she been playing with her food again? Fallen asleep in the middle of a snack? Looking over, she relaxed as she saw the sleeping, peaceful features of her husband, snoring away contentedly. He looked like an angel, an alabaster angel, fit to grace only the most worthy of sepulchres. Leaning in, she kissed his shoulder, her hunger tempting her into tearing off a tiny ribbon of his perfect flesh. She shuddered with contentment and desire. Exalted flesh always tasted the richest. Especially Exalted blood. Realizing she was drooling from between her blood dripping fangs, she chuckled lazily to herself, playful eyes meeting her husband's as she entwined her fingers with her now wakeful love.

Leaning in, she favored him with a kiss that flensed his lips clean off, an inconvenience he healed back in seconds. He laughed, such a joyous sound, oh how she adored it. She let out a low, crooning purr from her every maw. Blinking, she looked down to see she was wearing her other self's clothing again. Bright Shattered Ice might be brilliant in many things. She might've been the one who had the wondrous idea to make their mate marry them, but fashion sense had never been one of them. Reaching back to fix the wedgie the outfit she quite generously thought of as 'Ice's Battlefloss' had given her, she quirked a billowing brow at her lover's evident appreciation of the view. Of course it was her hubby's idea. He was so incorrigible at that. Still, she thought looking over her shoulder, they are right about one thing; this outfit makes my ass look positively amazing.

A small, false cough from behind her drew her gaze up from her own gluteus, and she smiled in abashment as took sight of the golden-haired little angel standing there waiting on her. Rocking impatiently from one foot to the other, the curl-topped teenage girl held one hand over her face in an expression of scandal. "MOM! I've told you before, if you and Dad are having 'alone time' put a skull on the doorknob. Or cave entrance. Or entrails or...something." She pulled a face, "Anyway...I wanted to ask for your help wi-," she trailed off, searching the lounging Infernal's features before lighting up in a brilliant grin of glee. Rushing in, she tackled her mother-figure and squeezed her so tightly she cracked bone. "Taylor-mommy! You're back!" She giggled, nuzzling her cheek against Taylor's shoulder. A golden, half-filled circle glittered under her golden crown of curls. Aww, Taylor thought, she probably used essence to make sure she hugged me harder. Languorously luxuriating in the feeling of the reknitting bones, Taylor kissed her adoptive daughter's forehead, taking away the same taste of flesh she had from her hubby's shoulder. She shivered with delight. So decadently delicious.

"Of course I'm back, Riley. I'd never leave my sweet little girl. No one could ever make me. Not even myself."

The Twilight genius formerly known as Bonesaw fidgeted. "I...I know...but I wanted to hear you say it." She nudged her mom with one hip. "Don't tell Ice-mom this, but you're my favorite. I don't think she likes me as much as you do."

Taylor frowned at that, hugging her darling girl tight. "Don't be absurd, sweetie. Your other mother and I both love you dearly."

From where he lounged on his bed of human bones, The Gentleman with the Abattoir Smile let out a huffing sigh of contentment. He was the luckiest man in the world. At first he'd been perturbed by the affectionate emotions he felt for his wives and their adoptive daughter. But longer he loved, the more comfortable he was in that. Even now, the last time Taylor had told him they would be having a child, he hadn't even tried to gainsay her. He'd been resistant before, but how could he deny her anything? It made her so happy, the very idea of becoming a mother again, and little Riley had been overjoyed at the news that she'd be a big sister soon, even if she'd pouted and sulked for a week when she'd been told that no, she couldn't tinker on her sister until after she was born.

Stretching, the Gentleman wondered where he should tell ask his Queen to have Leviathan attack today. Of course they'd need to go out to restock the pantry soon, as well. Taylor did get so hungry of late. He wasn't sure if that was the Metagaos charms speaking or a simple side-effect of her growing gravidity. She went through so many mortals lately. Either way, he was content. He had been so short-sighted before, ending the world, hah. No...his Celestial Charnel House, his family, was far greater than the Slaughterhouse Nine could ever have become. He was the luckiest man in the worlds.


Omake 1b
Part 2: Horrific Happy Family Forever,
The End.

Moral of the Story: When Taylor is Happy, Being Everyone Else is Suffering.
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And that, dear readers, was our Best Worst Case Scenario.

SharkQM can has tasty feedback? Or chum? Or both? OvvvvO

For the most part, that was endlessly disturbing.

This part made reading it worth it though.


Barely. Still pretty disturbing, honestly.

And it even shows off parts of two of the sample Charm Packages I'm going to offer for us.

The Ia Ia! Taylor Fthagn package, and the ALL MY HATE package.
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And that, dear readers, was our Best Worst Case Scenario.

SharkQM can has tasty feedback? Or chum? Or both? OvvvvO
On a technical level, you need to separate out the speech text when it switches characters. Mostly only happens in the section with Riley though.

On any other level... well, you have me a Hug rating for it, so I don't know how to interpret that, but you saw it already.
On a technical level, you need to separate out the speech text when it switches characters. Mostly only happens in the section with Riley though.

On any other level... well, you have me a Hug rating for it, so I don't know how to interpret that, but you saw it already.

A "Hug-I'm glad you enjoyed it" rating. As opposed to the others who got a "Hug-I'm sorry if I honestly freaked you out" rating.