Also, Swillin' is very much based around imposing order and organization on things, so I'd assume that many of her charms involve working to improve systems. What do her charms allow us to do to organizations?
Revlid's SWLIHN charms(mostly because I brought a pdf copy to my phone for some reason...) that work with organizations:
-Excellencies - Pretty much all of her excellencies work for formal organizations.
-Every Last Detail - Time spent planning or preparing for the future counts as sleeping, ignore penalties to planning rolls, and excess successes during the planning phase carry over to the actual deployment of a project. Somewhat abstract, but it basically means we can join the PRT Thinker Tank and rain buffs everywhere, all the time, non stop. Note: This does not require that you are in charge, just that you contribute.
-Pattern Protection Prana - Covers your entire organization in glitter, and buffers the organization from being disrupted, sabotaged or otherwise negatively affected. Destroys Coil's plans to discredit the PRT pretty much.
-Unfaltering Management Style - Makes any large scale project more successfully overall, which gets more powerful the longer it hadn't restructured or changed policies. Abstract and hard to describe unfortunately.
Efficient Indoctrination Logograms - Brainwash people to like your organization. Taylor will not buy this charm at this point. She has to stop believing that the world can be improved without Assuming Direct Control first.
Instantaneous Data-Transfer Key - Securely and instantaneously convey information in a tenth of the time through speech or writing. Very good for briefings and crisis time instructions, but since the prereq requires a sublimal brainwashing charm, Taylor is unlikely to buy it(it has more uses than brainwashing, as it allows for information security as well, so she might get it, just unlikely without a good motive)
Will-Crushing Force - Destroy target's willpower. Eventually destroys their own personal motivation and replaces it with that of any large organization they belong to. Great for fixing problem people like Coil(PRT trooper, ambitions annihilated to align with PRT, IF Coil's own organization is destroyed), or Shadow Stalker(Ward, ambitions annihilated to align with PRT). Useless or worse than useless on criminals and the like, it'd just align them with their own group. It upgrades to just annihilate a broken person and replace them with an identical construct that lives to serve as an automaton. Taylor will not take this charm.
-Unshattered Tongue Perfection - Grants knowledge of a language on touch, but also weakens their mental defenses against persuasion to support their organizations. Upgrade allows it to affect an entire organization under a given leader at once if you touch a leader(total size limits apply). Due to it's utilitarian element, there is a possibility of picking it up, but Taylor is unlikely to think that Teachering all the Wards by touching Armsmaster is a good idea, for instance.
-Capability Redefining Compartmentalization - Allows an individual to respec their skills to better serve an organization. After a number of applications, they don't need to lose old traits to train new ones, while being good at music, dance and appearance are always considered relevant(yes, you can make the whole PRT become PReTty). However, as it has some brainwashing charms in the prereq, Taylor is unlikely to want this at present.
-Soul-Optimizing Sophonics - Grants the ability to train Virtue dots via CRC, if you have Cosmic Transcendence of Virtue, all the way to Cosmic Transcendence of Virtue, which allows them to gain Awakened Essence(and learn magic kung fu, thaumaturgy, sorcery, etc). In Taylor's case, she's 2 more Compassion away from being able to magically make people kinder, more caring and better at helping people. Well it also upgrades them to unholy creatures but eh.
Conformity-as-virtue Equation - Pick a policy of an organization and enforce it supernaturally across the whole of it. If you have a "No bribery" policy, they will unthinkingly reject any bribe or incentive regardless. Obviously, this is for well after Taylor grows disillusioned with the PRT, if she joins it. It'd WRECK the shit out of spies, infiltrators, disguised villains etc.
-Just Following Orders - While fighting under orders from a superior and in line with your organization, you gain one mote every turn. That is quite a bit of energy.
-Final Ultimatum Shintai - For any organization you can legitimately issue orders to(including via delegated responsibility), you literally combine with your part of the organization(you and your subordinates only), massively buffing everything it does, superhuman teamwork and coordination etc. It's basically a Khepri variant, though all members are voluntary.
I will note I recall a number of other organization charms for her, but I got no other books here except my memory.