Just for curiosity, would it in the narrative work if she tried to think calmly and detached about the Sophia-situation and (accidentaly) Freedom Lets Go her feelings towads Sophia?

That might make her decision here less difficult and emotional.
That has been a valid possibility since she got that charm. If I remember right, the Gladly intimacy fell off naturally already to make room for new ones. The Madison one might have as well (the reason being that even when tormenting her, Taylor always seemed to see Madison as the least of the trio.

On that note: Inter-Act Bounties!

If someone can compile a list of links to every iteration of Taylor's sheet and post it in the thread and by pm to me, I'll award .5 XP for that.

If someone can compile a list of links to every XP vote or expenditure, I'll award another .5 XP for posting that.

If someone can link me to every Omake in the thread so that I can add them to the threadmarks and index, same deal, .5 XP.

If someone will formally compile a list of the names suggested in the thread, then I'll award .5 XP for that.

If some enterprising soul takes it upon themselves to do all of that and compile it into a single list, I'll award a net 4 XP (.5 per task and another 2 for doing all of it at once and compiling it.)

Alternately, if folks set up all the lists piecemeal, I'll award .5 XP for compiling them into a single post.
Well, apparently I hadn't actually clicked the Watch Thread button. *sigh*
Anyway, liking this vote.

-[X]"I am considering membership in the Wards, but first I'd like to actually meet the people who worked with Sophia for half a year. It sounds like we're staying here for a while, so we can do the introductions when it's convenient." Piggot nods sharply, and you can feel Armsmaster relax his posture slightly. Was he expecting you to just rush out and hunt down Sophia on your own? Suddenly, one of the mental subdivisions finishes processing something Piggot said before your world crumbled. The distraction is welcome. "Wait, you said that Sophia escaped when the E88 freed Othala and Rune from a prison transport. Why would you put a black vigilante in the same van as criminals from a neo-nazi gang? Especially a high-value target like Othala? Sounds like someone dropped the ball there." The part of your mind that pays attention to such things notices a barely suppressed twitch from Piggot. You're pretty sure that the Director agrees with your assessment of the situation and based on her scowl, someone is going to lose their job over this.

[X]Sir Name Not Appearing in this Update
-[X] Thinking of a good cape name is important, so you shouldn't rush it. Talk to dad, ask the non-Clockblocker Wards for suggestions, check with Victoria and Amy to see what they think, see if the PRT PR folks ("We have PR to the T!") have any ideas, and maybe inspiration will strike after power testing. These powers can't be that hard to understand, could they? Oh, and consult with Uncertainty, of course. He saved your life, he of all people deserves to have a say in all this. <Thank you.>

The name Myth/Mythos is nice, though it could sound like someone is addressing us with a lisp "Excuth me Myth".
Slendergirl is amusing, but also not ideal. (Besides, I imagine PHO is going to call us that no matter what name we come up with)
Other than the telekinesis stuff, we may have to rely on physical appearance for theme. Perhaps Karkinos from Greek Myth? Does have the downside of being an antagonist to Heracles. Also jokes about crabs.

Damn it, names are difficult.

Heh. I was wondering if anyone suggesting Myth or Mythos realized how much fodder they were handing Dennis and Assault (Ethan? I think his name was Ethan? But that might be fanon via Cerulean, and I don't want to fall into that trap, since apparently no one in fanon can remember that Battery is Jamie. Which...sort of irks me--right in the most pedantic portion of my English degree.)

Mind, I'm not complaining about that. I am an afficionado of what I'm regularly assured are weapons-grade bad puns. You just miiiight have to suffer the consequences.
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Yup, definitely not getting Myth. Just one dude acting like he's got a lisp and there goes all our street cred.
How about Chrysalis? It's a play on bugs, the Chrysalis Grotesque, and SWLIHN's crystalline aesthetic.

apparently no one in fanon can remember that Battery is Jamie. Which...sort of irks me--right in the most pedantic portion of my English degree.
"Jamie" was an alias that pre-Battery gave Cauldron, a lie that they pretended to believe to make her more comfortable. Battery thus effectively has no canon name, which leaves authors with the most popular/recognizable fanon choices.
How about Chrysalis? It's a play on bugs, the Chrysalis Grotesque, and SWLIHN's crystalline aesthetic.

"Jamie" was an alias that pre-Battery gave Cauldron, a lie that they pretended to believe to make her more comfortable. Battery thus effectively has no canon name, which leaves authors with the most popular/recognizable fanon choices.
I stand gratefully corrected, then.
Trying my hand for a stunt.

[X]Warding Off the City's Ills
-- They knew her. For months the Wards have worked and fought with Sophia, they must have known what kind of person she is and she still stayed a hero. You wanted too shout at them, ask if they were blind and deaf, you still wanted to join them and become a hero, make the city better, you wanted to hunt down Sophia by yourself. It was all to much. You had to get some distance. At least two of your mental partitions where now near breakdown, even without thinking more about Emma "Don't think of Sophia, your bully, just a random hero who happens to be an asshole in private. Don't take it personal. -That's ridicoulus, of course one and half years of daily torment are personal. -You have to think clearly now this is your future"

Freedom Lets Go on "Sophia Hess: Fear and Loathing"

She was just a Ward who happened to be an abusive bully at school, you'll see how much they knew about her before making a final decision.
You say:"I think I'd like to meet the Wards first."

To me Taylor seemed somewhat overwhelmed. We can't directly solve most of the problems, but we can reduce them by one right now.
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Heh. I was wondering if anyone suggesting Myth or Mythos realized how much fodder they were handing Dennis and Assault (Ethan? I think his name was Ethan? But that might be fanon via Cerulean, and I don't want to fall into that trap, since apparently no one in fanon can remember that Battery is Jamie. Which...sort of irks me--right in the most pedantic portion of my English degree.)

Mind, I'm not complaining about that. I am an afficionado of what I'm regularly assured are weapons-grade bad puns. You just miiiight have to suffer the consequences.

Now I'm convinced that we have to go with Myth. One of our goals with the quest is to see if we can make Taylor spontaneously combust through embarrassment.
I'm still a fan of Hachishaku, silly or not.

... okay, mostly silly :V

Chrysalis could be pretty good.
I'm not sure if Taylor picking Harionago is a plausible outgrowth of her body image issues, but having a reminder that even as monstrous as her true form is, it's still attractive seems like something that would be good for her.
Based on our present themes of crystal and white fire, there's also star-based names.

Clocksy will call us flashlight though.
Considering that one of the canon prices of becoming a actual transhuman primordial in exalted is designing your own excellency and losing access to the charms of the other Yozi, is this something that can actually happen in game and we keep playing (satisfying the coadjutor goal)?

Also it's probably a net loss in power and a net gain in possibility for mindfucking, because even if Taylor can find a nice theme for her core values and all that good stuff, getting herself or a piece of her soul murdered would fuck her mind up, instead of simply dying.
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Considering that one of the canon prices of becoming a actual transhuman primordial in exalted is designing your own excellency and losing access to the charms of the other Yozi, is this something that can actually happen in game and we keep playing (satisfying the coadjutor goal)?

Also it's probably a net loss in power and a net gain in possibility for mindfucking, because even if Taylor can find a nice theme for her core values and all that good stuff, getting herself or a piece of her soul murdered would fuck her mind up as from canon neverborns.
You don't lose access. You get the option to cannibalize the Excellency tree charms of a Yozi whose Excellency you already have in order to pay for your own. it isn't mandatory.
Also: few beings have ghost-eating technique equivalents. And most 3rd Circle demons are roughly Endbringer equivalents, at a minimum. Only most of them don't job. Oddly, except Ligier.
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You don't lose access. You get the option to cannibalize the Excellency tree charms of a Yozi whose Excellency you already have in order to pay for your own. it isn't mandatory.
The only step that causes you to lose access to all other Yozis' charms is (Yozi) Cosmic Principle, which is mutually exclusive with Triumphant Howl of the Devil Tiger. AFAIK it is possible to get (Devil-Tiger) Cosmic Principle, which still gets you that kilomote and unlocks your personal versions of the post-Cosmic Principle charms and generally does exactly the same thing as (Yozi) Cosmic Principle, but it's not really necessary at that point. You already got immortality just by taking the first Devil-Tiger charm, you have enough mote recovery options to not need the kilomote, enough XP spent to max out all your stats, etc.
Stop: Stop
I had to stop reading. Your characterization of Taylor is spot-on.

Problem is that I despise her character. By actually having her personality be canon-compliant, I gave up on the story.

Never have I encountered a fictional character I find more reprehensible and disgusting than Taylor.

Such a fucking shame most on SB are bullied whiny weaklings that LOVE to read about the 'suffering' they and Taylor supposedly share. Ugh.

Very well written. So much whining, angsting and crazy paranoia from Taylor. Very fitting for trash like her.

Oh, I hurt someone's feelings by calling you weak? Well, if some random internet tough guy get through your 'skin' like that, then that's what you are. Weak and emotionally vulnerable. Grow up.
stop This is rather overboard and a violation of Rule 3. You don't have to be this toxic or hostile to other users to express your extreme dislike of a character.

Grow up.
[X]Warding Off the City's Ills
-[X]"I am considering membership in the Wards, but first I'd like to actually meet the people who worked with Sophia for half a year. It sounds like we're staying here for a while, so we can do the introductions when it's convenient." Piggot nods sharply, and you can feel Armsmaster relax his posture slightly. Was he expecting you to just rush out and hunt down Sophia on your own? Suddenly, one of the mental subdivisions finishes processing something Piggot said before your world crumbled. The distraction is welcome. "Wait, you said that Sophia escaped when the E88 freed Othala and Rune from a prison transport. Why would you put a black vigilante in the same van as criminals from a neo-nazi gang? Especially a high-value target like Othala? Sounds like someone dropped the ball there." The part of your mind that pays attention to such things notices a barely suppressed twitch from Piggot. You're pretty sure that the Director agrees with your assessment of the situation and based on her scowl, someone is going to lose their job over this.

[X]Sir Name Not Appearing in this Update
-[X] Thinking of a good cape name is important, so you shouldn't rush it. Talk to dad, ask the non-Clockblocker Wards for suggestions, check with Victoria and Amy to see what they think, see if the PRT PR folks ("We have PR to the T!") have any ideas, and maybe inspiration will strike after power testing. These powers can't be that hard to understand, could they? Oh, and consult with Uncertainty, of course. He saved your life, he of all people deserves to have a say in all this. <Thank you.>