The two legendary fighters square off, the rest of the battle seeming to flow around them. This will be a duel between titans of the battlefield, one on one, no outside interference. After what seems like an hour but is in reality just a couple of seconds, the two scarred veterans charge each other, each knowing that this battle will be to the death.

(Brochard vs Hardbeak: 99)

After all that dramatic buildup it's almost anticlimactic when Hardbeak simply ducks underneath Brochard's swing and beheads him in a single fluid motion. As the King's crowned head falls to the ground, followed shortly thereafter by the rest of him

Well. That happened.
After all that dramatic buildup it's almost anticlimactic when Hardbeak simply ducks underneath Brochard's swing and beheads him in a single fluid motion. As the King's crowned head falls to the ground, followed shortly thereafter by the rest of him, a stunned silence seems to fall over the battlefield, as every Griffon comes to learn, through direct visual confirmation or the panicked and jubilant shouts that follow, that the Aquileian King has been slain.
Questor any chance to keep the head as a trophy oh wait we are the good guys nevermind:p, how about keeping his crown as a memento/trophy either to put in the Lion's Den or in the palace.
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Right so now that we are victorious it time for us to put our primary skills to work and start putting the empire back together.

I think our first move should be a massive celebration of our victory where we can have all our new noble swear their loyalty to us publicly, denounce the "Tyrant Brigand King Brochard" and show off our power to everyone. Pass out some great boons to those who have served well like the Grandmaster of the knights Lion and our Dad in law to show we are generous. Hopefully get Wingbardy to agree to become our new Archduchy in thanks for our aid and praise us as the true king. Maybe see if we can arrange some noble marriages to tie the kingdom back together politically.

Not sure about how to approach the League though. Should we try to punish them for not backing us? or just let is slide? Maybe just try to get our Dad in law as the head of it? Overall not sure if its a good idea for us to let a league of powerful city-states exist now that we are emperor and don't need to be nice to them.

Other then that I think that since we still have a massive number of trained troops who have either surrendered or we have raised still with us it might be a good idea to go on a bandit/monster purging spree since this was such a short campaign. Best to ride our popularity wave as much as possible and marching our troops around keeping the land safe is a good way to establish that we are in charge now.

Lastly, do we have any idea what we will have in new incomes from Aquila after this? After getting rid of the oppressive war taxes down to normal of course. I don't think it will be too much, same with Wingbardy since it needs to rebuild but every little bit helps.
Your Wife suddenly lands right in front of you, her armor dented and scratched, and roughly pulls you in for a violent and passionate kiss to the cheers of the soldiers around you.


Well, you guess you can take a few minutes for yourself. You're the King, you think you're entitled to that much.
Something tell me that Gawain is going to have a brother/sister soon.
Not sure about how to approach the League though. Should we try to punish them for not backing us? or just let is slide? Maybe just try to get our Dad in law as the head of it? Overall not sure if its a good idea for us to let a league of powerful city-states exist now that we are emperor and don't need to be nice to them.
I say just let it slide unlike former King Angry Bird we have a good relationship with them we can use diplomacy to intergrate them with war as a last resort.
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Erect a statue of the grandmaster in the citadel because he just earned his place there for what he just did and place the dead kings crown in the statues claw.
Im for putting dead king's Warhammer instead of crown, a worthy trophy from a warrior king that highlights grandmasters abilities of killing him with a swing.
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It seems like unification is almost upon the people of Gryphus. Which means the worlds gonna open up more and we get to see whats out there.

...I wonder if there are some griffon nations that we don't know about?

Well Aquileia is ours. We have good relationship with Wingbardy's that will only get better by us offering financial help and militarily protection from bandits effectively putting them under our vassalage.
On Feathersian front our father in law will probably become our vassal as well with many following him either for protection (no need to pay mercenaries anymore) or for more favorable trade deals, plus they get to keep their lands and titles.
Well Aquileia is ours. We have good relationship with Wingbardy's that will only get better by us offering financial help and militarily protection from bandits effectively putting them under our vassalage.
On Feathersian front our father in law will probably become our vassal as well with many following him either for protection (no need to pay mercenaries anymore) or for more favorable trade deals, plus they get to keep their lands and titles.

Looks like a smooth transition of power to me. Honestly this went far better than I expected.