More than likely such a shift would be limited to within their borders.

Though keep in mind that a single caster such as her could probably shred a mostly conventional army such as the Empire will have. Doubly so through the more esoteric methods she will have at her disposal.
There is a reason Sombra was a threat.
Even if Hardbeak kept ganking him and we dues ex heart crystal-ed before he really could use his magic on us. Yeah, Sombra may not have been the best example as he mostly was only able to summon a blizzard, create monsters and those mind control masks, and what little combat magic before something happened to him.:lol::rofl:
Oh that reminds when is the Protectorate suppose to hold that council to see if they want to join permanently with our empire or break off and become there own thing? It's been a good decade and some change surely that's coming up soon?

And while I doubt they'll leave given how well we've treated them I'm also sure they'd like to fully join the empire and whatnot.
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This was a really great chapter and I wonder if the princesses will try to advance equestria in ways to at least try to catch up with the griffons.
Also, keep in mind that we're a good bit away from that, so Griffon Weapons still has the chance of evolving quite a but more.
Fully mundane weapons are of little use against one who can project a personal shield, cast magic, and generally be expected to be quite capable in a scrap given the history of the world she lived in.

This was a really great chapter and I wonder if the princesses will try to advance equestria in ways to at least try to catch up with the griffons.
Keep in mind that how they would prepare, is not how we would prepare. Partially to prevent internal trouble, partly because they have a different development path.
Fully mundane weapons are of little use against one who can project a personal shield, cast magic, and generally be expected to be quite capable in a scrap given the history of the world she lived in.

Keep in mind that how they would prepare, is not how we would prepare. Partially to prevent internal trouble, partly because they have a different development path.
And also, while our culture has no qualms of going full IRL industrial revolution, minus the disregard of worker safety. Equestria, very much doesn't have a culture that would be able to support it, and a civil war would likely break out if they tried...
Yet almost paradoxically, they possess a great respect and veneration for nature, albeit in what appears to be a very simplistic manner (trees good, polluting industry bad). When Twilight was traveling through time and witnessing all of the horrible futures that would have befallen Equestria had the Mane Six never met, one of them was one where the Flim Flam brothers had (apparently, we only got an eight second look at this particular future) constructed an economic empire. Twilight (and we, the viewers) witness heavy machinery being used to uproot and cut down whole forests, while in the distance, the smokestacks of factories fill the air with smog.

Consider that this timeline is shown alongside ones where Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon conquer Equestria. Implying that, in the eyes of Twilight, an Equestrian, that such an industrialized future is comparable to ones where her people are ruled over by tyrants.
When we get engineering high and widespread enough, an engineer corps for the army might be good.

Plus all the money to make from contractors. (we are getting closer to the era when land reclamation from the ocean will be viable, and Neighpon and Libertalia would pay for that.)

Edit: I liked the overview of gryphons and ponies.
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It's a bit funny reading over the cultural analysis of the Griffon Empire when you bear in mind that, at least to some extent, we made them that way. All the projects that have been prioritized and ignored, encouraging the integration of other species, our decisions on how to treat our neighbors? That's all on us. We now get to reflect on the culmination of our progress...and the natural consequences of it, for good or ill.
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You know when we do actions on equestria we're making a better prison on Discord
I think the prison as is, is working fine enough but sending some agents to keep an eye on it and make sure it/he doesn't escape may be in order.

On the order of the military when the time comes having an engineering corps would be useful for us but that'll be later down the road when we have even more cannons and our standard ranged weapon is a rifle not a crossbow. In the meantime I'd say we build another knightly order or two post-war mostly because such elite units are useful to have when stuff goes sideways and in my mind we should only ever expand our army when we're preparing for large scale war.
Amazing updates, truly.

But seriously, Princesses, if that is your reasoning you could have just as easily shared the title of Queen.
Yet another amazing chapter. Really loved both, though the comparison and analysis of the two cultures was rather fascinating to read!

I do wish to point out @Questor that you kept making a consistent grammatical mistake with "it's". You keep using "it's" whereas you should be using "its". "Its" is possessive while "it's" is a combination of "it" and "is".
Hot damn, all these updates are just... Amazing. They're so nice, I read them twice. I'm really excited for the turns to come, also the campaign miniturns, and finally getting the Maretonia arc finale. Hot damn, this quest is always a ride.
Hot damn, all these updates are just... Amazing. They're so nice, I read them twice. I'm really excited for the turns to come, also the campaign miniturns, and finally getting the Maretonia arc finale. Hot damn, this quest is always a ride.
Finale? Oh no, this is just the end of the beginning. All roads may have once led to Roam, but Roam is gone and only ashes are left. This is gonna be a full campaign. I expect the campaign to last longer than the Winter War, and I also expect the clean-up to also have its own part to play in this arc.
Yeah, think Nightmare Moon will think twice about making the Night last forever.

Lest she wish to flip off the Griffon Empire...
Honestly if she does get sick of equestira she might just, well, move.

The Crystal Empire might be willing to host her, if not as nobility, then at least as a welcome guest; and a few years among people who can appreciate a clear night sky would be welcome.

The Yaks would definitely want to talk to her considering their shamanistic rituals and the fact that she controls a very real part of the goddamn sky.

The Empire wouldn't mind better relations or just helping prevent a bubbling civil war.

And worse comes to worst she can always got to Libertalia and get drunk on rum using funds from the treasury. Nothing like a few months of debauchery to really let off some steam. Might be scandalous to the equestrians but they didn't appreciate her anyway so fuck it, she's lounging with toned stallions and pounding back another keg.
Finale? Oh no, this is just the end of the beginning. All roads may have once led to Roam, but Roam is gone and only ashes are left. This is gonna be a full campaign. I expect the campaign to last longer than the Winter War, and I also expect the clean-up to also have its own part to play in this arc.

Oh yeah, true, true, I just meant like, the climax fights basically. We've been prepping for a long while and the payoff is just gonna be, *chef's kiss noise* yanno? I'm so excited. Also the mop-up afterwards is gonna be interesting none the less too. There's so much interesting shit going on, I feel like we're at the top of the first drop on a roller coaster and I'm just, vibrating yanno?

Also Gawain is doing so good! Our good diplomancer boy holding down the fort and meeting new people for us while mom and pop go off to war (again)! I couldn't be prouder of our quest kids! (And Pearl in her last interlude, which I've re-read as well)! Payoff is great!
Oh! this updated! Sweet~!

I always find it amusing how the culture of the Empire has grown through the story- and it's an interesting counter to Equestrian culture in the form of being it's opposite despite being on the same "side" of Order. It'd be nice to be able to secure more peaceful agreements around the coasts and work our way inwards.

Maretonia is next though, so lets put out the fire on the doorstep. Again.

I wonder if we have any plans to go after the Yeti's though, given that they are going to be a threat soon. And then there's the 'Lings....we still have the best stealth services though! Knowing about Changlings without them knowing you know is always an achievement.

You know, I just thought a good comparison between Gryphus/Equestrian cultures- Equestria is more idealistic then us, and we look at them and say "your naïve"
We wanted to make Maretonia a protectorate right? What is our plans to pacify and manage the country until we annex them? And do we plan on conquering and colonizing the mountains with the Yeti's in them? They do have a absurd amount of strategic resources.
It is important to realize that the differences between Griffons and Equestrians are not limited to biology or magical ability. The two groups possess very different views of how the world works.
So basically, Equestria and The Empire both follow the ideals of Unity just in different ways.
Equestria follows the tenants of Harmonious Unity, working as one for the greater good with a belief that all will work out well in the end.
The Empire follows the tenants of Balanced Unity, that working together for a common cause so to make sure all persevere.

Dont know if I worded this correctly,about to sleep, but I think it makes sense?
The Buffalo to our south sound like they could be the cousins of these Yaks, though inhabiting a more arid land."
Oh my god, this is my worst nightmare

Curse you Yaks!
Oh that reminds when is the Protectorate suppose to hold that council to see if they want to join permanently with our empire or break off and become there own thing? It's been a good decade and some change surely that's coming up soon?

And while I doubt they'll leave given how well we've treated them I'm also sure they'd like to fully join the empire and whatnot.
Actually I don't think we took the action with a ten year period attached to it, though I think we've largely agreed to push for full assimilation once the Maretonian situation is sorted
Actually I don't think we took the action with a ten year period attached to it, though I think we've largely agreed to push for full assimilation once the Maretonian situation is sorted
We did? I thought they'd be our protectorate for a time then sometime in the future they'd vote to see if they want to stay with us or leave?