No, because I don´t really give a care about the rest of the Beliefs...I only hate the Cult, but that with a friggin passion.
You're free to hate it, I personally don't like them that much (though I sort of hope we could harness the power of faith to actually ascend if we end up developing the cult enough) but the way you argue against it works against you because you try to paint them as maniacs, and we have word of god they're not.

If you use blatantly false arguements don't be surprised if you fail to convince anyone.

He's a hypocrite I tell you Personally. @jonasquinn
that's just rude. please avoid doing this.

No, you are telling them OPENLY

Plus, just, because I am differentiating between the likelyhood of any given belief doesn´t make me a hypocrite.

But I see now, that as a whole the thread is willing to give the Cult a chance, no matter what I do.

That is your right of course, but I will be saying "I told you so" in case they go bad as predicted.

I think you're being irrational, for a very simple reason: we have word of god that they're NOT like you fear they are.

To become the kind of cult you fear and dislike they'd need a ruler/emperor willing to accept them going in that direction. As WE control the emperor, that's unlikely to ever happen unless, say, we end up playing a civil war with one or more of our descendents going blatantly evil. Not impossible, certainly not something that will happen until at the very least the generation after Gawain, if at all, which means it's at the very least safe for a few decades.

Now, you're completely free to argue against them, and to not like them, and to never vote them. I personally dislike the gryphon pantheon as it's, in my opinion, the most likely to basically be a "false" religion (as in, these gods might very well not exist, while we KNOW spirits exists, the Crystal Heart DEFINITELY exists and has unknown powers that could very well be developed through the power of faith, possibly ending in the heart becoming alive/sapient or giving it the ability of empowering our rulers, and Alicorn Ascension leads me to believe there's a chance of something similar for our emperor/emperors through the power of faith as well...), but the WAY you argue against them is doing more bad than good to your cause.

Even if they went evil that wouldn't validate your argument unless they went evil for the reason you offered... and you, again, didn't offer convincing ones, mostly because there aren't. Because Word of God, they're not like that, and you can't blame a possible future evil version of them on the present ones.
Quick question about the imperial cult, do they worship the imperial family or just Garrick? How does the adopted members of the family get taken into account? What's going to happen when a succession crisis occurs? What will happen when someone they don't approve of becomes the emperor? Or will they just approve of anyone that becomes emperor? I'll probably come up with more questions over time.
I personally dislike the gryphon pantheon as it's, in my opinion, the most likely to basically be a "false" religion (as in, these gods might very well not exist, while we KNOW spirits exists, the Crystal Heart DEFINITELY exists and has unknown powers that could very well be developed through the power of faith, possibly ending in the heart becoming alive/sapient or giving it the ability of empowering our rulers, and Alicorn Ascension leads me to believe there's a chance of something similar for our emperor/emperors through the power of faith as well...), but the WAY you argue against them is doing more bad than good to your cause.

Regarding the Pantheon, there is quite good possibility of them being Alicorn version of Gryphus kind in time of old that got worshiped through the ages if our ancesion theory is correct.

In that theory there is good possibility that if we research the Pantheon options that mostly lead to the ruins of Empire of old we actually stumble upon the secret of ascension, or some item like crystal heart, or elements of harmony. Not speaking about our old Gods being trapped by discord in the rock , or something.
Quick question about the imperial cult, do they worship the imperial family or just Garrick? How does the adopted members of the family get taken into account? What's going to happen when a succession crisis occurs? What will happen when someone they don't approve of becomes the emperor? Or will they just approve of anyone that becomes emperor? I'll probably come up with more questions over time.
The logical path for them to take would likely be to take a book detailing what Gawain ever did as Emperor and the times he's shared his opinions and then start cross-checking the new Emperor for similarities.
Quick question about the imperial cult, do they worship the imperial family or just Garrick? How does the adopted members of the family get taken into account? What's going to happen when a succession crisis occurs? What will happen when someone they don't approve of becomes the emperor? Or will they just approve of anyone that becomes emperor? I'll probably come up with more questions over time.

They certainly worship entire family, adopted one as well probably . As for the next Emperor figure, well it could go either way as they are just in phase of Garrick worship so it's something that needs to be addressed after he dies.

Though i suppose they will most likely go with what Garrick would have done and go European divine right where monarch has right to rule uncoditionaly and Chinese mandate of Haven where if monarch/dinasty is corrupted he is to be overthrown . Basically if Emperor is unjust and doesn't follow Garrick ideals he is to be replaced with other members of Imperial family.

It goes well with whole Imperial family veneration thing while not straying from Garricks ideals.
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Regarding the Pantheon, there is quite good possibility of them being Alicorn version of Gryphus kind in time of old that got worshiped through the ages if our ancesion theory is correct.

In that theory there is good possibility that if we research the Pantheon options that mostly lead to the ruins of Empire of old we actually stumble upon the secret of ascension, or some item like crystal heart, or elements of harmony. Not speaking about our old Gods being trapped by discord in the rock , or something.
oh, these are all possible. I considered the "gods were sealed by Discord" option, though I didn't think about the "past ascended" possibility. They could also just be heroes from the past, a bit like the Pillars of Harmony or the paragons of dwarves in Dragon Age, or like the Chinese Guan Yu, basically elevated to god status long before his death.

I disliked it more in the beginning really. Now it's just my least favourite, though I'm not really strongly against it.

By the way we kinda need to focus a bit more on Neighpon in the coming turns. We're now closer to the Yaks than to them!

We certainly don't like for possible ways to raise Neighpon relationship either, between the sword gift, Gwindlyn visit, the steam engine for ships (possibly the airships too at some point, though fire and hydrogen... don't really mix well together I think) and their piety action.

another thing to notice:

Treasury Reserves: 5,959

Net Income: 12,815

We blew through a lot of our cash, so next turn our max budget is going to be slightly less than 19,000.

Specifically, 18,774.

That's not too bad, really.

At least if we finish the war in just one turn. If the war continues... well, war action took 6,000 by itself, and I don't see why it should become cheaper next turn, so that would leave us with at most 12,774 for everything else, which is admittedly a bit low.

Still manageable, but it would start to limit our freedom of choice somewhat. And of course even if the war over we're likely to need to take expensive actions like Maretonia rebuilding funding.

as said before, the coming turn will likely have a lot of income-boosting actions taken if at all possible.
Something to consider about the Pantheon is that they're arguably the most likely to incite nationalism/griffon superiority due to them being a symbol of ancient Griffons before Garrick became Emperor
Something to consider about the Pantheon is that they're arguably the most likely to incite nationalism/griffon superiority due to them being a symbol of ancient Griffons before Garrick became Emperor
eh, not anymore than any of the other religions is likely to cause their original race to do the same. It's a pretty small risk all things considered
I want to personally know what Gwyndlyn would be like in the future with high relations too neighponese spirit worship and our own imperial faith mingling together.
Double whammy faith for big dragon daughter, she gets to ascend twice :V
This site being what it is, I know Warhammer 40K is the first thing people think of when they hear "God-Emperor", but that's not really an apt comparison. Some of them do see you as a God, or Demi God, or other form of spiritual being, but others among them see you as the pinnacle of Griffon-kind, an inspiration and are to them what Celestia would/will be to Equestrians a thousand years from now. A sort of almost secular worship, in a way.
Just gonna thow this little gem out there...
What is the preferred outcome with the Mauretanian Campaign? The destruction of hostile governments, or to protect and vassalize regions that have historically been friendly?
What is the preferred outcome with the Mauretanian Campaign? The destruction of hostile governments, or to protect and vassalize regions that have historically been friendly?
Officially? To stop the dangerous monster that is Pegicles, protect the people of Maretonia and help them rebuild with our guidance, technology and expertise

Honestly? Kill Pegicles and turn Maretonia into a protectorate with the goal of integrating them at some point down the line
Something to consider about the Pantheon is that they're arguably the most likely to incite nationalism/griffon superiority due to them being a symbol of ancient Griffons before Garrick became Emperor
Considering our nation's history so far there's not much risk of that. We've been multicultural and multiracial from the beginning. Keep in mind that the diamond dogs were allowed to join and form their own subculture near the start of the game and we've followed that tradition with the crystal ponies, yaks and the quilin. It's far more likely that ancient gryphon culture would be seen as yet another culture for us to add to the mix.
A Heavy Duty


Jewelius Pranceus stepped up because it was the right thing to do.

Or, at least that's what he told himself and everypony else.

When he joined the Royal Guard of Maretonia, it was the best day of his life, to be given the highest honour a soldier of Maretonia could receive. For Jewelius, it was far more than that, more can it could be put into words. He came from The House of Pranceus, a small but proud family that upheld the virtues of Maretonia, and to join the ranks of the soldiers that held those virtues? The jubilation of that success had put tears in his eyes! Everything he had done in his commitment to the security of Maretonia had led to this. Every order, every battle, every criminal, traitor and spy he brought to justice had raised his prestige high enough for him to be considered worthy of standing alongside the finest of Maretonian Military, the sword and shield of the Queen herself and upholders of the greatest of Maretonian virtues. All of it was done with his own efforts and not through some favour or bribe like some nobles would use to get their children into it, he would be proud of that for the rest of his days.

Being a unicorn probably helped as well, though he was savvy enough to keep that thought to himself lest those within the Guard not born with the gift of casting were slighted.

Life within the Guard was not exciting as one could imagine, but Jewelius already expected that. Holding illusions when subtly playing the game of nobles - a game all notable Maretionians played whether they liked it or not - was bound to get you into a hole you couldn't climb out of, or killed. Jewelius knew that from the experiences told to him by his own cousin, Sparkleus Trot-Trot, who, in the middle of the night while sleeping on his bed, nearly died to a dagger drawn across his throat. All because he was too deep in debt to a vain noble.

So, as Jewelius Pranceus upheld his duties as one of the Royal Guard for seven years he kept expectations low and would not seek to rise high within the Royal Guard, everypony had a place and being a soldier was his. He also belived that despite Maretonia's unfriendly relationship with Canterbury, things would be peaceful.

Until a wing-feathered species unseen in Maretonia became known to all as new slaves in the market.

Until the Empire of Gryphus and their Crystal Protectorate emerged from the north, their outrage threatening war. For daring to put the lives of its citizens for sale, despite the Queen sending twelve back home.

Until all of Maretonia's nobility learned of the reach of the Imperial Intelligence of Gryphus.

Until tensions within Maretonia reached an all-time high.

Until the death of Queen Mareia and brutal and bloody and wholly preventable Civil War, a failure that Jewelius didn't think he would ever forgive himself for.

And now this:

Half of Roam burned to the ground, the Palace devoid of all it's artefacts, Marecinas and her Lieutenants dead, and thousands of lives lost.

Well, not all her Lieutenants were dead, but that fact did not bring much hope. Lieutenant Firehoof led the Royal Guard Aerial when they chased Pegicles distraction, thus was not there when Roam fell. The chain of command would have him lead what remained of the Royal Guard, but that was not possible. For Firehoof was lost.

Lost to his grief, insanity and rage.

When he laid out his first command, the majority of what remained of the Royal Guard decided, for his own good and that of others, he had to be confined to the cells, lest his suicidal plan of assaulting Mare-a-Thon with what meagre forces they had got them all killed. It took three unicorns to magically restrain him before he put in chains. Those who had also joined Firehoof in his fury had to be confined as well.

Afterwards, he stepped up because it was the right thing to do.


He had to step up. Nopony else would have. They were too afraid, too desperate, incapable of leadership.

So Jewelius Pranceus, a unicorn who never wanted to hold such responsibility, stepped up.

Because if he hadn't?

Well, he doesn't need to know the answer to that question.
@Questor here's an omake of our current commander of the Royal Guard remnants.

Great depiction of his character.

+10 to a Roll.
I wonder if the princesses govern celestial objects and the very concepts of night and day yet. I'd imagine not unless that's been a thing from the start and I just missed it. Is that part of their very being or something they did? Haven't actually read more than a few individual comics so I'm a bit blind in obscure lore.

It will be interesting having them before they become in every aspect that practically matters, living gods. Powerful as shit immortal Alicorn sorcerers, but nothing compared to their several milliena old future selves. I'd imagine magic gets a bit of an extra kick after a few ages.
I wonder if the princesses govern celestial objects and the very concepts of night and day yet. I'd imagine not unless that's been a thing from the start and I just missed it. Is that part of their very being or something they did? Haven't actually read more than a few individual comics so I'm a bit blind in obscure lore.

It will be interesting having them before they become in every aspect that practically matters, living gods. Powerful as shit immortal Alicorn sorcerers, but nothing compared to their several milliena old future selves. I'd imagine magic gets a bit of an extra kick after a few ages.
in basically any version, comic or show or fanon, it's at the very least heavily implied that they first raised the sun/moon when they got their cutie marks, so yes, they've been doing it at least since Discord's defeat (turn 0), and they probably did it for some time before Discord's arrival.

During the chaos age itself Discord probably played with sun and moon as he played with everything else though.

And, on that note, We REALLY want them to create a plan b in case they're indisposed and can't move their celestial objects. Certainly it wouldn't be that complicated to organize a group of unicorns to move the celestial orbs in case of emergency, or even if they simply wanted to take a day off.
Hell, you specifically called out the Crusades when the only connection there is that they were kings that happened to be Christian and used it as an excuse/motivation,
Actually, Christianity was more used as a way to avoid any of them taking advantage of their neighbors being away, for the biggest motivating factor for a number of them you'll want to look into the Arab Slave Trade.
So I know we're preoccupied with the Maretonia situation right now but something we should probably consider is can we just straight up annex Libertalia or do we need to make it a protectorate first as well?
So I know we're preoccupied with the Maretonia situation right now but something we should probably consider is can we just straight up annex Libertalia or do we need to make it a protectorate first as well?
I don't think we're going to actually annex it. We might offer protectorate status in the future, but I don't even think they need it. They can support a decent enough navy to defend themselves, They don't really need a big army, and I suppose there can be some benefit in using them as intermediaries when we don't want to act directly.

If we wanted to annex them we should have done it when they were poor and weak AND a pirate island. Doing it now would likely not look that bad, not unless we somehow worked things so that it was THEM to ask US.

Which, admittedly, we could do through Hoofbeard...

ok, let's put this idea in the "maybe, look at it after civil war is over" pile