"But, it is not enough! Look at the ruins around you! Look at how mighty we were! When Discord invaded us, we fought back! But the other nobility turned tailed and fled, fracturing our armies! If it was cowardice then it is one thing, but they turned against emperor! Turning what was once a Mighty Empire a few Mewling Fiefdoms! We could have repelled the like of Discord if it were not for them! We would not have had to rely on the likes of PONIES to save us!" You spat.
@Questor, you made the omake canon. How does Brochard know Ponies beat Discord? I'm pretty sure that's what is meant by 'rely on the likes of ponies'.
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So now it's plus 15 for dog integration plus 20 for espionage and plus 15 for diplo.
Calling on Old Friends, need 40.
15 (omake) + 18 (stats) = 33.

We need to roll at least 7.

Aquileian Espionage, needs 45
20 (omakes) + 13 (stats) = 33 (again :V)

We need to roll at least 12.

Who let the Dogs Out?, needs 30
15 (Omakes) + 18 (stats) = 33 (again again)

Any roll will make this a success
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Any chance you want to put it into something else integration is already an auto success with our stats and current omake bonus. Espionage could use a boost.

Alright then,
@Questor change my bonus to espionage.

Also the Omake has been edited too exclude the ponies bit.

How do you guys think of the omake? Did I do Brochard Justice?

Feel free to point out errors and contitnuity issues that I missed so that I may correct them.
Alright then,
@Questor change my bonus to espionage.

Also make has been edited too exclude the ponies bit.

How do you guys think of the omake? Did I do Brochard Justice?

Feel free to point out errors and contitnuity issues that I missed so that I may correct them.
Well for me would be that his diplo advisor would be a little anoyed due to Brochard diplo actions and his spy advisor wouldn't really need to mention Dragon egg due to it not being a threat in near future, maybe changing that part about Mercenaries from dozens to hundreds ( this war will be fought by the thousands after all).
In all else you described Brochard as i imagined him.

A military Griffon turned king who fought for Aquileia when it was left alone by the empire, it kinda explains why he is bad at diplomacy and the way he behaved towards other nobles.
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Well for me would be that his diplo advisor would be a little anoyed due to Brochard diplo actions and his spy advisor wouldn't really need to mention Dragon egg due to it not being a threat in near future, maybe changing that part about Mercenaries from dozens to hundreds ( this war will be led by the thousands after all).

Thanks for pointing that out. I need to run some errand, I'll edit them when I come back.

You're right the diplomacy advisor demeanor doesn't fit the failure. Also I mentioned the dragon egg because of the greed growth, I'll try to make it clearer.
I was just running the numbers and realized how many omakes you guys have written. Once again, I am astounded with the sheer amount of reader engagement this quest is receiving, and I thank you all for making this a Quest worth running. When I first made this quest I was genuinely concerned not many people would be interested, and I'm very happy that you all proved me wrong!
I was just running the numbers and realized how many omakes you guys have written. Once again, I am astounded with the sheer amount of reader engagement this quest is receiving, and I thank you all for making this a Quest worth running. When I first made this quest I was genuinely concerned not many people would be interested, and I'm very happy that you all proved me wrong!
And we thank you for bringing this glorious work to us and i hope you keep it going strong.
I was just running the numbers and realized how many omakes you guys have written. Once again, I am astounded with the sheer amount of reader engagement this quest is receiving, and I thank you all for making this a Quest worth running. When I first made this quest I was genuinely concerned not many people would be interested, and I'm very happy that you all proved me wrong!

Your welcome~ And honestly this is the most engaged I've ever been in a quest, I wish there were more MLP quests.
Okay, I changed Wilhelm's delivery of his report and made the dragon issue clearer.

Does anyone else see a mistake?

Also, @Questor can I have my canon status back now? ...please?
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