Alright, short omake! Actually short!
A Fleeting Lament
"Does the world hate us, Gabriella?"
The words were spoken softly, yet seemed to weigh down the speaker more as he said them, his shoulders drooping, his eyelids falling, his very being seeming to depress into his chair, as though the sky itself had fallen onto his back. His usual outfit was wrinkled and hastily loosened, with his cape lying haphazardly in the corner, now sporting a tear around the collar wear he had ripped it away from his neck, and his crown, his symbol of authority, resting on top, a dent in its side from where it had been thrown angrily against the wall.
Gabriella Golden-Feather had entered the room only a few moments ago, expecting to find her husband seething in cold fury, his nervousness and despair hidden, his strongest face forward, because that was what he always did. When times were harsh, Garrick was the kind of Griffon who fought, rather than flew. One who would bite, claw, and rip his way out of any corner he was backed into.
It was one of the reasons she loved him so much.
But this…
While it wasn't the first time she had seen him in a melancholic mood, it was the first time she had seen him so… defeated.
"I'm sure the rest of the world has better things to do than hate us, Garrick," She spoke, grabbing one of the chairs in the room and taking a seat next to him.
"It certainly feels like it," He whispered, sighing into a talon, "If not the world, then fate itself… just one thing after another after another after another…"
She raised an eyebrow, "And since when did you ever believe in fate?"
He shook his head, "I haven't started yet, but… It's just so easy to blame some sort of higher power, isn't it? For all our troubles.... First came Discord, then came Brochard, next came Sombra, and now… this entire mess…"
"It certainly does seem that way sometimes, doesn't it?" She replied, "But even if the world's against us, we'll find a way out of it. Brochard got has ass kicked, Sombra's as good as six feet under, and these Maretonia assholes will get their due too."
"I want to believe in that future too…" He let out another sigh and turned to face her, "But at what cost, Gabriella? At what cost must such a future be secured? We've already paid so much to just get to this point… Why must our people pay even more?"
"... I can't give you an answer I don't know, Garrick."
He slumped even further down on his chair, letting his head rest against her side, "I know… I know… No one can. We merely have to move forward and pay it, regardless. Its just… I am unsure if I can pay that cost..."
"... So, you decided."
Garrick gave a slow nod, "I have. Olive Branch will be returning with empty hooves."
"... It wasn't really a choice at all, was it?"
Garrick might have been the brains of the duo, but even she could see the corner Olive Branch had pinned them into with his 'deal.'
Accept, and her husband would be forced to compromise his morals and pay into the coffers of slavers, who would no doubt use that money to fund more of their 'merchandise runs.'
Or deny, and leave his people to suffer at the hooves of those bastards for a while longer.
There was no right choice.
And yet her love still was forced to choose.
"... No, it was not." Garrick let out a huff, talons digging into the couch, bits of down peeking out through the forming tear, "Furious would be doing no favors to describe how I feel right now. Everything about this makes me want to take that pompous ass and wring him dry of his blood, impale him on a spike, and leave him on the border as a show of just how much I despise them right now.
"And yet, more than that… For all my rage, it cannot hold a candle to the disappointment and shame I have for myself…"
His form relaxed once more, this time getting up from the chair he sat on and wandering over to his fallen crown, picking it up and running a claw over the dent, "Our people are in bondage, and I have the power, right now, to free them. It would be simple. Give the order, drain our coffers, and they would be returned.
"Yet, I will not. The freedom they deserve, the happiness our people deserve at seeing their loved ones returned safely… I will deny them of that," His talons clutched the crown, the groan of metal sounding out as he scratched and contorted the metal in his grip, "And for what? My pride? My treasury? My principles? All that seems so small next to their suffering…
"What do I tell them? What do I say? I had the opportunity to return your loved ones to you, but I denied that to them? What will they think of me? And how can I think of myself as anything but a failure for having a choice to save them, yet I decided to let them suffer and die?
"How can I possibly wear this crown Gabiella?" He questioned as he turned to face her, beads of water forming in his eyes as he held the crown before her, "How can I possibly face them knowing I could have done something…?"
Garrick let the crown drop out of his grasp, the metal clinking against the ground sounding impossibly loud in the now quiet room.
Gabriella shut here eyes and sighed, slowly getting off the chair she had pulled over and walking over to her husband.
Balling her left talon into a fist, she raised it up high, and bought it down upon his crest, a soft thud sounding out.
Truly her husband could be one sometimes.
Garrick flinched, her eyes suddenly shutting, his own talon rising to clutch at his head. "Ow… what was that for?"
"Exactly what I said. Really, between the both of us, you've always proven to be the smarter one. Yet here I find you being an idiot." She shook her head, a small smile on her face, "Really, I actually wanted to throw you out the window and cross swords with you until dawn, or at least until you finally got some sense beaten into you. That, or smash a fist into your face, but both of those would damage your precious kingly visage, which you'll need tomorrow."
She picked up the crown, now mangled, and straightened it out as best she could, which honestly wasn't very much, and placed it back atop his head, ruffling his crest feathers a bit, "Listen, the world sucks right now. Maretonia sucks. But, as I said earlier, we'll just have to deal with it. Moping all alone in your room isn't what your people need right now." She brushed up by his side and wrapped an arm around his form, enclosing him in a hug, "What they need is you, confident in your choice, to give them something to rally behind. Your people love you, Garrick, and I'm sure they'll understand any decision you make, because you are their emperor. And as emperor, it is your duty to hold face them in spite of decisions that would crush any ordinary griffon. Right now, you know wat I see? Not an empror. Just a griffon that could be described as the furthest thing from that.
"So, to get it through that thick skull of yours, push aside those feeling for now and use that anger of yours to tell him and all of Maretonia to fuck right off tomorrow!" She gave him another bop on the noggin.
Garrick let himself fall into her shoulder, where she could feel a small bit of wetness on her feathers, "And you are right, as always, of course…"
She released him from her hold and gave him a peck on the cheek, before straightening out his crown, "Of course I am. I'm not even sure why I had to do this in the first place. I'm sure you've already decided to try and get our griffons out from under their hooves one way or another. Ravenburg is probably itching at the chance to collapse their house of cards on themselves."
"I had thought of that, yes…" He replied, picking up his royal cape, "Perhaps it's merely the folly of growing older. One's mind gets trapped in a loop of what-ifs and whys, rather than considering what is needed at the present… Or perhaps I am merely tired of dealing with unreasonable people."
"The world will always be filled with unreasonable people, Garrick." She responded, a coy smile on her face, "You yourself are one amongst their number, after all. And tomorrow, you will be showing that."
He responded with a light chuckle, "I… suppose I will, won't I?"
"Good." She brushed a wing over his back, "Now, come on, our kids need to be attended to. And then we rest for tomorrow. You'll need it."
".... Gabriella."
"Thank you…" He whispered, "For lending me your shoulder."
She let out a bark of a laugh, "You really are playing the idiot tonight, aren't you? I'm your wife, you fool. That's what I'm here for. For when you need to laugh, to vent, to cry… So you can be a griffon without being a king."
"RIght, right...."
She gave him a smirk, "Of course I am."
"... I love you."
She pulled herself a bit closer to him, brushing her cheek against his, "And I love you too… with all my heart."
And that's the short thing I wrote. Going to be working on spomething to do with spies, and something to do with fireworks, maybe after this. I dunno.
Later that night, off in a smithy close by, the royal smith worked through the night wondering how the royal crown became so mangled, but does not voice his opinion. Who knows what his emperor got up to this late at night...