[ ] Plan If your not cheating, your not trying
-[ ] Recruitment Drives
-[ ] Yaks, Meet Qilin, Qilin, Yaks
-[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded
-[ ] A Fire Bender's Advice on Flamethrowers
-[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures
-[ ] Overtime: Camouflage 101
-[ ] New Swords for Everybody!

Stack everything in our favor before the war, get troops, buff out firepower, buff allies weapons, set the meet up so we can coordinate better, give Karl what he needs to wreck Sombra and weapons that can hurt Sombra
If Sombra doesn't attack this turn, then next we have everything to hit him, and we can get the blasting jelly before we attack
We should grant Archimedes a Nobel Prize when this is all over. I'm sure Karl Kaboom would agree.

I think Karl Kaboom is more traumatized from nearly dying than an explosive maniac. I see him as someone who will do his duty but not someone who just wants to blow things up.

Stack everything in our favor before the war, get troops, buff out firepower, buff allies weapons, set the meet up so we can coordinate better, give Karl what he needs to wreck Sombra and weapons that can hurt Sombra
If Sombra doesn't attack this turn, then next we have everything to hit him, and we can get the blasting jelly before we attack

Again there is no coordination that will go on between the clans and the Neighpons because this is not the Clans acting this is a bunch of individuals deciding to leave to fight in the war so a meeting between the Clans and the Neighpon does nothing for the war effort.
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Red for "NO. MAYBE after the war"
Yellow for "possibly usefull, but other actions take priority)
Green for "we MUST"

Martial: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-The Peregrine Line-The Gates to the North: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Southern Border Fortifications Built, Peregrine Line Completed. Will Finish This Turn

Well, nothing to say here. Hopefully Sombra attacks this turn and next we can launch our counter.

[ ] Big Sticks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: +10 mobile Ballistae added to army.

other artillery is better

[ ] Hans, Get the Flamethrower: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: +4 Static Flame Projectors

could be good, but...

[ ] Army Artillery: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: +10 Cannons added to army

could be good, but...

[ ] The West Wall-Watchtowers: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Western Border Watchtowers built, removes possibility of surprise attacks, may discourage raids into core territory.

USELESS RIGHT NOW (and probably later too)

[ ] Recruitment Drives: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Soldiers Recruited, Army Expanded.

...but this. We need this.

[ ] Into the Frost and Snow: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Empire Invasion Arc.

Not now. If Sombra doesn't attack this turn (or we get confirmation he'll attack next turn) we'll probably have to take it then

Diplomacy: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Leaning on the Elders, Pro-Modernist: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak Leadership agrees to modest reforms, Modernists gain more influence. Chance of Success: 35%.

[ ] Leaning on the Elders, Pro-Traditionalist: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak Leaders suppress modernists, Modernists lose influence. Chance of Success: 35%


[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 60%

Can Wait until after the war, and possibly after the actions that raise our relationships with the Neighponese

[ ] Yaks, Meet Qilin, Qilin, Yaks: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations between Yaks and Neighponese. Chance of Success: 70%

This could help us both to raise our relationship with both, helping cohesion and morale in our army, AND push the Yaks toward the modernist. THey'd be confronted with TWO empires after all. Maybe it will give them a little push towards joining our empire, or at least sending more soldiers...

[ ] Steam Pump Exports: Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Gain Basic Steam Pump technology, one-time Income Gain, Boost to Neighponese Relations.

I'm uncertain about this. I want it mostly for the relation boost, though...now that i think about it, more work efficiency means they need less workers. Less workers means possibly more soldiers!

[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese gain 10 Cannons, One-Time Income Gain, Boost to Neighponese Relations.

It's a must, i don't think ANYONE will disagree.

Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn) Two Actions Locked

[ ] Imperial Brew: Cost: 400. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Government Controlled Breweries. Gain Alcohol Sales Income. May raise Peasant Opinion. May lower Peasant Opinion. 50% chance of either outcome.

I think this option will remain unchosen forever and ever and ever.

-Settling the Western Frontier: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Western Settlements Established, Additional Income. Will Finish This Turn

-Imperial Irrigation Program: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Standardized Irrigation, Significantly Increased Farming Income. Will Finish This Turn

hope these help...

[ ] Neighponese Seed Drills: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Farming Income.

i think we have more important things on which to use our overtimes. Also how would seed drills actually help in a blizzard?

[ ] Screw You, You Cold, Fluffy, White Bullshit!: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Fish and Mushroom Farms remain operational. Will Occupy the Magical Advisors for the Duration of the Blizzard.

...Maybe. Problem is that these would probably stop us from taking the illusion/fire weapon boost actions. if we don't take those actions though..

Learning: (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

[ ] Cannon Ships: Cost: 100. Reward: New Ship Class Designed.


[ ] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.

Too late

[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

Too long to be usefull

[ ] Machine Tools: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Machine Tools Invented and Distributed, Slight Increase to Tax Income, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.

don't have the time

[ ] Blasting Jelly: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain Access to Blasting Jelly, Increased Mining Income, Bonus to Demolition Rolls.

This one will certainly boost Kaboom, so...

[ ] A Fire Bender's Advice on Flamethrowers: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Bonus to Flamethrower/Liquid Fire Rolls.

fire boost is best boost

[ ] Camouflage 101: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Boost to Certain Army Actions, New Martial/Intrigue Actions Unlocked.

the camouflage would be VERY usefull once we attack, opening more possibilities (and maybe it will even help Kaboom). It might even unlock the stealth op to the Crystal Heart i talked about before! Or might make splitting the army to attack different parts of the empire at the same time possible!

Intrigue: (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Sleeping Dragons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: New Intel on Neighpon, New Intrigue Actions. Chance of Success: 50%

we have no time to doubt our not crazy fellow emperor when Pony Sauron wants us worse than dead

[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Explosives pre-planted on and under Crystal Empire defenses, to be triggered during attack. Chance of Success: 50%

Hi Kaboom, long time no see!

[ ] Backing the Modernists: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Modernists gain Influence in Yakyakistan. Chance of Success: 35%

[ ] Undermining the Modernists: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Modernists lose Influence in Yakyakistan. Chance of Success: 35%

Not the time!

Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime:

One is necessary. Two...maybe

[ ] Combing the Archives: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information and knowledge from Pre-Discord Records.

No time to be usefull, and it's too much up to chance

[ ] Sympathy Tour: Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Tour of the Empire made, Citizens Reassured.

If not for this i'd take two overtimes without even thinking about it. Our people's morale is important, especially if we're not attacking this turn (we should wait the next one in my opinion)

[ ] New Swords for Everybody!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Orichalcum blades for you, your family, and the Grandmasters.

So... I understand those who want to take it, REALLY, I DO. But..it should wait until next turn, when we'll probably be forced to attack.

If Sombra does not attack us this turn it would be useless. And if he attacks..well, after last time i don't think he'll show himself, especially seen as he seem to need that black orb to recharge himself. He'll probably not show up in person, and if he does we'd be INCREDIBLY UNLIKELY to kill him while not on the offensive. Other actions help on a wider scale,and I'd prefer to keep the secret of Oricalchum until the final battle if possible (..so basically until next turn)
[ ] Imperial Brew: Cost: 400. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Government Controlled Breweries. Gain Alcohol Sales Income. May raise Peasant Opinion. May lower Peasant Opinion. 50% chance of either outcome.

I think this option will remain unchosen forever and ever and ever.
I'm personally saving that option for the victory celebration (and yes, we will have it cause I refuse to believe we'll lose). What better time to make it the national drink when everyone's drunk at the victory party?
I'm personally saving that option for the victory celebration (and yes, we will have it cause I refuse to believe we'll lose). What better time to make it the national drink when everyone's drunk at the victory party?
A 50% chance of lower popularity is too risky, and we're unlikely to reduce that risk since there will always be better actions to spend omake boni on. Additionally, alcohol isn't that important to our culture and at least I personally don't want it to become important.

Thus, I agree with Pittauro that the Imperial Brewery just isn't worth it.
There is a difference between liking your job and being a maniac that wants to blow everything up.
That's going to extremes.

Heres an explosive. Guy makes a stronger explosive. Seems like something hed approve of.

Where ya got "wants to just blow everything up" is a mystery. Theres quite a bit of a gap there...
A 50% chance of lower popularity is too risky, and we're unlikely to reduce that risk since there will always be better actions to spend omake boni on. Additionally, alcohol isn't that important to our culture and at least I personally don't want it to become important.

Thus, I agree with Pittauro that the Imperial Brewery just isn't worth it.
I'd totally drop an omake on it, after everything is over with. I do like writing them for this quest.
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I feel like we should attack this turn. The cold will only get worse if we delay.
[] Plan: Be prepared

: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

[ ] Recruitment Drives: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Soldiers Recruited, Army Expanded.

Diplomacy: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Steam Pump Exports: Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Gain Basic Steam Pump technology, one-time Income Gain, Boost to Neighponese Relations.

[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese gain 10 Cannons, One-Time Income Gain, Boost to Neighponese Relations.

Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn) Two Actions Locked

: (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

[ ] Blasting Jelly: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain Access to Blasting Jelly, Increased Mining Income, Bonus to Demolition Rolls.

Intrigue: (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Explosives pre-planted on and under Crystal Empire defenses, to be triggered during attack. Chance of Success: 50%

Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Camouflage 101: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Boost to Certain Army Actions, New Martial/Intrigue Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sympathy Tour: Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Tour of the Empire made, Citizens Reassured.

So, in this plan we're

Military: recruiting

Diplomacy: strenghtening our Qilin allies with both our diplomacy actions (one to give them cannons (nearly as good as having these cannons ourselves, and we get payed for it!) the other to hopefully free more of their people thanks to raising work efficiency and so allowing them to field more soldiers). The relation and cash boost is just a nice bonus (should bring Qilin Empire to 8.5-9/10, making immigration more likely to succeed whenever we take it

Stewardship: nothing. Both actions are locked, and the overtime is needed elsewhere

Learning: Blasting Jelly for to boost Kaboom, and an overtime to get camouflage for our troops. It's bound to help us a lot, maybe it will even help Kaboom this year.

Intrigue: Kaboom.

Personal: the tour to mantain our people morale, and also to hopefully make recruiting more effective

about the fire runes action, i think we should take it next year if the blizzard continues, so that this one we can have our advisors boost our army.

A 50% chance of lower popularity is too risky, and we're unlikely to reduce that risk since there will always be better actions to spend omake boni on. Additionally, alcohol isn't that important to our culture and at least I personally don't want it to become important.

Thus, I agree with Pittauro that the Imperial Brewery just isn't worth it.
To be clear, for me it's not about alcohol being important or not to gryph culture. It's just... well,the more time it passes the more sense it would make for people to hate us for fixing something they don't think it's broken.

Basically our people are not dying of alcohol poisoning, and in these times of change we have SO MANY more important things to do than nationalize shroomshine!

I can see us taking this action only if we really need money, as a way to avoid a direct tax raise. So...pretty unlikely.

I feel like we should attack this turn. The cold will only get worse if we delay.
Maybe it's just me, but the update seems to imply Sombra will attack this turn.

It actually makes sense. The blizzard is caused by the Windigos. The Windigos feed on suffering. The slaves suffering grows when Sombra is close to attack us (also the slaves get closer to the borders, so the Windigos can get further as well
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Here's my analysis:
Martial- 1 available
[ ] Hans, Get the Flamethrower
[ ] Recruitment Drives

Both of these are pretty important. Recruitment Drives is likely more important, but both would be very useful.

Diplomacy- 2 available
[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded
This one is crucial and obvious. We have a second action available and that's less certain:
[ ] Immigration Campaign
[ ] Yaks, Meet Qilin, Qilin, Yaks
[ ] Steam Pump Exports

Any of these three could be reasonable, I don't think we want to lean on the Yak elders. Of the three I think the Yak/Qilin meeting makes the most sense, as it's plausible that it will increase cooperation for fighting Sombra.

Stewardship- 0 available
[ ] Screw You, You Cold, Fluffy, White Bullshit!
This is very, very important. Unless we really need our advisors elsewhere, I think we want an overtime for this.

Learning- 1 available
[ ] Blasting Jelly
[ ] A Fire Bender's Advice on Flamethrowers
[ ] Camouflage 101

All three of these would be useful. However, since I think we want to keep our farming going, our magic advisors will be occupied meaning the latter two options will be unavailable. I think keeping food available is more important than the other two improvements.

Intrigue- 1 available
[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures
Seems like the only option that isn't spying on our allies which we don't really need to do while everyone's threatened by Sombra.

Personal- 2 available
[ ] Overtime
[ ] New Swords for Everybody!
[ ] Sympathy Tour

All three of these are important to get done (overtime on farming). IMHO, our approval is good enough that getting those swords done ASAP is more important. The fact that food keeps flowing is better for reassurance than doing a PR tour. The swords need to be done yesterday really, they're a crucial tool in our upcoming fights.
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Any of these three could be reasonable, I don't think we want to lean on the Yak elders. Of the three I think the Yak/Qilin meeting makes the most sense, as it's plausible that it will increase cooperation for fighting Sombra.
If the Yaks sent a full army I'd probably agree. They're sending a few hundreds volunteers. This makes it...well, not useless, but worse than the other actions. I'm for the steam pumps as i hope that freeing Qilin's workers can mean fielding more soldiers. Also immigrations should wait until AFTER the war (and, coincidentally, after the other two options AND the war raise our relationship with our neighbors
[ ] Screw You, You Cold, Fluffy, White Bullshit!
This is very, very important. Unless we really need our advisors elsewhere, I think we want an overtime for this.
I think it can wait a turn, so that we take it next turn is Sombra has not attacked and the Blizzard is continuing. I can understand and respect the argument against it though.
All three of these are important to get done (overtime on farming). IMHO, our approval is good enough that getting those swords done ASAP is more important. The fact that food keeps flowing is better for reassurance than doing a PR tour. The swords need to be done yesterday really, they're a crucial tool in our upcoming fights.
i think the swords can wait until we're on the attack, to keep the secret of Oricalchum until the last moment. I really doubt Sombra will make himself vulnerable while on the offensive, especially if his power is limited by needing to stay close to that black orb to recharge.

...unless he brings the orb with him...which is something i didn't consider, though sounds a bit too reckless even for him
Link to the last time I did this.

Archival purposes: "Turn 16: Cold Steel, Cold Hearts (posted by QM on Monday, March 11, 2019)"


The Front Page as it appeared to me on Monday, March 11, 2019.

Character Sheet (last edited by QM on Saturday, March 9, 2019)
- Not Changed
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 43

Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus, The Unifier, Great Winged Alpha

Description: Before your wife got her talons on you, you were a fairly typical example of the Griffon species. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. Not anymore though. Oh, you still have all those qualities, they're just overshadowed by the massive amount of muscle you've put on since you started your wife's "enhanced training regimen". Your wings can lift dumbbells, and your legs are like tree-trunks supporting a barrel chest rippling with abdominal muscles. In short, you have the build of a person who has been lifting heavy objects his entire life.

Martial: 9+2+1+2=14

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
  • Trait-Strong: Working out with your wife has done great things for your body. +2 Martial


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
  • Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather

Opinion of You: 10/10

Age: 41

Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11

Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)

Son: Gawain Golden-Feather

Age: 11

Status: Child-No Stats
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)
Trait: Genius-Smart doesn't begin to describe him. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Game Master-Years of playing games of strategy and wits with members of the Imperial Court has honed his sense of strategy and taught him how to read others. (+1 Martial, +2 Diplomacy)

(Adopted) Daughter: Gwyndlyn Golden-Feather

Age: 7
Status: Child-No Stats
Status-Designated Regent: In the event that no heir is capable of taking the throne, or in the event the rightful ruler is otherwise unavailable, she will take control of the kingdom until the situation can be resolved.
Trait: Dragon-A fire breathing reptile. (+4 Martial)

Daughter: Gilda Golden-Feather

Age: 4
Status: Infant-No Stats

Informational: State of the Nation (last edited by QM on Sunday, March 10, 2019)
- Not Changed

Treasury Reserves
: 1240

Net Income: 5310

Yearly Income: 5850

-Tax Revenue: 3025
-Farming Income: 825
-Mining Income: 800
-Logging Income: 200
-Trade Income: 1000

Yearly Expenditures: 540

-Army Upkeep: 420
-Navy Upkeep: 100
-Office of Disease Control: 10
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 10


Imperial Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 150 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Imperial Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Imperial Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)

Imperial Army Numbers: 21,232

-10,000 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-5000 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-5000 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

-1000 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.

-232 Artillerists: Responsible for the transport, maintenance and operation of heavy weaponry, these Gryphons and Dogs are highly trained in their chosen field of ranged combat.

-5 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.

-14 Cannons: Firing iron balls through the power of explosive black powder, these metal siege engines are one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.

-10 Flame Projectors: A product of Archimedes's "liquid fire", these static contraptions can shoot jets of flaming liquid vast distances, burning all in their path.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer"
40 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
150 Squires
500 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia

The Knights Talon
1 Grandmaster Colombroni Pigeonio
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
250 Imperial Knights
115 Squires
400 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Crow's Nest, Wingbardy

The Knights Panther
1 Grandmaster Adrian Dawnquill
35 Knights of the Inner Circle
300 Imperial Knights
100 Squires
400 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Black Fortress, Aquileia

Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.

20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)

Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.


Nobility Opinion: 9/10 (Long Live the Emperor!).

General Public Opinion: 9/10 (Long Live the Emperor!).

Roll Bonuses

Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls
Gun-Cotton: +5 to all Cannon Rolls
Pre-Discord Map: +10 to next Exploration Roll
Scatter-Shot: Bonus to Certain Cannon Rolls
Imperial War Memorial: Army Morale may not fall below 20, Militia count as Regulars when defending Core Territory

Informational: Diplomatic Relations/Persons of Interest (last edited by QM on Monday, March 4, 2019)
- Not Changed
Diplomatic Relations

Kingdom of Neighpon: 7/10

Yak Clans
Raw Hides: 7/10
River Walkers: 7/10
Broken Horns: 7/10
Thunder Warriors: 7/10

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.

Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Grand Duke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.

Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.

Koryū Ryuō: The draconic Emperor of the Island Kingdom of Neighpon. Having agreed to assist you in the war against the Shadow King and making fast friends with your adoptive daughter, you consider him a decent fellow who you can trust to keep his word, and a valuable ally against any destructive forces the world can throw at you.
[ ] Plan: Buff da Army, Plant the Boomz, & Get Ready to Yoink Sombra's Magic Shinies
-[ ] Recruitment Drives:
Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Soldiers Recruited, Army Expanded.
-[ ] Yaks, Meet Qilin, Qilin, Yaks:
Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations between Yaks and Neighponese. Chance of Success: 70%
-[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded:
Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese gain 10 Cannons, One-Time Income Gain, Boost to Neighponese Relations.
-[ ] Blasting Jelly:
Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain Access to Blasting Jelly, Increased Mining Income, Bonus to Demolition Rolls.
-[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures:
Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Explosives pre-planted on and under Crystal Empire defenses, to be triggered during attack. Chance of Success: 50%
-[ ] Overtime: Camouflage 101:
Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Boost to Certain Army Actions, New Martial/Intrigue Actions Unlocked.
-[ ] Sympathy Tour:
Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Tour of the Empire made, Citizens Reassured.

Total Plan Cost: 2550
Net Income: 2760

Guyyyyys, our intrigue rolls have been top-tier lately, let's buff the Camo-powers so we can end the battle decisively (and possibly permanently, hah, take that Celestia&Luna [lol]).

EDIT: I've been convinced, we shouldn't neglect our Citizenry (hold on, stay strong ya'll), we can cram in the swords next turn.
just noticed we have the same plan, except for Yak meet Qilin action.

Now, if the Yaks were moving with their full army i'd support it, but as they're only sending volunteers i don't think it's worth it right now.
So speaking of preparing This is the first draft of my plan depending on @Questor answers from both my and others question some actions will be changed.

[] Plan War Prep and Boom

Martial: 2 actions
[] The Peregrine Line-The Gates to the North (1) Locked
[] Army Artillery (1) 500

Diplomacy: 2 action
[] Steam Pump Exports (1) 50
[] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded (1) 0

Stewardship: 2 action
[] Settling the Western Frontier (1) Locked
[] Imperial Irrigation Program (1) Locked

Learning: 2 actions
[] A Fire Bender's Advice on Flamethrowers (1) 200
[] Machine Tools (1) Locked

Intrigue: 1 action
[] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures (1) 40% 400

Personal: 2 action
[] Overtime: Recruitment Drives (1) 1500
[] Overtime: Hans, Get the Flamethrower (1) 400

Treasury Reserves: 1240
Yearly Income: 5850
Yearly Expenditures: 540
Net Income: 5310

Cost: 5310-3050=2260
Net= 2260
Treasury= 3500

Right so all of our overtime and martial is to increase the Army's power as much as possible. If Questor says we can at least do both the flamethrower improvement and snow counteraction and we can start it with a personal action then one might be switched to that instead.

Diplomacy is all about improving relations and strengthing our more powerful ally. Right now the Yaks meeting doesn't help us as much as improving the fighting power and output of the Neignpon. Giving them weapons that improve their chance to stop the bigger force is a must.

Stewardship is all locked up and the farming increase should reverse quite a bit of the food problems we have right now. They are both large increases in income from taxes, but for the program and settlement at least it is new mining income, farming income, and lumber income as well. This is a whole new area that is full of potential growth.

Learning depends on Questors answers, for now, it is about improving our greatest weapons against the shadow beasts that Sombra uses. The Flamethrower might be stationary but the liquid fire itself is very mobile, and the firebombs, and moltovs all get the same boost.

Intrigue it is time to set things up whether or not we invade next turn getting that sabotage ready we be very important in keeping our people alive when we do invade.

All overtime goes to the army and military no other way around that we need the power boost.

With so many locked actions every plan will come in under budget and grow our treasury so we have something to use when the war starts. With the increase from the new income sources finishing up this turn next turn we can use up most if not all of it and still have enough for actions afterward. If we invade as well then it is okay to go into debt to make it as in our favor as possible.
so, the differences between our plans... I take Camouflage, sympathy tour, and the blasting jelly. You take cannons, flamethrowers and flamethrowers boost.

I can understand the focus on the flamethrowers, but you really shouldn't ignore the blasting jelly. It should be a boost to Kaboom's explosives after all (plus any trap we use it in), and we're sending him this turn.

While the extra flamethrowers (and the boost) are usefull, i think camouflage is more important though. It would make moving in Sombra's lands easier, at least for our scouts, and i still hope it might unlock some stealth op against the crystal heart/black orb, or open new tactics to us (like dividing our army to attack multiple places in his lands BEFORE rejoining for the assault on the capital.
If the Yaks sent a full army I'd probably agree. They're sending a few hundreds volunteers. This makes it...well, not useless, but worse than the other actions. I'm for the steam pumps as i hope that freeing Qilin's workers can mean fielding more soldiers. Also immigrations should wait until AFTER the war (and, coincidentally, after the other two options AND the war raise our relationship with our neighbors
It's hard to say. Getting diplomatic relations going might help us get some more warriors or make the ones we have more effective. That being said the steam engine export is certainly reasonable too. After further thought I agree that immigration should wait.

I'll tentatively switch to the steam engines. These are early models anyway, we'll be improving them in the future.

I think it can wait a turn, so that we take it next turn is Sombra has not attacked and the Blizzard is continuing. I can understand and respect the argument against it though.

i think the swords can wait until we're on the attack, to keep the secret of Oricalchum until the last moment.
I strongly disagree. While it'd be nice to hold out and use them as a surprise trump card, I'd much rather get them in production and used to fight off a lot of magic. Being able to cost-effectively fight the monstrosities that Sombra will attack us with is far more important than hiding our anti-magic capabilities.

Oh and just to put my analysis to a complete plan:
[] Plan Food
-[ ] Recruitment Drives
-[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded
-[ ] Steam Pump Exports
-[ ] Blasting Jelly
-[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures
-[ ] Overtime: Screw You, You Cold, Fluffy, White Bullshit!
-[ ] New Swords for Everybody!
so, the differences between our plans... I take Camouflage, sympathy tour, and the blasting jelly. You take cannons, flamethrowers and flamethrowers boost.

I can understand the focus on the flamethrowers, but you really shouldn't ignore the blasting jelly. It should be a boost to Kaboom's explosives after all (plus any trap we use it in), and we're sending him this turn.

While the extra flamethrowers (and the boost) are usefull, i think camouflage is more important though. It would make moving in Sombra's lands easier, at least for our scouts, and i still hope it might unlock some stealth op against the crystal heart/black orb, or open new tactics to us (like dividing our army to attack multiple places in his lands BEFORE rejoining for the assault on the capital.

These are setting things for when we decide to invade not blowing stuff up. And you definitely do not want to leave explosives made from nitroglycerine laying about. They are more likely to explode on their own and are even harder to control. The camouflage might work but until he is distracted I doubt it will be enough the crystal heart is in the catacombs which we have no map or layout for so going in will get them lost. The orb is in an extremely visible and most heavy guarded location in the Empire with some form of magical defenses as well. Our first stealth magic is probably not going to be enough but I could see about switching to it instead of flame research.

The new swords might kill wendigo's too
Very unlikely. They are producing the effect as a natural byproduct, not an active move. That means the new metal will not stop them. They are also ethereal another natural effect the swords wouldn't stop.
Very unlikely. They are producing the effect as a natural byproduct, not an active move. That means the new metal will not stop them. They are also ethereal another natural effect the swords wouldn't stop.
To be fair we don't know how oricalchum interferes with ethereal beings. It PROBABLY doesn't work, but the only way to be certain is to experiment on one.
Here is an updated version of the plan switch out firebender for stealth if we want to force Sombra to attack we need a way to provoke him better intrigue and possible raid actions from this might be what is needed.

[] Plan War Prep and Boom V2

Martial: 2 actions
[] The Peregrine Line-The Gates to the North (1) Locked
[] Army Artillery (1) 500

Diplomacy: 2 action
[] Steam Pump Exports (1) 50
[] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded (1) 0

Stewardship: 2 action
[] Settling the Western Frontier (1) Locked
[] Imperial Irrigation Program (1) Locked

Learning: 2 actions
[] Camouflage 101 (1) 200
[] Machine Tools (1) Locked

Intrigue: 1 action
[] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures (1) 40% 400

Personal: 2 action
[] Overtime: Recruitment Drives (1) 1500
[] Overtime: Hans, Get the Flamethrower (1) 400

Treasury Reserves: 1240
Yearly Income: 5850
Yearly Expenditures: 540
Net Income: 5310

Cost: 5310-3050=2260
Net= 2260
Treasury= 3500

Right so all of our overtime and martial is to increase the Army's power as much as possible. If Questor says we can at least do both the flamethrower improvement and snow counteraction and we can start it with a personal action then one might be switched to that instead.

Diplomacy is all about improving relations and strengthing our more powerful ally. Right now the Yaks meeting doesn't help us as much as improving the fighting power and output of the Neignpon. Giving them weapons that improve their chance to stop the bigger force is a must.

Stewardship is all locked up and the farming increase should reverse quite a bit of the food problems we have right now. They are both large increases in income from taxes, but for the program and settlement at least it is new mining income, farming income, and lumber income as well. This is a whole new area that is full of potential growth.

Learning depends on Questors answers, for now, it is about improving our greatest weapons against the shadow beasts that Sombra uses. The Flamethrower might be stationary but the liquid fire itself is very mobile, and the firebombs, and moltovs all get the same boost.

Intrigue it is time to set things up whether or not we invade next turn getting that sabotage ready we be very important in keeping our people alive when we do invade.

All overtime goes to the army and military no other way around that we need the power boost.

With so many locked actions every plan will come in under budget and grow our treasury so we have something to use when the war starts. With the increase from the new income sources finishing up this turn next turn we can use up most if not all of it and still have enough for actions afterward. If we invade as well then it is okay to go into debt to make it as in our favor as possible.

Edit: Alright switching out the firebender for stealth research. Cost is the same and we can do the firebender on the same turn as a war if need be.
Oh and just to put my analysis to a complete plan:
[] Plan Food
-[ ] Recruitment Drives
-[ ] Boom Tubes for the Dragon-Blooded
-[ ] Steam Pump Exports
-[ ] Blasting Jelly
-[ ] Captain Karl Kaboom's Explosive Adventures
-[ ] Overtime: Screw You, You Cold, Fluffy, White Bullshit!
-[ ] New Swords for Everybody!
The difference in our plans is the steam pumps, reminder that these are just the water pumps not actual steam engines, we haven't taken the option to invent those yet.

The reason the yaks are sending any soldiers is because they couldn't do nothing while we fought, if they see another people fighting as well they might decide to dedicate even more soldiers.
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The difference in our plans is the steam pumps, reminder that these are just the water pumps not actual steam engines, we haven't taken the option to invent those yet.
Yes we are aware they are steam pumps which had a massive effect on our mining and farming output that is why we are trading them because they can increase the output and food production of the Neighpon. The two points of relations increase and the money we get is just the immediate benefits. A stronger ally is the greater benefit.
Important question for everyone but does anyone think our alliance will last once Sombra is defeated?
I don't see why not. Assuming our military dosent get completely stomped by sombra in this war, after we would still be the military, economic, and technological power house of our region making no sense for either the yaks or quilions to break their alliance with us. Aside from magic they need us more then we need them.