But just as you are about to give the whole thing up as a lost cause, you find something. A fragment of an ancient design for...some sort of flying machine? Judging by the date scribbled in the corner it was drawn up just before Discord first arrived and sent the Empire into chaos. You're not too sure what to make of it, but you know Archimedes and Genevieve would give their tail feathers to get their talons on something like this. Perhaps going to the Archives wasn't such a waste of time after all?

Gained "Flying Machine" schematics. New Learning Action Unlocked.

The bonus is dependent on the quality there is no limit to what one can get some get 5 some get more than 20. There is no set value.
Yes but I would cap how much can be applied to an action at +20%, once you start going over that things tend to spiral out of control. Low end actions seemed to be about 40% base chance, allowing two +20 omakes to apply would boost that to 80% and then the adviser boost on top of that. Compare that to a 60% chance of success, high enough to be a reward but not to the point of almost a sure thing. It also impacts the crit chance going from 1+adviser bonus chance with no omakes to 21+adviser to 41+adviser for crit chance. Getting to around a 50% crit chance (adviser bonus of +9 and 2 +20 omakes) is a bit much.
Right so Sombra has the windagos either forcefully bond or as allies.
I believe windagos in mlp are attracted to strife, conflict, and misery. All of which Sombra's kingdom gives in spades and the crystal heart keeps the cold out so he can pretty much ignore them and they give him the added bonus of making his lands a pain the ass to try to invade because of the blizzard they whip up. So they're probably not working for or with Sombra, sombra is just taking advantage of their nature because he can ignore them because of the crystal heart.

Also blimps, I believe we can have the blimps simply fly above the storm but then we run into lack of air problems so we'll need to figure out how to seal the blimps or how to bring up our own air supply. Cold will also be a thing to worry about but since we're going to have to deal with getting through a blizzard anyways I'm sure we'll find a way to keep our birds warm.

And with the mines and city. A fun siege tactic back in the day was to dig a hole under a city wall or other defense, then collapse the tunnel which brought the building down with it. Our dogs can dig pretty damn quick. If we get close to the city it might be possible for them to dig under the tower were the weakness was found and just collapse the whole thing. Figured it would be a good backup plan if plan "bomb it with a blimp" doesn't work out. And it should be real easy for diamond dogs to collapse the mines if we want to try and starve the city of resources
Yes let's make blimps and fire bombs to commit small scale exterminatus on sombra. Quick someone get the musicians to create a ride of the Valkyries type song.

More realistically maybe train up some special forces to perform a surgical strike on the castle with some demolition charges. Or if that plan doesn't work get working on some bigger cannons to flatten the castle with artilery
Also, let's please not go for the airship first time we get a chance. It is most likely an expensive action and we need that money to build up our own Empire. We can wait on it while we make larger amounts of income.
Also, let's please not go for the airship first time we get a chance. It is most likely an expensive action and we need that money to build up our own Empire. We can wait on it while we make larger amounts of income.
For me gun cotton is a bigger draw for next turn, since we should be using a martial to add cannons to our armies doing the gun cotton roll to boost those cannons would be useful. Airships is not only going to be expensive but likely be a long action chain to upgrade to the level where we would want to use them.
For me gun cotton is a bigger draw for next turn, since we should be using a martial to add cannons to our armies doing the gun cotton roll to boost those cannons would be useful. Airships is not only going to be expensive but likely be a long action chain to upgrade to the level where we would want to use them.
Yeah, we need more weapons first. As well as increasing our income from both the logging camps and settling the west. The blast furnace might also increase our income.
I do wonder if it's possible to make the crystal ponies part of our empire after we defeat sombra? That's going to be a huge expense if we do that but we might get magic users out of the deal and be able to enchant our tech.
if he doesn't transport city to the future maybe
might get a few crystal ponys running from the empire
Quick question for everyone but does anyone have any ideas on what we can do with our blimps, besides an air gryphon carrier?
transport goods
transport resources
transport people
transport over the sea
potently spy (get great telescopes)
mapping territory (pseudo google earth)
get close to space at this tech level
the floating library of griffionia
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if he doesn't transport city to the future maybe
might get a few crystal ponys running from the empire


But seriously, I am hella liking where this quest is going. We may not nomnom everyone's nations but we'll sure as hell accept everyone.

Unless of course we discover the internal combustion engine.
nope, that is a tool to go even more steampunk and make even better blimps.

Quick question for everyone but does anyone have any ideas on what we can do with our blimps, besides an air gryphon carrier?
Try what can't we do with a good enough blimp.

ooh, I can't wait to go full guns of icarus on our enemies' asses.