You are vastly underestimated just how hard it's going to be to integrate the Yaks. They have realized that they need to change doesn't mean they're even going to want to join us. They'll be more likely to side with us if we help them but expecting instant or even the ability to properly integrate them first is asking for too much.

Are you talking to someone in particular or just saying as such in general?
We should also send spies down south, to see how much we hurt Sombra and get an estimate on how long will it take him to recover.
Spies don't work against Sombra. He has complete control of his population so we can not turn or hire any of them to give us info. The best we can do is send in scouts to look at things then return with info on the layout and geography of the Crystal Empire.
Because it seems that you're saying that Sombra has his severed horn with him when in your post you claim that it blew up. If I've misunderstood then let me know and please clarify for me cause I really don't see where I went wrong if it's my mistake.
From what I can tell, the "cut-off part" in @PurposefulZephyr's omake was the stump, not the horn itself. He's clutching at his forehead.
... Honestly, it can read as either, even if it meant the still-there part.
But if it's confusing people, I'll just edit that line.
Edit: It's a stump now.
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My post was more about keeping on with our connection and keeping tabs and influence going instead of leaving them be and hoping it works out.. unless our diplomatic advisors recommend space.
We should really focus on recovery and integration of the new tech into our economy, imagine getting more then the limited cannons we had and more ammo for it as well, doing so would also solidify it into our culture, we come up with better ways to transport it, find new ways to make it easier for travel for flight capable creatures like us griffins. Maybe explore more avenues for something more complex then a cannon.
The idea of transport and canons reminds me of something... of a bit from a manga by the name of pumpkin scissors.

In one of the arcs, the empire had created a fortification around a town, placing heavy armaments on a train and having it ride along the high wall around the place, allowing a quick way to defend it on all sides. Maybe we could pull something similar...? Put tank cannons on something like minecars, as I dont think we'll be able to get fully operational trains quite yet, and move them along fortifications, creating a network to each by making tunnels through mountains. Would also allow auick passage to each fort.

Kind of also want to take the concept of the "invisible 9" from it too, taking experimental weaponry and giving it to a highly specialized unit. 901 ATT was anti-tank troops, good against highly armored units, 903 CTT was the chemical tactics troop, use of volatile chemicals and biowarfare, 908 HTT were thr high temperature troop, specialized in using flamethrowers, and so on and so forth.
Omake: The Difference between a Board-Game and a Warzone (Semi-Canon)

~~~~~~The difference between a board game and a war zone~~~~~~​
He really did not understand, from a strategic viewpoint. He has been learning, by himself, and by with his tutors game. He developed scenarios, he fought imaginary battles with his friends, to understand the art of war. He has been immersed in political and social teachings since his tender age. And like his father, he excelled at understanding whatever was thrown at him. For his Father, it might make him a great merchant, for him, it might make him a great tactician.

He tries not to be arrogant, but even he was able to picture the advantages of fighting a numerically superior foe in a easily defendable place you could lay traps on. The idea he thought on for the defense of his empire, was the same the very empire used (of course he didn't need to suggest that, his mother, his father, They woudn't miss something like that, either).

That is why he didn't understand why both of his parents were there, basically at the front lines. They are, without any doubts, the core of the entire empire, in high AND low politics. The population love Garrick Golden-Feather, even before he united the Griffon people as one. The sheer amount of progress, of betterment of the average population, is nearly uncontable. Every farmer with a hothouse thanks him publically for the technology he made real. Everyone that stops to think how they can eat in the middle of a magically enhanced winter thank him.

His mother is as much loved as he is, specially for a people like his. The Griffons love their fights, they are entrenched in discipline and military might. And Gabriella Golden-Feather is known as one of the fiercest warriors in the entire Empire. She is considered a Goddess of War, that fought most of her life in the battlefield, going from fight to fight even before the disappearance of Discord, then came back and became Queen. If your father were to fall, she would keep the empire whole. She is a very talented ruler, you seen it first hand, and your father advisors would follow her. Every single Knight Corps (which you know personally) are loyal to her.

So, why both of them were commited to the frontlines of the Winter Wars? Why the two of them, And who is considered the oldest, strongest Knight, the Kingslayer, commited to a personal fight against a vastly powerful foe with unkown force multipliers? If both his parents fell, the Empire would be in turmoil, he doesn't believe he would be able to keep the Empire whole. He is smart, he knows, but he doesn't have the political capital in order to keep everyone in line. He might manage, by some sort of miracle and a lot of goodwill, but he doesn't think his chances are any good.

Not to mention the fact he is not of age yet to assume any royal duties, and the Regent is younger than him. She might live, by what he understand, a lot more than him. To the point he will be able to show, hopefully, his grandkids to her and she will still look on her prime. She might be the best possible regent a empire ever had... at least after she reaches maturity.

So he did not understand, why make a possible single point of failure on the entire Empire? that was his thoughts, until a minut ago. Until he stick close to one of his closest friends, Girck AshenBlade, a personal friend of his, and whose father is being buried a noble's funeral cerimony, for having fought bravely on the front lines as well. His father was a lesser noble, and he could probably have maneuvered himself out of harms way by some loophole or another, but he decided to fight for his people. Like his father decided to fight to his people.

And as he stays by his friends side, watching him silently swallow his tears in order to watch Kint Ashenblade be sent away, he understands. If he had to be in a battle, where his friends would be fighting, where the loss would mean his people would be destroyed... he would commit himself as well. As his mother done as well.
Gawain Golden-Feather did not understand the difference between assigning resources in order to achieve a result, and risking one beak and limb for the sake of your homeland. Now he does.

Any Omake bonus granted by this post, I would like given to the first diplomatic action towards the Yaks, if possible.
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We have the eastern group we need to contact. We already ran into them on the Seas we need to make formal contact because we can not leave such an unknown on our border. We will need to concentrate on our own recovery both from our military force but also our farming, industry and settling the west. With the Yaks looking inward and in a weakened state this is the safest time to send our settler in.
I think we can focus our Diplo Actions on the Yaks right now. Their culture is uniquely maleable right now - we need to make sure we direct them into a favorable direction for our Empire. If possible, we ought to keep them from turning into power that will in the long term rival us. That means preferably no centralisation, and if so only as loosely as possible. If they turn into the Mongol Empire, we're only one ambitious Khan away from another existential war.

The Neighponnese can probably wait, they intentionally avoid our vessels and waters and are isolationists. I don't think we are at risk of getting "everything changed when the fire nation attacked" from them.
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Maybe we should avoid trying to make more contact out there, we get a roll that could result in a 1... again, so no I kinda want to instead lick our wounds, integrate the new tech, figure out that new ore and uses, and recruit more people. Then we can go explore some more.
I think we should make some kind of holiday to commemorate that battle. Memorialize the fallen and honor the bravery and unity the three races showed.
I think we can focus our Diplo Actions on the Yaks right now. Their culture is uniquely maleable right now - we need to make sure we direct them into a favorable direction for our Empire. If possible, we ought to keep them from turning into power that will in the long term rival us. That means preferably no centralisation, and if so only as loosely as possible. If they turn into the Mongol Empire, we're only one ambitious Khan away from another existential war.

The Neighponnese can probably wait, they intentionally avoid our vessels and waters and are isolationists. I don't think we are at risk of getting "everything changed when the fire nation attacked" from them.
Im not sure about no centralization. That would, in the long term, just lead to infighting again after this generation has passed and the good will we've accumulated is gone. Then, if someone happens to unite them during their infighting, then that'll just lead to the whole mongol empire situation that we'd dreaded earlier.

I'd prefer more to just slowly integrate them over time through cultural exchange, since that probably has the best opportunity of working in the long run. Invite any of them to join the empire, have a couple of ours go there as well, trade information, things like that. Theres also a tale from the east I recall, of a predator that was given nice shoes by its prey. The predator, being haughty, took the shoes... the prey kept making them again and again for the predator, until his soles became soft. Then, the prey stopped making the shoes. At that point, the predator could no longer walk without them, so it begged the prey for another pair.
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I mean, realistically I don't think anyone thinks the yaks will insta integrate. I feel that things would take a similar path to the feathersian league. Diplomatic relations improving leading to eventual annexation given time or disruption. Where marriage and such accelerated for the feathersian league with the war by wingbardy proving final disruption I feel that this comradeship could in a way take the role of marriage prior in boosting relations and setting stage for improving relations that over time and potentially disruption would lead to integration. For instance I could very well see relations building such that when Sombra invades next the would integrate proper.

meanwhile alliances could be forged that would serve as integration in all but name.

also for further thought is that the decentralized nature of the yaks could potentially lead to a less clear annexation and more a gradual integration of the diparate tribes and lands under our wings which may or may not be easier. I mean it's one thing for a million body strong kingdom to integrate and something else entierly for many ten thousand body strong tribes to integrate not to mention general cultural imperialism and the economic impact of the welcomed expansion of the Gryffonian trade empire.

The greatest obstacle I see is cultural difference and lack of identification and that's kinda the whole point of building relations, getting over those differences and seeing more and more eye to eye.
Im not sure about no centralization. That would, in the long term, just lead to infighting again after this generation has passed and the good will we've accumulated is gone. Then, if someone happens to unite them during their infighting, then that'll just lead to the whole mongol empire situation that we'd dreaded earlier.

Infighting is good. Because if they are infighting, it means we can play the clans against each other, as long as they see us as one of the clans instead of a foreign invader they should not have a problem with that, and our joint victory against darkness is the in we need. Or at least, they shouldn't be having a problem with that before we have turned a bunch of minor and at least one or two major clans into our puppets.
Infighting is good. Because if they are infighting, it means we can play the clans against each other, as long as they see us as one of the clans instead of a foreign invader they should not have a problem with that, and our joint victory against darkness is the in we need. Or at least, they shouldn't be having a problem with that before we have turned a bunch of minor and at least one or two major clans into our puppets.
Perhaps I could have agreed with you before the war and the whole deal with sombra, but as it is right now, after having fought on the battlefield, attempting to turn and speak to only one or two tribes instead of the collective whole would be... very distasteful, in my opinion.
Perhaps I could have agreed with you before the war and the whole deal with sombra, but as it is right now, after having fought on the battlefield, attempting to turn and speak to only one or two tribes instead of the collective whole would be... very distasteful, in my opinion.
I concur. I see little issue with engaging each tribe separately but I forsee nothing good coming out of doing anything but holding some form of dialogue with all the tribes. In fact i see advantage to dealing with seperate and disconnected tribes as disconnected entities unless that becomes no longer the case.

Essentially do diplomacy by treating people how they wish to be treated and by at least holding dialogue with everyone.
agree with this. We should have had a decent first impression, now it's time to build on it.

I'm not naive enough as to expect immediate unification, but if we help them recover from their losses and improve their situation this will raise our relationship. Once it's high enough and we know each other's cultures and people THEN we can propose some kind of joining.

We have even a good argument for it: "The Mad Sorcerer is still out there, we have to stand together if we want to destroy him once and for all. What better way than to unite our people?"

or "The Mad Sorcerer brought us together in time of war. Why can't we be togethere in times of peace as well?"
agree with this. We should have had a decent first impression, now it's time to build on it.

I'm not naive enough as to expect immediate unification, but if we help them recover from their losses and improve their situation this will raise our relationship. Once it's high enough and we know each other's cultures and people THEN we can propose some kind of joining.

We have even a good argument for it: "The Mad Sorcerer is still out there, we have to stand together if we want to destroy him once and for all. What better way than to unite our people?"

or "The Mad Sorcerer brought us together in time of war. Why can't we be togethere in times of peace as well?"
Hell, depending on how things roll it could even be "the mad sorcerer is marching at our borders right the fuck now and if we want any hope to be rid of it permanently we need to get together immediatly" or "the mad sorceror just marched against us again and we fought together again and it has become clear that we are in truth, despite all technicalities one people and thus uniting is a mere formality that makes our people only stronger"

Or my favorite of all, just "it has become clear that we are in truth, despite all technicalities one people and thus uniting is a mere formality that makes our people only stronger"

I mean, while enemies make a convenient motivating factor if things go well enough we ought be able to unite with or without imminent death on the horizon.
Maybe we do not need to annex or vassalize the yaks? that is over the borders, and the unified gryphon lands already had people of very similar cultures, built up industries, and so on.

If it is a good idea to go for it, then do so. otherwise, we should prepare and explore more before that.
Like the ariable area on the mountains is a good starting point for practice colonization. Get some towns going and introduce the idea of sedentry life to the yaks by proxy.
what about we start hiring mercs to do harassment and destroy
infrastructure and kil people in the Crystal Empire to keep Sombra on the backfoot and it will take him longer to rebuild
I still think you are all crazy for trying to take Steppe country, but go off I guess :V

what about we start hiring mercs to do harassment and destroy
infrastructure and kil people in the Crystal Empire to keep Sombra on the backfoot and it will take him longer to rebuild
Pfft and they will totes take suicide missions. At any rate, that requires some spying first to even find out what it looks like and then some serious sabotage to actually hinder him. Bit beyond what you suggest.