eh, i'd avoid it until she's mentally an adult at least, but i don't know if it's always a bad thing.
Maybe moderation,self control and/or meditation can help you control it, for example. It really depends on Questor's headcanon, the show has the greed growth happen ONCE and then it's never spoken of again.
I think considering it always evil is like having the changelings evil
just because.
Or having dark magic and necromancy
automatically being evil for no real reason.
I mean, both Twilight and Celestia shortly used Dark magic and they're fine.
As an extreme case I can actually imagine a few scenarios in which necromancy could actually be used for good (unless there are unavoidable AND unacceptable side effects and costs).
If Necromancy is actually "manipulate and torture souls" it's obviously no good, but if it's instead "control a dead body", "talk to the spirits of the dead" or even "bring people back to life"...then it's not always a black and white thing.
I remember once reading online of a d&d campaign in which the "dark lord" was a necromancer, and was actually a good guy who used zombies to farm and mine so that the peasants didn't need to. THAT is a possible good use of necromancy, depending on the rules of the system. (and the players were tricked into killing him by nobles/royals who simply wanted the old status quo back).
I'm rambling a bit, but what i mean is basically that i don't want to label an ability, power or even race as evil without good reason.
Sombra, for example, is clearly evil. His magical abilities are not necessarily evil as well (though I'd never trust him if he tried to offer knowledge and power)
..How did i get from greed growth to this?