Omake: Black Wings, Red Ground (Semi-Canon)
AN: Welp, this is gonna be interesting.

Black Wings, Red Ground

The crows came early for the feast.

Fluttering, dancing black shapes swooped down and landed on the branch of a dead tree, shaking the morning dew from the branches. Crowing, cawing, the murder talked amongst itself, fluttering and jumping from branch to branch, eager and joyous at the coming feast.

They had been growing fat and healthy off the spoils of their meals, and were eager for yet more. Though, every now and then, one would look down, and caw curiously at the little three legged pony crouched at the trees base, before turning back, ignoring the strange land dweller. There were more important things to focus on than the strangeness of land dwellers.

Sunnyside Smiles settled himself in his perch, mindful of the crackling and snapping of the dead leaves beneath him. The bright browns and reds did well to hide his dappled brown coat, though he did worry that the shade of his mane might give him away at a distance. After all, white streaked with blue wasn't exactly a autumn color. He decided it would be fine, but made sure to move lower to the ground just in case. Finally settled as best as he could, he took a moment to inspect his surroundings.

Located a good distance from the site of the spectacle to come, it was perched atop a lonely, slight hill. Stark against the afternoon sun, it's white bulk stood out even more due to its seeming isolation to the fields of grain and forests below it though he guessed that would make it more forgettable.

After all, such a location would be too noticeable to be suspicious. At least, that's what his master would say, and Smiles was inclined to listen to the old bird, considering he had been doing such things for so long.

The afternoon sun shone bright against the sky, the mornings rain clouds having retreated to the distant mountains. Below the hill, stretched out for what looked like miles was fields of grain and wheat, shining bright and golden in the autumn sun. A river cut lazily through a meadow to the east, bubbling and flowing coldly through the land scape, and flowing through a large village in the distance From his place, he thought he could see smoke rising into the sky.

Such a pretty location, almost made Smiles want to have a picnic.

Shame that, considering what would happen.

It had been a few years since the Civil war had swept through Maretonia, following the assassination of the Queen. House Whitefire and Star had been battling for control of the throne for years, with the Abolitionists on the sidelines striking at whomever they could. Smiles couldn't fault them for their enthusiasm, but knew from others that they weren't much in comparison to the main competitors, even with Gryphon help.

He knew, from one of the maps he had been given, tucked away in his pack, that he was in the west part of Maretonia, in some province or another. He wasn't sure which one, but knew that it lay between the lands of House Whitestar and Storm, and as such, it was a prime place to control. Both sides would require food for their armies, and the river allowed whomever held it to control the whole region and such a place would be vital for the war effort.

Or at least, that's what they said. Smiles was pretty sure that both houses wouldn't need such a pretty reason to fight for this place. They thought it as valuable, so they both wanted it. Simple as that. Still, such a sha-


Smiles jolted out of his thoughts as something wet and cold hit him on his flank. Looking behind him, he saw that a white liquid had hit him right on his cutie mark. Leaning closer, he sniffed at it, then recoiled. Crabapples, it was crow poop!

He glared upwards, and was met by crows and caws that he thought was mocking laughter. Grumbling, he turned and reached into his pack with his muzzle, fishing for his cleaning cloth. Not for the first time, he wished he had been born a unicorn, and could magic to fish it out, or turn those damn crows into roads or something. Alas, his lot was that of a lowly earth pony, so no such luck.

Suddenly, his teeth met something metal. Blinking, he pulled out a gold locket, bright in the sunlight. He'd forgotten he had this. How long had it been in there? Popping it open, he looked at the picture scrap inside it, smiling slightly at the sight.

Rose good eyes stared back at him, hidden behind a coy gaze and flirty smile. His loves wings were tucked against her bulk, white and gold melding nicely into one beautiful Griffon. God-Emperor, he missed his Rosalina. He wondered, not for the first time, if he would ever see her again. He grinned, remembering the night before he left his town, and the goodbye present he had been given. And then had been given many times further, with increased fervor. He made a promise that night, looking over her sleeping body, that when he came back he would propose the moment he got home.

If he ever made it back.

His smile fell, and he stared out into the distance, a cold wind ruffling his blue streaked mane as if attracted to his somber thoughts. How long had it been? Two years? Three? He couldn't remember, only the battles and the fear and the strangeness of it all. He gazed down, and looked at the stump of flesh where his left hoof used to be. He grimaced, remembering how that had been taken, and what had led him to it. What had led him to this.

He never knew his parents. Apparently, they had been Canterburian or something, he wasn't sure. But they had been captured apparently, and enslaved by Maretonia. He had been born 3 years in to their slavery, after which he had been separated from them like stock at 3 years old, and sent to some fancy Maretonian estate.

His memories were hazy of that time, but he remembered a few things. Beatings when he wasn't fast enough. Beating when he was too fast. Beatings when he was there at all. Dressed as a Griffon and paraded around like a toy in front of important guests, then 'plucked' and made to try and fly from buildings. And then there were the nights.

He preferred not to think of the nights.

This went on for years, until, on his 15 name day, Maretonia made a mistake.

They bought slaves stolen from Griffonia.

He saw his chance, and never looked back. He fled across the border into the Crystal Empire, and from there, begged and stole his way until he reached Griffonia proper.

There, on the start of a new life, he finally chose a name for himself. And he won his cutie mark.

There, he discovered his destiny.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Horns blared.

Drums boomed out.

Smiles jolted out of his thoughts. The sun was at its zenith, and he realized time had passed while he waited. Quickly, he looked up, and turned towards the noise. Above him, the crows cawed and stirred excitedly. Repacking back into his pack, he pulled out the spy glass he had brought and focused it on the north horizon.

There, in the distance, he saw the glimmer of armor and dust cloud the Maretonia House WhiteStar army.

It was a small force, about 1000 or so. He saw the glint of Legionnaire armor, and guessed about 300 or so were amongst the body. The rest, he quickly noticed, were bare or barely armed, and he grimaced. Slave soldiers. Not surprising, but still disturbing to see. He could see their desiccated and bony flanks, hollow eyes and slave collars jingling. About 500 or so.

The rest were mercenaries he assumed, from their drab and dirty armor. He saw many bodies amongs them, some pony, some Griffon, a Minotaur or two. In the back, he thought he saw a group of unicorns around a particularly well armored pony. The commander he presumed. Now where was the-

A horn blare from the south caught his attention. He turned and saw the Storm army approaching. Similar disposition, maybe a hundred more. The crows grew more restless, cawing excitedly.

The two armies marched, eventually coming to a stop in the middle of field of grain directly in from of Smiles. A quiet settled over both. Smiles grew tense, the wait growing almost unbearable.

A shout, and then both armies charged, voices carrying across the area, as the clash of steel and screams echoed through out the area.

Later, as the sunset, and the screams died down to moans and wailing, Smiles, shaken by the sights, got up from his perch, and turned down the hill, walking slowly. Another stalemate. Another report to send to Griffonia.

As he left, he looked up, and saw the crows flutter and take off from the tree, and circle slowly down, to their feast below.

AN: This has been bothering for weeks. Freedom. @Questor, accept my offering.
"Throws trash through computer screen."
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Omake: Total War Disharmony-Faction Selection
Non-canon Omake: Total War Disharmony - Main cinematic and faction selection

Main cinematic begins

Numerous battlefields flash past; deserts and plains to mountains and tundra, land and sea.

A flying phalanx of pegasi kiting battlelines of diamond dogs with javelins and crossbow.
Trolls charging through bursts of flamethrowers to reach the contraptions.
Zebras armed with magical concoctions hurling their produce toward caribou as zebra warriors rush to catch up.

Earth Pony knights, kitted in gleaming chain mail barding, lowering their lances for a counter-charge a yak warband.
Griffons grinding through a horde of malnourished slaves even as they are bombarded with dark magic in retaliation.
Qilin stuck in a five-way brawl as the different species of Neighpon clash.
Changelings charging out of nowhere, ambushing a minotaur army on the march.


The shifts slow down as the view begins to hover over piles of corpses, soldiers of all species left behind to rot.

A twisted laugh, the voice clearly belonging to Discord, echoes across the world.

The scene blinks through generals and lords of multiple factions.

Garrick Golden-Feather's screech of dismay before a casualty list.
Sombra's enraged roar as he fades into battle.
Queen Mareia throwing a vase at a wall after receiving some missive.
Yak general's bellow to the winds, challenged by a minotaur's own.
Koryū Ryuō's growl of disdain.
Calard Bohemond holding a lance up as he stoically signals for attention.
A changeling queen laughing as their eyes glow from the shadows.
A zebra warlord completing a prayer.
A caribou king and a diamond dog general screaming a challenge at one another.


Armies, some of which were made of multiple species or being reinforced by other nations, start to march toward the camera. Each shift also changes the locale of the scene, yet the armies themselves seemed to be mostly the same each time their time came to return to focus.
Yet, each shift changes the armies in some manner. In others the troops are haggard looking with few properly maintained armor pieces shared between them, in others they are all kitted to the teeth with high quality steel or more. Once or twice a great lumbering monster or a machine is added to their number.

The cinematic blinks out as the armies reach the camera, all in a charge.


Faction selection screen.

Major powers:
- Empire of Griffonia, Mundane defiance.
- Neighpon, Land of qilin.
- Maretonia, Enslaving empire
- Canterburry, Valor and magic
- Crystal Empire, Tyranny of Sombra

Minor powers:
- Yak clans, potential of strength
- Libertalia, Pirates and plunder
- Emerald Isles, Riches contested
- Olenia lands, Viking kings
- Minotauria, City states divided
- Zebrica, Uncivil wars.

Locked powers:
Changelings - defeat the game once on hard difficulty to pick this faction.


> Empire of Griffonia, Mundane defiance.

"It is bizarre that there could be a people mostly untouched by magic.
It's even more bizarre how successful such creatures could become, even when competing with beasts and lands without this weakness.
Even so, the griffons of Griffonia have persevered. Their hunters and knights range across their lands, striking down monsters wherever they hide...
Yet, the true strength of Griffonia lies elsewhere - in their most, basic, level."

"The land of Griffonia is rich in applicable resources. Their inventors, unable to access the powers of magic, have broken open secrets that others have ignored.
Hardened by conflicts and attacks from creatures beyond their power to stop alone, they've bred generations of disciplined soldiers, their homes remade into fortresses, their wings carrying them to battle."

"Now, with the disappearance of Discord, the time has come to unite Griffonia under one banner.
Let other lands have their magic, their precious shortcut.
The Griffons will take their place with industry, invention and sheer force of will."

Faction effects:
+ Core of disciplined and diverse troops.
+ Able to research high tier industrial buildings
+ Warmachines
+ All basic troops and -lords capable of flight.
- No native spellcasters
- Few, but strong internal rivals
- lack of luxury goods
- Elite units noticeably weaker than those of other factions.
- The wilderness of your nation is filled with magical monsters and diamond dogs preying on your people

Choose your Lord:
- Garrick Golden-Feather, Last heir of Gryphus
  • Assimilator: gain universal access to basic Diamond Dog units and alternative Diamond Dog elites, start with no diamond dog raider camps in your lands. Gain an alternative Barracks: 'Emperor's barracks', that allows recruitment of non-griffon troops in conquered or vassalized provinces. Start with a diplomatic bonus with other griffonian sub-factions.
- Garibaldi Talonuelli, Duke under siege
  • Defender: all troops receive bonuses when fighting within your own territories. Gain more militia from garrison buildings and walls. Upgrading garrisons and walls is cheaper. All units have increased morale and public order is less upset from enemy raiding.
- Cyril Brochard, The merciless advance
  • Purger: start the game with all monster nests and diamond dog raider camps destroyed. Start with increased combat stats. Lower public order in enemy provinces you neighbor or are standing in. When moving across enemy lands, normal movement counts as 'raiding stance' without its penalties. Gain a new building: 'Monster pit', allowing recruitment of enslaved monster auxiliaries.

> Garrick Golden-Feather, Last heir of Gryphus
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Omake: The Lands of Our Empire
Gryphus Patriotic Song: The Lands of Our Empire

We will sing together,
And the mountains will hear our call;
And we will raise our voices,
Remembered forever, The Lands of Our Empire.

We will dance through the country,
And the now and the past will be one;
Side by side, we will unite,
As one mind, as one soul, the Pride of Our Empire.

Oh, depth's bounty full of dark ores,
With the steam rising up from the land;
Enlightened open minds,
To guide us, to lead us, in Ruling Our Empire.

We will live in joyous laughter,
With the love and the trust that we share;
And the world will know the good times,
Glory and Honour, The Lands of Our Empire.

Having been inspired from the cover below, I had originally wanted this to be the national anthem. However, as I went through altering the lyrics, I considered that the anthem would probably be based on the British, Imperial German or Austro-Hungarian Anthem. All glory to our brave and noble Emperor.

That make me change course to simply making it a patriotic song similar to Jerusalem, epic enough to be a unofficial anthem and something full of pride and wonder without referencing the monarchy and heroic enough to be sung at a sporting event to fill the crowd with nationalism without being offensive or imperialistic.

Omake: Total War Disharmony Let's Play: Ep 1
Non-canon Omake: Total War Disharmony - "Let's play Total War: Disharmony - The Griffonian campaign. Ep 1: You have a Brochard? I have a *censor beep*-ing Terminator!"

*A video. On its thumbnail there's a clearly edited picture of Garrick Golden-Feather with cartoonishly bulging, stupefied eyes. He's staring at a Grandmaster general with a river of blood dripping from the ripped off wing held by his beak. Metal gleams through his open wounds.*

"Hello ladies and gents, It's ****** and it's time for our newest ordeal! Let's see if we can win as the dwarfs in the lands of Disharmony.
Well, if the dwarfs in question happened to be some kind of... mammal, bird... things..?
That don't like living in tight spaces..."

"I think I failed that analogy."

*Rewind sounds*

"Let's see if we can win as the griffons: proud, majestic, magicless bird-lions that really like cannons!
After you research them, that is - but hey, you do have other deadly implements of murder to use while waiting for your game changers.

*Transition to Lord selection screen*

"We have three people to choose from to be our true lord and savior:"

"We could play as the merchant-turned-king Garrick Golden-Feather; his faction-wide bonus, personal skill tree supporting a path of friendly unification, trade, and with the personal backstory backing for friendly relations - with a trait that also encourages you to conquer and force-vassalize everyone around you for that beautiful, cancerous blob of hodgepodge armies of all species combined,"

"We could play as duke Garibaldi Talonuelli, the ultimate turtle to have ever turtled on this world -

"Or we could arm ourselves with claw-fitted jackboots and be led by the badass, king 'I don't give a *censor beep* about subtlety' Cyril Brochard and play a campaign of constant expansion; first training monsters to fight for you and trying to pummel through as many enemies as possible before they can recruit their more advanced spellcasters, then trying to outboon the enemy with the help of your skill tree that gives industrial bonuses per conquered province or capital city."

"Honestly, I think I prefer the first one just for variety's sake.
Yes, the more I think of it -

*A cutscene passes by, summarizing the age of Discord and the merchant roots of the Golden-Feather, before rapidly dropping you to the strategic map, hovering over the chosen capital city.*

"Alright, here we go.
First things first, lets group some of our armies together to make few full-stacks."

"Notice how some of these armies have more restricted movement than others? It's because of these Diamond Doggos we have in them. Good infantry, can tunnel through stuff and in a battle, but strategically you would still prefer for them to also be flying.
Let's dislocate them from these stacks and make them into a stack of their own. No Diamond Dog generals yet to lead them with, so need to use a Griffon - better keep those dog crackers unspoiled dude; your boys might get hungry for some giant chicken wings if you don't."

"Now our randomly generated generals seem pretty decent so no need to replace them just yet, but like many factions Griffonia can actually recruit some higher tier generals. Limited amounts corresponding to having the right buildings built, enough provinces to support them etc etc, but every one counts.
In Griffonian's case it's the Grandmasters. Basically you get a good, smashy general that likes to get stuck in with their troops.
With the other lords I wouldn't recommend rushing for this building, but Garrick just isn't strong enough for things requiring personal intervention. Even the lord of turtleland could beat him in a dual at the start of the game, so we should make certain we get something to counter that.
So now as we've invested our entire turn one income to building a single building in our capital, let's go hunt some barbarians, monsters and barbaric monsters!"


"OK, it has been a few turns and our diplomatic overtures been going well. The military access given to us by Wingbardy certainly helped us there; the diplo bonuses for clearing their camps are clearly having an effect. We might just be able to confederate them in a few turns already.
The Feathesian league's city states are less likely to just join up until we've dealt with the other big contenders, just the way their AI was programmed.
Aquileia - damn my spies and diplomats are doing good work subverting the public order and all but Brochard looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel and setting himself ablaze by the sheer force of hatred accrued for living in the same world as I."

*Mouse hovers over Brochard's portait in the diplomacy screen, his face being just as described*

"Meanwhile, our Grandmaster's citadel is finally finished and our first Grandmaster spawned with it.
Let's hope the first guy got good enough traits, replacing one takes a day and a ha-"


*Distorted voice*:

"Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak

Monstrous huntmaster: increased damage against monster typed enemies. Recovers hitpoints when slaying a monster.
Master duelist: substantially increased attack skill, defense skill and attack speed while dueling.
Unconquerable will: Unbreakable. 25% resistance to mental type magical effects."

"... WHAT THE FU-!"

*"We will be back in a moment. Sorry for the delay"*

"OK, that's fine.
This is fine.
The almighty luck generator has blessed us with the most luckiest find in my sheer history of this game, but that's fine, who needs balance?!"

*A single turn passes. A declaration of war between Aquileia and Wingbardy, triggering the guarantee of independence.*

"Your timing is impeccable, Brochard.


*The battle turned into a bloodbath in a real hurry. In ranged firepower forces of Golden-Feather were clearly stronger than their opponents, but the hordes of chaff mercenaries ate ammunition like a sponge.
And then there were the trolls.
None of that could stop the inevitable, though.*

*In the end, it ended with a challenge to a duel between a health-depleted Brochard and the Grandmaster.*

*First swing.*


"Well... shit.
I guess we are unifying Griffonia early."
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Omake: Total War Disharmony - Changeling faction Intro
Non-canon Omake: Total War Disharmony - Changeling faction Intro and Trailer

*Cinematic begins*

*Bird-eye view of A dark foreboding deserts with jagged coal-black rocks jutting out randomly. A pale white crow flies in looking at the ground below. Scene moves to where the crow looks.*

For generations, this World was split and waved and shifted, at the whims of a mighty beast, uncaring for the troubles and pains of mortals, engrossed in its own amusement.

*A figure in long worn rags is seen, holding a staff and dragging its tail limping on following a greenish-black snake.*

But now the great divider Discord, anarchic spirit of chaos, is gone. How his reign was ended only few are aware, but the World cares not, save that his twisted sense of delight has come to an end, that he has fallen.

*Scene shifts showing the limping figure, an old bipedal cat, with milky eyes. A crow's caw. He pauses and looks up, lifting his hand.
The pale white crow caws again as it sets on his paw and then shoulder.*

A new age is upon us, but it's not free of strife. For how can it, when so long it has been in disarray that but few remembered how these land were. Villages are growing, Kingdoms are crumbling and Empires vey for power and scrap their own vision into reality.

*Crow caws again and flies off, while the old feline continues its journey, now close to his destination… A holed rocky spire.*

Times have changed.

*Suddenly the snake the cat followed bursts into sickly green flames, and in its place a hissing, chitinous pony-like thing emerged, glaring at the old traveler. Like avalanche pieces of rock, reptiles, scorpions, and deadwood burst in the same flames, revealing a whole army of the same beings, encircling him.*

A strong leader is needed to bring about a new order.

*Suddenly the feline with wide eyes looks at the nearest hole.*

*Scene shifts, showing a shadowy figure slowly, confidently walking out in the light. The insect-like pony, taller than the traveler, clicks once and as one the lesser insect fall silent.*

As empires battle for the world's fate, I make my own humble contribution,

*The regal predator gazes at the cat expectantly.
Scene shifts with the feline walking closer to her… and kneeling*

in the employ of her grace, the mighty Changeling Queen…

*Scene moves showing the Changeling Queen from a slightly tilted angle*

… Still I bring forth grave news.

*Her eyes narrow, her long jagged horn radiating magical energy, rivaled by very few, blanking the scene as her roar is heard*
*Scene shift showing a swarm of changelings marching and flying through a rocky path The Queen, with a thundering expression, and the advisor watching from a nearby outcrop.*

*Scene shifts again, showing a slightly smaller Queen lifting tomes of valuable knowledge, commanding nearby drones. Some changing into ponies, some flying off heeding her orders*

Even now as we make haste to your ancestral Hive, your treacherous daughter marshal her forces to throw off your rightful reign and set forth a path for her own ambition.

*Shift to a drone, with a scar over the left side of his face and ornate helmet, overseeing the hatching, training, and marching of brawny, heavily armored changelings.*

Find your loyal general Abdoen, gather the first warrior drones born in centuries, halt the foulish princess' plans and bring forth a new era for your Changelings under your cunning rule!

*Shift to ending titles*

Total War Disharmony

Inspired by TW:W trailers and especially @Somebodynobody10 's omakes.

Decided to add my own 2 cents. Is it good?
Omake: Many Years Later, In a Land Far Away
Many, many years later, in a land far, far away

There is a small village at the edge of a forest. Its only export is lumber tended by decades of dedicated lumberman ponies.
In recent weeks this serene place was attacked by bandits every second or third night. Childres and housekeepers ran and hid, while most villagers took arms and fought back, but every time they were defeated, their farms and stores - ransacked. If it weren't for the unicorn healers, there would have been casualties, lost hands for tending the farms along with timber, and they would have lost more than they had.

But each time these attacks became harsher and harsher, more ponies were hurt and more stocks were stolen. In scant few weeks, winter will come. If things continue as they were, by next summer many villagers, mainly the old and young will die of cold or lack of food.

Desperately the villagers gathered all their remaining money into two small pouches and tried to hire mercenaries that often pass through here. Yet it was for naught - the local mercenaries comprised of ponies and the rare minotaur either asked more than the villagers could offer or outright refused to help them. It all seemed hopeless and many resigned for the hard times ahead.

That is until a single outsider offered his services.


He was a strange being from far lands one not seen by any of the locals for he was not a pony or even a minotaur. With a body of a lion, sharp claw-like front paws, wings larger than any pegasi they ever saw, armed with weapons none of them recognized. He was clad in a gleaming black and red armor with a face-concealing helmet. Nearly all villagers instinctively knew he was dangerous. A predator that could easily kill any of them if he so desired.

Most villagers avoided him and some yelled for him to leave however, they were desperate so the village leaders accepted his offer.

During his stay all but few avoided him and always kept one eye on him, fearing he might butcher one of their own. Few that interacted with him did so with reluctance, answering as little as possible. Except for a single elder that providing a barn for rest, albeit near the border of the village, confirming how the bandits acted or pointing from where they usually struck.


The same day, near twilight, when shadows are long, but suns light can still be seen, the predator entered the forest. For many hours the villagers waited. Whether for the predator to return dead or alive, bandits to attack or something else no one knew.

At last, near midnight, the villagers heard sounds from the forest, like claps of small thunders, but with no cloud to be seen none understood what it was. Soon it was followed by shouts of pain, clash of swords and shields, discharges of magic, screams of bloody murder and panic. For several minutes, that felt like hours, it continued, until for a brief second the forest was illuminated by what many swore was a great bonfire, preluded a sound, so loud as if lightning struck a tree in half!

As suddenly as it started, it ended, the quiet and darkness of night returning.

By then all villagers came near the forest, driven equal part by fear and curiosity to see what has happened. For a long time, everyone held their breath, not knowing what to expect...

Until a lone figure exited the forest. It was the predator. In his right claw, he held a black blade with bluish glowing symbols and edges, what little blood remained, slowly evaporated. But all looked at his other claw.

With it, he pulled a cart filled with bags and trinkets that were stolen from the village. He came closer to the village leaders, let the cart stop and merely said: "It is done, they won't bother you again."

Chears and joyous shouts filled that night, most celebrating till dawn. That day some brave few went into the forest to finally see what happened, only to find the chopped bodies of few bandits. 'Bandits' that comprised the same popular mercenary company that had demanded thrice the money otherwise ignoring the villagers' plea, recognized only by their clothing or a lone disembodied head.

When the news came back, many were shocked. The same ponies that they hosted after long travels, were the ones that sieged their homes for weeks. The same ponies like them were the cause of their misfortunes for so long. And the only one that helped them was the sole outsider that they feared and even ridiculed.

When the villagers tried to find him and express their gratitude and apology, they only found a single pouch, half of his payment. When asked around what happened to their savior the same elder that accommodated him told what happened:


The griffin, for that, was what he called himself, came back to the barn after the battle, gathered his stuff and equipment, rest for few hours and come morning would leave.

The elder came in the middle of his preparations asking why is he leaving so soon? Isn't he tired of the battle? He could stay here and recuperate. He was haled as Hero and that there will be a celebration in his name.

The griffin merely answered that his job is done and there are other places for him to be. When asked why he took only half his intended pay, he answered a pay equivalent to his job, with housing included, no more, no less.

With the rise of Sun, the elder contented himself with accompanying the griffon till the gate and bid him safe travel.

The griffin thanked the elder for his hospitality and started his journey.

When the elder asked why he helped despite the village's animosity, the griffin stopped, looked bach at the elder through his helmet and merely said: "This is the way".

I know that the quality of my works are.. mediocre at best, and most of you can do better with such concepts, but I was "inspired" and I tried to do my best, to capture that feel. I failed, so I won't butcher any of your further omakes And next time I'll ask you if it's ok to post a piece.
Good luck with your other omake ideas. For real. They are awesome
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Omake: Total War Disharmony - Equestria factions Intro
Non-canon Omake: Total War Disharmony - Equestria factions Intro and Trailer
C / L

*C: Cinematic begins*

*Scene opens to a brightly lit healthy grassland with broken fences on one side of the road, and a traveler in rags*

Inconsistent, random, shifting … disharmonious. For the longest time, the world and all who lived in it were but a plaything to Discord.

*Scene shifts to show the ascribed feline traveler on a grassy, mountain road leading to marble walls with huge gates. A white crow flies by, cawing.*

In that dark period countless lives were scarred, families broken and past greatness – forgotten.

*The limp figure, looks back and stretches out his hand. The crow lands on it then jumps on his shoulder.*

However, now the powerful beast was laid low. He holds the world no more. At long last, the ponies of this land can aim for the future!

*The Crow caws, and flies off. The traveler then continues toward his destination.*

But all is not pristine. The plants grow without guidance, weather changes haphazardly, and tribes are forming once more.

*Scene shifts, showing the cat walking through the city. Ponies look at him with mild fear and somewhat hostile, untrusting gazes, always following, but letting him pass.*
*Scene moves showing some workers, mainly earth ponies, protected by Royal Guards mostly pegasus, with a Captain, unicorn, leading them all preparing and awaiting orders.*

To avoid the pains of the past, to avoid the times before the Unification, ponies need law, stability, cohesion, tradition.

*Scene shifts showing several Nobles, exclusively unicorns, and few Generals, unicorns with the odd pegasus and one Earth pony, sitting around a table, with the outsider standing near the exit. All answering to their undisputed leader.*

I am the bearer of law, offering my knowledge to a worthy leader such as you:

*Scene shifts. A door opens, revealing a tall, white-furred pony with large feathery wings and a gleaming horn. As others bow to her it is clear she is the one "above them all".*

Princess Celestia, Everlasting Light, Stuart of the Sun, Saviour of Equestria! Beloved by all, you and your sister did the impossible and now you must take rein. You know the struggles of the past, the chaos of Discord's reign, and what must be done to help your ponies. Only you have the power to give them the paradise you know they deserve!

*Scene shifts showing Princess Celestia on a balcony. The scene moves down showing a crowd of ponies cheering for her. At the far edge of the square the white-eyed cat looks up at the young ruler.*

Gather your wayward flocks, give them stability, and show them your vision of a better Equestria.

Now is your time to shine!


*L: Cinematic begins*

*Show starry, night sky with and wild, lush forest and a tetter covered Abyssinian walking through it, followed by a white crow on a tree branch*

Ponies long were content to live their lives without others entering their borders. Yet with the rise of Discord, it was a lost dream. Even now with the fall of that monster, they don't have such a luxury.

*Scene shifts showing the forest. It is dark with several sparse rays of light piercing the thick canopy. All plants, from grass and flowers to bushes and trees are wild exudes danger to the unwary, yet offers an untamed beauty that the brave few can appreciate.*

Beings they never knew even existed now roam their land. Most fear them, but not you.

*The same white crow caws, flying toward the feline. He merely stretched out his hand letting the crow land. It then jumped on his shoulder, caws and flies off, while the traveler resumed his journey, now close to his destination in the middle of the forest… An old castle.*

No… Where others see danger, you see opportunity, where others – reject, you – reach out. Where others wish for the past, you aspire to the future. Where other bask in the limelight of the few, you toil to help all.

*Scene shifts revealing a small group of different species of Thestrals (Bat ponies), some earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi and the odd deer working together in mixed roles. They merely glance curiously at the feline, return to their work, but open a path toward their leader.*

*Scene moves through the group revealing a midnight blue-winged unicorn, barely a head shorter than the traveler.*

I answer your summon, Princess Luna, o Guardian of Night and Dreams.

*Tiredly she looks up from her work at the Abyssinian and returns his gentle smile.*

The world has changed and Equestria is in peril if it remains the same.

*Scene shifts revealing overhead view of many clustered camps in the forest, consisting of different species working together as equals. Standing amid this giving orders and suggestions is Princess Luna followed by the feline Advisor.*

What many call "tradition", you know to be "stagnation". Where others claim it brings safety, you know it brings ruin, you know it would end the lives you fought so hard to save. Only a radical shift can assure your Kingdoms place in this brave new world.

Go, fulfill your duty, and save all you hold dear.
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Omake: Are Sea Shanties Still Sea Shanties Above the Clouds?
But, seriously, we NEED airships! The boons to travel, trade, and exploration alone are astronomical.
We can look further afield with the exploration options after they have been invented.
Are Sea Shanties Still Sea Shanties Above the Clouds?​
meanwhile, on a certain island nation of savvy privateers....
Within Libertalia, there was a small nook, just off the coast and built inside a half sunken ship. One half, sunk into the ocean and resting along the sea bar, served well enough as an outdoor seating area, although it was usually seen empty. The other half of the derelict ship housed the bar proper. A strange, dingy, slanted place where the waves tended to shift the half to and fro, causing all manner of drink and food to spill and clatter on a good day.

But no one really came there for the food and drink, even it was a nice enough. No, the main reason people came there was for its... reputation, amongst the information community of the pirate hideout.

The Solomon's Yard. A bar that spilled secrets as much as it spilled its food and drink.

As usual, a well dressed perpetually smiling unicorn mare, a rather stunning beauty if not for the scar across her face (although some took that as something that made her look even more beautiful), passed a drink over to one of her regulars, the cheap drink sliding itself across the recently replaced oak table by the force of gravity alone.

"There ya go, Goldie," She spoke, leaning over the table, her smile widening, "One King's Audience, chilled as ya usually like it. Just remember-"

"-Five Minutes. I know the drill Drake."

"That's right. Five minutes. No more, no less." She tossed him a wink, "And as always-"

"-If we spill it, we clean it." He and his compatriot, a rather large stallion wearing a hood, replied.

"Then have at it."

Drake's horn glowed for a bit as a small blue bubble surrounded them, before disappearing. Then, she turned around and sashayed her way to the other side of the bar, where another customer was waiting.

"... What a mare." The larger of the two spoke, a wistful tone in his voice.

"That she is..." The one named Goldie replied, reaching out for his drink and missing as the ship swayed to the left. "She's too good for this place."

"Too good or too bad?" The other raised an eyebrow, "She might have decided to settle down in this horrid old place, but she's still the Sea Dragon. A record of sunk ships an island wide, sword skills to take on an entire ship of sea-dogs, has never been drunk under the table, still undefeated in a hoof wrestling match-"

"Yes, yes, I know, I know. Who's the informant here?" Goldie reached out for his drink once again, this time managing to snatch it before it drifted off again, "Anyway, we dont have much time and we didn't come here for the view, as nice as it is."

The hooded one sighed, "Your right on that. So, what'd you call me here for?"


A thunk sounded out, causing his drink to slosh in its glass, as his companions face dropped down to the table, "It's always griffons, isn't it?"

Goldie shrugged, "Not my fault there just happens to be the most news on 'em. You know how it is... People want to know what is going on with our new overlords, and so, we supply. And It's not like there's a small supply either. You know, give a crystal pony a drink, get them talking about their oh so wonderful saviors... Its an information specialist's dream. Or nightmare, depending on which side you're on."

"You say that, but then maybe you'll hear something you weren't supposed to or say something to someone on the wrong side, and presto! You'll wake up one day with a severed head in your bed or a knife sticking out of your chest." The stallion briefly glanced around, "It's not really paranoia when they have eyes and ears everywhere, yeah?"

"... You can't really believe everything they say about Griffonian Intelligence, can you? It's just propaganda. I mean, really, who in Tartarus would believe they managed to sneak out every single last slave we took from 'em in one night? Without Magic? It's bloody nonsense, is what I'm getting at. They probably just secretly paid them off." He rolled his eyes, "And all this about them managing to destroy Maretonia from the inside out... Sure, it's got the upper management spooked to Tartarus and back and patting themselves on the back for taking the whole Griffon deal, but there's no way Griffonia was involved in any way with that. Causing a civil war with just spies? Please. The abolitionists were already starting to gather together before the whole Griffonia thing started, it's all them. Griffonia is just taking credit."

"I'll take the side of caution, thank you very much." The larger muttered, "You haven't really seen them in person, have you? Just hop over to the crystal protectorate and bar hop, watch all the pretty girls-"

"Information gathering is more than that!"

"-fine, listen to pretty girls, but still, you haven't really seen many griffons at all, right?" He tossed the question at his companion, "I'm not saying I disagree with you or anything, but any nation that has its intelligence bureau out in the open is either extremely confident in what they do, or are the worst spies in the world. I think, given their track record, I'll go with the former."

"We'll just have to agree to disagree on that." He replied, taking a sip from his mug, "Anyway, onto why I called you here. I heard something... interesting from my information gathering missions."

He lifted his head off the table, "So you heard something interesting at a bar. What of it?"

"It wasn't you usual chatter. Since they started up that University, there's been a lot of chatter that's been going over my head, but this time, I heard some talk in Neighponese."

His companion nodded, "Right, forgot you knew a bit of that..."

"Right, anyway, they were talking about a bunch of stuff. Not all of it I caught, but I did hear them talk about runes, merlin, and making things fireproof."

"And that should interest me... why?" He tilted his head, "Merlin's been making waves since he showed up, all the crystal ponies do is talk about those damn runes if its not about the griffons, and making stuff fireproof is basic Neighponese magic. Are you going somewhere with this?"

"It's not the fireproofing that was interesting. It was what they were trying to fire proof." He smirked, a giddy feeling rising from his stomach, "Get this, apparently, the Emperor is thinking about making a ship."

The stallion's eyes windened a little, "Alright. Now you've got me a little interested. What's the Emperor want with a fireproof ship?"

"Its not just any ship." Goldie reached into his pocket and pulled out a napkin, "I caught a glimpse at their table and sketched out something on a napkin. Tell me, what's that look like?"

The stallion took the napkin and opened it up, both eyebrows rising at the strange image depicted on it, "A... balloon with propellers? Wait is he making-"

"A ship that can travel the skies?" He let out a small chuckle, "Seems so. Airships, man, airships!"

"Airships..." He spoke, a slight heady feeling in his skull, "That'll be-"

"A game changer? Maybe." Goldie replied, "Currently, it seems what they're using to get it off the ground is a tad... volatile, but once that is fixed, they'll go into the prototype phase. And after that, mass production. And once that happens? Well, you can bet your flank that everyone from the upstarts to the priate lords will be running to get their hooves on one."

"Sky piracy..."

A huge grin spread across Goldies face, "Got it in one, mate. A new era is be coming. An era of Sky Pirates."

The Stallion turned, giving his companion a confused glare, "But... why tell me?"

Goldie shrugged, "Because, out of everyone, I trust you the most, and you also happen to be in a unique position to take the most advantage of this in the future. So, think of me telling you this as a favor. Remember me in the future, wont ya?"

Suddenly, the bubble around them phased back into existence, flashing once more before dissipating.

"And that's five minutes." Goldie replied, finishing off his drink, "I gotta go. See ya around, Red."

The informant got up from his seat and walked out, leaving Red alone.

"Sky pirates..." He muttered, "I'll need a crew..."
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Omake: Something New and Old (Semi-Canon)
AN: Kept you waiting huh? No? Okay then.

Something New and Old​

'Thump'. "Uugggggghh."

The princess was having another bad session today, it seemed.

Quiet-Moon-Stone- Ahem, Sir Moonstone as he was known now - smiled in sympathy beneath his helm as Princess Gleaming Pearl dropped her head into the weathered scroll before her, groaning in frustration. It had been the third such reaction this morning to the writings, and he was pretty sure it wasn't to be the last.

The old kin shifted from his position near the stone door, armor clanking and groaning as he readjusted his position and moved from one paw to another. Leaning against the wall, he looked on as the Princess expressed her frustration further by raising her head of the table, looking at the Scroll again, and then planting it back down upon the cold surface.

He knew personally how the Elders writings and cryptic messages could inspire such feelings. Many times in his youth he had silently cursed the seemingly obscure and pointlessly complicated advice given to him by his Grand-Sire-Elder. He had wondered sometimes if they did it on purpose.

From the continued groaning and shifting , it seemed the Princess had come to a similar conclusion.

It had been a few cycles since the young Bright-Stone-Pony Princess had approached the Kin in order to understand the Stone. Such a interest had been unprecedented in the Elders Memory and one from a member of the Empires Royal family to boot, and there had been some fierce debate amongst the council as to how much could be shown and understood by one not of the Kin. In the end, they had decided to assign a few elders to tutor the young pony, in the hope that they might further the Princesses understanding.

Speaking of which. 'Thwack!!'

"Ow!!" The Princess cried out and and stared angrily at the offending cane, touching the spot on her head where the blow had struck. " That's was uncalled for!" Cried the Princess, glaring at the one holding the cane, " How dare you strike me-" 'Thwack!' "Ow!" The Princess squealed, grabbing her hoof now and glared sullenly at the bruised spot, and back at the offending party.

Small and shrunken, Elder-Grand-Long-Tooth stood barely above the Princess in height, the old Kin seeming shriveled and frail compared to the young and beautiful pony. This seeming frailty, however, belief the fact that the Elder was, by his reckoning, almost 300 cycles old, and as such was revered amongst the Kin. Ancient beyond belief, the Elder had lived through the Day The Sky Fell, the Discordian reign, and the Rise of the Empire, and was one of the few who remembered the Kins ancient heritage. This age and wisdom, however, did not deprive the elder of a fiery and stubborn attitude, and many Kin feared his anger and irritation. And the Poor Princess was his latest target.

Snorting, the Snow White Kin tapped the scroll with his cane, albeit with less force, and looked at the pouting Princess sternly through sunken eyes beneath wrinkled and scared fur.

"If thoust wishes to act like a pup, then this one will treat you like a pup." The elders voice croaked from his wizened face as he lowered his can back down upon the stone with a decided thump. "Also, remember that this scroll is older than your entire family line, and probably older than your Crystal Empire as well. So try not to damage it with your tantrums, or you may try to replace it yourself if you wish."
" But I wasnt..." protested Gleaming Pearl, but stopped as the Elder raised one writhered and shrunken brow. " Yes, Teacher." She mumbled, and looked back down upon the scroll with a sigh, and resumed studying in silence, sighing every once in a while as she wrote down her notes.

Across from him, on the other side of the room upon a stool, the Princesses handmaiden winced in sympathy at her charges plight. A slender, velvet colored mare, she was one of many servants employed by the royal family, and one, Moon suspected, was on the payroll of Lord Ravensburg. He wasn't surprised, the chief spy master of the Empire probably wanted to keep a close eye just in case.

Moon noticed that the maid glanced at him now and then, looking up from her knitting to look at his frame from the corner of her eye, as if looking for his reaction beneath his helm. Probably wondering if he shared her amusement and worry, or just nervous and anxious at the giant Kin in armor. He smiled, and nodded at her, his scarred face slightly visible through his visor. She flinched, and looked back down in a hurry, seemingly embarrassed or uncomfortable looking at his scarred muzzle. He sighed inwardly, and settled back against the wall, annoyed.

Still scary. Stone it.

He tried to not make others uncomfortable, but his wounds and size made it hard. At 44 Cycles old, he still towered over most Kin, Tall-Winged-Bird-Lions, and ponies, his bulk muscled and Steel-Fur only made it worse. His scars didn't help. Wounded in the War against Sombra, his body was ravaged by scars and old burns. The left side of his muzzle was permanently damaged, the nerves melted and burned so throughly that he couldn't smile or feel that side. His right ear wasn't much better, being a scarred, shredded mess even after all these cycles. Often, during training or guard duty, he often heard and saw Ponies and Griffons looked at him and whisper, sighing or staring in obvious discomfort or mixed awe at his scarred bulk.

Sighing internally again, he looked back towards his charge, and saw her sighing and groaning to herself as she struggled to comprehend the scroll before here. Not much progress today it seemed.

It had taken much convincing on the Empires to allow the Princess to be tutored like this, as the Elder had been quiet reluctant to share any of the Kins secrets, even with a member of the royal family and the councils urging. It had taken even longer to convince him to allow the Princess to bring a guard and one of her servants along to the sessions. But, eventually he had caved, though Moon suspected it was more because the Elder had been charmed by the Princess's genuine interest than any convincing on Ravensburgs or the Emperors part. Pearl has a nack for charming people with her genuine interests and personality.

Though perhaps, Moon thought to himself with amusement as another sighed escaped the young mare, She might be regretting her decision to learn under this particular Elder.

At first, the lessons had gone well, with Pearl seeming to absorb the Elders instruction like a sponge, and the Elder offering, what seemed to Moon, purposefully forced praise. However, they appeared to have hit a road block in her studies of the Stone within recent months. The Princess had grown more and more frustrated at the seeming lack of progress, and what appeared to her unhelpfully cryptic advice on behalf of the elder. This particular session, seemed especially bad, as they had barely been at it for an hour before another roadblock.

Finally, after ten more minutes of sighing and frustrated groaning, Elder Longtooth sighed, and tapped his can on the stone floor, signaling the Princess to stop her studies. "Fine, tell me what is troubling you Princess. All that hemming and hawing is distracting and you obviously have questions." As soon as the Elder was done speaking, Princess Gleaming Pearl seemed to simultaneously relax in relief and then tense, and leaned forward, slamming her hoof upon the table, her eyes seemingly blazing with frustrated curiosity.

"This scroll makes no sense!!!" She exclaimed, tapping the offending piece of parchment. "It says that the Stone is different from stone, but it is also the same thing, but different. And what does it mean when it says, draw the water from the Stone, there is no water! Stone can't produce water!! And draw the Life from a stone and make it grow?!? What's that even mean?!? And furthermore," Pearl cut off the Elder as he was about to speak, and tapped the scroll harder, seeming to grow more frustrated by the second, her carefully groomed mane growing more frayed as she ran her hooves through it, and eyes growing wide. Moon chuckled to himself, amused to see the normally polite and graceful Princess it talks about growing Crystal from a pebble of granite. That's literally impossible, even with magic!! How can you grow Crystal from a pebble, theres not enough-"

"Enough." The elders voice cut through the tirade like a knife, and his cane tapped on the ground sounding like a gavel. "The problem is now clear." The maid jumped, leaping to her hooves in shock. Gleaming Pearl froze, mouth open mid sentence, practically standing on the table. Moonstone blinked, having never heard the Elder like this before. He sounded... exasperated?

"It seems that we have reached the limit of your education at this juncture." croaked the Elder, pushing his cane at Gleaming Pearls chest, pushing her off the table, " the problem is obvious." Gleaming Pearl seemed stunned, allowing herself to settle back down off the stone table. But then Moon saw her shake herself "So you agree?" She asked, seemingly excited to be right for once in her instruction with the Elder. The Elder nodded, his shriveled face stern. " Yes, the problem is quite clear." He repeated, and moved towards the door. The Princess looked bemused, watching the Elder leave with a stunned expression.

The Elder opened the door, and turned back towards the group, who looked on in stunned silence. " What are you waiting for, the Stone to grow a Beard? Hurry up." And with that, he exited the room.

The Princess stared in silence for a moment, then with a yelp, scrambled out of the room, taking the scroll with her. "Wait, Teacher!! What did you mean?!?" The maid followed, moving in a hurry to keep up with her charge, knitting forgotten. Stone chuckled, and moved after her, closing the door behind him, flooding the room in darkness.

Outside, the palace hallway was lit by the afternoon sun in streaks of gold and shadow as sunlight flowed through the windows. Lavish rugs and curtains hung from walls, suits of armor lining down the halls. Servants moved to and fro, heading to their work after their meal. They bowed as the Princess passed by, moving in haste almost at a run to keep up with the surprisingly spry elder, asking questions and for him to slow down and what's going on and why did he just leave and please slow down, her maid not far behind.

Moon chuckled, and jogged to keep up, moving deftly through the crowds of servants and maids. They bowed or curstied as he passed, recognizing the symbol of the Knightly crest upon his cloth tabard. A few maids started whispering and gossiping as he passed, staring out of the corner of their eyes. He nodded and waved, and they started, then turned away and moved towards their work, seemingly embarrassed and uncomfortable. He sighed again, and continued jogging to keep up with his charge, who finally caught up with the Elder, and was pelting him with questions, pausing every now and then respond to a Good afternoon Milady or Princess. The Elder ignored her, continued on his way, gruffly croaking every now and then to be patient and or " Take a breath, girl, or you will faint as you walk." Moon smiled, and hung back just a bit, watching.

It had been cycles since he had been knighted, by Grandmaster Hardbeak himself nonetheless, and he had been assigned to protect the capital and royal family. Cycles since he had been abducted by Slavers aboard that ship, and sent to Maretonia. Cycles since the War of Shadows, where he had been ravaged and broken. He often thought about that time, so long ago. State, his kin-Brother, slain upon the field by 20 shadow-slaves-beasts. Rolandia, that beautiful Griffon, who had broken his heart and soul when she told him the truth. Of the dark days, when he was not himself, and that little Crystal pony filly with the shattered horn. And the fate that befell her.

Moon felt the smile stain from his face. Yes, he would never forget that sight. Or Forgive.

He had been broken and forged anew amidst the tides of chaos and war. He thought he had lost everything, when in reality it was another chapter in his story. Now here he was, a new Kin, a Knight of all things, protecting a sweet Princess with a heart of gold/Crystal, serving the Emperor and protecting his home. Defending the weak and upholding the righteous.

Protecting his tribe. A good life.

"Here." The Elder stomped his cane on the ground and came to a halt. The Princess skittered to halt, surprised at the sudden stop. Moon blinked, coming out of his revelry, and looked around. They had arrived at the entrance to the palace basement, at the entrance to Pearls testing area.

Pearl blinked, looking from the entrance to the elder. " Um... the lab, teacher? Why are we..."

The elder ignored her question and moved forward, opening the door, and looking down the steps, started to moved down into the depths. "Come." He croaked afterwords, beckoning with his cane. Pearl followed quickly afterwards, the maid and moon following close behind.

The group moved down the steps, the air growing musty and damp as they descended. Soon, the corridor widened out, and they stepped in a large stone room. Ceiling, wall to wall, and floor were covered in stone, large pillars providing the foundation. The Princess turned towards the Elder, a question in her eyes, but he was already moving forward, heading to the center of the room. She huffed, and followed after, scroll in hoof, the maid and Moon following.

They soon arrived in the middle of the chamber, and finally, just as the Princess seemed likely to explode from curiosity, the Elder turned towards her, and pointed his cane at her chest. " The problem," he croaked jabbing the cane at her muzzle, " is you."

Stunned silence echoed through the chamber.

Finally, after a minute or two of silence, Pearl spoke. " M-Me?" She stammered, poining a good at herself. "What do you mean, me? How is it..." She stopped as the Elder held up a with paw, and pointed at her head. " You are the problem, because you do not see. You will not see. For you, there is impossible. Therefore, you are the problem."

Pearl seemed stunned, but spoke again. "Teacher, what does that even mean? I don't see? What... what's that even mean?" The elder sighed, and turning, pointed a gnarled hand at a stone pillar. " What is that?" Pearl blinked, looking at the pillar and back, unsure. " A.. A pillar?" The Elder nodded, still pointing. " That's what that is. But what is it?" Pearl tilted her head, confused. "A... stone pillar?" " Exactly," said the Elder, taping his cane on the ground. "Stone. It's stone. Good stone. Strong stone." The Elder walked over, and tapped the stone pillar with his cane. " But it is also so much more."

The Elder beckoned with his cane urging the Princess forward. She stepped, hesitantly, moving forward. The maid made to follow, but the Elder held up a paw, stopping her in her tracks.

Pearl moved forward, unsure, and stood next to the pillar. The Elder grabbed her hoof, and placed it upon the pillar. "What do you Feel?" The Elder asked, looking at the Princess beneath shriveled eyes. Pearl hesitated, unsure how to answer. "Stone..?" She queried, earning a sigh fro the Elder. "Yes, that is what that is." He said, lifting his cane, " but not what this one asked. What do you Feel?" Confused, Pearl looked back at the pillar, then back at the Elder, who sighed again. " Can you turn Stone to Crystal?" He asked, raising a brow. Pearl nodded, which seemed to satisfy the Elder, who nodded. " Good. How?"

Pearl blinked, lowering her hoof slowly, as if not sure where the question was going. Moon was also confused, but kept his peace. Pearl hesitantly said, "Magic?" The Elder nodded again, tapping his cane. "Yes, that is how you do it. But how do you do it?" Pearl opened her mouth, an answer on her lips, but the Elder shook his Snow White head. "No, this one is not ask for the science. This one his asking how. How do YOU turn Stone to Crystal?" At Pearl confused expression, The Elder elaborated. "Do you think about the steps? The Science? The process? Or do you do it naturally, without thought, without doubt?"

Moon saw recognition flash across Pearls face, and he smiled. The Elder saw it too, for he nodded. "Yes, you simply do. Without fear or doubt or impossible. That is why you are the problem. You look at the scroll, and you think impossible. You think about the Water of Stone and Lightning, and you think impossible. You see the Life of Stone, you think it cannot be grown. That," he said, poking at her heart, " is why you are the problem."

Pearl, hesitantly, faintly, nodded, and said, "I, I think I understand-" "No." croaked the Elder, taping his cane once upon the Stone. "You understand. Or you do not understand. There is no Think. Or try. You do, or do not. Understand?" Pearl nodded, more sure this time. "Good. Now answer me." The Elder tapped the stone pillar again.

"What do you feel?"

Pearl closed her eyes. The maid fretted, standing next to Moon and trotting in place. Moon placed a comforting paw on her back, trying to reassure her. She looked up, surprised, and he smiled beneath his helm, trying to seem reassuring. Surprisingly, she looked down, almost embarrassed. Moon sighed, again, and focused back on to the Princess. Silence stretched on, the minutes seeming like hours.

Suddenly, the Princess glowed. The Stone... moved. Moon gasped in his helm, feeling something... twist the air.

The Stone Moved.

"Good. You feel the Stone?" Pearl nodded. "Good. Now, change it."


The glow went out.

The wall across from them exploded outwards, Bulging as if water in a bag, and then ripped. A giant Crystal Pillar exploded outwards, growing into the ceiling and floor, and continued to grow, rippling and grown and flowing like water.

Finally it stopped, and a giant wall of Crystal remained, bright and beautiful, impactin the place above and the foundation below. Pearl stared. Horrified and awed. The maid squealed, shocked. Moon felt his jaw drop.

The Elder smiled.

AN: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

So this was supposed to come out a while ago, but, in the words of our QM, how about we don't.

@Questor, take this needlessly long trash. Yeh. My apologies to all.
Omake: Total War: Disharmony Legacy Edition Factions
Total War: Disharmony Legacy Edition Factions

Equestria: The most familiar of the factions, comes with a powerful pony core, Earth Pony infantry, Pegasi flyers, and Unicorn mages. Combined with a wide variety of powerful late game units and the twin heroes Luna and Celestia, the world is your oyster, as long as you avoid that pesky and nearly unavoidable civil war, that is.

Sombra: Armed with hordes of slaves, powerful monsters and a powerful mage leader. The numerous and near unbreakable morale of the slaves makes up for their disappointing stats. The monsters offer the force concentration needed to break hardpoints that would otherwise prevent the slaves from doing the work, and later you may be able to field special elite units to start to bridge the gap between the 2. Sombra is also a powerhouse, able to stand toe to toe with both Luna and Celestia, even with the elements of harmony. But, with a grand total of one hero unit the whole game and no general recruitment, you will feel the lack of leadership when you start to hit the later game, and heroes could potentially gank( Looking at you Hardbeak) your only commander, causing problems for you while he recovers, which would only make the bad situation worse. This is only compounded by the near nonexistent anti-sabotage tools available (the measures that keeps slaves in line does not help in dealing with unexpected events, like infiltrators). Also, DON'T let them get to the crystal heart!

Neighpon: These dragon ponies and their allies are the elves of the setting, their powerful magic, units, and heroes are the only thing that keeps them relevant, as the numbers they field are tiny in comparison to most other factions. The magic at their disposal gives them many options, both in stealth and spy craft, along with ways to blast the more numerous oppositions, via fire, illusion, and other methods. Nippon is also one of the few factions with a huge safety net, on top of the island start, if pushed to a certain point, the Divine Dragons would wake and help fight. Not quite invincible but is high tier endgame making eliminating them difficult. They also have powerful heroes and leaders to supplement their forces, which also has a longer natural lifespan allowing you to get more use from them, and to get them more experienced. They don't have to worry about unrest for the main cities they have, but is counterbalanced by having to deal with Mischievous Spirits, which could threaten the security of your empire.

Zebrica: The most diverse of the factions, while they can have public order problems, and can have all manner of nasties crop up in their lands. That is made up by the plethora of decent quality units, potions, alchemy, and rituals to provide a nice magical foundation. They can find artifacts that could provide passive bonuses like public order, or they could find some that holds true power, while likely not close to the crystal heart or the elements, it can still provide powerful bonuses.

Libertalia: A nation of pony pirates, small but dominates the waves with magic, and later also technology, if they last long enough. Has very powerful hero captains and admirals further emphasizing naval dominance, with respectable, but limited ground capability.

Canterbury: Essentially pony Brettonia, minus the idiotic bits. Elite knights backed by a more numerous levy, with the usual pony magic, and the queen is a seer, giving an edge in information gathering.

Maretonia: Pony faction that relies on slaves for their economy, which inevitably leads to raids on their neighbors for slaves, leading to unhappy neighbors. They fight using a professional military, with the royal guard being powerful elites ready to deal massive damage wherever deployed, and a magic college, while independent, does research on pony magic and could be called upon for powerful workings when in need. May splinter due to a civil war between a successful general, the nobles, and abolitionists if they aren't careful.

YakYakistan: A Nomadic faction that transitions into a more usual city-based faction, with shamans that can see events with less accuracy than Canterbury's queen. The yaks make for a very powerful force, but will have to rely on technology and resources to keep up.

Minotaur Republics: This faction of minotaur greeks are more familiar for most total war players due to being largely bipedal. Powerful formations made by highly skilled forces, backed by magic, and later technology ensures they don't just survive, but also thrive.

Griffonia: Starts as 4 separate sub factions, and who wins dictates what the nation becomes, but the winner will have to deal with Sombra if he does not hit Maretonia, and if things don't go well, Sombra may his a divided Griffonia. Note: All gryphon troops are flyers, and gryphons are a rather technological faction.

Garrick Golden-Feather, Merchant King of Griffonia: For a merchant thrust into power because of his bloodline, he proves that even in MLP, the power of auxiliaries are in full force here, as he embraces the power of friendship more than even Equestria! First comes the diamond dogs most likely, giving bipedal tunnelers, then it depends which direction you go, though most likely crystal ponies from sombra, then ponies, which may lead to an interesting event that introduces the Hippogriff species, a hybrid of pony and gryphon. Garrik is very weak for a king, likely to lose most hero duels, but comes with very powerful army buffs and a skill tree that emphasizes that his main role is being a leader, both on and off of the battlefield. As if to make up for that, every so often he ends up recruiting Hardbeak, a knight, and a duelist hero that can fight on the level of the top heroes despite having no magic in his toolbox. The one hero that could actually gank SOMBRA reliably, more than makes up for the comparative weakness of Garrick. Combined with an unusually effective spy network. He brings unrivaled magic variety, easier access to knight orders due to the leader being of the royal bloodline, and superior tech.

King Brochard, leader of Aquileia: Seems like a budget Sombra, with cheap merc meat shields, better fighters but very limited morale, and the ability to tame monsters, with much less technology focus, backed up by a powerful professional military. More lacking in tech options, but gets a powerful beast tamer tree.

Duke Talonuelli of Wingbardy: Rather simple faction that comes with the best garrisons in the game, both in numbers and in quality which will be maintained till endgame, making any siege against them far tougher than usual, hope you brought a wall-buster.

Feathersian Merchant Republic: They love gold, they really love gold. Other than major gold bonuses and cheaper high quality mercs, there isn't much really special about this group. Like Wingbardy, would have a more standard Griffonian tech tree, with more focus on gold and mercs, although they would be able to open many doors with money, giving them access to far more magic than Wingbardy or Aquileia. The power of gold is what sets this nation apart.

Changelings: The resident stealth faction, while comparatively weak, every unit is highly effective at hiding, to facilitate their hit and run style. They have magic for when they decide to go loud, which while in use, would reveal the nature to observers due to their distinct color. Later technology allows a bigger punch without compromising themselves.

Edit(This is my loose take on Take on Total War: Disharmony, would be interested to see more fleshed out factions, and those not mentioned)
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