We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Ideally, we want the ADs (space marines) to intimidate the publicani into leaving as well as keeping it secret -- along the lines of 'hey, greedy f*ck that we barely tolerate, there is a daemon cult and a necron ship/fleet here; gtfo and let us do our job. And better keep your trap (and that of the colonists too) shut instead of spreading panic among His Servants, buster, or ELSE'.
They're not really in good enough shape to pull that off right now...
[X] Prince Sendai's Expedition
[X] The Azure Dragoons
As much as AM sounds cool and all...this Prince, or at least the Attendant, sounds like a dork. Which means he's dangerous as fuck since we are in WH50K. Contacting that one probably more fun!

Also, Necrontyr. VM probably interesting in the wary kind of way about the spooky not really living mecha skellies.
Am I the only one worried that the Astartes are in such bad shape because they got in trouble for sparing us, got Excommunicated, and now 'would have words with us' in much the same way as Thor would with a bunch of frost giants while hefting Mjolnir?

edit: oh, and:

[X] The Azure Dragoons
[X] The Ancient Vessel
[X] The Publicani Fleet
[X] The Ancient Vessel

We gave them a promise. We keep our promise.
[ ] The Azure Dragoons
"Hello, are you aliv... Solheart! What happened?! No, no, that can wait. Captain Martin, accelerate and dock to the Canopy, you'll be safe there. As safe as possible with Publicani and Necrontyr Prince around. No, don't engade, don't argue, I promised you safety when we last talked, I don't break my promises."

She helped us albeit unknowingly and she's our sister. Let's help her.
[ ] The Ancient Vessel
"Hi there, how are... Hey, I know you! Oh, thank you a bunch for that gift a while back, it really helped with one project back when! You can dock to the Canopy, rest and recuperate, then we can talk about the favor I owe you, OK? Todoloo!"

There are "innocent" colonists. Least we can do is save them.
[ ] The Publicani Fleet
"We paid our tax, we didn't complain, and we didn't ask anything in return when you left us for dead. Even now we wish only for peace, and such here's our warning: this system is preyed upon by the Nectrontyr. Their Prince has come for battle, and you are right. near. him... If you value your "profit" leave. Run and leave us to fend for ourselves, as you have before, coward."
{though I still don't like that Arse}

Seems bombastic. Maybe let's play their rules?
[ ] Prince Sendai's Expedition
"Hail, Prince Anosis of Sendai Dynasty! As per tradition and law I, Verdant Maiden of Eternal Life, invite thee to my humble adore. Drink, rest, enjoy our ware! And when the time for entertainment comes, Let's ensure we cross our blades with full hearts as tradition demands!"

Yeah, my scatterbrain response - ham up and play up.
VM is a ditz, but that's mainly cause of the Warp: time doesn't play a role in there, and with HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS of lives coherent though are... problematic.

BUT Maiden isn't dumb. Eccentric, and odd with manners, but not dumb.
When she needs to be serious, she's serious
Am I the only one worried that the Astartes are in such bad shape because they got in trouble for sparing us, got Excommunicated, and now 'would have words with us' in much the same way as Thor would with a bunch of frost giants while hefting Mjolnir?

Even if that is the case they are few and wounded. Of all the factions here they would be the easiest to kill off to the last . It would be tragic if that is the case though. Personally I think it's more likely they are looking for sanctuary.
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[X] Prince Sendai's Expedition

The Necrontyr were super pissed at the old ones because they didn't help with their lifespans also they seem to cover everything with living metal. Future best friends? I'm now imagining all the Necrons becoming Verdant Maiden worshipers.

Anyway I think the most interesting things would probably come from talking with Sendai and Azure (the magus not the dragoons). As much as I'd like to warn the Publicani fleet that there are Necrons in the area and they need to start running there's no way they'll believe us until they see for themselves which makes it pointless. The Dragoons are probably the weakest faction so there's not much they can do.

Sendai is strongest guy here (although Azure Magus might be packing some tricks that changes things) and if we can direct him positively that would be great, we might even be able to prevent the Publicani fleet from all dying pointlessly. Azure Magus is pretty funny so I'd like to see more magus, although I'm unsure of our ability to direct crazy warp dorks.
[X] Prince Sendai's Expedition
[X] The Azure Dragoons

AM is gunning for the planet to grab shinies anyway and I don't trust we can get any meaningful dialog from the Publicani. Meanwhile we might be able to lay out some ground-rules with Sendai and help the poor renegade/Excommunicate Traitoris classified space marines.
Come to think of it, there's another reason to get in on the ground floor with Sendai. The whole Nightbringer/Flayer issue.

I imagine the Necrontyr/Necrons would be interested in the fact that a rogue C'Tan is running around and prior communication might help to mitigate that niggling little issues of our followers previously having to deal with raids by Flayed Ones. Explaining that and establising communications might keep things from exploding when the Necrontyr arrive.