We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Lets just hope that this doesn't end up too badly with the civilian colonists... Oh well, I voted for it with full knowledge that it could be a problem. Here is hoping that I'm completely wrong and nothing bad happens because we chose the exactly correct choices!
Well at the very least the guy has no plans of massacring our populace:
"Fine gentlemen?" The bald creature chortles. "Oh, it is fine, already this is a far more polite welcome than we normally expect to receive." He's awfully good humored for an abomination you'll admit. "Truth be told, my household and I were seeking some measure of sport--this region of space had a great number of abandoned war machines from the Ka-stil Campaign to target, let alone any poor fellows who grew corrupted under the weight of the years of the Long Night, encountering a human settlement indulging in such strange techniques was a pleasant surprise I will admit though! Your hospitality is an unexpected bonus on top of that!." He reaches for one of the vessels of berry juice left along, takes a moment to sample it, and drinks it with relish. "Even bio-compatible beverages on short notice! Once we're through here, would you mind if I brought a few samples back home?"

Dana nods, seemingly ignoring your wince as all the talking goes on. "I don't see why not, though if you're looking for anything like those Flayers--we've seen them off a good decade back." The Publicani flinches at that, but the alien leans forward. "Yes, we noticed that actually--I would be curious if you would be willing to test the warriors of your household against my own--many of my Immortals are eager to get some exercise against a worthy foes."

Dana ponders the topic, and nods. The alien claps his hands together in good cheer. "Wonderful! My people will speak with your people, and we can work out a fine contest, I'm sure!"
Sure VM is horrified by all this but that's mostly due to her instinctual Warp God 'OMG get that nasty disgusting thing away from me!' reaction to the Necrontyr's souls.

Heck they weren't even originally expecting to find us. They were intending to go after rabid Necrons, rogue war machines and presumably any sufficiently feisty/interesting Death world critters they came across.

Here they've run into humans with previously unheard-of weapons/techniques (prestige back home when he returns with the tales/recordings), they were even polite enough to invite him to talk and provide (apparently) novel Necrontyr-compatible drinks which he thinks are interesting enough to request permission to take samples home. And at the end he's interested in setting up a tournament of some sort, his warriors pitting themselves against ours in a grand spectacle.

I have no doubt there may be problems resulting from this but I can't see him intentionally causing any unless we really flub the next few diplomacy actions.
Lets just hope that this doesn't end up too badly with the civilian colonists... Oh well, I voted for it with full knowledge that it could be a problem. Here is hoping that I'm completely wrong and nothing bad happens because we chose the exactly correct choices!

Well at the very least the guy has no plans of massacring our populace:

Sure VM is horrified by all this but that's mostly due to her instinctual Warp God 'OMG get that nasty disgusting thing away from me!' reaction to the Necrontyr's souls.

Heck they weren't even originally expecting to find us. They were intending to go after rabid Necrons, rogue war machines and presumably any sufficiently feisty/interesting Death world critters they came across.

Here they've run into humans with previously unheard-of weapons/techniques (prestige back home when he returns with the tales/recordings), they were even polite enough to invite him to talk and provide (apparently) novel Necrontyr-compatible drinks which he thinks are interesting enough to request permission to take samples home. And at the end he's interested in setting up a tournament of some sort, his warriors pitting themselves against ours in a grand spectacle.

I have no doubt there may be problems resulting from this but I can't see him intentionally causing any unless we really flub the next few diplomacy actions.

Yeah, and there is the major difference in how VM and the Old Ones see the Necrontyr, VM is more horrified by their state while the Old Ones were disgusted by them.
We didn't kill him, he committed suicide when he realized VM was an actual goddess and not just a daemon princess.

We already have the Earth domain - do you mean the Sun domain?
He committed suicide while sending malicious propaganda back to the main land. Plus the space Marines were attacked for even considering the peaceful option.

Can so one remind me if the emperor is still bones on a throne at this point? I don't think he would allow this stupidity to go on.
Plus the space Marines were attacked for even considering the peaceful option.
That is kind of expected when you look at what the imperium is....
We however, can still do some hearts and minds to undermine the powers that be who hates anyone that might weaken their power, and we really cant fight the whole imperium alone....

Edit: Especially when you consider the fact that, even as a warp god, we were actually able to convince those space marines to take that option in the first place. We can't reason with those who are exploiting this system, but there are potential allies, even in the most unlikely places. Honestly, I think we might be able to recruit certain inquisitors in the right circumstances......
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That is kind of expected when you look at what the imperium is....
We however, can still do some hearts and minds to undermine the powers that be who hates anyone that might weaken their power, and we really cant fight the whole imperium alone....

Edit: Especially when you consider the fact that, even as a warp god, we were actually able to convince those space marines to take that option in the first place. We can't reason with those who are exploiting this system, but there are potential allies, even in the most unlikely places. Honestly, I think we might be able to recruit certain inquisitors in the right circumstances......
Their an orginization of zealots there might be a few plus citizens we can turn but we can't really expect a good turnout. A good example of this is the Tau which basically are the only nice faction that accept all people. Guess what is the response to them taking in humans and what those humans are called?
Necrontyr are poised to be swept off into her comfy embrace. They've got a huge problem, shitty biology, which she's well poised to solve. But they also fit her really well. They are alive by stubborn determination, which is basically her shtick. And "sipping from poison because they know no other means to survive even as it kills them" kinda fits the Life From Death theme, though it's closer to how Nurgle did things.

Point is, we should make friends, and see if they're not interested in some non-asshole gods.
Their an orginization of zealots there might be a few plus citizens we can turn but we can't really expect a good turnout. A good example of this is the Tau which basically are the only nice faction that accept all people. Guess what is the response to them taking in humans and what those humans are called?
Things are different here.......
The Imperium was doing surprisingly well back in the 40k era, but now, things are fraying because there simply aren't that many threats anymore, the old chaos made due with memetic hazards, we don't have that and well, we managed to get space marines to effectively defect under no special conditions. All we done was show our power and giving them a choice, and they done something they would have a likely almost zero chance of doing back in the more familiar era. This is not 40k. The imperium is still around, but the lack of major threats are starting to have it fray, as the indoctrination is simply not enough to keep them together. Besides even back then, there was discontent.....
Edit: And the Tau kind of have a habit of using mind altering hormones if I remember correctly....
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[X]Plan: Outing with Family and Friends
-[X] Board the enemy vessel immediately
-[X] Invite the Brilliant Sequence
-[X] Invite the Sendai Expedition
They've got a huge problem, shitty biology, which she's well poised to solve. But they also fit her really well. They are alive by stubborn determination, which is basically her shtick. And "sipping from poison because they know no other means to survive even as it kills them" kinda fits the Life From Death theme, though it's closer to how Nurgle did things.
Goes a little deeper then biology would be my guess since I can't see that freaking her out. Considering that this is a Warp entity going 'Ew, get that thing away from me!' it's probably related to the status of their souls.
Goes a little deeper then biology would be my guess since I can't see that freaking her out. Considering that this is a Warp entity going 'Ew, get that thing away from me!' it's probably related to the status of their souls.
From what I remember, their home planet was a radiation blasted hellscape, which meant they had really short lives and got really pissed when they met the undying Old Ones.

So I believe that the base issue is biological. That said, souls certainly tie in somehow, it's the wonky space magic side of biology. Though having a C'tan in their sun might have done fucky things to their souls which then caused shitty biology. It's also possible.

I don't exactly except it to be easy. Presumably they've tried, and Necrontyr Science! is better than anyone elses, except where souls are concerned (where the Eldar are probably the best). So the warp side certainly ties in somehow. Still, if anybody can help them, it the Verdant Maiden.

Mind, it's still going to be a large project, both because the Necrontyr aren't idiots so their problem isn't simple, and because actually solving it means we probably jump up to main goddess of one of the most powerful space empires (which just got a whole lot more powerful), and basically entering late game.
Mind, it's still going to be a large project, both because the Necrontyr aren't idiots so their problem isn't simple, and because actually solving it means we probably jump up to main goddess of one of the most powerful space empires (which just got a whole lot more powerful), and basically entering late game.
The other big problem would be getting VM to go anywhere near them much less the level of interaction this would require. She has shown a certain....hesitance to do so.
[X]Plan: Outing with Family and Friends
-[X] Board the enemy vessel immediately
-[X] Invite the Brilliant Sequence
-[X] Invite the Sendai Expedition
@Alectai, how is Catachan doing, is it still a hyperlethal death world or has the the Imperium gotten rid of that?

Also are void whales still being spawned in the warp and would we be able to grab one any time soon?
Boarding the Vessel
Dana took a moment to let the sight of the battleship being reeled in sink in with her audience before clapping once, drawing the attention back to herself.

"So then!" She chirps. "I believe that our friend seems to have had his fill of our hospitality, and now we're down to business" She stands up, dusting her hands off. "So I do believe I need to take his guns away, if you'll excuse me…"

"Hah! Not without me you won't!" The Prince laughed as he leapt to his feet. "A fine warm up, a wonderful start to the day! My Immortals will see to it that this prize is not lost on account of your prior guest's rudeness!"

The robed magus fidgets in place. "Right… We're not warriors, just to be clear." He begins. "But… We do have a couple things here and there that we can toss in to help grease the wheels."

"Your aid is appreciated" Dana smiles. "With any luck, we'll be through with this whole business by dinnertime, and can get back to what really matters in life."

You yourself just smugly shift on your seat, as the Azure Magus tries to stare you down. "I'm not doing this for free, just to remind you!" They snap out, crossing their arms and looking away. "You're going to give me the secret to how your mortals control all of this stuff!"

"Okay" You nod, and the Azure Magus continues. "Oh you have no choice in th… m…" They deflate. "Just like that?"

"Just like that" You confirm, and then start flicking your wrist, as time begins to accelerate, the Flower Knights beginning their boarding operations, supported by other elite elements of the Cult's militant wing.

What's new are the funny little flying orb thingies that are flanking a lot of them, crackling with ozone and sparks from time to time, energy jumping between them all the while. You raise an eyebrow in the Azure Magus' direction, who was currently perching themselves up on a stool that just manifested from out of nowhere. "Just watch…" They say, with surprising smugness under the circumstances.

A group of Belladonnas calls for your attention--you shift your gaze, only to see a group of the bioarmor bracing against a surge of grey, hulking masses, drooling from what remains of a mortal's mouth even as a pair of chainblades roar, power fields flickering in and out of life all the while.

They leap, screaming hate, ignoring the Sunfire lasers that tore into them on approach. The blades on their hands lunge for the hearts of the Floraplate groups.

Only to start convulsing as they entered the field of the Oculus Drones--caught on the energy field they were emanating. Their implants broke down, their organic components smouldered, and they went down twitching as their followers slammed in from behind, tearing them apart to get at the target--only to meet the same fate.

The counterfire from the Vanguards who muscled in after the strength of the shields were proven helped suppress what was left.

"Yeah, I'm pretty proud of those things" The Azure Magus preens. "Can't really afford to lose anybody even if bugs are swarming or automatons are marching. That gets a lot easier if you've got an electromagnetic shield cooking anything that gets too close, right?

"I wouldn't know, but it does seem like it's working!' You agree, and flicker the view to another front. A cargo bay you think--as a group of Huntsmen slip inside and take up positions in the highly vaulted ceiling with their grapple-launhers. They are not immediately noticed, mostly courtesy of your Vanguards bursting in shortly afterwards, shields going down as the mercenaries defending the section turn their bolters on the Cult's advancing forces.

Gunfire hammers into the Vanguards, shields shedding most of the force--these were not the monstrous ammunition employed by the Space Marines, but the cheaper variety that could be secured by non-elite formations. Still could do a lot of damage, boltguns were a pretty sophisticated piece of tech from what you heard.

But the Vanguards were trained for this kind of thing by someone who knew how hard these hit, they'd be fine. Especially when the gunfire revealed the positions of the heavy weapon teams, only to have them sniped by the Huntsmen on the ceiling.

Good times, good times.

You don't have eyes on the engine room, and you're not especially inspired to scry it with the hulking machines carrying cancerous souls along for the ride are any indication, you move on quickly.

The overall fight seemed to be going in your favor--there were surprises of course--sudden murder-servitor swarms from unexpected directions was a tactic this fellow seemed to favor for one thing--but between the Oculus Drones volunteered by the Brilliant Sequence's artisans and the indomitable life force of your Militant Orders, your casualties remained light--and all would make full recoveries given time.

You would almost say this was going too easy.

Sure, your strength had increased since the last time any off-world force had seen them--but that didn't feel like enough to just… Trivialize this kind of fight.

You roll forward in the timeline, as the Cult's forces pushed through the second defensive lines and began entering the actually restricted parts of the ship. There's a moment's pause as you observe the breach being made--and a clattering of noise heard by your forces.

A blast of caustic energy fills the room, and the Oculus Drones fizzle out, dropping to the floor useless. Rays of crimson light begin to erupt from the opposite side of a long killzone, slamming into Vanguard shields and causing them to swell with barely contained force. Barriers are thrown up and cover is taken, but the enemy line is exceptionally well armed apparently.

"Huh, Volkites" The Azure Magus observes from her perch. "And before that were some Haywire grenades--can't really do too much about those with a machine base, and the guns are pretty good against anything with fluids in them."

"Which is just about everyone" You frown, tapping your Scythe on the ground. "He surely doesn't expect to be able to hold this position forever?"

"Mmm… On sec…" The Magus pauses, as you see the light of the stars beneath their cloak shimmer. "That's… Huh, that's actually pretty clever."

You turn to face them as they shrug. "Yeah, mission's a bust, go check up five minutes."

That didn't make much sense… But you do what the Azure Magus asks--turning your attention five minutes forward--your Cult slowly inching their way up the killzone, undeterred by the heat rays slamming into their defenses, as regeneration ultimately outpaced the destruction.

At least until the entire bloody room begins to glow white hot.

"This one's a freebie" The Azure Magus snaps their fingers, and space twists, pulling your forces back behind the second line of defense as the previous no-man's land filled with plasma fire.

Visible from the outside.

Tracing out another ship beneath--one that… Slowly lifted off of the Star Galleon.

"That's absurd" You gape as another vessel pulls itself from the spine of the Star Galleon, wings deploying as engines build up force. The thrusters ignite, and it begins to burn out of the World Tree's grasp. You send vines to capture it--but the damn thing just pivots, spins, and maneuvers out of their grasp--until it was out of range.

And returning to its fleet.

That's… A thing apparently?

There is a pause as the new--barely destroyer sized vessel's Warp Drive begins to spin up--you sense commands being issued by the Astropath to the other freighters--which have their own engines ignite and...

Charge straight for the planet.

Not slowing down at all even.

You send word to Dana and ready the World Tree's vines to counter this. Your forces are still invested in the remainder of the Star Galleon's hull, and based on Dana's report, the only thing that stopped what was apparently a primary Warp Drive from cooking off in response to the secondary hull's detachment was the presence of the Sendai forces in the engine room--they apparently had some science wizard or something in their company who shut the whole thing down.

Your vines reach out, seizing the freighters--the World Tree heaves as the unexpected velocity tries to tear it out from the roots. They fail of course, if a Battleship couldn't move it, neither will these.

But you sense a shearing at the edge of reality through the connection of the Vines. Millions of people are on board those ships.

Ships that have been prepared to have their own Warp Drives go supercritical on contact with the atmosphere.


"That's an improvised Exterminatus!" The Azure Magus realizes it first. "Fueled by millions of blood sacrifices!"

"That's not going to happen" You shake your head, and begin to gather your power.

"Damn straight it isn't, but I want a cut of the people, deal?" The Magus agrees. "I don't have nearly enough to keep things afloat as it is."

You feel their own Power joining your own--two parts of a greater whole complete for a moment.

You reach through the World Tree, your will trailing along through the Vines and into the captured vessels. You can feel the terrified enginseers, bound by override protocols activated by the previous psychic messages. You can feel the unwitting colonists wondering when the landing was on the way. You feel…

Nothing in the command crew, they had apparently been evacuated as part of the order.

With the Connection formed, the Magus does their own thing--she raises a hand, and you can see the azure-haired, red eyed woman beneath her shroud now, ageless features currently focused on the task of targeting everyone.

"Gotcha" She snaps her fingers, and the people are teleported off of the ship, safe into the planet below.

The Vines go taut--and you are no longer so gentle with them. The two freighters are hurled away from the planet as the remaining sensitive systems are shaken to dust by the G-Forces. They sail just out past the lunar orbit when the Warp Drives finish cooking off, and a hole in Reality is formed.

But without the fueling of millions of sacrifices, it attracts no predators, taints no world. The rift seals shut shortly after opening, and the Publicani's final gambit falls flat--just as his craft begins its sprint outward.

This would complicate matters, you feel.

Not the least being paying back everyone you owe for keeping the losses so light!

[To Be Concluded]