[X]Plan: Outing with Family and Friends
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Well at the very least the guy has no plans of massacring our populace:Lets just hope that this doesn't end up too badly with the civilian colonists... Oh well, I voted for it with full knowledge that it could be a problem. Here is hoping that I'm completely wrong and nothing bad happens because we chose the exactly correct choices!
Sure VM is horrified by all this but that's mostly due to her instinctual Warp God 'OMG get that nasty disgusting thing away from me!' reaction to the Necrontyr's souls."Fine gentlemen?" The bald creature chortles. "Oh, it is fine, already this is a far more polite welcome than we normally expect to receive." He's awfully good humored for an abomination you'll admit. "Truth be told, my household and I were seeking some measure of sport--this region of space had a great number of abandoned war machines from the Ka-stil Campaign to target, let alone any poor fellows who grew corrupted under the weight of the years of the Long Night, encountering a human settlement indulging in such strange techniques was a pleasant surprise I will admit though! Your hospitality is an unexpected bonus on top of that!." He reaches for one of the vessels of berry juice left along, takes a moment to sample it, and drinks it with relish. "Even bio-compatible beverages on short notice! Once we're through here, would you mind if I brought a few samples back home?"
Dana nods, seemingly ignoring your wince as all the talking goes on. "I don't see why not, though if you're looking for anything like those Flayers--we've seen them off a good decade back." The Publicani flinches at that, but the alien leans forward. "Yes, we noticed that actually--I would be curious if you would be willing to test the warriors of your household against my own--many of my Immortals are eager to get some exercise against a worthy foes."
Dana ponders the topic, and nods. The alien claps his hands together in good cheer. "Wonderful! My people will speak with your people, and we can work out a fine contest, I'm sure!"
Lets just hope that this doesn't end up too badly with the civilian colonists... Oh well, I voted for it with full knowledge that it could be a problem. Here is hoping that I'm completely wrong and nothing bad happens because we chose the exactly correct choices!
Well at the very least the guy has no plans of massacring our populace:
Sure VM is horrified by all this but that's mostly due to her instinctual Warp God 'OMG get that nasty disgusting thing away from me!' reaction to the Necrontyr's souls.
Heck they weren't even originally expecting to find us. They were intending to go after rabid Necrons, rogue war machines and presumably any sufficiently feisty/interesting Death world critters they came across.
Here they've run into humans with previously unheard-of weapons/techniques (prestige back home when he returns with the tales/recordings), they were even polite enough to invite him to talk and provide (apparently) novel Necrontyr-compatible drinks which he thinks are interesting enough to request permission to take samples home. And at the end he's interested in setting up a tournament of some sort, his warriors pitting themselves against ours in a grand spectacle.
I have no doubt there may be problems resulting from this but I can't see him intentionally causing any unless we really flub the next few diplomacy actions.
We didn't kill him, he committed suicide when he realized VM was an actual goddess and not just a daemon princess.
We already have the Earth domain - do you mean the Sun domain?Grabbing the Earth domain and getting AM's help should be quite helpful for that.
He committed suicide while sending malicious propaganda back to the main land. Plus the space Marines were attacked for even considering the peaceful option.We didn't kill him, he committed suicide when he realized VM was an actual goddess and not just a daemon princess.
We already have the Earth domain - do you mean the Sun domain?
That is kind of expected when you look at what the imperium is....Plus the space Marines were attacked for even considering the peaceful option.
Their an orginization of zealots there might be a few plus citizens we can turn but we can't really expect a good turnout. A good example of this is the Tau which basically are the only nice faction that accept all people. Guess what is the response to them taking in humans and what those humans are called?That is kind of expected when you look at what the imperium is....
We however, can still do some hearts and minds to undermine the powers that be who hates anyone that might weaken their power, and we really cant fight the whole imperium alone....
Edit: Especially when you consider the fact that, even as a warp god, we were actually able to convince those space marines to take that option in the first place. We can't reason with those who are exploiting this system, but there are potential allies, even in the most unlikely places. Honestly, I think we might be able to recruit certain inquisitors in the right circumstances......
Things are different here.......Their an orginization of zealots there might be a few plus citizens we can turn but we can't really expect a good turnout. A good example of this is the Tau which basically are the only nice faction that accept all people. Guess what is the response to them taking in humans and what those humans are called?
Goes a little deeper then biology would be my guess since I can't see that freaking her out. Considering that this is a Warp entity going 'Ew, get that thing away from me!' it's probably related to the status of their souls.They've got a huge problem, shitty biology, which she's well poised to solve. But they also fit her really well. They are alive by stubborn determination, which is basically her shtick. And "sipping from poison because they know no other means to survive even as it kills them" kinda fits the Life From Death theme, though it's closer to how Nurgle did things.
From what I remember, their home planet was a radiation blasted hellscape, which meant they had really short lives and got really pissed when they met the undying Old Ones.Goes a little deeper then biology would be my guess since I can't see that freaking her out. Considering that this is a Warp entity going 'Ew, get that thing away from me!' it's probably related to the status of their souls.
The other big problem would be getting VM to go anywhere near them much less the level of interaction this would require. She has shown a certain....hesitance to do so.Mind, it's still going to be a large project, both because the Necrontyr aren't idiots so their problem isn't simple, and because actually solving it means we probably jump up to main goddess of one of the most powerful space empires (which just got a whole lot more powerful), and basically entering late game.
It's bit early to judge either way, but I don't think ickiness would stop her from helping people, especially if that help is to remove the ickiness.The other big problem would be getting VM to go anywhere near them much less the level of interaction this would require. She has shown a certain....hesitance to do so.
The Vote ended a page ago....
Ah yeah, my bad. Got a bit confused there.We already have the Earth domain - do you mean the Sun domain?
Realistically, I don't think we'll ever see Catachan.@Alectai, how is Catachan doing, is it still a hyperlethal death world or has the the Imperium gotten rid of that?
Also are void whales still being spawned in the warp and would we be able to grab one any time soon?
Realistically, I don't think we'll ever see Catachan.
As for the void whales, I'm guessing "one or two spheres from now".
We aren't interstellar yet, and don't have ships that could plausibly run across one yet, at least not in this sphere. Hence "at least one sphere".Or we might get very lucky and our first small ship/s come across one, or a space hulk.