The Emperor is a genocidal tyrant who is at least partly responsible for the horrors of this the bloated corpse of and Imperium. He is our enemy as surely as any other of the 'thosuands of petty tyrants of the warp' as the VM put it.
Two words on that matter: 'Great Crusade'. He committed enough atrocities in his brief time in the sun before the Golden Throne that any sane judge would sentence him to death without blinking.
You know I have to wonder if the Verdant Maidens followers will eventually become a bit like the Jurians from Tenchi Muyo longed lived with mystic powers and potent treeships.
Two words on that matter: 'Great Crusade'. He committed enough atrocities in his brief time in the sun before the Golden Throne that any sane judge would sentence him to death without blinking.
That is not how morality works, not to any sort of sane being. It's not like the Great Crusade committed atrocities only against chaos worshipers or orks, it killed plenty of aliens for the crime of being aliens and plenty of humans for the crime of not hating aliens enough. It also killed a lot of people for the crime of not subjugating themselves to the Tyrant of Tera. If the Emperor truly only cared about fighting Chaos he would have tried to integrate more even if it came at the price of his personal power over the overall result, but he did not because he is a megalomaniac with a fetish for the Roman Empire.
I've just had the best worst most interesting idea to increase recruitment.
Given that we are goddess of life, we could, um, branch into, ahem, lifelike plants.
These plants wouldn't actually be sentient (that way leads to all kinds of problems), but they would imitate it pretty convincingly, at least if you don't try to hold a conversation with them.
Of all the Cult's various temptations, none strike more sinisterly at the heart of human weakness than does the Venusian Flytrap. The false promises moaned through the Flytrap's orifices have lured many a young man and woman into its gardens, there to consign their lives and loyalty into the Maiden's hell. On occasion, the faces of previous adherents can be recognized, their souls trapped forever in the throes of servitude, as their bodies writhe uncontrollably in imitation of pleasure. Burn the gardens, for it is a--however brief--mercy for all concerned.
That is not how morality works, not to any sort of sane being. It's not like the Great Crusade committed atrocities only against chaos worshipers or orks, it killed plenty of aliens for the crime of being aliens and plenty of humans for the crime of not hating aliens enough. It also killed a lot of people for the crime of not subjugating themselves to the Tyrant of Tera. If the Emperor truly only cared about fighting Chaos he would have tried to integrate more even if it came at the price of his personal power over the overall result, but he did not because he is a megalomaniac with a fetish for the Roman Empire.
I disagree with your point about him not caring about fighting chaos since if he dies (he can regenirate since he is likely a perpetual like Vulkan so he can come back) he becomes a fifth chaos god or at least creates it. Also can someone answer me why he waited so long I mean look how powerful he is if he started during the medieval age or earlier but instead he waited till the fall of humanity
I disagree with your point about him not caring about fighting chaos since if he dies he becomes a fifth chaos god or at least creates it. Also can someone answer me why he waited so long I mean look how powerful he is if he started during the medevil age or earlier but instead he waited till the fall of humanity
The simplest answer is that he wasn't always... well evil and insane. It took the fall of the Federation for him to snap and decide he is the only one who could guide humanity whatever the cost.
Nice omake / picture-collection post. I thirst always for more Ordo Hereticus snippets, and this has quenched my need for the moment. I especially like the idea of giant tree-spacestation, and the aesthetics of the picture for it in the snippet.
That is not how morality works, not to any sort of sane being. It's not like the Great Crusade committed atrocities only against chaos worshipers or orks, it killed plenty of aliens for the crime of being aliens and plenty of humans for the crime of not hating aliens enough. It also killed a lot of people for the crime of not subjugating themselves to the Tyrant of Tera. If the Emperor truly only cared about fighting Chaos he would have tried to integrate more even if it came at the price of his personal power over the overall result, but he did not because he is a megalomaniac with a fetish for the Roman Empire.
He felt bad for those deaths tho unlike Chaos who seems to be more about grabbing followers and fighting over power with no minding to their safety Khone Would have Gladiator Rings and daily blood sacrifices, Nurgle would test Plagues and diseases on them, Slaneesh would have let endless pleasure consume them to the point of Death, any of their top commanders like Abaddon would cause a crusade of their own and subject the conquered to their god's whims till they break It isn't any better than the Imperium Itself or the emperor.
He felt bad for those deaths tho unlike Chaos who seems to be more about grabbing followers and fighting over power with no minding to their safety Khone Would have Gladiator Rings and daily blood sacrifices, Nurgle would test Plagues and diseases on them, Slaneesh would have let endless pleasure consume them to the point of Death, any of their top commanders like Abaddon would cause a crusade of their own and subject the conquered to their god's whims till they break It isn't any better than the Imperium Itself
Oh well if he felt bad I guess the mass murder is acceptable and should have no consequences.
It does not matter how may graphic descriptions of the horrors of Chaos you consider. Evil fighting evil, does not magically transmute one of the sides to good.
He felt bad for those deaths tho unlike Chaos who seems to be more about grabbing followers and fighting over power with no minding to their safety Khone Would have Gladiator Rings and daily blood sacrifices, Nurgle would test Plagues and diseases on them, Slaneesh would have let endless pleasure consume them to the point of Death, any of their top commanders like Abaddon would cause a crusade of their own and subject the conquered to their god's whims till they break It isn't any better than the Imperium Itself
I don't think Paradox is trying to say Chaos are in the right (I doubt anyone but those worshipping chaos would say that) I think what Paradox is trying to say is that they was a better way to fight them. For instance while the emperor didn't wipe out every Xeno's race he came across it didn't stop him from attacking first just because some races (Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Ragdan are hostile to everyone not themselves) or forcing other human nations who didn't want to join him to join him or sending Angron who was a discount Thunderwarrior to genocide the planet. He felt bad but his arrogance made him think his way was the only way and his paranoia made him not trust anyone outside of Malcidor and Constiane Valdor.
Nice omake / picture-collection post. I thirst always for more Ordo Hereticus snippets, and this has quenched my need for the moment. I especially like the idea of giant tree-spacestation, and the aesthetics of the picture for it in the snippet.
On that matter I ran across a very nice plant/bio-theme space ship interior image. Becuase while we might be incorporating living organisms into a lot of our structures (and in some cases will be the structures) we aren't Nurgle. There is a minimal level of neatness and common sense required in our creations.
Oh well if he felt bad I guess the mass murder is acceptable and should have no consequences.
It does not matter how may graphic descriptions of the horrors of Chaos you consider. Evil fighting evil, does not magically transmute one of the sides to good.
It isn't acceptable but when you have Chaos like that,It really isnt any better. Here's a better question from me How would you integrate them into the fold? Only Tzeentch would be acceptable to the empire as Humans always adapt to change. but with other races How?
It isn't acceptable but when you have Chaos like that,It really isnt any better. Here's a better question from me How would you integrate them into the fold? Only Tzeentch would be acceptable to the empire as Humans always adapt to change.
I think you may be misunderstanding me. I'm not saying he should have integrated Chaos. Chaos was reality cancer. My point was that he should have integrated more worlds peacefully including alien wolds by not being a totalitarian xenophobe who thought war crimes were 'the price of doing buisnes'.
Don't know if we can have more than one omake per turn, if not then I can just tack it onto next turn.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Captain Sheridan Woods of the Planetary Auxilla's 3rd Company frowned as he stared at the most recent intel reports from Goldsheaf Province. He had been doing this for months: ever since the first reports of the xeno incursions had made their way out of that benighted land. 'Bearing witness when I should be acting!'
Time and time again, he had inquired of the Colonel if a company, Emperor, even a few platoons of the Auxilia might be spared to at least keep the provence from descending into complete anarchy. While he was well aware that his duty was to protect the Emperor's Chosen Representative of the planet, the Governor, surely it would be better to burn the xeno out at the root rather than let them spread all the way to Lambent. 'And isn't protecting innocent people the right thing to do?'
Every time, however, the Colonel had simply sighed and repeated the same words: "A good soldier follows orders, and our orders are to stand in defense of the capitol." 'But they'll die without our help!'
So, even as a provence writhed under the attacks of the alien, held back only by the desperate courage of men and women who knew they would soon be called away from their homes to spread the Emperor's light in the Void; Sheridan obeyed his orders. Even as reports of oncoming famine began to trickle down from on high, Sheridan obeyed his orders. Even when the first whispers of a cult began to spread, Sheridan obeyed his orders. 'I should be helping them save their homes.'
Now, as reports were saying that the xeno had been defeated, perhaps even annihilated by the cult, now there was talk that the Auxilla might be called out to fight. To destroy the people who (Emperor forgive him for the seeds of treasonous thought), had gathered the courage to stand up and fight when all others had abandoned them. No excuse for heresy or treason, of course, but one could respect bravery even when condemning the the one wielding it. 'Condemn them? They're doing our job for us!'
Sighing, he leaned back at his desk and looked out over the company's main hall (his office was strategically placed so that he could keep an eye on his charges at all times to prevent any straying from the Emperor's Light.) Men were talking, drinking, arm-wrestling, all the typical actions of soldiers who had nothing better to do with their time. 'We do, we should be out there saving the planet, but Command won't let us!'
Frowning, Sheridan stood to stare at one of the side walls, where one of his Lieutenants was chatting with some minor Administratum functionary, her hand gently caressing his arm. This was unusual, but not unheard of: there was some truth to the old saying that women love a man in uniform after all. However, Sheridan happened to know that distinctive flower-woven braid: hadn't he happened upon her having a rather similar interaction with a woman from Fifth Company just last week? With the exact same familiar brush on the arm as the Corporal babbled and blushed? 'Aww...'
He hadn't mentioned it at the time; neither of them were in his chain of command so it was not his duty to report on them so long as they were not doing anything too terrible, but it was odd... and Lieutenant Ramirez was one of his. Really, Sheridan should investigate... the reports did say that the cult was enamored with flowers... might be trying to infiltrate the Auxilla... 'Yep, that's exactly what's going on. She's a spy. Good luck to her.'
But he had not been ordered to try to root out the cult, had he? The Governor's orders were to carry on with the normal protective duties of the Auxilla, and surely that should be Sheridan's focus. There were plenty of Arbities and investigators who could root out any corruption on their own: it was not his place to interfere with their divine mandate.'May they never find that brave girl...'
After all, good soldiers did not deviate from their orders, did they? 'Especially if that helps in the only way I have the courage to.' AN: Invixsitext represents Sheridan's repressed good nature.
Honestly not only are we likely to incorporate living tissue into our ships, but we are also likely to genetically modify our human cultists to make them more enduring and capable.
I think you may be misunderstanding me. I'm not saying he should have integrated Chaos. Chaos was reality cancer. My point was that he should have epacefully integrated more worlds peacefully including alien wolds by not being a totalitarian xenophobe who thought war crimes were 'the price of doing buisnes'.
I don't think Paradox is trying to say Chaos are in the right (I doubt anyone but those worshipping chaos would say that) I think what Paradox is trying to say is that they was a better way to fight them. For instance while the emperor didn't wipe out every Xeno's race he came across it didn't stop him from attacking first just because some races (Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Ragdan are hostile to everyone not themselves) or forcing other human nations who didn't want to join him to join him or sending Angron who was a discount Thunderwarrior to genocide the planet. He felt bad but his arrogance made him think his way was the only way and his paranoia made him not trust anyone outside of Malcidor and Constiane Valdor.
Aye sorry about misunderstanding then I am not well versed in debating about anything really i don't know why i got into it so much. anymore i would drive any discussion into throwing insults xD
.., Sad, isn't it? This is what you wanted, isn't it, Empy? Hate and pain, and poison, and weakness. And now people scream "abandon your humanity" in your name, in you glory. Isn't this wonderful?
But here's something you didn't knowrefused to accept: you were never righteous, never anything but arrogance incarnate. All the good you did was but an accident in your mad dash for power.
And now? Now Universe strives to fix your wrongs.
Four have been cast down,
Four shall be born.
Through the Four,
old wounds shall heal.
From these ashes
new hope shall rise.
Through the Four
peace shall prevail.
Dana sighed as she slipped into her bed, a long day of writing reports, reading reports, and guiding the actions of the faithful so that they didnt fuck things up had mentally drained her. Normally it was not too bad, but today had been particularly busy. One quarter had just received an influx of new recruits that she had needed to look over the files for, to determine if they were serious about accepting the Maiden or if they were infiltrators seeking to undermine the cult. In another she had needed to send a number of letters and finally visit it in person to clear up a major misconception. Yes the Maiden had brought forth the corntatos onto the planet, no she did not demand that her followers subsist exclusively upon the crop, and NO the Maiden did not want them used THAT way and stop doing that that is very unhygienic!
Needless to say it had been a stressful day and the Cult Leader was looking forward to a nice restful sleep. Pulling the covers up to her chin she rested her head back onto the pillows and closed her eyes in the dark room, slowly letting her mind drift free. The accommodations might not have been as good as in the planetary governors palace but they were decent enough, so it felt like she was drifting on a pleasant sea. Her hair piled under her head was a little scratchy but that faded, and it was almost as if her mother was stoking her head like she had when she was a little girl.
Actually, it really felt like that. And the fingers felt like it too, as if it was an adult human doing it to her child sized body, but she still felt...the same...damn it.
Opening her eyes Dana looked up to see the smiling visage of the Verdant Maiden leaning over her, the 10 foot tall woman running her fingers through her high priestesses hair while she lay on a couch in the ethereal meeting room she always appeared in.
"What is it my goddess?" Dana got up off of the couch to stand before the divine woman, trying to keep some of her annoyance out of her voice as she showed respect. She was sadly only partially successful, as she could TELL that this was going to be another session of trying her patience as she had to explain why certain ideas were BAD to her Goddess. At times she was honestly the worst in the entire cult, weird as that was to say.
The blonde woman looked momentarily sad that she couldnt keep stroking Danas hair, but recovered and brought out that fan of hers as she drew herself up. "Ah, my high Priestess, good evening. I will not insult you by implying that I am just here for a social visit, I am here to prepare you for some long term projects of mine. They are not yet ready of course, but given some time they will be and you may be able to prepare the faithful for their later appearance and begin planning on how best to use them." So far so good, it was actually fairly smart of the Verdant Maiden to prepare her like this, but on the other hand the High Priestess was waiting for the other shoe to drop in regards to these "ideas and plans" and what they could be like. Hopefully she would be able to curb some of her Goddesses worse ideas.
"So the first place I decided to look into is in the area of fixed defenses. I know that my people cannot be everywhere, so why not create, or rather GROW something that can defend the fields and homes until backup can arrive?" Fine so far, but what does she mean by "fixed defenses?" The Goddess reached behind her back and pulled something out, a vessel made of a red material half the size of Dana, filled with dark soil. By all appearances, it appeared to be...a planting pot. Then before Dana could question further, the pot was put down and she pushed a small green seed into the soil.
Almost immediately as it was pushed into the ground a green vine sprouted up out of it, curling and coiling around itself and growing thicker and thicker. A massive bulb formed on the top of this vine, and as she watched it began to grow larger and almost hollow out until she was looking down what almost looked like a very short gun barrel, complete with riffling. Then the plant bend down slightly, and Dana noticed two black domes on the top of the plant, as well as a huge flat green leaf sticking out of the back. It was only when the black domes blinked that she realized that they were eyes, and the whole thing was still moving even though it was done growing to the size of a Belladona, bobbing slowly back and forth.
"I have not thought of a name yet, but this is just the first in a series. The plants are very low maintenance, requiring only a little sun and water to thrive, grow quickly, and are able to detect friend or foe easily. This is just the basic model, there are many more depending on the needs of the situation for both offence and defensive purposes." Dana had to admit that it sounded good on paper, but quickly identified a few potential issues. Including it being very obvious where they were defending, the probable weakness to flamer weapons, and just as importantly for the farmers the eating up of their valuable cropland. Also..."Quick question: Do ALL of them have those creepy eyes?" Here the Maiden looked a little hurt, and she replied "Well I think they are CUTE eyes, but...yes." Right, Next idea.
Waving her arm the plant faded away pot included, and then the blonde held out her hands in front of herself palms up. For a moment Dana was confused, but then a small rainbow of color came streaming out of the goddesses sleeves, and closer examination showed the source to be a small tide of tiny plant beings as small as he nail on the priestesses thumb. "Again, I dont have a name for these yet, but they are a little less combative in nature. They are meant to work in teams of a hundred to solve all sorts of tasks, and can be controlled by my followers to achieve those tasks. I have not decided upon a control method, perhaps humming or whistling? Either way they grow very fast and can produce more of themselves when provided biomass fuel, but only up to a point. Once a limit in their numbers has been reached no more will be produced until that number goes down."
Again Dana questioned the usefulness of these creatures, but supposed that they might have their uses. "I suppose that having an army of thousands of disposable soldiers could go a long way to solving our manpower shortage in the event...of...battle..." Dana trailed off as the goddess looked guilty at her words, and silently the high priestess gave her a look asking for explanation.
Blushing slightly, the Verdant Maiden cleared her throat before continuing, saying "Well about that, see I actually have two minor, insignificant little problems still to sort out regarding them. The first is that I have so far been unable to up the limit of active creatures above 100, no idea why. Secondly...this is technically their actual max size." Dana looked back down at the tiny specks, and determined that the ones in the goddesses hands probably totaled around 100. Another bust. Not helping matters was how the Maiden began to wring her hands in apology, forgetting that they were still in her palms and crushing them all in a cacophony of disturbing little cries.
"Moving on, the next things are less 'ideas' and more my determining how certain aspects of my powers are going to develop. First, my dedicated psykers." The goddess pointed to one of the corners of the room, and when Dana turned to look she saw an interesting sight. A nearly nude female form was there, one who sported a few "interesting" features. The womans hair was a bright flaming red of unnatural hue, and her lips were of a similar color. While this was normally a rather striking feature to begin with, it was only enhanced by the fact that the womans skin was a light green, all one solid tone of it save for some darker lines of green that almost looked like vines.
"From my projections any natural born psyker of sufficient power under my domain will start to shift in appearance gradually until they closely resemble that template. It seems to have something to do with my domains, although I still cant account for why their hair will always become that color as well." Dana looked over the figure and found that it didnt look all that bad, and she supposed that there could be worse things to turn into. When she recalled some of the depictions of the creatures of Nurgle she felt her stomach curdle. Far worse. She was about to give it a pass when an idea, actually two struck her in rapid succession. She turned around to face the goddess who already had her hands up in a placating gesture.
"Not to worry, you will not see any of these changes, you are my high priestess so you both do not fall under that template and besides that I have greater control over how you turn out. You dont have to look like that if you dont want too." This was a relief to Dana, but she raised an eyebrow as her OTHER question had yet to be answered. The slight pout on the Maidens face was far from encouraging. "Fine, as for the male psykers, no they wont look like that, at least not exactly. Just as my followers have certain expectations regarding how my female followers shall look, right now there is an undercurrent of belief regarding my male followers that is a little...different. Still it shouldnt be a problem, see?"
Dana turned back towards the corner to see the male template and had to hold back a scream. Not a problem, NOT A PROBLEM?! The...THING she saw there was the exact definition of a problem! The Maiden looked confused, saying"I really dont see what the problem is, the psykers get the benefit of increased strength and durability in addition to their other powers. Seems win-win to me." Win-win she said. The priestess did not count it as a win if some of her people ended up looking like a cross between an Ork and an Ogryn! However before she could put a stop to this the Maiden pressed on, and her words brought the human up short.
"Finally, we have my Titans." Dana was not quite sure she had heard her goddess correctly, or at least misunderstood. Titans? The largest and most devastating application of force that was not a spacecraft? The walkers that stretched hundreds of meters high and were piloted by only the best of the best, dedicated lineages of people whos sole purpose was to pilot them? The same Titans that were often considered an extension of the God-Emperors will? THOSE TITANS?! The Verdant Maiden raised a hand to calm Dana down and continued "Yes, Titans like that. Obviously they are a long way off, but shoot for the stars and all that. Once I am stronger, alright a LOT stronger I will be able to create some of my own. Would you like to see?" Dana could only dimly nod, barely believing what she was hearing.
For the final time that night the Verdant Maiden waved her hand, and the room around them seemed to dissolve. Now they found themselves out in an open plain, nothing around save for seemingly endless grass. Then it gradually materialized, starting from the ground and rapidly growing upwards. It started as a number of brown vines but they quickly merged into a pair of solid trucks, still zooming and weaving upwards until they met in the middle forming a pair of legs. By all appearances it was like a pair of tree trunks the size of houses merging higher up, but the wooden armor and flesh just kept growing. As the torso was formed the Verdant Maiden explained, perfectly legible despite the sounds of a thousand trees growing in fast motion a few dozen feet away.
"I know that it looks like simple wood, but i can assure you that it is far from it. By the time i can make these I will be powerful enough to truly utilize the power of the Warp, including messing around with things like density, tensile strength and flammability. They will be every bit as strong as a regular titan, but better because they can heal." By this point the construct, tree, the BEING before Dana was almost complete, only the head remaining. The priestess half expected it to turn into a canopy of leaves, but instead it formed a fairly simple rounded face, one that exuded power as well as a sort of...kindness?
The Verdant Maiden smiled as she looked upon her future creation, and at a silent command from her it suddenly began to move, looking down at them and starting to bend over. Dana nearly fled on instinct, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Now now, none of that. He simply wishes to say hello." Dana gulped but remained where she was, watching as the Titan began to kneel. Then when it deemed itself low enough on one knee, its great mouth opened up and its slowly spoke.
[X] Plan A Shield For Our Faithful
-[X] Spread the Word (Variable DC)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 Uses Left)
--[X] Graycliff (DC 40)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Surf (DC 55)
-[X] Eyes on the Auxilla (DC 50)
--[X] Manpower Token (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (3 Uses Left)
-[X] Training the Troops: Ranger Doctrine (Requires 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills) (DC 60)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection, Weaving, Endurance (0 Uses Left)
Is the winner.
Do note that while I've been pretty good about it lately, tonight is what I like to call the start of the Nasty Time at work, and I'm expected to go fight the animal kingdom for dominance--mostly by not being eaten alive by swarms of insects. Provided I survive and remain in good condition, I'll probably get the update in at the usual time, but that's not a guarantee.