In the end, with the taxman having fled the system with the supplies that were initially going to go to set up the new colony, you find yourself in the middle of something of a refugee crisis. You have a lot of very confused former hive-worlders who are losing their minds after being plucked from their cozy berths and being thrown into this crazy alien landscape with a wide open ceiling above that you could fall into and never be seen again.
Or something along those lines.
Fortunately, you had most of your followers on standby on the surface just in case things got spicy--Layla grabbed as much food as she could stuff into the Moby Ark and brought it screaming into the camps, dropping it off and promising more to come--not a completely hollow promise either! A large stockpile was set aside on the off-chance that a peaceful resolution could be found, and tapping into it to make sure your new tenants didn't die of starvation was perfectly fine.
Shelter would normally be a problem too--but a little bit of magic here and there to hollow out some caves was enough for the short term--they also did seem much more comfortable in those areas than they did on the surface--goodness but that's a bad habit to have.
After the first few agitators stick their necks out to try and convince everyone to riot--and are promptly plucked out by tall people in robes (Niamh's people, very handy when you needed people to just sort of loom out of the shadows in the nick of time), you also even find out what the actual plan was.
It was--to be blunt--incredibly well thought out for all that it seemed like blind zeal at the time. The whole thing? A probe--apparently the Dragoons going rogue called everything they had done in the past century into question--and since the taxman was on the way to resettle the planet anyway, he volunteered to be the frontman. To confirm the destruction of the "Chaos Cult", or confirm that it was intact and to take what measures were necessary to eradicate it--or identify the threat level for a later response.
Apparently the entire project was underwritten by the Inquisition or something, so he was more than willing to go to the knife so he could replace aging equipment with new--state of the art facilities. The final thrust was intended as a distraction even if it wasn't enough to destroy you--by using the settlers as 'Bait', they would convince you to focus on them instead of chasing his escape craft. Even if you did nothing though, with that many souls freshly poured into the Warp in a small area, it would have created a strong tear in reality--one liable to emit enough radiation into the physical universe to sterilize the planet.
In the end, the attacks failed--though certainly not for a lack of trying. But the Publicani got what he wanted--up to date knowledge of your facilities, military strength, and magical capacity.
Unfortunate things, one and all. But you got a bunch of other people, and that means more people acknowledging you! You'll call the whole routine a win, since it costs nobody you care about anything to achieve anyway.
Of course, on the topic of cost comes paying for the help you received earlier. You find yourself in a rough position here, because yes you got very valuable help from the… Aliens, but it's just…
It's like looking into a hunk of cancer that's throbbing and thinking it gets a vote too! It's just eeeeew! It's poison and rancid sewage together and…
Okay, you're not the one doing the negotiation here, so you should try not to think about it. Think about something happier!
Like the Azure Dragoons! They managed to slip into an uninhabited section of the planet while nobody was looking. Their strike cruiser is something that'll dock when everyone else slips out and you can see if there's something you can do to patch it up. They're pretty happy with you, and impressed with your work stopping an atrocity here, so yay!
The Magus--which is curious because they're sharing the same color--has a lot to offer you that's of interest too! They actually know what they're doing for the most part, and you can probably rely on her to help bash together some of your people's findings into a coherent system that can get you out and about without too much grief!
The question is how much you need to give, how much you want to give, and if you want to give a bit extra to generate goodwill.
How were you going to sort all of this out anyway?
Diplomacy in New World Order is a relatively simple system of counting up advantage, and subtracting obligation. In general, when the balance is 0, both parties walk away satisfied with how things went and will probably come back again.
A slight tilt to one direction or the other (Positive values including how much they owe you, negative being the opposite) won't harm relations, it simply means you'll owe them a favor at some point down the line, or they'll owe you one in turn. While it's certainly a sword of damocles over the head of the one who owes a favor it's unlikely to cause any serious headaches unless neither side expects to interact again.
An imbalance of two points however represents a significant debt owed to one party or another. While this is very good usually for the creditor, nobody likes to be far enough in the hole that they don't see an easy way out of it. Relationships generally decline over time as long as this level of imbalance is maintained.
An imbalance of three points however represents a fundamental disadvantage held by one party or the other. A difference of opinion that bars future interaction, or such a crushing weight of obligation that the debtor must bend every ounce of their effort to meeting it. As a result, they will generally jump at any opportunity to make the problem go away, probably without thinking too much about the consequences. While fantastically good for the creditor, you need to recognize that this opens you up for sudden yet inevitable betrayals should you show weakness or sheer dumb luck gives them leverage.
PARTICIPANT: The Azure Magus
Initial Standing Point: +1 (Superior Posing), -1 (Supported embarrassing the Publicani) -2 (Support boarding the Star Galleon): Final Standing: -2
[ ] Provide your Spirit Binding Techniques (+2) You jam tentacles in your pilots? What's wrong with you! -- They're roots! -- Same difference! I could do better with a sympathetic link and a crown, no fuss, no muss, and no lewd bondage devices! -- They can get out whenever they want though! And anyway it's not lewd at all their uniforms don't let that happen!… -- it's the aesthetics of it that's the problem! (Auto-spends 1 favor Token next turn on Connection)
[ ] Provide the Star Galleon Frame and assist in refitting it (+2) This is convenient, a little work replacing the command core, and I can turn this into a factory and residential ship. (A special action next turn will open up, requiring 3 Manpower Tokens, but no other rolls. Failing to take this will be treated as reneging)
[ ] Teach an agricultural spell (+1) I'll admit, if you can do something to help grow food in space, that'll save a lot on our upkeep. (A special action next turn will open up, requiring 2 favor tokens but no other rolls. Failing to take this will be treated as reneging)
[ ] Grant recruitment rights (+1) More than the ones I'm already poaching from the refugees? Well, more power to you I suppose, I'll never say no to more followers (Reduces recruitment considerably until the Azure Magus leaves)
[ ] Request assistance in developing starships (-3) Oof, you don't ask for something small do you. You want me to kitbash an alien paradigm into a coherent shipbuilding tradition? I mean, I can, but that's going to be a tricky one (Provides Technology: Verdant Cult Voidcraft)
[ ] Request assistance developing ground units (-1) You seem to have the whole walker thing down pat, and you've got a good baseline with those behemoths on the ground… You just need something in between those, huh? … I've got an idea or two that might help. (Unlocks the Berserker Heavy Crawler)
[ ] Request an artificer spell (-2) Oiii, this is like, my thing, I know you're doing it through your fancy magic life stuff but if you're muscling in on my shtick I'm going to come after you! (Permits construction of Lotus Star Reactors without your personal oversight)
PARTICIPANT: Prince Sendai
Initial Standing Point: -3 (Aversion), -2 (Assisted Boarding the Star Galleon) Final Standing: -5 (!)
[ ] Grant his request for an exhibition match (+2) Well, he wants a throwdown, your people can throw down pretty good you think, set up a nice place to fight and put a good show and maybe he'll go away? (Opens up a Special Kinetic Action next turn to challenge Prince Sendai and his household to a grand tournament. Failure to follow through is likely to result in him getting bored and leaving, negating the gain made here)
[ ] Offer trading rights (+1) This… This should be harmless right? They just want some liquor? You don't need to watch them drink it oh you want to vomit… (Requires 1 Favor Token next turn to secure a large enough, sustainable supply)
[ ] Offer auxiliaries (+1) This is a bad idea! No, no, no, Dana you can't go do this to me they're my people too don't make them go help an evil arthopod's hunting parties! (1 Manpower is committed for the foreseeable future as a small detachment of Flower Knights accompanies the Prince on his safari. They'll probably be returned, eventually)
[ ] Request lightning gun data (-2) This is… huh, actually this is kinda cool I wonder if I can do something with this… (Unlocks Archlance Special Weapon)
[ ] Offer an Embassy (+3) You want to invite them to STAY?!? (Two of Dana's actions are permanently locked up handling the embassy duty and keeping the Verdant Maiden from losing all of her spaghetti and doing something ill-advised)
PARTICIPANT: Azure Dragoons
Initial Standing Point: -2 (Heretical Cult) +1 (High Local Standards of Living) + 1 (Gave Warning): 0
[ ] Offer Sanctuary (+1): Well, why not? They need a place to patch their stuff up and the materials to do so, we've got plenty of docking space after all! (Azure Dragoons will be granted sanctuary in your system. Should be safe--unless something follows them.)
[ ] Offer Recruiting Rights (+2): They've gotten beaten up quite a bit, but not so much that they can't rebuild a bit. Give 'em the freedom to recruit anyone they like and that'll be looked on pretty nicely you think! (Azure Dragoons given access to the surface and permission to seek out new recruits among your non-cult citizens. May or may not cause friction you just don't know!)
[ ] Segmentum Information (-1): Though disgraced, scattered and on the run, the Azure Dragoons are still more informed about the wider Galaxy than you are! Ask them about your corner of space, who the important people are and which ones are meanies that need some love and judgement! (Acquire out-of-date intel on the Segmentum. But hey, some intel is better than no intel!)
[ ] Integrate(-3): Well, the Dragoons are being hunted by their former comrades and have been thrown to the four arms of the Galaxy! Not to mention, the taxman only came out this way and caused all this trouble because of them! Technically it's because you talked to them before, but still, they did bring trouble, and their sense of honour forces them to make things right! So why don't they? Not just with you, but for everyone? For you, that is. (Azure Dragoons join with the Verdant Cult and become part of your forces. Will definitely cause friction, inside and out of the Chapter, but things will work out you're sure!)
[ ] Instructors (-2): If you think that might be a bit too spicy though, the fact remains that the Space Marines are almost certainly in the highest echelon of combat skill the galaxy has to offer. A few years with them drilling your cult's forces and aiding with your own craftsmen should go a long way to improving your war fighting potential! (Azure Dragoons serve as instructors for the Verdant Cult for the next few years, improving the stats of your forces and potentially producing new Special Rules. Should not be taken with Integrate, as these effects will naturally occur with Integrate)
You are expected to have 6 Favor Tokens and 5 Manpower Tokens Next Turn
Also, 2 hour Moratorium