How To Kill An Angel
"Sticky-web-grenade-launchers with fast-metal-corrosion properties? Maybe, could be good against those scary transhuman warriors, maybe slowing them down for a second or two, enough to be actually hit by other weapons, while also wearing down that shiny armor and their weapons a little itty bit. Gum up those high-tech death-dealing machines of theirs down for good! Bone melting acid-hose? Nononono, too short-range to work effectively. Unless maybe the pressure could be generated by... But in that case- Or what if I made...?"
Dana glanced at her goddess out of the corner of her eye, who was currently wearing down a circle at the floor of their war-room. Or would be, if her avatar wasn't just about intanglibe most of the time, that is. Still, her morbid murmuring was getting on her already-tight nerves and disturbing her concentration.
"What are you muttering about?" She demanded from the giant woman who should have had to walk bowed with how relatively low the ceiling was- Nope, not thinking about the impossible perspectives, I have already enough on my plate.
The Maiden stopped and turned towards her, still looking unnaturally nervous when considerng her usual demeanor. "Oh, just that nasty business of making some kind of weapons for the Flower Knights to use against the incoming Angels of Death. I mean, while they are coming to kill you all and banish my presence from here, thus also effectively killing the poor old me, you gotta admire the work ethic that went to making them so unstoppale! To start with, in practice untiring, almost unkillable through the combination of thoughness, reflexes and training, worryingly rapid recovery from injuries that they do suffer, incredible resistance to just about most toxins and poisons, and have an implant that lets them bond to their power armor to a degree that is almost maybe potentially a liiiittlle bit better than what the Belladonnas have for their Knights. All that, and their armor and armaments are just a vessel and tools for extensively trained, throughly implanted transhuman killer instinct tested in countless campaigns, combined with the capability for human reason that has also been extensively sharpened towards killing just about anything! It is really quite amazing!"
The high priestess of a heretical cult blankly stared at the being of Warp who had started her on this road. "Ah. Just needed a reminder what we are facing against. As if I didn't have enough nightmares already with-" "Oh, and they can spit acid and eat your brain to absorb parts of your memories, especially recent ones. Kind of forgot that for a moment."
The blank stare was reaching a new level of existence. Soon, it would see through the present and view with vivid clarity the future where giant men in shining armor were taking off their helmets, reaching for their knives, all while she lay helpless to move-
"So!" A very loud snap of the fan in the hand of the Maiden cut through the worryingly realistic picture about the future her priestess was seeing, at the same time making said priestess jump up a little. "I think the best bet would be the webby-grenade-shooter with a little bit of acid in the mix! Kills anything lightly-enough armored and slows down better armored opponents without needing that much accuracy against a moving target, which means that the Knights can more easily close in for the kill if the opponent isn't obliging to die at range! And it makes fighting those that do close range into the melee willingly easier, hard to hit anyone when you can barely move your arms, appendages or whatever you happen to have for hitting somebody with your vital-fluid--separating-mechanism! And as a bonus, if you have some fancy-pancy gear that doesn't work while gooped up without exploding, well though luck!"
Suddenly the Maiden was sitting next to her, eyes meeting between hers and a small but warm smile gracing the goddess's lips. "I would like to say don't worry, but against opponents like this that would be quite foolish, now wouldn't it? Instead, just focus on the present to prevent that picture from coming reality, and do your best. Nobody, certainly not me, is asking more from you. We have beat back the threats to your people before, and we can do so again if everybody works together."
Dana slowly nodded, life returning back to her motions as she did so. "Yes, you are probably right about that. In that case, let me return to looking over these plans on how to ensure that we have enough harvest that we can endure this particlular invasion." As she turned away from the Maiden, and back to the table to look at the latest reports, she heard one quiet, fading sentence at the edge of her perception.
"I am so proud of you Dana, my first, and always will be. For the rest of the eternity."