Celestial Scribe Enoch
While diplomacy is a beyond long shot, you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. So give it a whirl.That's why our opening move is diplomacy, if we are allowed. It costs us very little, and if it works we're golden. This is a very long shot.
Second is killing their marines, thereby rendering their position untenable and forcing them to retreat. This is what the winning plan for the turn was focused on; well, that and preparing to take the Capitol in the first place.
Third is turning some of their marines to our side, possibly enabling a situation where we can actually capture the Strike Cruiser that is probably coming. This is also a very long shot, and will depend heavily upon the exact nature of the Azure Dragoons Chapter.
Either option buys us time to get orbital assets at a bare minimum, preferably full-up void assets, with the last being a 'shoot for the stars' option.
I think you might have a good idea for that. Remember that Space Marines have a habit of fucking off after they take any kind of causalities because of their non-existent replenishment rate. All we need to do is deal like 30% causalities and they should fuck off, unless they decide it is a stain on their honor and stay till the bitter end, but thats unlikely for either Ultramarines or Imperial Fists, although White Scars would definitely do that.
Turning a Marine willingly is in thus time frame effectively impossible. It aint happening in any sense of the word. Chaos Astartes happen after direct corruption from a memeic hazard and even then it takes decades, or centuries.
Orbital defenses are FUCKING HARD TO MAKE, I doubt we could do much in short time. The diffraction of energy through atmosphere turns a mountain slagging 1GJ Laser into a steel melting 100KJ Laser due to diffraction and absorption of the wavelength in a earth like atmosphere. Given we are unlikely to be able to do anything close to that I think out best bet is to make Sub-Orbital mines. Gaseous pockets full of Organic Hydrocarbon / Sulfur Dioxide gas to destroy drop ships, and provide minor defense against bombardment through intersecting vector obstructions.Fields of anti-orbit sunflower lasers. We cannot get them fast enough.
I know this isn't really related but 5.56x45mm NATO is a really shit caliber for killing things, to narrow, to pointed and not enough power -to-weight to cause hypercativation of internal organs. Take it from someone who used one on people, I've seen people shrug off a 3 round burst to the chest as easily as you might shrug off a old overcoat.assuming that a backwater colony has the firepower to destroy a space marine barge,is one hell of a gamble
like ''you have a slight chance of surviving an m16 shoot to the chest'' gamble
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