We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

All in this turn.

[ ] Plan Troy but without the Horse
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 use left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection (4 left)
--[ ] Artifice Token (0 left)
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 use left)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 use left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (1 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection, Harvest,Endurance, Weaving (0 left)

Any particular reason for using Weaving instead of Death for Here We Stand?
WE HAVE NO INFENTRY TO TAKE IT WITH. we have tanks and guarilla troops we need an actual infentry force to secure and hold places before we attack the capitol or we get fucking wrecked
We will if the Auxilliary manage to hold together and maintain morale. On the other hand, between the Belladonas and rangers we have pretty much the perfect force for breaking them apart, especially with morale already flagging before word about the Forlorn Contingency got out and the soldiers had to start suppressing their own people.

That said, I really think we should do Vanguard Doctrine before we do Here We Stand, even if on the same turn.

@Ekzentric Lohner
[ ] Plan Train Vanguard and Fight
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 use left)
Sapping the Walls is an Infiltration action, Dana can't be used on it at all.
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So the space marines are expected in 1 to 3 turns. We should prepare for the worst case scenario and thus take the city now to unlock further actions.

[ ]Plan Doom on the horizon
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills
--[ ] Connection + Artifice
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] 2 Manpower + Dana + Lana
--[ ] Death + Endurance + Harvest + Connection
-[ ] Prepare for War (DC 50)
--[ ] Dana

So what do you think of this plan?
[ ]Plan Doom on the horizon
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills
--[ ] Connection + Artifice
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] 2 Manpower + Dana + Lana
--[ ] Death + Endurance + Harvest + Connection
-[ ] Prepare for War (DC 50)
--[ ] Dana
we should probably add in Vanguard Doctrine first.
We will if the Auxilliary manage to hold together and maintain morale. On the other hand, between the Belladonas and rangers we have pretty much the perfect force for breaking them apart, especially with morale already flagging before word about the Forlorn Contingency got out and the soldiers had to start suppressing their own people.

That said, I really think we should do Vanguard Doctrine before we do Here We Stand, even if on the same turn.
reminder that we are attacking a heavely fortified city with guerilly troops, 1 tank and the belladonna's we will likely win but take shittons of casualties
Rifle Doctrine might be wise against SMs. Ranger Doctrine was specifically called out as ineffective against superior forces after all, and Vanguard is vulnerable to one of SMs specialities and its strength ineffective against them.

If only we could get the Necron ship working, it would be invaluable. Even some shuttles if it has any...
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Wait, wait, wait....Azure Magus?

Wait! Come Back! What about Chaos Undivided?
Chaos was more "Fuck that guy first and then you" than undivided.

And even then most of the time they jumped the gun and just started killing each other.

There's a reason they literally created a God of treachery with their antics, betrayed him, and still try and fuck each other over.
I am saying that if you try to fight a fortified position with guerillas in a straight fight, even with a small group of tanks

You are going to get fucked
this is a quote from Alectai on the discord. we need actual front line troops before we take the city

We need to take Training the Troops before Here We Stand. Ranger doctrine is not what you want for assaulting a fortified position and holding ground.
Sapping the Walls is also a good idea.
The Azure Magus is adorable.

Plan Train and Fight looks good to me. EDIT: Oops, except the Dana issue.
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so besides a plan to get some actual infentry before we try to assault the capitol of this planet which is so heavely defended and will wreck our troops so we are depleted when the marines arive. can someone please write up the malleus reports on the laviathan landship and new sun plasma weapons? that'll be a lot of fun
[ ] Plan Train Wall Of Guns and Fight (Double Dana)
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 use left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection (4 left)
--[ ] Artifice Token (0 left)
-[ ] Training the Troops: Rifle Doctrine (Requires 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills) (DC 60)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Harvest, Weaving (2 left)
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 use left)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 use left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (1 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection, Harvest (0 left)

Can we use the same hero twice for one action? If not, we need another thing for Dana to do...

[ ] Plan Train Wall Of Guns and Fight (Recruit first)
-[ ] Expanding Further (DC 40+)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 use left)
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 use left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection (4 left)
--[ ] Artifice Token (0 left)
-[ ] Training the Troops: Rifle Doctrine (Requires 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills) (DC 60)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Harvest, Weaving (2 left)
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 use left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (1 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection, Harvest (0 left)

Edit: Adding a plan with Prepare for War

[ ] Plan Doomsday Preppers
-[ ] Sapping the Walls (DC 65)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 use left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection (4 left)
--[ ] Artifice Token (0 left)
-[ ] Prepare for War (DC 50)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 use left)
-[ ] Training the Troops: Rifle Doctrine (Requires 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills) (DC 60)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Harvest, Weaving (2 left)
-[ ] Here we Stand (Requires 2 Manpower, Dana)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 use left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (1 Uses Left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[ ] Domains: Connection, Harvest (0 left)
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I'm not sure if rifle doctrine will cut it, its really fucking hard to get ranged infantry that can actually punch through space marine plate, that's the job of anti tank weaponry. Rifles don't really qualify as anti tank.

Vanguard's primary advantage of wearing the enemy out because they can't stand the pace won't work against the space marines, but the defensive/endurance focus it brings in the units seems like it'll be more important. There's only 100 ish space marines and their ammo will be limited once they drop from the shuttles, wearing them out by literally running them out of bullets honestly seems more viable than Rifle Doctrine.

@Ekzentric Lohner
Can we use the same hero twice for one action? If not, we need another thing for Dana to do...
Prepare For War would have a 60% chance at succeeding if you threw a Dana action at it. I'm pretty sure you can't have a hero stick multiple actions on the same thing, but that's a project we need to do anyways so its not a bad choice.
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I'm not sure if rifle doctrine will cut it, its really fucking hard to get ranged infantry that can actually punch through space marine plate, that's the job of anti tank weaponry. Rifles don't really qualify as anti tank.

Vanguard's primary advantage of wearing the enemy out because they can't stand the pace won't work against the space marines, but the defensive/endurance focus it brings in the units seems like it'll be more important. There's only 100 ish space marines and their ammo will be limited once they drop from the shuttles, wearing them out by literally running them out of bullets honestly seems more viable than Rifle Doctrine.
The Riflemen are for taking the capital. None of our infantry options can actually beat Space Marines...
reminder that we also need to take a city not just fight space marines. we need an actual doctrine for that so we have basic infentry. i myself say we take the city with everything we have next turn so we can actually put everything into it
The Riflemen are for taking the capital. None of our infantry really help against marines...
Vanguard Doctrine will also serve for taking the capital. If anything, a slow grinding advance with performance augmenting armor and some form of heavy duty ranged weapon, would be quite effective for pushing through the city and taking it with minimal losses.

It'll be bad at avoiding collateral damage to the city in the process, but well, that was a lost cause the instant we had to assault the damn thing. Cities never come out of urban warfare like this intact unless the attacker has both a massive advantage of quantity and quality, and is willing to absurd casualties to win while still limiting themselves.

Bold is copied straight from the Vanguard Doctrine description.
[ ] Plan The Last Supper
-[ ] Explore the Flayer Vessel (DC ???)
--[ ] Manpower Token (2 left)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 uses left)
--[ ] Domains: Death, Harvest, Artifice (3 left)
-[ ] Prepare for War (DC 50)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 uses left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (1 left)
-[ ] Training the Troops: Vanguard Doctrine (Requires 1 Manpower + Horatio Mills) (DC 60)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 uses Left)
--[ ] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 uses left)
--[ ] Manpower Token (0 left)
--[ ] Domains: Endurance, Weaving, Death (0 left)

If training the troops fails, the invasion this turn will become a massacre. This allocation of resources prepares us for the best strike possible next turn, which is the cut-off point for space marine arrival. Let's not throw our cultists into the murder blender while we still have time to beat the odds.
I'm not sure if rifle doctrine will cut it, its really fucking hard to get ranged infantry that can actually punch through space marine plate, that's the job of anti tank weaponry. Rifles don't really qualify as anti tank.

Vanguard's primary advantage of wearing the enemy out because they can't stand the pace won't work against the space marines, but the defensive/endurance focus it brings in the units seems like it'll be more important. There's only 100 ish space marines and their ammo will be limited once they drop from the shuttles, wearing them out by literally running them out of bullets honestly seems more viable than Rifle Doctrine.
I assume the Space Marines are bringing a battle barge with them, so they could supply themselves from orbit. Depending on the chapter they could also use chapter serfs as auxiliaries.

Pointing that out, Vanguard still looks like the better option. As a God, VM's domains give us a solid shot of resisting SM rapid strike doctrine. Also, we have to note that Rifle doctrine would be familiar for the marine's to handle, given that it's the workhorse doctrine for the Imperial Guard. Giving the Space Marines something weird enough to deal with might be just eke out an edge over them. In game, the marines don't know what they're going up against, they just know we're a bunch of filthy heretics.
I'm not sure if rifle doctrine will cut it, its really fucking hard to get ranged infantry that can actually punch through space marine plate, that's the job of anti tank weaponry. Rifles don't really qualify as anti tank.

Vanguard's primary advantage of wearing the enemy out because they can't stand the pace won't work against the space marines, but the defensive/endurance focus it brings in the units seems like it'll be more important. There's only 100 ish space marines and their ammo will be limited once they drop from the shuttles, wearing them out by literally running them out of bullets honestly seems more viable than Rifle Doctrine.
I am pretty sure that we could come up with some sort of an anti tank rifle, or an option to overcharge a shot. If this made them significantly more expensive it would just result in fewer soldiers.

Vanguard focuses on slugging it out, which works badly against SMs unless maybe if they have to defend something, and is explicitly vulnerable to having its supply lines raided which SMs specialize in. Also it seems to work by focusing on toughness, endurance, and healing to keep people fighting a long time, survive their wounds, and return into the fight quickly afterwards. This would not work well against high force concentration enemies which can outright kill even the tougher soldiers.
If training the troops fails, the invasion this turn will become a massacre. This allocation of resources prepares us for the best strike possible next turn, which is the cut-off point for space marine arrival. Let's not throw our cultists into the murder blender while we still have time to beat the odds.
This is a very good point. We should not commit to a strike before we know that Training the Troops succeeded, or we're fucked. We have an extra turn and we should use it. And that way we can use Horatio's Infiltration bonus on Sapping the Walls next turn.

I mostly like your plan a lot, though I'm unsure about the Manpower tokens on the Flayer vessel and Prepare for War. It's not clear to me that those are doing anything valuable.
WE HAVE NO INFENTRY TO TAKE IT WITH. we have tanks and guarilla troops we need an actual infentry force to secure and hold places before we attack the capitol or we get fucking wrecked

rifle doctrine?

i think overflowing there might be a good idea,ensuring our average troop is better than the PDF would give us a better chance