We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Seems pretty close to unanimous to me at this point and I want something to write during the quiet hours tonight, so Locking up

[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds

-[X] Write the Book (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Ears to the Ground (DC 50)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection (1 Use Left)
-[X] The Famine Problem Part 3 (DC 50)
--[X] Hero Unit Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving (0 Uses Left)

Is the winner.
I feel like that falls under pass the DC cause I really don't see us getting a better action than our current Kinetic one for dealing with the Flayed Ones without at least getting to the next Cult tier which Good Book for Good Girls plan doesn't help with due to not taking aggressive expansion.
And that makes the current Kinetic Action better how? It is still wiping out what is currently within reach for us, and no where close to striking at the actually vital parts of our enemies.

Maybe if we get a Miracle, but even then I am doubtful as it doesn't seem like "finding the enemies base" is within our domains. Breaking it once we get there falls within Death, but we're not quite at that point yet by all known accounts.
And that makes the current Kinetic Action better how? It is still wiping out what is currently within reach for us, and no where close to striking at the actually vital parts of our enemies.

Maybe if we get a Miracle, but even then I am doubtful as it doesn't seem like "finding the enemies base" is within our domains. Breaking it once we get there falls within Death, but we're not quite at that point yet by all known accounts.
How else are going to search for the base then? How else are we supposed to deal with the Crons besides take the action that deals with them. Like it's not a perfect action I'll admit but we're not a perfect goddess either so expecting better when we're a floof head goddess with no military followers seems like a folly.
Incidentally, I realize that I haven't specified what I feel about Omakes yet for this game, so here it is.

Omakes regarding members of the Cult or people reacting to it are fair game. Anything that I label as a Sidestory will provide a small benefit to a suitable roll (No greater than +5), Apocrypha meanwhile are neat ideas that I might crib from later but provide no mechanical benefit.

I will outsource the day to day details out to the audience, while focusing on the macro view in the main story posts.
How else are going to search for the base then? How else are we supposed to deal with the Crons besides take the action that deals with them. Like it's not a perfect action I'll admit but we're not a perfect goddess either so expecting better when we're a floof head goddess with no military followers seems like a folly.
We don't, not at the moment. Instead we use the time we've just bought to further establish ourselves and get some of the more nonviolent groundwork done while we wait for our cult to grow. It's not like we could've reached the next level without a really good roll on Aggressive Expansion, and we need to do these other actions sooner or later anyways.

You don't start sending out runners when you only have cotyledons above ground. That's not the way for a plant to survive.
[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds
Edit: damn it missed the vote
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Well, time to hop on the bandwagon-


Three times in a row now! Oh well, maybe next time?

Now a bit more seriously... It's a good plan. We are juggling balls, but some of them may be grenades (and maybe someone has pulled the pin). Better take care of what can hurt us now. Surely the flayers won't attack today.*

*Aaaand I jinxed it.
So I'm confused about the system we're using. The corntato makes it seem like roll over. The way we blenderized the flayers makes it seem like roll under.
the falyers are the ones rolling so it's a you want to roll high but they flayers have been rolling like shit which is good for us
So I'm confused about the system we're using. The corntato makes it seem like roll over. The way we blenderized the flayers makes it seem like roll under.
It's a roll over system, with a specific mechanic in Miracles where it's only possible to super crit if we spend personal attention and power on it (Our Domain tokens)

To understand the way the Flayers and other factions work think about them like other players on the board
On a successful roll they get what they want, the Publicani wanted to get collect his quota and leave, the Flayers want bad things to happen to us

We aren't rolling to attack the Flayers, the Flayers are rolling to attack us
They rolled low the first turn and so weren't aware we were vulnerable, having mistimed and pulled back at the wrong moment
They crit failed this turn and walked straight into our new mechas which blindsided and shredded some of them, the sheer "what the fuck" of something actually capable of permakilling them on this backwater caused them to abort and call off the general assault
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We will need to make living guns that can latch into the back of the flower knights. We can literally take whole chapters from the Tyranids library, except it will be based off of plant matter then their animal matter. It will also require guiding minds for now.

My suggestion would be, even given the plant theme, to go more slashing/arcing energy beam weapons, rather than bio launchers with acid, poison, and/or flesh-borers if only to avoid the sense of simply being plant-nids or plague marines 2.0.

That being said, you didn't specify what kind of weapons would be shooting out of swappable living guns. And actually being symbotic is what life and connection, so it is on theme and very versatile!

I dig the use of a lance as the primary for our cornerstone unit, helps build a more unique visual profile/theme.

I've been watching some battle reports lately, and am starting to imagine an army theme here, we got death, so possible mortal wounds on some weapons, unit healing from endurance, possibly reanimation protocol like mechanic from life/endurance, very high leadership from connection/endurance... Anyway before I outstay my welcome, I am enthusiastic about this quest, and am looking forward to more.
If we plan to keep developing bioweapons, and I assume we do, I demand that we invent giant sunflowers that shoot laser beams as part of our ground-to-space defense.
honestly something I want to do is basically be able to turn our worlds into death worlds. As in for anyone who we want or don't mind coming to one of our worlds it would just be a world covered in heavy plant life, maybe even seen as a paradise world. However to anyone coming to attack us it would be a living hell as every blade of grass would cut into their flesh like a power weapon, every tree could have it's roots shoot up from beneath to impale and tangle, the very pollen of the plants would become poisonous and acidic staging armor and ruining weapons.

Basically make it a very lovely place for people we like to live on and an utter nightmare for anyone trying to assault it.
Oh my, new Alectai 40k quest. Watched.

While it's not a perfect match I can see the flower knight 'husks' looking a bit similar to this.
For plant/nature-themed/based weaponry, I've run across a few ideas. 1, 2, 3, 4

As for ranged weapons, if we don't want to go the poison/acid/launched parasite route; maybe something a little closer to conventional firearms: shooting thorns/needles.
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Oh my, new Alectai 40k quest. Watched.

While it's not a perfect match I can see the flower knight 'husks' looking a bit similar to this.
For plant/nature-themed/based weaponry, I've run across a few ideas. 1, 2, 3, 4

As for ranged weapons, if we don't want to go the poison/acid/launched parasite route; maybe something a little closer to conventional firearms: shooting thorns/needles.
Alectai said on the Discord that they resemble something I'm not familiar with from Knights of Sidonia
Namely they sorta look like this:

Only probably with a bit more green, brown and grey in the color scheme from the interwoven plant fiber muscle, and the bark, stone and chitin armor
But the silhouette is distinctly feminine complete with what looks like a sort of skirt
dozen unmarried women serve as the pilots of the constructs you've formed. Leaning into the themes that seem to have formed, you've decided to modify the design a little bit to appear a bit more feminine as a token of your appreciation for the support
The Belladonna is a twisted parasite, helpless and inert until one of the Harlot's slaves offers upon it a virgin sacrifice. It consumes the victim and casts their soul beyond the Emperor's Judgment, repurposing their body as an avatar and thinking engine. Eeriely coordinated in battle, they are utterly silent, seeking to enter close quarters battle where their sickles can reap the lives of the loyal and offer their spirits to their dark mother. Possessing of monstrous regenerative powers, the most effective tactic to neutralize these are the employment of heavy weapons to the lower body, burniing through the 'Skirt' and destroying one of the legs. Once immobilized, flamer teams should be deployed to ignite it. Once the repurposed brain boils, it cannot sustain combat operations any further. Psyk-Out Grenades and Null Engines are also effective at immobilizing these creatures.

Taking the opportunity to expound more on our new creation, the Belladonna is a really tough heavy unit
They're made of ridiculously tough braided plant matter protected by hyper dense armor made of bark, stone and chitin
The real secret to their durability however is their sheer mass coupled with regeneration
You'd think that the secret would be to target the pilot inside the torso but it turns out on top of all the safety measures keeping them from harm the amniotic fluid gives the pilot regeneration too

So to bring down the Belladonna reliably either calls for anti material weapons fire at the center of mass, preferably repeated as there's still a chance the rider could survive and recover
Or crippling the unit with heavy weaponry before finishing it with heavy flamers, which kills the rider by boiling them alive... not pretty
Though the second option is rather risky, not that the Imperium cares that it's sending a ton of Guardsmen into a meat grinder for the sake of bringing down something roughly on par with an Astartes
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Though it's almost too bad that this seems to be a plant-based agri-world instead of plant and herd beast. Because then the Verdant Maiden could perform a second miracle, the likes of which even the Imperium at the height of it's power could never manage: naturally placid Grox.

No seriously, while the animals are completely delicious; they are so aggressive that the majority of the herd is lobotomized while the breeding stock is kept drugged and further restrained via electro-pulsers wired directly into their brains. And even then, farming Grox is still a high risk endeavour.
Does the belladonna rider restricted to a woman? like an Astartes restricted to a man? And if it does will rider have to be a virgin because if that is the case it will hamper mass recruitment.

What about the requirements of making belladonna? Do we need some special materials? Or just plant matter?
Like you need geneseed for astartes.
Though it's almost too bad that this seems to be a plant-based agri-world instead of plant and herd beast. Because then the Verdant Maiden could perform a second miracle, the likes of which even the Imperium at the height of it's power could never manage: naturally placid Grox.

No seriously, while the animals are completely delicious; they are so aggressive that the majority of the herd is lobotomized while the breeding stock is kept drugged and further restrained via electro-pulsers wired directly into their brains. And even then, farming Grox is still a high risk endeavour.

Warhammer 40K, where even cattle farming is both grimdark and lethal.
Does the belladonna rider restricted to a woman? like an Astartes restricted to a man? And if it does will rider have to be a virgin because if that is the case it will hamper mass recruitment.

What about the requirements of making belladonna? Do we need some special materials? Or just plant matter?
Like you need geneseed for astartes.

The belladona is in theory usable by anyone but because of local beliefs only maiden will actually do it. We have our own knightly order now.

Our wheat robots only need biological materials to be produced by us. We're a goddess after all.
And if it does will rider have to be a virgin because if that is the case it will hamper mass recruitment.
Remember the italicized blurbs are Imperial propaganda/'reports'. Take this bit:
It consumes the victim and casts their soul beyond the Emperor's Judgment, repurposing their body as an avatar and thinking engine.
It's simply not true since we know these things are biological mini-mecha that people can freely get into and out of.