We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds

Of the current plans, this one is my favourite. Though it does bug me that it is named after us doing good deeds without including the action that is literally doing good deeds. -.-

We will need to make living guns that can latch into the back of the flower knights. We can literally take whole chapters from the Tyranids library, except it will be based off of plant matter then their animal matter. It will also require guiding minds for now.

We will need to take a sphere where we can do this on our own. Either a sphere for minds, or maybe a sphere for sorcery so that we can send our daemons into the real world. Belladona Daemon Engines maybe?
We could also just use our Life and Weaving Domains on animal matter and use that to get our guiding minds. Seems easier to develop what is already there than to grow something from scratch, and it's not like animal use in warfare is unheard of.

Let's give our Flower Knights their horses, only the horse is actually a cannon.
[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds

Honestly it will probably be a shock for any Imperial units that are sent after us later on. With our domains and focus any planet that fully converts to VM worship will likely be classified as a Paradise world. The come expecting to see the common warp fuckery and get a face full of some of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy. I can't wait to get terraforming.
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Something we should do later on is to bring around the rest of Dana's family to our side. They run the planet after all. And she has been kick off her family's estate over being our good girl. Our first victory over the Flayers with the Flower Knights will go a long way in winning peoples over just as our other labors will.

[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds
[X] Plan The Good Book and Better Weapons

Our walls are still unmanned (I don't consider basically untrained militia manned) so it will only take one bad roll for the Flayers to fuck us up cause we only have one knight order for an entire planet, Now having smaller numbers than our opponent can work but only if we have the initiative so let's seize it and attack the enemy where it hurts
[X] Plan The Good Book and Better Weapons

Our walls are still unmanned (I don't consider basically untrained militia manned) so it will only take one bad roll for the Flayers to fuck us up cause we only have one knight order for an entire planet, Now having smaller numbers than our opponent can work but only if we have the initiative so let's seize it and attack the enemy where it hurts
The problem is there we can only hurt the enemy where we can reach, and we have no idea where to go if we want to hit they're actual vulnerable areas nor if we actually can do so.
[X] Plan The Good Book and Better Weapons

Our walls are still unmanned (I don't consider basically untrained militia manned) so it will only take one bad roll for the Flayers to fuck us up cause we only have one knight order for an entire planet, Now having smaller numbers than our opponent can work but only if we have the initiative so let's seize it and attack the enemy where it hurts
To the contrary if we go on the offensive with our smaller numbers we'd risk overreaching and exposing ourselves
The most we could hope to accomplish with the reconnaissance action is get a better picture of the Flayers and maybe take out another small portion of them

What we risk in return is:
Our very few and valuable Knights being killed attacking into a vastly numerically superior force
The rising resistance to the Cult back home organizing and splitting our attention onto two fronts once they get momentum

We've bought ourselves a little bit of breathing room with our latest success as the Flayers reel back from this new and unexpected threat, along with the point of resilience to absorb a potential loss
For now it's probably best to let our Knights help handle defensive duty and continue training while we take the opportunity provided to actually secure ourselves

As the Verdent Maiden we aren't actually that good at organized warfare
We make up for it in specializing in holding ground and making big scary units
So playing to our strengths here would be to hold firm and keep building up until we are strong enough to push forward
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Shouldn't this be seven chakras? I mean I can understand if there were millennia of cultural drift that changed the number, because the Warp is based on belief more than actual fact, but our Number is Seven, so it would make sense if the Knights also used Seven Chakras.

You know, that's a good point, I'll adjust that.
In short we need to actually fortify the fuck out of this area, build up our numbers, and make it so that we are too tough a nut to crack.

But not too tough lest they become threatened. We need them to be willing to ignore us in favor of easier targets.

You know, that's a good point, I'll adjust that.

A side note: We are born from the throne of Nurgle, and 7 is Nurgles holy number. So it would be our holy number as well.
In short we need to actually fortify the fuck out of this area, build up our numbers, and make it so that we are too tough a nut to crack.

But not too tough lest they become threatened. We need them to be willing to ignore us in favor of easier targets.

A side note: We are born from the throne of Nurgle, and 7 is Nurgles holy number. So it would be our holy number as well.

It is but you don't have any claim over it yet, that comes with the actual Throne along with the safety to use the VM's real Name.

So it's just one number among many at the moment.
In short we need to actually fortify the fuck out of this area, build up our numbers, and make it so that we are too tough a nut to crack.

But not too tough lest they become threatened. We need them to be willing to ignore us in favor of easier targets.

A side note: We are born from the throne of Nurgle, and 7 is Nurgles holy number. So it would be our holy number as well.
Easiest way to do that is actually fairly fitting for our current opponents. Never develop vehicles or super combatants, and make it so everything we have can be hidden and preferably survive surface bombardment.
It was a simple tool--a Hammer forged to wage War--to shatter and disperse the gossamer spirits of the Sea of Souls and to concentrate them into four great masses. Upon those masses they inscribed words of power. Change, Violence, Plague, Excess. They bound these masses to four servitor races for power, and forged four Thrones to gather all other forms of power into their weapons--and set them against their attackers, withdrawing to newly built fortresses to watch the turning of the war.

Stars died--eons before their time. War waged in the Heavens beyond all comprehension. When the first of these Powers burst from its seed, devouring the identity of its host species, the ancient ones wavered even as great Daemons filled the stars. When the second Power burst from their soldiers, rendering them little more than clumsy barbarian oafs--they turned their gaze to the tool they had forged.

But the war was not yet won--the Enemy had redoubled their efforts, casting themselves into shells of undying, soulless steel as they pressed back against the power of the soul.

The third Power emerged, leaving the cunning ones as a mindless plague-species--and the ancient ones finally understood their folly. One among their number took up the Warhammer to banish the forces they had called up. Only to find the situation had finally deteriorated beyond control--the Sea of Souls tore loose, and beasts beyond number emerged, empowered by the sorceries used to oppose them as they feasted first on the powers--and then turning their gaze on the other species of the galaxy where they feasted until none remained to sate their hunger.

I'm just wondering, what are the species that the first three Chaos Gods came from came from? I'm assuming Khorne came from the Orks, though I'm not sure. Nurgle...from the Rangdan, maybe? No idea about Tzentech.
[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds

In future turns, we should make armored bear cavalry.
The problem is there we can only hurt the enemy where we can reach, and we have no idea where to go if we want to hit they're actual vulnerable areas nor if we actually can do so.
I feel like that falls under pass the DC cause I really don't see us getting a better action than our current Kinetic one for dealing with the Flayed Ones without at least getting to the next Cult tier which Good Book for Good Girls plan doesn't help with due to not taking aggressive expansion.

Like for all that the Crons are backing up right now all it takes for them to get that +50 unmanned walls modifier is them not rolling shit this turn and realizing that we're basically defenseless
[X] Plan The Good Book For Good Girls Doing Good Deeds

Well this is an unexpectedly delightful bit of heresy. We shall conquer the galaxy with hugs and kindness (also voracious all consuming power over life). :V