We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

[X] Plan The Plate-Spinning Act of DOOM!
Well, time to bunker down and deal with the storm that the desperate Governor unleashed on this world.....
I really like meianmaru's plan and would be happy for it to win. However, given how much stuff we have to do, I am really strongly tempted by the notion of investigating the Flayer Craft with Dana: she gives a +10 on her own, and even if we fail, the heroic failure mitigation might kick in and give us a bonus the next time we try to do this. It does turn Planting the Seed into a coinflip and might result in us needing to try that again next turn, but with all due respect to Dana, she is our least important Hero for this part of the crisis, because she boosts Preaching and Charity and what we really want is every Kinetic or Infiltration bonus we can get, so I am OK with risking her actions being inefficient when the potential upside is so large.

Basically: I think the potential downside of this variant (action inefficiency with Dana) is small compared to the potential upside (getting a better idea of what the Flayer Vessel might bring us) -- failing the unknown DC is not going to bring disaster with a hero on the case, and even a partial success would be good.
On the other hand, I would point out that we don't know if we get more than one action to investigate the craft if we fail it now, or get even partial success, or non-Miracle normal success. Also, Necron tech is absurdly advanced material tech mostly outside of VM's Domains, especially as we don't have the Earth Domain. Which means it likely has very/extremly high DC, and I'm not willing to tamper with it without throwing as much as we can into the action. A wasted, or even partially wasted action at this point could actually mean the difference between the failure or success.
Right, I'm going to be detailing the typical Order of Battle of a typical Astartes Battle Company, as well as the primary ways to deal with a significant Space Marine force and some analysis into the kinds of forces that the Verdant Cult will need to develop if it hopes to survive an encounter with an Astartes Battle Company.

The Command Squad
A Space Marine Battle Company is, like every Company in the Chapter, lead by a Captain, a multi-centennial veteran of war, who has likely fought in thousands of battles and murdered many thousands more aliens, heretics, dissidents and other highly capable soldiers and murderers in his time. Young Captains are a possibility, but even inexperienced Captains are still at the very least Mid-Tier Heroes. A Space Marine Chapter is hamstrung by many things, but it does not select for incompetency in its Battle Company Commanders.

Supporting the Captain, there is the Chaplain, himself a highly experienced Marine typically selected from the Veterans of the Chapter to manage morale and inspect the Company for diversions in Faith and the outbreak of Heresy. It should be noted that Chaplains don't generally follow the Imperial Faith, because most Chapters are agnostic and consider the Emperor merely an exemplar amongst men (though some are adherents of the Imperial Faith who consider the Emperor a God), but they are faithful to the Chapter Cult, they are inspiring, and they are scary motherfuckers.

The Apothecary is the Company medic, who among other things saves the lives of Marines so grievously wounded that not even their superhuman biology can stabilise them and also knows how to make new Space Marines. Is typically also selected from Veterans, and considering that Apothecaries tend to have to get in up close and personal to recover the Gene-Seed of their fallen Brothers (which is common enough that the Narcethium they use to do that is also a capable close combat weapon) they're probably Vanguard Veterans. Beware.

The Techmarine goes to Mars, learns about tech, and comes back with cool wargear and a terrifying capacity to create engines of war. Also has two Servo Arms which are used for holding vehicles steady while they perform maintenance. Typically followed around by either Servitors or a Thunderfire Cannon. Heavy fire support. They might not necessarily be chosen from Veterans, primarily selecting from technically inclined brothers instead of particularly experienced ones, but any Techmarine assigned to a Battle Company is probably very experienced.

And finally, the Librarian is the Company Battle Psyker, and considering that this is a Battle Company, that means that he's an Epistolary, the highest rank of Librarian short of the Chief Librarian. Which, presumably, also means he has a few Lexicanii following him around doing scutwork and supporting him in battle as a psychic choir. Probably the most dangerous one of the lot, and the second highest priority target amongst the entire Command Squad, because they pack the firepower of a battle tank in a superhuman-sized package, and with the Warp being calmer than it's ever been that means they can do way more bullshit than they already do in mainline 40k.

The Company

They should be following the Codex standard: 6 Squads of Tactical Marines and 2 Squads each of Assault and Devastator Marines, totaling 100 Battle-Brothers, each squad being lead by a Sergeant. Which is plenty nightmarish on its own.

But wait, there's more! The typical Battle Company also has 1-2 Scout Squads around, with attached Scout Marines following an experienced Scout Sergeant performing recon in preparation for their own elevation to the Companies, who can also serve in the main line of battle if needed. And they have Carapace Armour, so even the light recon elements of the Company have equivalent armour to the Colony Auxilia. Still, low priority targets either way, that orbiting Strike Cruisers has an auspex and that Epistolary can scry.

But wait, there's E V E N M O R E

Typically, a Battle Company has an attached contingent from the Chapter's 1st Company to provide heavy support where it is required, like if the Company runs into a Space Hulk while on patrol or needs to murder the Warboss of a brewing Waaagh and the Company is already being overwhelmed. The number varies, but considering this is a regular patrol, expect a squad or so of 1st Company Veterans.

So 10 Terminators.

Who are even more unkillable than regular Space Marines.

Yeah, these guys are also Kill On Sight.

Heavy Metal

The ship they arrive on (probably a Strike Cruiser but has a chance of being a Battle Barge) is of relatively little concern, and the vehicles available to the Company are likely limited. Predators are rightfully considered Light Tanks, being a Rhino with a turret, but their firepower should not be underestimated. Similarly, Rhinos are mostly redundant considering that the typical Space Marine can already run at 60kmph for incredibly extended periods but they do lend them incredible combat endurance, since they can carry all their ammo and gear instead of needing to be resupplied by either truck or drop pod, plus provide some suppressive fire in a pinch with that pintle Storm Bolter. Whirlwinds are also nasty, being highly mobile missile artillery, but otherwise their role is to support the infantry, not provide a heavy striking arm like the Imperial Guard has with the Leman Russ.

Unless the 1st Company Veteran Squad brought a Land Raider.

If the Veterans brought a Land Raider too, then things are pretty dire. Land Raiders are in the same weight class as frigging Baneblades, and while their primary role is troop transport, they still carry enough firepower to murder whole villages, and possess some of the most sophisticated Machine Spirits in existence, roughly translating to they can drive and shoot themselves. And they also can deploy Terminators, if that wasn't enough. If they brought a Redeemer, do not get close. Those Flamestorm Cannon sponsons are nightmares to deal with.

They also have Dreadnoughts but whether they get awoken for a routine cult stomping run is debatable, personally I think they won't show up as part of the first wave, and will be activated later on as the situation escalates. That said, when they do awaken, they're universally selected from heroes of the Chapter, because Dreadnought frames are hella expensive. These guys are, invariably, Veteran level too, except now they are a literal walking tank. Beware.


Space Marines, due to limited numbers and their high quality of training, as well as ready access to seizing the initiative due to various qualities, are extremely proficient in surgical strikes and terror attacks. When your typical infantryman is an 8 ft. tall supersoldier who wears power armour that makes him a walking tank, who can also move as fast as a tank but significantly more agile and also with a smaller profile than a tank, coupled with their legendary reputation and their ability to inspire Transhuman Terror... they are masters at decapitation strikes, surpassed only by Eldar Aspect Warriors, and in many ways they are better at the job, because they have superior combat endurance and so can keep doing it for weeks or months at a time while the Aspect Warriors can only do it for so long before they need to rotate out.

What the Space Marine Chapter typically does, then, is identify HVIPs and hotspots on the world, whether through recon, scrying or orbital auspex (with local militia support), then drop in with either a squad of Tactical Marines via drop pod or a whole bunch more on a Thunderhawk at once, or maybe even infiltrating by ground along the way, depending on how the Chapter feels about the element of surprise. Then they go in, decapitate the enemy leadership, then rinse and repeat until all the enemy is indisarray and the remainder of their job is mopup.

So, to recap, the Space Marine Battle Company is precise enough to perform decapitation strikes and tough enough that most traps set for them are actively baited because there's no real way to kill them short of anti-armour weaponry anyways. They are, and likely will remain, the premier supersoldier of the 40k setting, because they are extremely versatile and there is no real way to exploit their weaknesses, because they have no real weaknesses besides being few in number, which is extremely hard to exploit because given the opportunity they will inflict disproportionate casualties as they die.

So, how do you kill them?

Fortunately, Space Marines are still (theoretically) human, and humans die to massed firepower. The only problem is holding them down long enough to do so.

How can the Verdant Cult do that?

1) Belladonna spam.

Belladonnas are already noted to be capable of matching a Space Marine in melee, the only problem being getting there. It would be cruel to just spam Belladonnas just for them to die charging across open fields, which leaves fighting on advantageous terrain filled with dead ends, choke points and ambush areas (like a city) and then shooting them full of missiles and plasma.

2) Making monsters

The alternative will be exploiting the hell out of those Life and Death spheres, making organic beasts that can take incredible damage and not die, who can reanimate after they die either to continue tarpitting or potentially as an ambush strat to take down unwary Astartes (insofar as they exist) or, more likely, to serve as a further distraction for our own forces to either reposition or keep shooting. You'd have to go full biohorror for this to work, though, and in the time VM has left it may not be feasible to make these. There may not be enough time left to play with life in this manner.

3) Make peers

One of the few ways to match the Space Marine is with an equivalent. Orks have various flavour of Nob, Eldar have their Aspect Warriors (easiest would be Dire Avenger, being as they are the versatile ones, but any theoretically work), so on and so forth. This is theoretically possible by further developing the Belladonna, like giving them ranged weapons and such, and is my favoured long term strategy. However, in the short term this is likely not viable, there aren't enough Belladonnas to contest a Battle Company even if the upgrade was already in place, and you still have to worry about Terminator Armour and Tanks.

4) Take the initiative (Alternatively: Fuck 'em with Tanks)

If you don't let individual squads of Space Marines go to ground, report upwards or blend into cover, and ideally get them into an open field with no cover that has been pre-sighted with plasma artillery, you can kill them. It's how Imperial Guard and the like deal with Chaos Space Marines if they can deal with Transhuman Terror; open field battles, tanks, meltaguns and plasma cannons. It's not foolproof, and a lot of people will die, but hitting Space Marines at range is a lot safer for you than trying to fight Space Marines in melee, where they have even more advantages. However, considering Belladonnas exist, this is hardly a first resort, not to mention that this will result in mass casualties and we'd fail that secondary objective. And also massive loss of human life.

5) Turn them (?)

This is the unlikeliest option of all, and absolutely requires that the 5th Company of the Azure Dragoons be the same brand of disenfranchised Space Marine described in the opening blurb, who disagrees with the direction the Imperium has taken but is powerless to speak up. Which is very unlikely. And even then, you have to deal with the following facts:

1) Chaos Gods are really fucking nasty
2) The distress call described a Chaos Cult
3) The Forlorn Contingency means that this is already Taken Seriously

Which means that the only way for this to work demands that the Space Marines already have doubts about the veracity of the claims of Chaos Activity, that all attempts at resistance are peaceful or at least not overtly Warpy (bio-tech is pretty fucking weird and may be taken for Warpy btw), that the Governor looks like a fool who panicked and fucked up (which is the easiest part of it all) and that the Battle Company won't just murder all the dissidents anyways. So, obviously, this is the longest shot of all, which fundamentally requires convincing a bunch of century-old fanatical supersoldiers who have at the very least been raised on tales of Chaos being the ultimate enemy who can appear in any number of forms and is inherently deceptive... That we aren't Chaotic.

In a galaxy that has painted all 'Anti-Imperial' sentiment as Heresy.

Which is an incredibly long shot.

Naturally, I think we should lead with this. Because the rewards include having a Battle Company as acquiantances. :V
We can probably expect significantly better armour and weapons at the minimum, with better bio-enhancements certainly being a possibility.
I know, but for me it's questionable if we could hold up orbital bombardment from Space Marines, who often are more on the cutting edge of technology, now with even more enhanced ships, with what is probably a 40k Void Shield Generator from when the Imperium was on the brink of collapse. Space Marine ships are designed for Orbital Bombardment. So I'm currently very hesitant.
Great analyses @Swordomatic. I'm not really a nuts and bolts Astartes sort of person so I can't really coment in too much detail on the first four points, but I think there is something to be said for the fifth.

5) Turn them (?)

This is the unlikeliest option of all, and absolutely requires that the 5th Company of the Azure Dragoons be the same brand of disenfranchised Space Marine described in the opening blurb, who disagrees with the direction the Imperium has taken but is powerless to speak up. Which is very unlikely. And even then, you have to deal with the following facts:

1) Chaos Gods are really fucking nasty
2) The distress call described a Chaos Cult
3) The Forlorn Contingency means that this is already Taken Seriously

Which means that the only way for this to work demands that the Space Marines already have doubts about the veracity of the claims of Chaos Activity, that all attempts at resistance are peaceful or at least not overtly Warpy (bio-tech is pretty fucking weird and may be taken for Warpy btw), that the Governor looks like a fool who panicked and fucked up (which is the easiest part of it all) and that the Battle Company won't just murder all the dissidents anyways. So, obviously, this is the longest shot of all, which fundamentally requires convincing a bunch of century-old fanatical supersoldiers who have at the very least been raised on tales of Chaos being the ultimate enemy who can appear in any number of forms and is inherently deceptive... That we aren't Chaotic.

In a galaxy that has painted all 'Anti-Imperial' sentiment as Heresy.

Which is an incredibly long shot.

Naturally, I think we should lead with this. Because the rewards include having a Battle Company as acquiantances. :V

I think it is even more unlikely that we com away from this peacefully than implied in the above. Why? Because while we may not be Chaos, not the all consuming weapons of the War in Heaven we are still the enemies of the Emperor and the Imperium, the VM called the Emperor 'the greatest of the petty tyrants of the Warp'. All his Imperium has become we opposed, the callousness in the face of human suffering, the veneration of death and martyrdom, the technological monopoly of the elite, all these the VM stands against. If we could somehow convince the marines of the truth of that the Verdant Maiden is all that would happen is that most of them might regret killing us all a little, since they are not fighting nice clean Chaos.
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Great analyses @Swordomatic. I'm not really a nuts and bolts Astartes sort of person so I can't really coment in too much detail on the first four points, but I think there is something to be said for the fifth.

I think it is even more unlikely that we com away from this peacefully than implied in the above. Why? Because while we may not be Chaos, not the all consuming weapons of the War in Heaven we are still the enemies of the Emperor and the Imperium, the VM called the Emperor 'the greatest of the petty tyrants of the Warp'. All his Imperium has become we opposed, the callousness in the face of human suffering, the veneration of death and martyrdom, the technological monopoly of the elite, all these the VM stands against. If we could somehow convince the marines of the truth of that the Verdant Maiden is all that would happen is that most of them might regret killing us all a little, since they are not fighting nice clean Chaos.

.... you do know that Chaos Space Marines exist, right? And that not all of them are from the Horus Heresy, right? And that there are explicitly whole Chapters who are only not actively opposing what the Imperium has become because they don't have the supplies and manpower support to pull it off, right? And that even most of the rest are only going along with it all extremely grudgingly, right?

It's unlikely we'll turn these ones, because we'd need absurd luck, but it is manifestly not impossible to get Astartes on our side.

[X] Plan The Plate-Spinning Act of DOOM!
-[X] Murmurs of Dissent (DC 60)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection
-[X] Planting the Seed (DC 60)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Split Your Lungs With Blood and Thunder! (DC 70)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving, Harvest
-[X] Building on what works (DC 75)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving, Death

In the depths of the warp, so deep that even gods could go mad, the Monochrome Heirarch awaited, and he observed.

Things were going... actually far better than anticipated.

He flitted between different views between his four protege's carefully, observing as they worked and did his best to guide them. The Heirarch spent millenia outwitting the likes of TzeentchWeaverofFates without their knowing, so to do so for these fledgling gods was almost too easy, especially with his hands off approach towards their development. With what little action he allowed himself to do (and with what power he actually had) he did his best to conceal and misguide the larger forces in the warp. Agents causing the right amount of trouble here, fixing some problems there, and the surprising competency of the four allowed them to proceed rather well these last few... months?

Huh. Perhaps this was working too well. In only a few months so much had been accomplished. His mind wanders back to what his agents reported back to him of his charges.

The Cavalier broke GorkMorks nose and rescued an entire fuedal world from a roving warband of orks, but the god thankfully decided to break MorkGorks nose in anger instead of the warrior.

The Magus was as intrepid as their predecessor, so gauging how succesful they were was tedious. At the very least, they were proud of their accomplishments, as was the cult beneath them.

The Maiden had averted a famine and had faced down the Nightbringer and won. Her little victory also involved her stealing some necron technology thanks to the fact that it was controlled by a virus of all things. She must have had fun with that.

There was a close call with Cegorach and the Rogue. A very close call. The Rogue only escaped due to the Laughing Gods shock at what he saw. Thankfully, he managed to escape. That did not stop that clown from arriving on the edge of the Heirarchs small territory in the warp and asking his "ol' buddy-pal-friend-chum" whether or not he had seen anything odd lately, like a grain of fairness or four chaos gods rising from the dead, you know, that sort of thing. The good thing about hiding within the darkness of the deep was that while the Heirarch could peer out, none could peer in. Eventually, after Cegorach did not receive any response from his chaotic friend MalalTheForgottenGod, he left in a huff.

True, the next century or so would be very important. But this wasn't a bad start, not at all.

Then, the Monochrome Heirarch saw ITS gaze shift towards the world of the Ardent Maiden, in all of its conceited judgement and might.

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.... you do know that Chaos Space Marines exist, right? And that not all of them are from the Horus Heresy, right? And that there are explicitly whole Chapters who are only not actively opposing what the Imperium has become because they don't have the supplies and manpower support to pull it off, right? And that even most of the rest are only going along with it all extremely grudgingly, right?

It's unlikely we'll turn these ones, because we'd need absurd luck, but it is manifestly not impossible to get Astartes on our side.

Most Chaos Space Marines during and after the Heresy were not made by Chaos asking nicely. We do not have the memetic virulence of Nurgle and his kin. Us getting space marines would be more analogues to a company going rogue not Chaos which does happen, but not that often and mostly for their own reasons.
Chaos had ways to getting around poor and degraded geneseed back in the day. I'm betting we can to with some effort. As for the loss of human life, well we are a goddess of healing. I bet we can make it more humane if we try hard enough

Mind I'm not wedded to the idea, it just feels like and appropriate amount of insult to hurl back at the Golden Tyrant.

.. chaos also was in no danger of getting wiped out/experiencing massive setbacks by a single company of space marines and also had the advantage of both senior techpriests, space marine specialists and lets not forget multiple primarchs familiar with the matter joining their side. Seems a bit of a reach to suggest a newly minted warp entity would be a able to easily reproduce that...

Plus who knows what 10k years of additional research without major interference by chaos has allowed the Imperium to do to the space marines and their geneseed.
well, I think Maiden now knows what human saying "waiting for the other shoe to drop" means: for every success be prepared for a disaster.

So we have 3 turns. Suggest this turn we prepare, and the next we TAKE OVER THE SPIRE, to finally get rid of that m***er**cker
The idiot practically shot himself in the head! What was the point! (+ the less time that ahole has to bunker up the faster we can stop this farce, the fewer people will die.)

OK, good rolls, but now EVERYTHING'S ON FIRE! Next turn when Vermilion Maiden, when we're at full AP we need to lay the groundwork to take this planet before and have at least 1 turn left to exclusively prepare for the Space Marines.

(Thus it's better if we operate we have only 3 turns)

As for Astartes, If it were Salamanders, Ultramarines, or Lamanter, we could have dealt with them in Maiden's "preferred" way: honesty, reason, humane treatment of people, appeal to their humanity, and plain 'womanly' charisma.

But for the rest... It' be better if we "defang" them, or in case of the most insane ones (like Iron Hands, Black Templars): eliminate them

Both plans are good so I had a coin toss, and it landed on:

[X] Plan The Plate-Spinning Act of DOOM!
I thought he would be paralyzed by fear for a bit giving us some breathing room to heal the ranger's, NOPE he danced the conga off a cliff smashing his blindfolded head on the nuke button.
Never underestimate what a madman will do.