I really like meianmaru's plan and would be happy for it to win. However, given how much stuff we have to do, I am really strongly tempted by the notion of investigating the Flayer Craft with Dana: she gives a +10 on her own, and even if we fail, the heroic failure mitigation might kick in and give us a bonus the next time we try to do this. It does turn Planting the Seed into a coinflip and might result in us needing to try that again next turn, but with all due respect to Dana, she is our least important Hero for this part of the crisis, because she boosts Preaching and Charity and what we really want is every Kinetic or Infiltration bonus we can get, so I am OK with risking her actions being inefficient when the potential upside is so large.
Basically: I think the potential downside of this variant (action inefficiency with Dana) is small compared to the potential upside (getting a better idea of what the Flayer Vessel might bring us) -- failing the unknown DC is not going to bring disaster with a hero on the case, and even a partial success would be good.
[X] Plan One More Plate
-[X] Murmurs of Dissent (DC 60)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Connection
-[X] Planting the Seed (DC 60)
--[X] Manpower Token (2 Uses Left)
-[X] Explore the Flayer Vessel (DC ???)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Dana (0 Uses Left)
-[X] Split Your Lungs With Blood and Thunder! (DC 70)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Layla (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (1 Use Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving, Harvest
-[X] Building on what works (DC 75)
--[X] Heroic Unit: Horatio (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Manpower Token (0 Uses Left)
--[X] Domains: Weaving, Death