We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

With the Connection formed, the Magus does their own thing--she raises a hand, and you can see the azure-haired, red eyed woman beneath her shroud now, ageless features currently focused on the task of targeting everyone.

"Gotcha" She snaps her fingers, and the people are teleported off of the ship, safe into the planet below.
And now that it has been revealed that Azure Magus behind her mysterious shroud looks like "the azure-haired, red eyed woman" I can say this:

Congratulations! It's a girl!

Not the least being paying back everyone you owe for keeping the losses so light!
You yourself just smugly shift on your seat, as the Azure Magus tries to stare you down. "I'm not doing this for free, just to remind you!" They snap out, crossing their arms and looking away. "You're going to give me the secret to how your mortals control all of this stuff!"

"Okay" You nod, and the Azure Magus continues. "Oh you have no choice in th… m…" They deflate. "Just like that?"
Azure Magus has named her price already - access to our biotech tech tree with its Connection-based interface.
"Hah! Not without me you won't!" The Prince laughed as he leapt to his feet. "A fine warm up, a wonderful start to the day! My Immortals will see to it that this prize is not lost on account of your prior guest's rudeness!"
Prince Sendai on the other hand probably wants to have a really good fight if he considers knocking the Publicani out a warm-up. Let's give it to him.
*Stares*...Did the idiot basically try to murder our planet by sucking it into the warp!?
That sounds like an excellent way to restart the Four Tumor problems they JUST finished dealing with!
I have to wonder what those colonists are thinking. As far as they knew they thought they were going to land on the planet when finally a Chaos God grabs them and teleports them in the middle of a bunch of heretics who claim that their gods saved them from the Emperor's dully appointed servant. I think it may be premature to divvy up faith from them.
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Azure Magus has named her price already - access to our biotech tech tree with its Connection-based interface.
I'm not sure how much use she'll get out of it tbh.

Our biotech is really just magic. Lots and lots of magic. The connection part is straight up from our domain, that she doesn't have.

Wouldn't be surprised if it inspires her though, similarly to the inspiration we got back when we first met her.
Vine Whip is cool, but we need Solar Beam.

Solar Beam's lame, we need to set up Sunny Day to make it viable and that just makes Fire damage worse. Also that runs off Special Attack instead of Attack, and the World Tree is clearly designed to use physical Attack. We'd be better off swapping Vine Whip with Seed Bomb or Wood Hammer eventually, and maybe adding Stone Edge... :V

I dumped Pokemon after Sun and Moon so this may be slightly out of date joke-strategy.
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Note: the pronouns for AM are a bit off, before her reveal there were a few times where she was referred to as she, and a few times after where she was referred to as they.
I don't really know the canon lore. But going off of people's reactions, the Publicani's tactics are both a) implemented in a manner that is far too smooth and fast to be some desperate ad hoc plan, and b) is completely and utterly heretical to the extreme even by the standards of the most insane canon Inquisitors. If this is the truth of the Imperium, it's already completely rotted out at it's core.
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You know, the new Four look to basically be an adventuring party at this point.

And because Gods they're all multirole.

VM is tank/healer.
AM is dps/mez.
SC is dps and probably tank or buff with a side of generalist.
VR is ... dps and probably debuffs and bullshit.

When its throne time we need to go in together to wipe the legacy claimants who will not be prepared to get hit with all four of our playbooks at once.

Nah AM is crowd control more than DPS, VM is definitely a tank and buff healer with a side of coordinator, SC is mostly tank and agro sponge with maybe some DPS or stun debuffs, VR would be stealth DPS.
I find it very cool (and a little bit ironic) that the Maiden and the Magus can not only be friendly with each other, but that they can also work together without instantly hating each other, considering the fact that they are the inheritors of Nurgle and Tzeentch, Stagnation and Change, respectively. It's quite nice, in my opinion :).
Pretty much this.
Emperor's text to speech device is a meme for a reason.

It a meme, but it is also a truthful meme in many ways.

I have to wonder what those colonists are thinking. As far as they knew they thought they were going to land on the planet when finally a Chaos God grabs them and teleports them in the middle of a bunch of heretics who claim that their gods saved them from the Emperor's dully appointed servant. I think it may be premature to divvy up faith from them.

I actually kinda feel bad for those guys. I mean yeah, we always been trying to keep them out of harm's way, and we just did, but from their POV? They just been taken captive by a new 'evil' Chaos God and their 'insane heretics' and so on and so fourth.

Going to be fun times working with those folks.
... you know, I gotta be the voice of dissent here. That improvised exterminatus makes sense. When you get right down to it, it's a Vortex Weapon. It opens a temporary rift in the warp, and has a cost of potentially drawing in Warp Entities. And considering the Imperium used to fire barrages of 24 Modalis Atmospheric Missiles to scorch planets to the bedrock in green phosphex goodness during the Great Crusade/Heresy, it shouldn't be surprising that in this day and age of massive technological and weapon scale advancement, there are Exterminatus-grade Vortex Missiles and doctrines for the use of Vortex Technology.
... you know, I gotta be the voice of dissent here. That improvised exterminatus makes sense. When you get right down to it, it's a Vortex Weapon. It opens a temporary rift in the warp, and has a cost of potentially drawing in Warp Entities. And considering the Imperium used to fire barrages of 24 Modalis Atmospheric Missiles to scorch planets to the bedrock in green phosphex goodness during the Great Crusade/Heresy, it shouldn't be surprising that in this day and age of massive technological and weapon scale advancement, there are Exterminatus-grade Vortex Missiles and doctrines for the use of Vortex Technology.
Do they develop new weapons I thought that was heresy? The only way they advance is via stc find. The problem also isn't the destruction but them doing something that isn't characteristic for the imperium. Opening a warp gate and tainting an entire planet. That's what cults do not big man Emp.
Do they develop new weapons I thought that was heresy? The only way they advance is via stc find. The problem also isn't the destruction but them doing something that isn't characteristic for the imperium. Opening a warp gate and tainting an entire planet. That's what cults do not big man Emp.
Given that Big Man Emps is, effectively, a chaos god right now, they might very well have accepted blood sacrifice as a way to get things done.
It bears in mind that the Publicani are effectively just new Rogue Traders so them pushing the line is hardly unexpected ... but Jesus Christ Almighty.

Either the Inquisition has been seriously neutered with time and the death of the Four, or the Imperium is unrecognizable from its canonical representation.
Given that Big Man Emps is, effectively, a chaos god right now, they might very well have accepted blood sacrifice as a way to get things done.

Yes, given the information we have so far, either the Emperor became the last of the old brand of Chaos Gods, or is so passive his opinions do not matter and the Imperium became so awful on its own.
Sadly both are legitimate possibilities in my opinion.
If the plan is to salt the earth and run then the vortex strategy makes sense.

Probably lower cost then straight up exterminatus grade weaponry, certainly easier to improvise and deploy.

Can't help wonder if this is actual Imperium Policy or just something yhis Publicani uses. Their role seems to be somewhere between Rogue Trader and Inquisitor in terms of the latitude they have so we shouldn't just assume that this is the sta dark response.

Especially given how we humiliated this one, more extreme options may have been taken out of spite.