We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

From a certain point of view, the blood sacrifice is just the Imperium's martyrdom fetish viewed from another angle.

And with the consent of those being martyred considered... optional.
It bears in mind that the Publicani are effectively just new Rogue Traders so them pushing the line is hardly unexpected ... but Jesus Christ Almighty.

Either the Inquisition has been seriously neutered with time and the death of the Four, or the Imperium is unrecognizable from its canonical representation.

Not really?
A similar action could be made by a more radical inquisitor in the past, it could be declared as "banning an extremely dangerous warp entity back to the warp".
I wonder how this would have went if we hadn't asked the other factions for help?

The Sendai let us keep the Star Galleon from detonating it's warp drive. Without them, we'd have been at risk of serious casualties there, not to mention losing out on any loot. Maybe we would have had a chance to contest the explosion on our own, but I'm not sure how we'd do that.

The Azure Magus pulled a lot of weight in this operation. First and least importantly, they helped us with the boarding action; help that was nice but not really critical. Second, they evacuated our people from the blast zone when the ship-within-a-ship blasted off. Without that, we would have had to either protect our people there somehow or face significant losses; it is not clear how that would have gone.

And of course, as their final contribution to the battle, the Azure Magus helped us evacuate the sacrificial freighters. To be frank, I'm not sure what we would have done there without their help. In fact, the situation was bad enough that I wouldn't be surprised that we got AM's help in that moment anyways, even without requesting it originally, given the situation. If that hadn't happened, we could maybe have tried tearing the engines out of the ships (which would cause lots of deaths onboard even if it works), or thrown the whole ship away wholesale with the sacrifices (goodbye colonists, hello warp rifts), or somehow tried to use our Endurance and Elysium domains to keep the drives' explosions from killing everyone onboard (seems like a stretch...).

As for the Space Marines, if we had invited them along, I think they could have subbed in for the Sendai in terms of capturing the engine room and keeping the Warp Drive from going off. They might also have been able to push through the killzone to the ship-within-a-ship before it was able to evacuate, giving us boarders in the main Publicani vessel. Those are my best guesses.
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They might also have been able to push through the killzone to the ship-within-a-ship before it was able to evacuate, giving us boarders in the main Publicani vessel. Those are my best guesses.

This would have been awesome, if that would have been the consequence.
Eh, we have gotten a lot out of it anyway and since we were attcked right now and the Space Amrines are not even here, it could have led to shenangians as well.
I am happy with current outcome.
It bears in mind that the Publicani are effectively just new Rogue Traders so them pushing the line is hardly unexpected ... but Jesus Christ Almighty.

Either the Inquisition has been seriously neutered with time and the death of the Four, or the Imperium is unrecognizable from its canonical representation.
How would the inquisition know what was happening here, if it was as strong as back in 40k? Is it so unreasonable that the Publicani is basically doing whatever he wants regardless of Imperium doctrine, under the expectation that breaking laws only matters if you get caught?
Do they develop new weapons I thought that was heresy? The only way they advance is via stc find.
That's Warhammer 40k. This is Warhammer 50k. Remember, the Space Marines we faced before were to a one wearing better Terminator Armor than the Adeptus Custodes in M41. When the Imperium won and destroyed the Eye Of Terror, they went on a bit of a R&D splurge.
The problem also isn't the destruction but them doing something that isn't characteristic for the imperium. Opening a warp gate and tainting an entire planet. That's what cults do not big man Emp.
Not really though. It's an Exterminatus that happens to be via a Vortex IED. Especially since we've seen what the prevailing understanding of the Warp has become from the Inquisitor who took his own life when we took over the planet: There is no organized or even mass amount of Daemons. They're still out there, but with the Four dead their armies and self-reinforcing ideas are dust on the wind. With no Chaos God, there isn't really anything that'll get empowered.
Given that Big Man Emps is, effectively, a chaos god right now, they might very well have accepted blood sacrifice as a way to get things done.
You say that like Death Cults weren't already a thing in the Imperium. Plus the Grey Knights' use of the blood of an executed innocent in the sanctification and creation of certain wards and ammunition is still canon.
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How would the inquisition know what was happening here, if it was as strong as back in 40k? Is it so unreasonable that the Publicani is basically doing whatever he wants regardless of Imperium doctrine, under the expectation that breaking laws only matters if you get caught?

Inquisition does know what happened here as we took power (we have outright quotes from the Ordo Malleus Dossier), so If they are not incompetent I expect that there were Inquisitional agents among the Publicani' command staff.
They will know.
This said, as I said above, I would not count on them disapproving - for them we may as well be a Daemon World, so banishing it into the Warp would be a net positive.
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Some part of me can't help but be wondering, are we falling into the same 'trap' as we did during the rebellion? We anticipate violence from our antagonist, so we take the prudent practical measure which does nothing to not fuel the narrative of typical chaos cult resurgence. We took an aggressive stance against the Publicani and invaded his ship, which he started to lose, used as an excuse to implement this improvised Exterminatus. Yeah this Publicani is a violent asshole, but again, we're really not stepping up and being the better deity, live and let live and all. We saw a threat, we reacted to it.
Some part of me can't help but be wondering, are we falling into the same 'trap' as we did during the rebellion? We anticipate violence from our antagonist, so we take the prudent practical measure which does nothing to not fuel the narrative of typical chaos cult resurgence. We took an aggressive stance against the Publicani and invaded his ship, which he started to lose, used as an excuse to implement this improvised Exterminatus. Yeah this Publicani is a violent asshole, but again, we're really not stepping up and being the better deity, live and let live and all. We saw a threat, we reacted to it.
I don't think so. With the governor, we got a look at his interactions with Dana and then got a bunch of action options to work with, which we then sort of screwed up on. Here, we didn't get choices, it just defaulted to the Publicani being aggressive and repeatedly trying to attack us without provocation, followed by an automated counterattack. The only things we decided on were who to invite to help us, and the method of attack.

So if this is a trap, it's probably the same one we already sprung with the governor, which is already out of our control. Or maybe it isn't, and there was nothing we could do here other than not get hurt and keep ourselves from provoking potential friendlies (which I think we did a pretty good job with, considering that we're on proper speaking/negotiating terms with the other three parties).
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Yeah this Publicani is a violent asshole, but again, we're really not stepping up and being the better deity, live and let live and all. We saw a threat, we reacted to it.
I gotta ask what you imagine "live and let live" in this situation would look like. We didn't strike out against the Publicani until he shot our planet with three-thousand planet-killers bombs. Should we have just let them sit in orbit and keep trying to throw stuff at us until something stuck?
Some part of me can't help but be wondering, are we falling into the same 'trap' as we did during the rebellion? We anticipate violence from our antagonist, so we take the prudent practical measure which does nothing to not fuel the narrative of typical chaos cult resurgence. We took an aggressive stance against the Publicani and invaded his ship, which he started to lose, used as an excuse to implement this improvised Exterminatus. Yeah this Publicani is a violent asshole, but again, we're really not stepping up and being the better deity, live and let live and all. We saw a threat, we reacted to it.

We did not, actually.
Here we really tried to talk to him, even after he tried to shoot Dana.
Then he tried to bomb us into the stone age.
If these actions are not agressive, which are?

Him being willing to literally sacrifice millions of people does not help his case either.
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Huh, Spaggeti Magus is also a girl. Thats interesting.

Also, The star galleon had a second ship built int it? That's ridiculous. I mean That would fuck the structural integrity not to mention the fact you would need to include twice the amount of necessary components. Like really.
Solar Beam's lame, we need to set up Sunny Day to make it viable and that just makes Fire damage worse. Also that runs off Special Attack instead of Attack, and the World Tree is clearly designed to use physical Attack. We'd be better off swapping Vine Whip with Seed Bomb or Wood Hammer eventually, and maybe adding Stone Edge... :V

I dumped Pokemon after Sun and Moon so this may be slightly out of date joke-strategy.
Clearly, we must learn Solar Blade.

Yes, it's an actual thing.
Some part of me can't help but be wondering, are we falling into the same 'trap' as we did during the rebellion? We anticipate violence from our antagonist, so we take the prudent practical measure which does nothing to not fuel the narrative of typical chaos cult resurgence. We took an aggressive stance against the Publicani and invaded his ship, which he started to lose, used as an excuse to implement this improvised Exterminatus. Yeah this Publicani is a violent asshole, but again, we're really not stepping up and being the better deity, live and let live and all. We saw a threat, we reacted to it.

So you are saying we were not sufficiently understanding of the psychopath who previously tried to starve our world so he could profit twice from it? If anything we were too accommodating. We really should have planned for that teleport, have someone aiming hidden weapons on him from the start to vaporize him the moment negociations broke down instead of letting him escape.
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Ah, I see. Yeah, I'm just being too worried. I had already forgotten the context of board them or let them invade us coming after they tried to exterminate us. Don't know how I forgot about that.

So if this is a trap, it's probably the same one we already sprung with the governor, which is already out of our control.

This is probably the most accurate thing. This is most likely the repercussion of the massive recruiting drive way back at the beginning of the quest which was noticed by everyone including the Publicani himself. He's probably been preparing for this ever since. It's possible he's done things like this before. Either way, he'd probably have done it even if we had won the governor to our side, use the same justifications too.

I suppose I was just remembering how much everybody raged when we didn't perfect the last stage of the quest, the most significant memory and impression of the quest I remembered, and couldn't help but worry about doing the exact same thing as before.
Huh, Spaggeti Magus is also a girl. Thats interesting.

Also, The star galleon had a second ship built int it? That's ridiculous. I mean That would fuck the structural integrity not to mention the fact you would need to include twice the amount of necessary components. Like really.
Makes sense if the person who commissioned the ship wanted a guaranteed emergency getaway option. It's horribly inefficient and poor design for a conventional ship, sure, but if one of the main design concerns is making certain that the people in a specific part of the ship can get out of dodge then there's a reason to do it.
Also, The star galleon had a second ship built int it? That's ridiculous. I mean That would fuck the structural integrity not to mention the fact you would need to include twice the amount of necessary components. Like really.
40k ships are stupidly huge.
This ship is stated to be a lot bigger than the old battleships (8 to 12km usually), so it can be like 30km+.
A frigate is about 1 to 2km long. So you actually can afford to do it without being horribly inefficient.
Even more so if the "built in" ship acts as a bridge, not unlike saucer section on the Enterprise D.
I think it the fact the Imperium is far more willing to 'fight fire with fire' and take pages from the Old Chaos Cults playbook thanks to the death of the old Four, and the lack of organized Daemons beyond what meaningful remnants they may be here and there.

The Imperium 'won' so to speak, and now able and willing to do just about anything, and everything that would have been outright Heresy in the past.
Also, The star galleon had a second ship built int it? That's ridiculous. I mean That would fuck the structural integrity not to mention the fact you would need to include twice the amount of necessary components. Like really.
The Star Galleon was said to be 9km long, and this was considered barely a destroyer so about 1.5km long. A sixth of the length, and 0.5% the volume (since Imperial ships maintain fairly similar proportions as they increase in size). That's a comparatively tiny expenditure of mass.
The Star Galleon was said to be 9km long, and this was considered barely a destroyer so about 1.5km long. A sixth of the length, and 0.5% the volume (since Imperial ships maintain fairly similar proportions as they increase in size). That's a comparatively tiny expenditure of mass.

You would still require a second of literally every system ranging from warp drive, Gellar field, life support to support said parasite craft, even if you don't mount any void shields and weapons, which would be a useless expense and space up until you actually detach the ship because you can't fire guns through your ship, and since the damn thing had a different set of engines then the main galleon engines (As demonstrated by the fact that the engines turning on turned nomans land in the ship into plasma wastes intead of activating the main engines, your also talking about the space for that 1.5 km ships engines,. And looking at Imperial ships, That not an inconsiderable amount of space that going to be effectively dead space inside.
It can be done ya, But it's going tocost a horrifying amount if only due to said need to have a copy of everything that can patch into it, The very fact that it can detach is going to mean structural weakness throughout the ship were it attaches

It would be horrifyingly expensive, Strange, and likely to introduce weaknesses through the ship. AKA it's perfect for the 50k nobles who could probably make 40k nobles look like Monks but its still stupid.
Goddess said it best, its absurd
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With no Chaos God, there isn't really anything that'll get empowered.
I think it the fact the Imperium is far more willing to 'fight fire with fire' and take pages from the Old Chaos Cults playbook thanks to the death of the old Four, and the lack of organized Daemons beyond what meaningful remnants they may be here and there.

The Imperium 'won' so to speak, and now able and willing to do just about anything, and everything that would have been outright Heresy in the past.
Plus, while it risks empowering one of the nasty daemons still in the warp, it would be a win as they could use that to rally the nearby sectors to dealing with it, helping keeping down the rebellious elements, Win-Win. :D
I mean, the greatest threat is not outside threats, or even daemons, but the unrest all over the empire, within all sections of government.
So Magus spheres that I saw: Fate, Artifice, Space. An interesting combination especially with how it was used, but nothing new. Anything I missed?

Publicani was batshit insane! Overloading personal warp engine? Overloading colonist warp engine?! USING COLONISTS AS WARP FUEL?!!!!!
If this is the state of majority of the Imperium in 50k (there have to be some normal people out there, have to) that we really need to find our siblings (and make permanent union), make a positive and long-term contract with Necrontyr/other allies A-S-A-P and deal with this Materium cancer.
[-Means we have not only C'tan Nightbringer and Chaos remnants, and possibly some Aeldari extremists, minor hostile xenos, as enemies, but the whole Imperium as well, joy-]
If need be we 4 together will reach our thrones and take our "inheritance" ridding it of the cancers and give this universe a live worht fucking living for, come hell or brimstone:mob:!

And yes, I'm all for paying our sister AM (older?/younger? what eve's sister!) both our biotech AND portion of willing saved colonists
(as I read got a feeling that while Azure Magus is more pragmatic, she does care for people because they are people. More standoffish than Maiden, but still a Good Goddess TM).
Maybe that will be enough for her to stay here? It's quite lonely being the only good god here...

Oh, and Prince definitely deserves both praises (his forces deactivated the 1st Warp Bomb) and a good spar (he more than earned a friendly match from us).