@BoneyM Could you chime in? I know that none of our projects and actions resulted in us having screen time with Loremaster Colleagues from other Holds, but could you give us a few random examples of current Loremasters from other Holds (old and new) that Mathilde would at least know their specialization about them? I'm thinking maybe one of the princes on Belegar's Council mentioning how it is back home, or Thorek talking about why he is or isn't Loremaster of Karak Azul or her having gotten curious about it in the various times she had dealings with Zhufbar or Barak Varr.
Anything to give us more insight than the current speculation based on only specific mentions of deficit for Belegar and the presented alternates for the Loremaster job back when we first chose it (who were Prince Gotri the radical Engineer and a certain Runesmith called Kraggi senior by the way, neither of them legalists).
As general trends rather than who currently has the position:
Karaz-a-Karak has a master of Grudgelore, Karak Izor has an expert on inter-Clan and inter-Hold contracts, Karak Kadrin has an expert on Imperial law.
Zhufbar has an engineer, Barak Varr has a shipwright, Karak Norn has a Runesmith, Karaks Hirn and Azul have prospectors.
What can still be feasibly done to alleviate the issue is vote trading. It runs the risk of turning the thread into a weird bazaar, however. (and I hope there isn't already some ban on it hidden away in the ~100 pages this vote has so far generated )
There is now. No vote trading.
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